The Rise of Voltron part 2

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When they made out of the strange portal, they were in a different space.
"Whoa, that was." Lance tried to explained on what just happened, but he was interrupted by Hunk who throw up. "Oh, sorry." He said. Kora made a grossed out face. "I'm surprised it took him this long." Pidge said, adjusting his glasses. "We must be along ways from earth." Kora said. "I agree, I don't recognize any of these constellations." Shiro says agreeing with Kora. "The lion seems to want to go to this planet. I think." Lance said, before Kora finishes his sentences.
"He's going home." She informs them, as the lion is heading towards a planet.

When they get near the planet and plummeting from the sky.
They are starting crushing lance. "Guys personal space." Lance complaints and he looks at Hunk. "Hunk, your breath is killing me." He told Hunk. "Um, it it just me or is anyone else else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole." Hunk says.
"Um, no." Kora said. "And why we listening to a robotic lion anyway."  Hunk asked again. "It got us away from the alien warship, didn't it." Lance told Hunk. "He's right, Hunk." Kora said, agreeing.
"I don't know if you have noticed, but we're in an alien warship." Keith said.
"Oh, are you scared." Lance teased. "With you at the helm? Terrified." Keith said right back. Kora shooks her head at her brother, sometimes he can act like a child. "All right, knock it off." Shiro said. Everyone stops fighting. "No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now. If we want to get through this, we got to do it together." He told them, and Kora nodded her head agreeing with Shiro. "Then what do we do." Pidge asked Shiro.
Shiro thinks for a while then said. "First, we find out we're headed, Lance."
"I don't know. I-Im sorry the lion not talking to me anymore." Lance said, before saying. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Shh. Listen, I think I hear something."Kore hears a high pitched squeal and a bad smell. Kore made a disguise look on her face, and covered her nose. Lance farted. "Ewwww Lance." Kora said to Lance not happy as the rest of them covers their noses and groans, and Kore then she hits him on the head.
"Owww, hey." Lance said complaining rubbing his head, before saying. "But all in serious there's a castle up head."
Making everyone looking over seeing a beautiful castle. Kora was in awe at the castle. But she was thinking why is the lion bringing them their.
When they landed on the ground, Shiro told everyone. "Keep your guard up."
Kora looks at Shiro, wondering why. And Pidge said. "Why, something wrong." Shiro answer's Pidge's question. "My crew were captured by aliens once. I'm not gonna let it happen again." He said.
Kora know's why, and keep her guard up all the time. And then everyone started exiting the blue lion out of its mouth. But as soon as everyone was out. The blue lion got up and let's out a roar.
Kora has her knife out incase something happens. "No, I knew it was gonna eat us. No." Hunk said whimpering, as he hide behind Shiro, but then the castle door opens for us.
The blue lion opened the door for them
Kora looks at the blue lion and said, "Thanks." And then she enters the castle with everyone right behind her.
Everyone looks around."Wow." Kora said the insides of the castle was beautiful. "Hellooo." Hunk's said, with his voice echoing throughout the castle.
Everyone looks at Hunk,making him shrugs.
"This castle is so big." Kora told everyone, they agreed with her. "I know Kora, but for the size of the lion, I expected the steps be bigger." Pidge said to Kora.
Then a bright light appeared and started surrounding them. Kora thinks it is scanning them. "Hold on for an identity scan." A voice called out to them. "Why are we here? What do you want with us." Shiro called out questions. Then lights appeared in the hallway. "We will find out." Kora said. They started walking they went down the stairs and when they found a door, and when it opens.
The room it looks like a contral room.
"Were are we. It's some kind of control room." Lance said.
Kora looks at these types of pods. And when she looks inside and to see people  inside. "Guys, their are people inside these things." Kora told them.
"Are these guys like dead." Hunk said, as his hind behind the control panel.
Then a pod started opening. And in it, revealed a girl. She was wearing a blue gold whit dress. And had long white hair with elf like ears and pink markings underneath her eyes.
She let's out a gasped and screams out. "Father." She fells but Lance caught her. And Kora sees on Lance face was a flirty look on his face. Kora let's out annoying sight.
"Hello." Lance said smoothly. "Who are you. Where am I." The girl said, looking around. "I'm Lance. And you're right here in my arms." Lance said charmingly.
"Your ears." The girl said looking at them.
Kora doesn't know what is happening.
"Yeah." Lance said confused. "Their hideous.What's wrong with them." She  said, in disguise. "Nothing wrong with them." Lance said. Then the girl grabbed his arm and twisted and put it behind him and making him on his knees. "Who are you. Where is king alfor. What are you doing  in my castle." She said her questions. Kora went over, and told the girl. "Calm down, we got here by a blue lion. It brought us here"
"Why do you have the blue lion. What happened to it's Pallaton." She said as she let's go of Lance, and then she looks at everyone. "What are you all doing here. Unless, how long has it been." She asked. Shiro answered her. "We don't know what you're talking about."
Then Kora finishes. "Tell us who you are, maybe we can help."
The long white hair girl introduces herself. "I am princess Allura of planet Alta." She said.
Kora was surprised, she is talking to an real princess.
Allure then says. "I've got to find out where we are and how long we've been asleep." She went to the dash board, in the middle of the room. Place her hands on it, so it then glows light blue, and then a hologram shows up.
"That, how it works." Both Kora and Pidge asked, they looked at each other. And let out smiles at each other.
Then a nother pod opens up, Kora looks and to see. A man with orange hair and mushache.
He looks at Lance, and gasped. "Enemy combatants." He screams and jumps out of the pod, and at Lance.
Lance moved out of the way, the man lands on the ground and said."Quiznak. You are lucky I have the case of the old, sleep chamber knees. Otherwise I'd grab your head, like this." He said as he make gestures with his hands. " wrap you up like this so, one, two, three, sleepy time." He said, with the snap of his fingers. Kore looks confused, but she found his guy funny.
Lance then said. "Well, before you do that." He did bad karate moves. Kora looks at him annoyed.
"Like this." Lance said, with a final kick in the air. The orange hair guy then said, as he puts hands up. "Oh, really. How could you do that when I've already come at you with this." And jabs it forward.
"Ok, it's not funny anymore." Kora said, as she grabs Lance and the Orange hair guy ear. "Owww." Both of them cried out, in pain. "Stop being idiots you two." Kora said, as she let's go of them. They both nodded their heads and rub their ears.
"Wow, she's good." Hunk mutters out, to Keith. Keith let's out a smirk.
Then the hologram let's out a beep, Kora looks, and can see Allura had a sad look on her face. "It can't be." Allura said in a sad tone. Orange hair guy looks at the princess and asked."What is it." Allura said, with her voice cracking. "We've been asleep for 10,000 years. Plant Alta, and all of the planets in our solar system have been distoryed. Coran, father is gone our entire civilization." Allura said to the orange hair man, who name is Coran.
Then her face hardened and said, in hatred. "Zarkon."
Kora heard a gasp, she looks and to see Shiro who is the one, who made it.
He had frear and realization look on his face. "Zarkon." He said.
"He was the king of the Galra. "A vile creature and enemy of my people." Allura explained, to Shiro.
Kora put a hand on Shiro shoulder, seeing uneasy Shiro is. Shiro then said. "I remember know, I was his prisoner."
Allure frowns and said. "He's alive, impossible."
"I can't explain it, but it's true." Shiro said. And Kora finishes. "And he is looking for a superweapon called Voltron." Allura said to them all. He's searching for it because he knows it's the only thing that defeat him." Allura then said. "And that's exactly why we must find it before he does." Kora nodded her head, agreeing with the princess.
"Princess you must eat. It's been ten thousand years." Coran said, trying to get Allura to eat some green goo.
"I'm not hungry." She murmurs.
"Man, Ten thousand years. That's like one thousand plus ten." Lanes said, badly at math. Kora shakes her head at him. "That's times Ten." Keith said,correcting Lance. "Whatever, dropout." Lance shots back at her brother. Kora was annoyed at that.
Hunk held his rumbling stomach. "Man, I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm staving." Pidge looks at him and said. "Yeah, but you've thrown up like five times." She told him.
"Hmm, good point." Hunk said, to Pidge.
And then started eating the green goo. Kora looks at Hunk, he dosen't know what food he is eating.
Shiro then said. "I can't believe your civilization created such advances technology ten thousand years ago. It must have been an incredible place." Kora nodded her head agreeing, and said. "Yeah, your planet must have been beautiful."
"Yes, it was, but  now it's gone. And we're the last Alteans left." Coran said, sad, that he and Allur at the last of their kind. Kora give them a sad look.
The room remained silent. Then a squeak came out from Allura pod.
Allura let's out a gasped and went towards it. Their were alien mice. Kora can't say it, but their are cute.
"Looks like we're not the last ones." Allura said.
But then the alarms went off, a hologram came up. Coran looks at it and let out a gasp and cried out. "A Galra Battleship has set its tracker towards us." Allura had the mice in her hand and asked. "How did they find us." Kora dosen't know how to answer that.
"I don't know, but I bet it's Keith fault." Lance mutters. And then they started arguing again. "Stop it you guys." Kora said, pushing the two boys apart.
Kora is right, this is no time to place blame. It's time to work as a team." Shiro said. Kora then asks Coran. "How long before they arrived."
Coran the started counting his fingers.
"At this speed. Oh, carry the two, I'd probably say a couple days." He said.
Allura said. "Good, let them come. By the time they get here, you six will have form voltron, and together, we will destroy Zarkon empire." Hunk let's out a burped, Kora looks at him. And Hunk said "Sorry, food goo."
"Prinsess, there Six lions. How are we going to find the rest." Shiro asked her.

In a bridge room.
Allura steps on a platform, that was in the center of the room. As it's glow little bit light blue
"King Alfor connected the lions to Allura's life force, she's alone is the key to their whereabouts." Coran told the group, Kora watched in curious.
Then the lights in the room, went down, as a hologram filled up the room.
"I think they are coordinates." Kora said. "They are the black lion, is in the same location we are." Pidge says.
"Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage." Coran said grinning.
"Very observant, that's because the black lion is in the castle." Allura told them. Coran told them. "To keep the black lion out of Zarkon's hands, king Alfor locked it in the castle. It can only be freed if the others five lions are present." Kora nodded her head in understanding.
"As you have found, the lions choose their pilots. It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced. The quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his lion. Together, they form something greater then science can explain." Allura said, as she moved a chart with her.
"The black lion is the decisive head of voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation. This is why, Shiro you will pilot the black lion." Kora nodded her head, that sounds like Shiro.
"The green lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and darning. Pidge, you will pilot the green lion." Kora nodded with a smile.
"The blue lion.." but Lance interrupted Allura. "Let me guess. Takes the most handsome slash best pilot in the bunch." He said grinning, Kora facepalm. And Allura had a annoyed look on her face.
"The yellow lion is caring and kind. It's pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of voltron, Hunk you will lifted the team up and hold them together." Hunk points at himself.
"The red lion is temperamental and most difficult to master. It's faster and more agile then the others, but also unstable. It's pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instinct then skills alone. Keith you will fly the red lion." Kora looks at her brother and smiled at him. "What, this guy." Lance said.
"And the purple lion is strong, but has a great heart. And protective of its love ones. Kora you will be the wings of voltron." Allura said to Kora.
"Unfortunately, I cannot locate the red lion's coordinates yet. Their must be wrong with the castle. After ten thousand years, it might need some work." Allura said. Kora was wondering where is the red lion is.
Suddenly, the hologram of the model lions they all roar and all the combined and change into a huge robot, voltron.
Kora looks and saw the purple lion is the wings in voltron back.
"Once all the lions are united, you will form voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known, the defender of the universe." Allura told everyone.
"Awesome." Lance said smirking.
Everyone started heading pod and go and get their lions. Shiro is going with Pidge, Lance is going with Hunk and Kora is going by herself.
Keith is staying with Allura, Coran and the mice, and help them find the red lion.
As they all started they pods, three wormholes appear. Coran started talking them through the comms. "We can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other lions open for two earth hours, so you'll have to be quick about your work. The good news is the according to my readings, all three planets are peaceful. So, if you do get stuck, they could relaxing places to live out of the rest of your lives. Well, enjoy the trip." He said.
Kora eyes blinked at that.
"Wait, what." Lance cried out.
"I did not receive the memo on this." Hunk said, before everyone went to the wormholes.

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