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By LordTic5

5.4K 109 25

After his defeat in Morioh at the hands of those horrible children, Yoshikage Kira was dragged to hell. Or so... More

The Spirit
Meeting Marinette
Queen Bee
Fifth Names Day
Cat Blanc
The Monk
Luka vs. Kira
Back for Blood
Don't Stop Me Now
A Quiet Life


143 2 0
By LordTic5

Crying out in pain, Kira found himself somewhere strange. He wondered if it was another akumatized villain, but something didn't feel right about this. Checking around him, Nino and Adrien were nowhere to be found. A Stand, then.

The landscape surrounding him on all sides was, strange to say the least. A flowing carnival with a merry go round and even a ferris wheel in the distance. Bringing forth Killer Queen, Kira prepared for an attack.


A giant scythe boomeranged around the circus-like arena, faster than Kira's eyes could track it. The only thing he could make out was the glint of sun on steel, right as the blade cut through Killer Queen's torso, separating his Stand at the waist.


Hearing something across the room, Adrien slowly opened one eye. It was still dark outside, and a quick check of his watch revealed they hadn't been asleep for more than an hour.

Looking to see what had made the noise, he turned on his phones flashlight. Seeing that Nino was still asleep, he moved the dim light to Kira's makeshift bed.

Adrien gasped, two figures wearing suits stood over Kira. The one on the left's eyes were rolled up into his sockets, long black hair standing on end. The other donned a purple tie, and a pair of glowing lavender eyes. Adrien recognized the second intruder from the school dance, the tall one that didn't talk.

It was only then that Adrien noticed the glowing green dagger Quinn clutched in his palm. Looking down at Nino, he saw a small glowing green cut on his friends arm. A matching mark was on Kira's throat.

Quietly shaking Nino, Adrien realized his friend was barely breathing. Had the knife knocked both him and Kira out cold? But why wasn't he also put to sleep?

"Hey, Plagg, wake up." Adrien whispered frantically, nudging the breast pocket in his sleeping shirt. When there was no response, he decided it was worth it to risk his Kwami being seen.

Pulling the still sleeping Plagg out of the pocket, Adrien cringed. There was a small glowing puncture on Plagg's forehead.

So they did try to put me to sleep

After making sure his Kwami would be safe, the cut turned out to just be a scratch, Adrien began to form a plan.

Adrien tucked his friend away into a designer beret that had been gifted to him by his father, and slipped under the bed. The two attackers didn't even notice him moving, whether this was because of their fixation on Kira or his cat-like powers was unknown.

Without Plagg, he wouldn't be able to transform, and that was going to be a problem. Hearing something begin to slide across the floor, he flinched. Had they found his hiding place?

Looking across the room, sticking his head as far out as he dared to risk, Adrien saw the black haired man hoist Kira over his shoulder, and carry the boy towards the dining room. The other figure with the glowing eyes slowly turned, surveying the room. Adrien could only hold his breath as the gaze of the slightly transparent intruder passed over him.

Satisfied, Quinn followed his accomplice out of the room.

Grabbing a fencing sword from off of the wall, Adrien followed the evil duo to save his friend.


Killer Queen collapsed to the ground, legs falling to the left and torso falling to the right. Kira braced himself for the same fate, but curiously, the attack on his Stand didn't transfer to himself.

What he found more puzzling, his Stand began to melt on the ground, dripping and bubbling into the soil of the carnival around him.

"Now do you get it?", A voice from behind giggled in delight. Spinning around, Kira found himself face to face with a Stand he had never seen before.

It wore a jester mask, with hollow black eyes and a painfully curved smile. A long flowing robe trailed underneath it, which seemed to float above the ground, hovering ominously. Clutched in metallic steel gauntlets was the scythe that had cut through Killer Queen only moments ago.

"I can control everything inside this world, and you can only use your Stand here if I allow it!"

The creepy jester began to cackle, and as Kira tried to take a step back, he found his shoes to suddenly be double the original size. Tripping over himself, he crashed to the floor.

The Stand laughed again, but this time, the laugh seemed to come from all around, out of every crack and crevice in the park. Finally, the unmoving mask turned to Kira, and screeched,

"My Stand, Death 13, is going to be the last thing you ever see!"

Unsure of how to beat this new enemy, Kira could only watch in horror as the Jester changed in size, becoming nearly sixty feet tall. It raised its blade, and Kira prepared for the worst.


As Adrien snuck to a better vantage point, he heard the two kidnappers talking. More accurately, he heard the taller man talking to the spirit.

"So, hey, Death 13 is about to kill this kid. You sure you don't want the honors?"

The lavender shimmering figure shrugged, raising their arms.


Adrien's battle cry through the two intruders off guard. The black haired man leapt backwards, while Quinn drew his own weapon, a glowing green dagger, and prepared to fight back.

The dagger and the sword clashed, and even though Adrien was one of the best in his class, Quinn had been training for decades. Twisting their wrist, Quinn sent the fencing sword flying, stabbing into a wall. Aiming the dagger at Adrien's throat, the lavender fire flaring in anger.

The black haired man laughed, and screamed aloud to himself, "Lali-Ho!" The sudden screech peaked Quinn's curiosity, and they glanced over for just a second.

Adrien kicked upwards towards the dagger, aimed with all the precision of the black cat he masqueraded as during his superhero hours. The dagger flew gracefully into the air, and ended in the wall, all the way up to the hilt.

The black haired man, Death 13, gasped. Clutching his chest, he tenderly held the spot where the ceramic weapon has gone right through him. The knife on the wall was now bathed in blood, and dripped onto Adrien's favorite carpet.

"Lali... Ho?" He collapsed into the crisp marble floor, dead.

Almost instantly, Kira shot up from his dream infused state. Holding his own chest, and checking for injuries, he was relieved to find none. As calm as he was. Adrien was freaking out.

"Oh my god... I killed him... I didn't mean to kill him..."

Kira patted his friend on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it, Adrien. You were just defending yourself. And you saved my life, thank you."

Adrien, clearly in shock, nodded, "Yeah... self defense." Turning to the lavender phantom, Kira scowled. Quinn was still shaking off the blow from Adrien, and they adjusted their jaw, cracking it back into place. Seeing Death 13's lifeless body, their eyes widened in fear.

"That's right, you freak." Kira's voice was a low growl, and Killer Queen emerged behind him with an ominous darkness accompanying the muscular mass.

Deep within the Agreste household, Hawkmoth grinned. "I sense a lost soul in my own home! Failed his mission once, but everyone deserves a second chance! Take my power once more, Yoshikage Kira! And get me my Miraculous!"

Stepping out of the shadows, his assistant adjusted her glasses, "Are you positive this is a good idea, Mr Agreste?"

Hawkmoth smiled, "But of course Natalie. This is how I finally win."

The corrupted butterfly drifted through the mansion, right towards Kira. Adrien noticed first, and called out to his new friend. "Kira! Look out!"

The call woke Nino, who jerked awake, falling onto the ground. The boy rubbed his eyes, but they opened wide when he noticed the Akuma as well.

Before it could even touch him, Killer Queen's arm shot out at breakneck speeds and delicately grabbed the insect. Hearing Hawkmoth's voice echo slightly in his mind, Kira touched his temple.

Deadly Queen! What are you doing!? I give you my power to fulfill your dream!

"No... this isn't your power." Kira smiled. This was the boost he had been waiting for. Crushing the Akuma, he felt the immense power sweep over his figure. Adrien and Nino watched in horror as Kira smiled sadistically.

"Not anymore."

Every nerve in his body stood on end, and Yoshikage Kira screamed as a bright light overtook him, and enveloped the entire mansion.

One Hour Later

Hawkmoth pulled himself from the rubble. His luxurious home has been razed to the ground. His suit had protected him, but his whole life was gone. Surely the sanctuary that has become his wife's resting place had not survived. A crater sat where the Agreste Mansion had once stood.

"Hello, Hawkmoth."

Turning, the villain's eyes widened in fear. A tall blonde man stood in front of him, early thirties, purple suit with a green undershirt. He's never seen this man before, but there was something familiar about him. Those eyes. That hair.

"Deadly Queen?"

"Just Kira, thank you." Grabbing Hawkmoth's face, Killer Queen gently placed a finger on the man's chest. "Many thanks for the upgrade... and goodbye."

Within seconds, his Stand's power had done its work, and Hawkmoth was nothing more than a pile of ashes.

After picking through the debris, desperate to avoid the approaching sirens, the now fully adult Kira found the unconscious body of Adrien Agreste. Reaching down, and slipping off his ring, it surged as Kira placed it in his breast pocket. Noticing a small fracture on the surface of the ring, he chose to ignore it. He could hear a tiny voice screaming it's former masters name from inside, but it was too late for Adrien now.

A shame about his father really, he never got the chance to know who he really shared a home with. But it was too late now. A slight movement from Adrien's chest caught Kira's eye, a breath of life, but the killer didn't consider it for more than a split second. Taking off through the destruction, Kira smiled.

No more teenage body, no more Marinette, no more superheroes. Unfortunately for them, those heroes were the only thing standing in his way. With Ladybug and Cat Noir out of the way, not only would Kira be able to wish for his ideal life, but in doing so he would eliminate the pitiful children that hindered his day to day life.

He was finally going to have his quiet life, or Paris would burn.

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