A new Boy in Berk: Riders of...

By Kirikase10456

11.7K 243 22

Hiccup and Blake ended the war against dragons but it's not over yet, they'll have to face more challenges li... More

How to start a Dragon Academy
Viking for Hire
Animal House
The Terrible Twos
In Dragons we Trust
Alvin and the Outcasts
Blake's crisis
How to Pick Your Dragon
Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
Dragon Flower
Heather Report Part 1
Heather report part 2
Incomplete memories
When Lightning Strikes
What Flies Beneath
Blake the Outcast Part 2
The Defiant One
Breakneck Bog
Gem of a Different Color
We are family Part 1
We are family Part 2

Blake the Outcast Part 1

375 8 0
By Kirikase10456

(Dragon academy)

(Blake's POV)

Hiccup and I were having a race round Berk, it started at the academy with Hiccup and Toothless easily leaving us behind

However, when we arrived at the forest Thunder and I were able to reach them surprising Hiccup, we continued to fly all around Berk until we landed outside of the academy ending the race with a tie

"I'll admit it" Hiccup said getting off Toothless "You and Thunder have really been improving since our last race"

"Thanks, but you and Toothless are still the bests" I said getting of Thunder "You quickly took the lead when we started"

Then I saw something moving at the forest confusing me "Blake, are you okay?" Hiccup asked placing a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts

"I'm fine" I said turning around "It's just than I thought than I saw something"

"Are you sure?" Hiccup asked "I didn't see anything"

"Maybe I'm just a little tired" I said shaking my head "It's almost night time anyway"

Then we rode our dragons again to go back to the village but I looked back to make sure than I didn't see anything but one more I saw something moving again

(Blake's room)

Later that night I was in my room sitting on my bed, I was still concerned about what I saw earlier, Thunder was also in my room eating some fish for dinner

Suddenly I heard something outside alerting me and Thunder, we both go out to investigate what was happening but we didn't find anything

After that, I got really confused so Thunder and I turned around to go back inside but then I heard someone talking behind me "There you are, I've finally found you"

I turned around one more time and I saw my father or Alvin standing there with his stone axe on one hand, before I could even react an Outcast appeared throwing a net to Thunder not allowing him to move

Then another Outcast threw a bucket of water to Thunder, that's really bad, Thunder can't use his lightning if he is wet

"Thunder!" I yelled before grabbing the nearest weapon that I could find, in this case an axe

"What are you doing here!?" I demanded getting ready to fight to protect Thunder who was growling

"I'm taking you back home" Alvin said pointing his axe at me while the other two outcast got their spears to fight me

"I'll never go with you" I said

"Sorry but you don't have a choice" Alvin said smiling evilly "Get him!"

The two outcasts began to attack me, their attacks were easy do dodge, I even kicked one of them in the stomach making him drop his spear

I was able to take the second outcast's spear and broke it leaving him defenseless but suddenly something hit me on the head and everything went dark

(Third person POV)

Alvin was able to leave Blake unconscious using the flat part of his axe, then he carried Blake in his arms "We got what we want" Alvin said "Let's go"

Alvin and the two outcasts began to run away leaving Thunder behind who was doing everything he could to escape from the net

Eventually he was able to break it and began to follow Alvin and the outcasts, unfortunately he lost their track on the forest, then Thunder began to fly thinking that he'll be able to find them that way but it didn't work

With no options left he decided to fly back to the village to get some help

(Hiccup's house)

Hiccup was in his room writing some notes for the book of dragons, Toothless was already asleep on his bed

Suddenly they heard a roar confusing them, Hiccup went to open the door and saw that Thunder was there really worried

"Thunder? What are you doing here?" Hiccup asked confused

Thunder roared a second time before running away so Hiccup and Toothless followed him

They arrived at the forge where they found the spears and the axe on the ground

Hiccup picked up one of the spears and immediately recognized that it was from the outcasts "Oh no" Hiccup muttered with an idea of what happen

"Blake, where are you!?" Hiccup asked but no one answered "Thunder, where is Blake?" Hiccup asked but Thunder looked at the ground sadly

"Oh no, the outcasts have Blake" Hiccup gasped

(Outcast ship)

Minutes later Alvin and the outcasts arrived at the beach where a ship was waiting for them with more outcasts

Then they began to sail back to the Outcast Island, Alvin was standing at the front of the ship looking at the ocean with Blake in his arms

Alvin sighed and looked at Blake before hugging him "You'll be back home soon son" Alvin said "And we'll be father and son again, I promise"

"Father? Is... that... you?" Blake asked weakly confusing Alvin making him stop hugging Blake but it only took him a few seconds to realize that Blake was semiconscious

He could talk and listen to what the other's said if they talked close enough but nothing else

"Yes, it's me, your father, I'm taking you back home" Alvin said softly

"Back... home?" Blake said

"Yes, that's right, just you and me back home, how does that sound?" Alvin asked smiling gently

"No... no" Blake said looking like he was trying to wake up "Not... back... home... please... don't... take... me... there"

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay" Alvin said softly hugging Blake again making him relax "You're safe now, you're safe now"

"Father... home... safe" Blake said trying to process everything, even though a part of him wanted to resist and escape another part of him would be happy to be with Alvin

"Father... home... safe" Blake repeated before falling completely unconscious

Alvin sighed again continuing their way to the Outcast Island

(Outcast Island)

(Blake's POV)

I woke up in my room at the outcast island, but how did I get here? The last thing I remember was going outside to investigate something outside of the forge back at Berk

And for some reason I've got a headache so I put a hand on my forehead trying to numb the pain but I felt something

That's when I realized that I've got some bandages in my forehead but they also covered my left eye, I sit on my bed really confused and not understanding anything

Suddenly Alvin entered my room "Is good to see that you're up" he said walking towards me

"What happen?" I asked

"We were finishing your training and your opponent throw you his hammer hitting you on the head" Alvin explained "Do you remember it?"

I thought for a moment and I do remember it, that's the thing that caused me amnesia in the first place but the next thing that I remember after that is waking up in a ship in the middle of the ocean

"Okay, but what happen to my eye?" I asked still confused

"When you fell unconscious, you accidentally cut your eye with your sword, you'll probably have a scar now" Alvin explained

So that's what happen, did I never arrive at Berk? Then I realized something, if I never arrived at Berk, why do I still have all of my memories about Berk and why I can't remember much about my life here?

"If that really happen, why I can't remember some things?" I asked wanting to clear things up

"That's probably because of your head injury" Alvin said "Tell me what do you remember?"

"My name is Blake, I'm fourteen years old and you're my father" I said, I decided than it was better not the tell him anything about Berk, I think that it's better that way

"I see" Alvin said "Don't worry, I'll help you remember everything, but for now I'll let you rest"

"By the way, for how long I was out?" I asked

"For a day" Alvin said surprising me "Don't worry, you'll be fine"

Alvin started to leave my room and closed the door letting me rest like he said he would, I lay down on my bed thinking about everything

Was my life on Berk just a dream? If what Alvin said is true and I was out for a day, things probably didn't change too much

Speaking of Alvin should I think of him as my father again? I think that I'll continue calling him father but I'll think of him as Alvin

And if he thinks that I only remember what I told him, it'll be much easier to act until I can remember what happen

But for now, I'll just take a nap, for some reason I'm feeling really tired, I rolled over laying down on my side before going into a peaceful sleep

(Dragon academy)

(Third person POV)

Back in Berk the teens were at the academy, Hiccup already told them that Blake was kidnapped by the outcasts

"So, Blake was kidnapped by the outcasts, too bad" Snotlout said "What are we going to do then, go to their island and ask them to give us Blake back?"

"Snotlout this is serious!" Astrid scolded glaring at Snotlout "We're all worried for him, just look at Thunder"

Astrid was right Thunder was really worried for Blake, in fact he was walking around the academy really nervous imagining all possible destinies for Blake

"He's probably feeling guilty" Fishlegs said analyzing Thunder's behavior "He was the only one with Blake, right?"

"Yes, he was" Hiccup said "The outcasts probably took them by surprise, immobilizing Thunder in the process"

Hiccup waked towards Thunder gently petting his head "Don't worry, we'll find him and brimg him back" Hiccup said, Thunder only gave a sad purr as he looked at the ground

"But how are we going to find him in the outcasts island?" Fishlegs asked

"I already know where the arena is" Astrid said "We could start searching there"

"And then we can blow things up?" Tuffnut asked

"Tuffnut, this is a rescue mission, we're not blowing thins up" Hiccup said "Unless it's really necessary"

"You're not fun" Ruffnut said disappointed crossing her arms

Then the teens ride their dragons on their way to the outcast island with Thunder following them

(Blake's room in the outcast island)

(Blake's POV)

I woke up for a second time in the day and I noticed that everything was darker that the usual

I quietly walked out of my room confused, once I was outside, I noticed the everything was mysteriously quiet

Once I was at the surface of the island, I realized that it was night time, not knowing what to do next I decided to go for a night walk to clear my mind

However, one question was still on my mind, was all of my life in berk really a dream? So, I never met Hiccup and the others?

Is Berk still in war with the dragons? And if they are, can dragons really be trained?

There are so much questions on my mind right now, I continued walking until I arrived at the edge of the island

I sat at one rock that was near by asking myself why did I come to this part of the island, it was almost like my body moved on its own while I was occupied with my internal monologue

It took me a few minutes the know the reason, this was the spot where I usually came years ago when I wanted to disconnect from the world

Then I decided to look up at the moon but that's when I saw something flying in the sky in the distance, I know that I have a better vision on the dark but it's not that good

It only helps me to see things more clearly in the dark, I don't see things as clear as I see them during the day

I blinked to see if I was seeing things right and for my surprise nothing was there, probably my mind is playing tricks on me so l looked back at the ocean

After a few minutes of enjoying the view, I noticed that the sun was starting to raise, so I must go back to my room, I don't think that Alvin won't be happy if he finds out that I'm gone

(Blake's room in the outcast island)

I was able to return in time to my room because two minutes after I got back Alvin entered to my room "I want to show you something" he said

We both started to walk somewhere, then we stopped at the front of some big doors "I'm sure that this will bring you back some memories" Alvin said

Then Alvin opened the doors revealing the Great Hall of the outcast island, Alvin and I entered and I began to look around

"Do you remember this place?" Alvin asked standing behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders

Indeed, I do remember this place, I saw it on a flashback during my dream life on Berk "I do remember it" I said looking at Alvin before looking back at the Great Hall "This is our Great Hall"

"But where is everybody?" I asked confused noticing that only that me and Alvin where there

"That's not important" Alvin said "Come on, I made us breakfast" he said grabbing two bowls from a near table

I followed Alvin to the principal table where he sat on his throne while I sat on mine, then he placed the food in front of me, it was some fish stew

When I smelled it, I realized of how hungry I was so I began to eat enjoying the stew's taste but then I noticed that Alvin wasn't eating his stew, instead he was gently smiling at me

"Is something wrong?" I asked confused

"It's just that I missed you, son" Alvin said

"I thought that I was unconscious for a day" I said

"It felt like an eternity for me" Alvin said before he started to eat, but I can tell that something is definitely wrong here "After we're done here, we'll go to the arena, I want to see if you're still capable to fight"

(Somewhere else)

(Third person POV)

Hiccup and the other were able to arrive at the outcast island with no incidents, they landed near a cave where they hid their dragons to keep them safe

"Astrid where is the arena?" Hiccup asked

"It should be a few minutes from here" Astrid said pointing to the north of the island "Towards there"

However, Thunder got out of the cave and started to run towards a different direction confusing everyone

"What is he doing?" Snotlout asked

"Maybe he wants to search for Blake" Fishlegs asked "And I don't think that we can stop him"

"We better continue our way" Hiccup said "If Thunder finds Blake first, he'll probably bring him back here"

They all continued their way until after a few minutes of walking they arrived at the top of the arena

"There it is" Astrid whispered

"So, what are we waiting for?" Snotlout said impatiently trying to run towards the arena but he was stopped by Hiccup

"We can't go right now" Hiccup whispered

"Why?" Snotlout asked confused

"Because of that" Hiccup said pointing at something

Sontlout watched closely and noticed that Alvin was at the other side with some outcasts looking inside of the arena

"What are they looking at?" Snotlout asked confused

"Maybe they're looking at that" Tuffnut said pointing inside of the arena making the other teens look inside of it

And there they saw that Blake was standing there with a metal spear on his hand, they also noticed that Blake had some bandages around his forehead and his left eye

They also noticed that there were three outcasts inside of the arena with Blake, and the three of them had swords

Then one of the outcasts charged at Blake trying to attack him but Blake stopped the attack with his spear and pushed the outcast stunning him and giving Blake an opportunity to kick him leaving the outcast on the ground

The two other outcasts attacked Blake from one side each, however, Blake had fast reflexes so he easily dodged their attacks

When Blake saw an opening, he used his spear to make them fall winning the combat

"That's my boy!" Alvin cheered

However, the teens weren't so happy with what they just witnessed

"Are you sure than that is Blake?" Fishlegs asked nervously

"Did he join the outcasts?" Snotlout asked

"Or maybe he lost his memories again" Ruffnut said

"I don't think so" Hiccup said "Before the battle started, I saw that he was full of determination but I also saw that he wasn't happy with that"

"What does that mean?" Astrid asked

"It means that we haven't lost him completely, but we have to be fast before we do" Hiccup said 

(Edge of the outcast island)

(Blake's POV)

After my training Alvin told me that I should probably walk around the island with the excuse that it'll probably bring my memories back but instead I went to my special spot at the edge of the island

Suddenly I heard something approaching so I hid behind a rock, then I heard a sad purr, so I looked where the purr came and that's when I saw it

It was a Skrill, but it looked so familiar... wait a second "Thunder?" I said coming out of my hiding spot

When the Skrill or better said Thunder saw me roared happily before running towards me and pinning me to the ground and he started to lick me

"Stop it!" I ordered and surprisingly he obeyed but when I stood up, he couldn't contain himself anymore and he hugged me with his wings as he purred, I returned the hug hiving him a gentle scratch behind his crown of spines

But then the reality hit me, if was my life on Berk was a dream, what is Thunder doing here? And are the others here too?

Then Thunder stopped hugging me and began to walk away wanting me to follow him but he stopped when he noticed that I didn't move

"I can't go with you right now" I said confusing Thunder, so he walked towards me with a sad face "Don't worry, I'll be back, I promise"

I walked away leaving Thunder behind but I'll definitely be back, I continued my way until I saw someone talking behind me "Blake, there you are"

Confused I turned around and I saw Hiccup and the others standing there, I gasped and gave a few steps backwards, my life on Berk was supposed to be a dream, but Thunder is here


"We're glad that you're okay" Astrid said

"How did you escape from Alvin?" Fishlegs asked

But instead of answering any of their questions I ran away "Wait!" Hiccup said trying to stop me but I didn't listen

It was really easy to outrun them, I know this island better than any of them, I hid behind a rock and listened to their conversation

"Where is he!?" Snotlout asked

"Why would he run? It was like he didn't know us" Fishlegs said

"So, he lost his memories again?" Tuffnut asked

"I was right!" Ruffnut cheered

"No, I know Blake better than anyone of us and I know that he'll never forget about us on purpose" Hiccup said "And even if he did, I won't leave him here where the outcasts probably use him as weapon"

Hiccup words really surprised me, he wasn't planning to give up on me, even after what just happen?

When they left, I continued my way back to my room, once I arrived, I sat on my bed touching the bandages that covered my eye

Idefinitely need to figure out what really happen

A/n: Hi, welcome to the start of the final of Blake's personal character development, I decided to dive the chapter in two parts to not make it too long

The second part will be coming out soon

Thank you for reading and please comment

Seeyou on the next chapter

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