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Attempting to get away from her life and trying to make a new one, Ashley Morningstar is attending her first... More

New Faces


962 27 0


Rumors spread around like a disease. Everyone should've known what was happening when Isabela was caught crying, but they just thought it was because of Ethan. But once someone saw Penelope crying, and everyone hadn't seen the Nephilim, that's when they pieced it all together.

Ashley was dead.

Sure, the three only met days ago, but that doesn't mean they didn't care for one another.

This morning, everyone was dressed in black. They all wanted to do a funeral for Ethan, but at the last minute added Ashley. They both had a picture, surrounded by flowers each student and teacher placed.

Meanwhile, Hope was making her way through the halls to the front of the school where the funeral was being held. She wore a black dress and had a single red rose in her hand. To her knowledge, they were only honoring Ethan. When she walked out the doors of the school, her eyes landed on Penelope and Isabela embracing each other. She looked around and spotted a picture of Ashley.

Guilt hit her harder.

She knew the Nephilim was safely downstairs in a cell, but everyone else thought she was dead.


Penelope knocked on Hope's door and walked in. "Package delivery." She closed the door behind her and placed it on the Tribrid's bed. "It's from New Orleans."

Hope opened the box and was met with an urn.

"No way is that your dad," The Witch spoke. "At least what's left of him."

The Tribrid nods. "He funded this school for me so that I'd always have a place to call home. I figured I'd honor that by scatting him here." She placed the urn above the fireplace.

Penelope didn't know what to say. "That- That's something. I mean, it's nice that you're doing that for him."

Hope chuckled, making her way to sit on her bed. "How have you been with this whole Ashley situation?"

The Witch took a deep breath. "Uh, it's been a rollercoaster." She sat next to Hope. "I haven't gotten much sleep, I've just been staring at her side of the room."

The Tribrid gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm fine," Penelope reassured. "Isa has been taking it the hardest between the both of us."

Hope took the Witch's hand into hers. "You do know it's okay to be not fine, right?"

"I know," The Witch nodded. "But I think I just something to distract me from this sadness for a while," She sighed.

"Well, if you want a distraction. Maybe you can help me figure out what I'm supposed to do with this." The Tribrid grabbed the spear from beside her.

"The only weapon on this Earth that can kill you?" Penelope laughed. "I don't think I'm the right person to tell you what to do with that."

Hope raised an eyebrow.  "You're a mischievous Witch. You must have some hiding places," She sighed. "It can't be destroyed. If I leave it out in the open, people are gonna come for it, and if I hide it, then I'm the only person who knows where it is."

"Isn't that the point?" The Witch questioned.

The Tribrid shook her head. "Not if I ever lose my way again."

"I don't see that happening," Penelope stated. "I see you breaking down and crying, but not turning your humanity off anytime soon." Hope looked at her confused. "You'll find out what I mean eventually."

"Well, either way, no one should have that kind of power. Especially not a Mikaelson," The Tribrid chuckles.

"Speak of Mikaelsons," The Witch spoke. "Why not just give it to your family?"

"I don't think they'll have the heart to kill me if I get loose again," Hope answered.

"I don't think anyone would have the heart to kill you," Penelope smiled.

"All students, please report to the grand hall for assembly," Alaric spoke over a speaker.


"Thank you all for being here," Alaric starts off. "You know, I made Ethan's mother a promise. The same promise I made your parents when they enrolled you here, that is to take care of you as if you were my own."

"But here we are, memorializing yet another student. And that is not what this place was meant to be." He was silent for a moment. "The Salvatore School was founded with a single mission: to create a safe space for young Supernaturals." He took another pause. "In reality, it's anything but."

"And achieving our mission statement- my mission statement- has proven impossible." He cleared his throat. "And because I can no longer keep my promise... the Salvatore School must close."

Everyone started chattering amongst themselves. Hope stood up causing everyone to quiet down.

"I have nothing more to say," Alaric spoke. "Other than I'm sorry." He walked out of the room.


Hope came stomping down the stairs into the Werewolves transitioning cells.

This caught Ashley's attention. "I sense that something is wrong."

"The school is closing," The Tribrid stated. "And I don't know what to do." She paced back and forth.

"You're down here with me because...?" Ashley questioned.

Hope stopped and looked at her, "I- I don't know. You said you came to the school to look for a home, and now it's closing. So, I thought maybe you could help me convince Dr. Saltzman to keep it open."

"I'm in a cell that you and him put me in," The Nephilim says. "He could care less what I think. And frankly, I don't give a damn."

"You said that this school was going to be your home, and now they're taking it away," Hope spoke. "Aren't you going to do something about it?"

"I've only been here for three, maybe four days. The only attachments I made were to my friends," Ashley said. "Why's he closing the school anyway?"

"He doesn't believe the school is safe since people go hurt fighting Ken," The Tribrid answered.

The Nephilim rolled her eyes. "That seems like a stupid reason. Sure, some people got hurt, but it's not like anyone died."

"Ethan didn't make it," Hope sighed. "We held a funeral for you and him today."

"I'm sorry- Wait, do you say my funeral?" Ashley shouted.

"Yeah..." The Tribrid looked down, not wanting to meet the Nephilim's eyes. "I might have something to do with that."

"You told everyone I was dead?" The Nephilim yelled.

Hope looked up at Ashley. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident."

"How does that even happen-" Ashley took a deep breath. "You know what, it doesn't even matter. The school is closing meaning I won't see anyone here again."

"The school is not closing," The Tribrid stated.

"Then why are you standing around talking to me then?" The Nephilim questioned, as she crossed her arms. "Go do something about it."


Hope storms through the office doors. "Are you out of your mind? You can't just make this decision without consulting anyone."

"And what makes you think I haven't?" Alaric questioned.

"Well, you didn't consult me," She replied. "If you did, I would've told you that we need this place. I need this place."

"Hope Mikaelson, if there is one person I am confident will find a new path, it is you," He reassured.

"I don't want a new path," Hope shouted. "I just got back on this path."

"This path leads to dead kids," Alaric sighed. "Take it from a former bourbon drinker: just because something feels good doesn't make it right. Saying goodbye to this school will hurt. But each day, it will get better. If we keep doing what we have been, the pain will only get worse."

"Maybe we don't need to close. Maybe we just need a headmaster who can handle the pressure," Hope stated before she left.


"Packing already?" Isabela questioned, leaning against the door.

Penelope turned away from her suitcase to face the Werewolf. "The schools closing, might as well."

Isabela walked to sit on the Witch's bed. "What are we going to do about that?" She looked at Ashley's side of the room.

"Leave it," Penelope sighed, as she sat next to the werewolf. "Someone else will figure out what to do with it."

Isabela rested her head on the Witch's shoulder. "My brother's leaving with Ben. I guess they want to travel the world together."

"You should go with them," Penelope suggested.

The Werewolf shook her head. "I can't leave the pack. You're in the presence of the new Alpha."

The Witch smiled. "No way!"

"Yeah, crazy right," Isabela chuckled. "Where are you going?"

"My parent found another school in Belgium. So, that's where I'll be," The Witch answered.

There was a small moment of silence before Isabela spoke.

"Rafael's leaving with his parents."

"Tell him how you feel, maybe he'll come along with you. That way you won't be alone," Penelope teased.

The Werewolf laughed. "He looks excited to spend time with them. I'm not gonna ruin that."

The Witch thought for a second. "Damn, so everyone's leaving. No one's putting up a fight to keep the school."

"MG and Hope are," Isabela replied.

"The Saltzman twins?" The Witch questioned.

"No, they agree with their dad," The Werewolf answered. "Landon is going with whatever Hope is doing. Finch is on whatever side Josie is on. Cleo and Kaleb are visiting his hometown."

Silence filled the room for a brief moment once again.

"You know you're not as boring as I thought you'd be," Penelope spoke.

"And you're not as bitchy as everyone says," Isabela laughed. "And to think we wouldn't have hung out if it was for Ash. I miss her and I'm going to miss you too."

Penelope wrapped her arm around the Werewolf.


"Where do you think you're going?" Lizzie asked as she and Josie walked up to Hope.

"If I told you, that'd defeat the point because I'd like to be alone," The Tribrid answered.

"What's the rush," Josie questioned. "We're all gonna be alone soon enough."

"If everyone had accepted that, they would be looking at me like this. Like I can find a way to keep the school open," Hope replied.

"You too?" The Siphoner sighed. "Finch has been looking at me like that all day."

"Same here," The Heretic spoke. "MG's puppy dog eyes hit below the belt, let me tell you." She pointed between herself and Josie. "Josie and I, like you, had a solid plan B, which was running away until Josie talked me out of it."

"Here," Josie said, handing the tribrid her pendant. "It's what you gave me, then I sent to your family. It's how your humanity broke through."

"What do you want me to do with it?" Hope asked.

The Siphoner shrugged. "I don't need it anymore. Give it to someone who does."

"Like who?" The Tribrid questioned.

"I think you know," Josie smiled, before walking off with Lizzie.


Hope entered through Alaric's office doors. "Did you get a Witch to put a barrier spell around your office?" She walked to his desk.

"I bribed Pedro with a candy bar," Alaric answered. "Apparently, I overpaid."

The Tribrid made a fist, making the office doors close, and took a seat.

"Look, Hope, if you're here to change my mind, it's like I'm telling everyone.
There's no point," He sighed.

"I came to thank you, actually," She replied. "For helping bring my humanity back."

"I can't take credit for that. That plan was really-"

"Josie's? I know, she told me," Hope cut him off. She held the pendant in her hands. "She cast a spell on this pendant that I gave her and sent it to my family in New Orleans. That's how my humanity was able to break through."

There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

"Anyways, she doesn't need it anymore, and she asked me to give it to someone who does, and I thought... that person could be you." Hope stood up from her seat and placed the pendant on his desk. "Just in case there's a little voice inside of your head, trying to break through all that fear. To be heard." She left the room.


Lizzie walked into what seemed like a conference room. "Are you ready to have this conversation right now?"

"That depends," MG huffed. "Are you ready to say something that won't make me mad?"

The Heretic walked to stand beside the Vampire. "Josie gave Hope her pendant. Remember? The one that makes quiet things heard?" He nodded. "Well, it got me thinking somehow, deep inside of you, even the smallest voice finds a way to speak its truth. That's one of the best things about you."

Lizzie took a seat beside him. "I have always had a million voices in my head screaming to be heard. And when I think about you possibly leaving me, a part of me felt like there was no one left in my life who would want to help me sort them all out. The good from the bad. I'm sorry it took me this long for me to tell you that, but... you're my pendant."

It was silent before MG spoke.

"Better late than never," He smiled. "So, where do we go from here?"

"My dad found another school to go to in Europe. Josie and I thought we'd be happy there, so of course, I wanted to jump on a plane and go there; chase that happiness. But you were right. I would be running away from everything else. And that's not who I am anymore. So if you want to fight to save this school... I'm your squad."

Lizzie smiled, as he chuckled. "If you'll have me, that is."

MG took her hand into his. "I have always wanted you, Lizzie."

"Then you should probably kiss me right now." She leaned forward.

MG cupped her face, as he leaned toward her, meeting her lips.

"Go away," Lizzie shouted when she heard the door open.

"I've been gone long enough don't you think?"

Lizzie turned her head and was met with her mom.

"Judging by the looks of things," Caroline finished saying.

"Mom?" The Heretic used her vamp speed, hugging her mom. "I'm sorry, I suck at vamping."

"We'll add it to the list of things we need to work on," Caroline smiled. "Won't we, Milton?"


Hope walked through the office doors once again. "You can't close the school."


"Look, I know, things have not gone the way that you imagined them to. And yeah, maybe your mission statements failed. But that just makes you like the rest of us. No matter what you founded it for, the Salvatore School is a place for second chances, to not be perfect. I may be the world's only Tribrid, but I'm one of the countless scared Supernaturals around the world who need to be understood. So maybe our mission statement just needs to change, along with us," Hope states.

"Okay, I'm done you can talk now. But you're not gonna be changing my mind."

Alaric chuckles. "Well, that won't be necessary. I've been thinking about the future, too. Listening, actually, to, uh..." He pulled out the pendant from under his shirt. "This little voice in my head. It's telling me that you're right, by the way."

She smiles. "You're gonna keep the school open."

"Yes..." He answered. "And... no."

Hope looked at him confused.


Everyone was gathered in the grand hall for yet another assembly. Alaric stood in front of the room. "We meet tonight under happier circumstances. The Salvatore School won't be closing its doors."

Everyone cheered, smiling at one another, and applauding, but it died down when Alaric spoke again.

"But I will no longer be your headmaster anymore. The school's founding purpose was to protect you from the world, but now I believe the world will and must get to know you and your abilities. Because the truth is you deserve to be known. So, with your permission, it would be my great honor to tell those stories by writing the definitive history of the Supernatural beings I have known. So when that battle comes, we will all be better prepared. Armed with the stories of the ones that we love, and those who we have lost along the way."

He paused for a moment.

"Are there any questions or objections?"

Wade raised his hand, causing Alaric to call his name out. He stood up from his seat. "Yeah, we all probably have the same question. Who gonna be out new headmaster?"

"Don't worry, we'll be keeping it in the family," Alaric answered.

He gestured to the top of the stairs and there you see Caroline smiling.


Alaric was packing his car, ready to leave. Until Hope walked up to him. "I thought you were leaving tomorrow."

"Which is why I'm leaving now, while everyone's asleep," He replied. "I've had enough goodbyes in my life. If anyone knows what that's like, it's you."

"Are you gonna be okay?" She asks.

He looked down, then back at her. "Are you?"

Hope thought about it for a second. "Yeah, I think so. For the first time in a long time."

"Good," Alaric smiled. "Then this school wasn't... wasn't such a failure after all."

Hope pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." She pulled away. "For being the, um, second-best father a girl could have." Tears were ready to come out.

"Well, thank you... for being the third-best daughter," He said, causing her to laugh. "But I do need to ask you to do a favor for me..."

Hope raised an eyebrow at him.

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