RED ♥️

By SakuraLi1322

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A MUSICAL ARSHI LOVESTORY They were two people occupying the opposite ends of a spectrum. They were so diff... More

Prologue - RED
32 last chapter


291 21 1
By SakuraLi1322

Chapter - Memories

"Archiee!" A shrilly girl shrilled as she latched onto her boyfriend as they were both walking home after class, "If you love me, like really, really love me, you'd take me to the mall! I need new shoes!"

The boyfriend, Archie, sighed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. His expression was futile, because he knew he had no other way of getting out of this trap without actually succumbing to it. "Fine," he muttered, "I'll pick you up tonight around six?"

"Great! I love you Archie!"

"Love you too, keera." Her boyfriend said, albeit rather tiredly, as they walked off.

Khushi, twenty years old and last year in college shook her head in disgust as she watched the young couple walk off, arm in arm. Her friend, Michelle stood beside her, staring at what she was staring at. Khushi pushed her tresses off of her face as she turned around and to walk away, her annoyance emitting off of her.

"What's the matter?" Michelle asked as the two started to walk to the college cafe.

Khushi shrugged. "That's such a stupid thing to say," she cleared her throat and began to mock the girl from earlier, high pitched and giggly. "Oh archiee!" Khushi mimicked, "prove to me you love me even if you asked me out, made me your girlfriend and fucked my brains out! Take me to the mall because that proves me just how much you love me despite all the other times I asked you to do something for me because you love me!" Khushi growled low, walking even faster.

Michelle exchanged glances with her boyfriend who was sitting with ASR. "What's wrong with that?" Michelle piped up, "So she made her boyfriend take her to the mall with a small little insignificant line, what's the problem?" Michelle asked.

"Because it's so stupid. She knows he loves her, and hell if she wants to go to the mall, she has friends to go with!" Khushi muttered, "Damn, if he doesn't want to go with her and she's forcing him to, then it proves to me that she doesn't love him."

"It's their relationship; she can say what she wants. Plus, you can't tell me you've never said that to ASR." Michelle questioned as she linked arms with her friend. Khushi and ASR have been dating for a few months now and everybody knew that they were going to last.
They have never seen ASR like that like he is with Khushi the guy who think he has to pay tax if he smile , teases her laugh with her they are really good together.
Everyone knows he is really serious about her,his actions says so and so is Khushi who started blushing even hearing his name.

"I never have and I never will." Khushi proclaimed definitely as they walked into the cafe and spotted their boyfriends.

"Like I believe that." Michelle rolled her eyes. The girls sat down , Khushi besides her boyfriend and noted that he looked exhausted beyond belief. Arnav's head was lying on the table and Khushi sent a questioning look to James, who looked tired, but wasn't falling asleep like Arnav.

"What's up with you guys?" She whispered as she rubbed Arnav's back. He relaxed and buried his head further into his hands.

"Up late night to finish my term project." James yawned. "

I stayed up longer because of some other work and I fell asleep on the couch, and today our coach was extra nice he made us run miles because we didn't win last match and yeah did I mention about today my car broke down in the middle"

Khushi winced. "Ouch... you guys started your practice for the upcoming matches already?"

Arnav and James share a look remembering how their coach behaviour,who looked like Hitler to them.

This time, however, their state was quite bad- Khushi had never seen her boyfriend practically pass out on a lunch table.

"Two weeks ago. I'm telling you," James yawned before shaking his head, "it's a bitch. We've been practicing for two weeks straight and we just finished our practice today conclusion is this man is mad."

Khushi raised a brow ,"he seems nice to me"

"Like really, your girlfriend find Mr Hitler nice man" James murmured. Khushi and Michelle exchanged glances.

"Is he that bad" Michelle squeaked. James nodded

"What happened?" Michelle asked as she looked over Khushi's shoulder.

"Nothing," Khushi whispered as she kept on rubbing Arnav's back. Somebody, however, bumped Arnav accidentally. Arnav shot awake and the guy turned around and quickly mumbled an apology.

"It's alright man," Arnav yawned as he leaned his head on Khushi's shoulder.

"You okay?" She murmured as she caressed his cheek.

"Fine, you hungry?" He yawned again, taking out his wallet.

"Yeah but I can wait, you want something." Khushi stood up, taking Arnav's wallet.

"No , I'll go." He insisted.

"You sit down and sleep, I'll get you your food and mine." She said as she went to grab her purse. Arnav grabbed it and smirked before she had a chance to retaliate. He leaned his head on her purse and closed his eyes once again.


"Arnav! My wallet is in there!" She whined.

"Use my money." He replied,

Khushi sighed. "Fine." She kissed his cheek before going to the lunch line.

Michelle looked at them and smiled. "I'm starving too and I have no lunch."
"I will be back guys"

"Have some of mine," James murmured as he shoved his sandwich to her, he was just too tired to eat and wanted to pass out like Arnav but he was doing his assignment last night and today's football practice literally killed him

"Oh, but I wanted a salad... can you get it for me? Please?" She begged, puppy dog eyes effect being used too, "If you please...." She trailed out. James jumped off his seat excitedly as he took out his wallet and went to bring something for her, she knows he has been hitting on her for long and she is taking full advantage of it.
That's why Arnav don't like her that much but nothing can be done as she is his girlfriend's friend.

Arnav raised his head and shook his head at Michelle. "He's dead tired Michelle, you're making him go get you lunch?"

Michelle frowned. "He can't be that tired if he can get me lunch."

"He didn't have the energy to
eat his lunch. He's an endless pit but he still gets up for you... that's saying something." Arnav shrugged before laying his head back down on Khushi's purse. Five minutes later, Khushi walked back with a tray full of food. Arnav's nose hit the smell of fried noodles and his head shot up, his stomach giving a loud growl.

"Oh my god, thank you." He said, staring at the food. There were two large cups of coffee for him, a bowl of fried noodles, salad for Khushi, some burgers.

"How much was it?" Arnav said looking at her.

Khushi grinned. "I had a twenty dollar bill in my pocket so you didn't actually pay for lunch, Arnav."

Arnav frowned. "Khushi..." he said warningly.

"I wanted to pay for it! Now eat!" Khushi picked up a cup of coffee and pushed it towards him. "Drink, it's black- maybe it'll keep you awake for the rest of the day?"

Arnav eyed the second cup, "Who's that one for?"

"James ." Khushi said, and as if on cue, James walked back with a bowl of salad in his arms.

"Here you go, babe." He said as he sat back down, handing Michelle her salad.

Arnav and Khushi exchange glance knowing how he is trying to hit on her continuously and she being ignorant

Khushi handed him the coffee and smiled. "My treat, you and arnav need energy."

"Thanks so much." James sighed thankfully as he took a large gulp of the coffee. Michelle smiled at Khushi as she started to eat her salad. Arnav, in two minutes, finished his noodles and two burgers. He finished his coffee and lay his head back down on the purse.

"Need anything else?" She whispered.

"No I'm good. Thanks so much." He murmured kissing her knuckles before snuggling with her hand. She smiled as she leaned on him, slowly eating her salad. Michelle pouted.

Liya there class representative
"Hey everyone... you know I am throwing a party next Saturday okay everyone is invited"You guys have to come!"

Michelle squealed. "Oh yeah!

"I'm so sorry babe... I'm working." James said, his eyes widening.

Michelle frowned. "James, baby if you don't mind me you'd at least drop me off?"

James twitched, "Michelle, I'm working..."

"You work at 7! The party starts at 6:30!" Michelle whined.

"Fine, I'll try." James sighed as Michelle turned to Khushi who was still eating.

"How about you, can you come?"

Khushi shrugged. "Arnav," she whispered and he made a grunt, signalling he was awake, "are you gonna go?"

"I'm working with James too next Saturday... but I'll drop you off if you want."

"When does shift start?" Khushi whispered.

"Seven, just like his."

"Then it's ok. You go to work, I'll go with Michelle ." Khushi smiled.

"No, no I'll take you. It's okay." Arnav said sitting up, leaning back in his chair.

Khushi shook her head. "No way, if you even dare come pick me up I'll be really
mad. I know it takes you an hour to get to work. How is James gonna manage to drop off Michelle and get to work within half an hour is beyond me and the laws of physics," Khushi busted out her cool physics intelligence. "You go to work and I'll ask Michelle?"

"Sure dear, Luv will be there too, ASR can't you leave it for a day" Michelle said nervously

"Then I won't go. It's just a party Michelle, I'm not risking Arnav's job. I can come over another time." Khushi smiled.

"Khushi! Just use the damn line and you can get here!" Michelle whined.

"No." Khushi growled as she stood up and threw her salad out. "I'm going to go study for the test . Bye guys." She waved at them and gave a hug to Arnav before waking off.

Arnav turned to Michelle. "What line?" He asked.

"The if you love me then you'd do it line." Michelle sighed, "That girl never uses it and she said she never will! She was so psyched about the party but now it's the, if ASR is busy then it doesn't matter excuse. I'm telling you ASR, you're killing her here! She went to get her own food when you could've gotten it for her." She accused.

"I was tired!" He rebutted.

"Yeah, so was I." James smirked.,"she is not my girlfriend and there your girlfriend",he left it unfinished leaving him angry ,"what the hell, why in the hell they always think he is taking Khushi for granted he was tired what if she brings lunch for him today ,nobody cares , for him he lies to his mother to pack extra lunch because Khushi likes his mother's hand made food,"

Arnav growled. "I'm leaving then mumbled to himself gonna go sleep in the library where it's quiet..."

"Or is it because Khushi's there?" James teased and Arnav ignoring him left.

"Awwww," They both Michelle said James teased as he walked off.

James turned to Michelle and raised a brow. "You are right, Khushi's the only girl who hasn't used the prove me you love me trick yet."

"She's too pure. She'll give in." Michelle shrugged as James fell back to his flirting mode.

Khushi was sitting in the library and was making notes from her textbook into her notebook. Her headphones were plugged into her ear and she was picking up and dropping pens, colour coordinating her notebook for easier studying... She hardly wrote down the next letter when she felt air whiz by her. She looked up and saw Arnav sitting opposite of her, his head on the desk.

"Hey ," She greeted, "why you here?"

"They were being bast... He controlled himself not wanting to say these kind of words in front of her,"They were being irritating back in the cafeteria. I'm gonna get some sleep in here while you study, okay?" He looked at her, fatigue washing over his eyes. Khushi smiled as she threw a water bottle at him.

"Enjoy your nap." She laughed as he drank some water and went to sleep, again on Khushi's purse. Khushi giggled softly as she continued with her note taking, quite glad with herself that she is doing good in studies, even though she wasn't as inclined to study as she was earlier.

She hummed a soft tune and a smile curved on Arnav's mouth as he actually did fall into a light slumber. Khushi groaned as she stretched back. She reached for her water bottle and eased it out of Arnav's hand before drinking down three quarters of the liquid. She wiped her mouth dry before resting her head on the desk, feeling a headache coming on because of all the letters and... words.

Stupid books, she thought restlessly as she sat up and looked around the library, later when arnav woke up to see Khushi's head lying on the book and she snoring quietly.

End of flashback

Arnav looked around he can't focus on anything, everything reminds him of her.
Library where there love story started, it's making him restless, giving up he left , later while leaving for home he saw her trying to cross the road," she looks pale Just like the first time he saw her not minding what's going on around her ,in her own world, She didn't saw him yet, too preoccupied with the busy lane trying to cross the road,when she finally look they both felt like they were frozen,Gulping hard she looked at him maybe he will come back saying sorry we should start again.
Nothing like that happened loud noise of horns made them come out of their stupor, tears formed in her eyes when she left not giving any heed to him, tears formed as she saw the same girl talking to him , taking a shuddering breath she left ,she had learned the show must go on whatever happens.



They were sitting in the library again when they saw Sara and Jason, a freshman couple sitting a few desks away from her. They smiled, remembering themselves and being just friends back in their freshman year.

"Jason, help me study! Please?" Sara asked, begging softly. Khushi frowned, knowing what was coming next. She groaned inwardly as Jason sent an apologetic look to Sara.

"I have to study for my geography midterm... I'll help you as soon as I'm done... promise?"

Sara sniffled. "If you love me, Jason, you'd help me."

Jason frowned as he closed his books. "What do you need help with?"

Sara squealed softly as she hugged him. "Mathematical physics," she finally replied as they got to work.

"I hate studies," Khushi murmured as she glanced at her boyfriend. She smiled softly as she went to move some hair off his forehead.

"You're so cute," She mumbled as giggled softly as she when went to withdraw her hand, but Arnav reached up and caught it.

"You're cuter." He smiled as he sat up, yawning.

Khushi blushed heavily she thought he was asleep as his thumb rubbed circles on her palm. "You not asleep?" She asked softly.

"Slept for a few minutes before waking up thanks to loud couple over yonder." Arnav yawned loudly as he sat up, releasing Khushi's hand.

"Oh you mean missy who won't let her boyfriend study?"

Arnav chuckled. "Yeah, them."

Khushi shook her head. "I hate it, when girls go if you love me. Seems so shallow."

Arnav raised a brow. "So are you saying you'd never ask me that?"

"Why should I?" Khushi shot back at him, leaning in on her seat.

"So you're saying," Arnav was getting interested because he too cannot recall a time his girlfriend asked him to prove his love for her, "that even if you wanted something badly, and I do mean badly, you wouldn't say, Arnav if you love me...?"

Khushi snorted. "Yeah right, if I want something that badly I'd just buy it."

"But what if it's something you can't buy"

"If it's something like that ,that means even you can't buy" Khushi shot back.

"What if it's something like a necklace a couple ring or something?"
"What if you forgot your credit card?"

"I'd ask for them to put it on hold so I can go get my card and pay for it." Khushi smirked at Arnav. "Face it Arnav, I'm never gonna ask you to prove your love for me because it's a shallow way to prove to yourself that your man loves you."

"You don't want that satisfaction? To know that I love you enough to sacrifice... let's say my midterm?"

"I know you love me enough to sacrifice a midterm," Khushi rolled her eyes, "all I have to do is say, Arnav I don't get this, and you'd probably give up a million dollars to help me."

Arnav snorted. "A million dollars to help you?"

Khushi slapped him on the arm. "You know you would."
"Yeah," Arnav grinned, showing his fangs, "I probably would."

Khushi giggled. "Point proven. My view is, why would you ask me out if you didn't have some sort of feelings for me? If it wasn't meant to be it won't happen and I won't force it to happen because that's playing with the path of life and all those other philosophical things I believe in."

"Deep,perks of having a songwriter as a girlfriend," Arnav laughed before yawning again, "shit I'm so tired! Can't even get some sleep."

"Sleep in next class," Khushi said, "it's only an elective."

"Can't," Arnav yawned loudly, "I have to stay up during that class to memorize my topic for the presentation next week."

Khushi looked at him with sympathy. "You really work hard,you should give a break to yourself"

"What do you mean?" Arnav raised a brow. "You are being too hard on yourself."

"See how dangerous they are," Khushi rolled her eyes. She glanced at the clock over the door and sighed. "Five minutes before class starts, wanna go?"

"Too tired." Arnav moaned,he has started to help his father too he is always busy now , always tired, trying hard to impress his father

Khushi packed all her things and slung her backpack over her shoulder before helping Arnav up. "You're soo tired you can't even walk." She commented.

"So?" he whined and Khushi giggled.

"Let's go."

Classes ended as normal that day and Arnav and Khushi slugged out of their class, sighing with relief.

"Memorized it?" Khushi asked, hugging him.

"I wish I could even start reading it." Arnav said sarcastically. "I fell asleep in the beginning of the lecture."

"Aww, you'll do well, you have all week to memorize it, you are the topper, topper knows everything" Khushi said hugging him.

Khushi and Arnav bade the others farewell as they walked to Arnav's car.

"Let me drive," She persisted as she got the keys from his hands. "You're too tired. You sleep, I'll take you home, okay?"

"Khushi!!! ,
What about you?" He asked.

"Don't worry about me." She said as he nodded, getting into the car. As soon as his seatbelt was buckled, he fell asleep suddenly his phone started ringing, seeing the caller ID,he asked her to stop the car getting out he started shouting at the person on the other side making Khushi sad he has changed his anger is dangerous now, she is scared of his anger now he is like a volcano ready for erruption, he hasn't shouted at her ever but still , sometimes it made her restless if he started to shout at her too he is a person who loves perfection and she is nowhere near perfect his family is perfect and she doesn't even have a family .

Khushi smiled softly at him, finding his sleeping figure quite cute. Instead of driving him home, she drove to the local park and parked the car. She saw a few kids playing on the swings and smiled, wanting to have a family one day, he is changing her ,her priorities changed, She glanced at Arnav who slept soundly and she got her homework out.

She started to do her homework... she had enough to keep her company.

At exactly 7:47pm, Arnav woke up with a start and saw Khushi packing some things into her bag, then noticed they were in his car still.

"Hey," he said, a fresh look in his eyes, "why are we here?"

"Thought I'd let you sleep, you were tired" Khushi smiled, "finished all my assignment though. If I took you home, you would've done something that didn't allow you to sleep."

"What about my part of assignment?" Arnav groaned. "I have enough to pull another all nighter."

"No," Khushi laughed, "I did yours because I was bored after finishing mine. Our assignment is done. Political science is a breeze you know that?" Khushi teased, "It's all analysis questions and it's common sense to be honest. You can look over my work when you get home though, I'm only a measly nerdy." She winked at him but Arnav's eyes were still widened in shock.

"WHAT?" Arnav said, quite surprised, she who hate studies not only finished her part of assignment but completed his part too.

"Yeah, you wanna go home now?" Khushi asked cheekily. Arnav cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips against hers. She gave herself into him and they continued to kiss, a heat of passion until they needed air. Arnav pulled back as Khushi panted.

"You're the best girl a guy can ask for," he murmured. Khushi smiled as she leaned forward to kiss him again. They kissed for a few seconds before Arnav pulled back.

Arnav smirked," you look red Khushi",what happened??".
By the way you didn't told me how am I as a kisser did you liked it you never told me ?
The thing is I am new to this some views of yours will help me in improving myself".

Khushi blushed but hearing him later She rolled her eyes. "Fine,but can be awesome with practice" she leaned extremely close to his lips,"good"

Arnav grinned. "That can be arranged."

And their lips locked again.

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