Vegas x Kinnporsche

By mhkarmy

62.1K 2.2K 610

what will happen when Porsche gets to know the secrets of kinn and vegas relationship as cousins?! How will P... More

ch-1. Something is wrong
ch-2. " he's not!..."
ch-3. Complicated past
ch-4. Are they...?!!
ch-5. Promise.
ch-6. Hidding truth
ch-7. selfish
ch-8. Nothing's left
ch-9 something right
ch-10. History repeats...?!
ch-11. promise pt.2
ch-12. I'll make it right
ch-13. Little Chay
ch-15. Memories pt2
ch-16. replacement
announcement 😊
ch-17. The storm...
ch-18. The search starts.
ch-19. Feeling heavy and light

ch-14. Memories pt1.

1.7K 85 25
By mhkarmy

Vegas pov~

I sighed and finally made an eye contact with Porsche..... and again looked away.

Well... if you ask me what is happening then let me tell you.... that i also don't know!!

Its been god know how many minutes and me and Porsche had been sitting on the couch- well not on the the same couch. He's sitting in front of me.

And!! He didn't stop glaring at me since i stepped inside the gates of his house. I tried talking to him like 'nice house' or 'your brother is not home. I see' and an awkward smile but Porsche continued his glaring.

Ugh! If only looks could kill.... then I'd be right now already six feet under in his backyard.

And well let me tell you... HE'S STILL GLARING!!!

Finally finding some courage, i stood up and went to his side and hesitantly sit on his side- No! He's on the one edge and im on another of the couch.

He let out a harsh breath then look at me, eyes are little soften.

"Why are you here?" He asked in a tired voice and its like suddenly i can see his appearance totally. He looks tired. Not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. He's not like his past cheerful self. He's just like his shadow.

"Porsche. Im not here to give you any trouble. I just want to spend... some time with you..." i said smiling nervously as i move little towards porsche.

"Vegas..." Porsche said as he let out a little shivering breathe and move towards me and surprisingly rest his head on my shoulder. Tiredly.

"Hmm...?" I hums as i wrapped an arm around his shoulder and lay him on me more comfortably.

Porsche sighed and stayed in his position for some more seconds before he opened his eyes and lifts his head, shifting his body towards me.

" do you think... someone can really pretend to love someone... this much that... that you just want to stay in denial even if the truth is in front of you. Even if its them who tells you the truth... you're heart denies it with a strong  desire. Even if your mind just... hates them... but your heart just wants nothing but to run back into their arms. Huh Vegas? Is it possible? That the truth that you believed suddenly comes out as a lie but that lie is not something... that your heart think is true."

Porsche said as tears are running down he's face. He looked so deep in my eyes that i can almost physically felt his pain that his eyes reflect. The way my heart is aching for him is something. Or maybe.... this aching is because of my own past. Maybe because the questions he's asking me, I've been asking them in the coldness of nights to no one for years.

But no... Porsche. Kinn do loves you. But he can't tell you. No he didn't pretend like he did... in the past. I just wish i can just carry you to Kinn and drop you off on him and make you feel less of this pain.

But i also know... Kinn is right. He have too many enemies who will take you away so far from him. Far from... me. That we will not be able to forgive ourselves. Kinn would kill himself if something happened to you because of him.

.... and maybe then I'll follow you two. Because then I'll get nothing left.

To prevent all this from happening, porsche. We have to do this. Kinn have to keep you away from him. Because there's no other choice-

A sob pulled me away from my thoughts. I looked at Porsche who was by now crying painfully as he hide his face in his knees as they were tucked to his chest.

I cooed at his broken sobs and move towards him more and gathered him in my arms. He leaned his face on my chest as his arms made their way around my waist. I pat his head as i rock him back and forth.

After sometimes he calmed down but didn't move from his place.

"Porsche... what Kinn did.. lets just say that by what he did, he just saved you from being too much involved in our world. Even though he hurts you so bad but... think of it in a good way that by this you're just a bodyguard whom no one knows. If you were being called the main family's heir's lover, you'd be in much bigger trouble. Think all of this in a good way for your little brother. Because if you're out of target, your brother automatically will be not in danger, like ever." I said as porsche lifted his face and look at me with his still teary eyes for sometime before nodding his head.

"You're right. Even if i die, nothing should ever happen to Chay." Porsche said firmly.

"Exctly porsche," i cupped his face, "lets think about good things that came out from bad situations. Hmm?" I said caressing his cheeks as porsche give a small smile and nod his head once more. He wiped his tears away and gave me his usual smile as i put my hands back at my lap.

"And~! You tell me! What are you doing here?!" He said as his playfulness cames back in his voice.

"I went for monthly meeting and Khun told me you took some days off so i thought of spending some time with you in these days while being like friends instead of boss and bodyguard!" I said as Porsche let out a small chuckle.

"Being like friends huh?" He asked.

"Well..." i shift closer to him and hover over him a little as he shift a little backwards, "we can obviously be more than friends... only if you want."

It was almost hurting the way Porsche looked so beautiful with sudden redness on his cheeks and wide doe eyes staring at me in shock. I let out a chuckle.

I leaned back and walk towards the kitchen and looked at the place. It looks clean as if someone cleaned it recently.

"Can i get something to eat please. Didn't ate anything today." Porsche get out of his whatever trance he was in and get up with more blush of embarrassment.

"Y-yeah there actually is!!" He exclaimed cutely and run past me into the kitchen while i watch him in amusement as he kept his face in refrigerator more than required and I let out another chuckle.

Porsche's pov~

Its the 4th day of my so-called holiday. First two days were crazy, first Chay and then Vegas. But yesterday and today is thankfully peaceful without any more problems.

"Here." Vegas said as he hand me a cup of coffee. Its cold a little today. And he sat down beside of me on the grass of the backyard as we quietly sipped on our drinks and enjoy the twinkling stars in the sky.

Vegas have been here for last three days. After eating that day he ran towards the gates and then get to his bike only to grab a bag full of his cloths and told me he'll be here staying for the 'safety purpose' as long as im here. Told me his paa allowed him for somedays off from work as he.. well messed up his last meeting... and his father happily kicked him out.

Obviously i let him be. Because Right now he's the only thing that is keeping me sane.

Yes. Chay is here to keep me distracted from other things. But thats the only thing he do. He distracts. But the pain never goes away. I doubt it'll ever be gone but when Vegas is here. Things starts looking more bearable. These horrible feelings looks more easy to cope with.

He's here being my comfort and my anchor is more than enough for me.

"Vegas.." i called as he look at me.


"Can i... ask you something?... like if you don't wanna answer then its completely fine!" I said nervously as my curiosity is getting the best of me.

"Hey... you can ask me anything. You don't have to worry about it." Vegas said with a soft smile and i can feel my heart skipping few beats at that smile.

"Can you... you know... tell me more about your past? About this family? About kinn- i mean you don't have to!! Im just curious a little!! You can ignore it!" I said hurriedly as Vegas expression darkens at the mention of Kinn.

Vegas sighed and closed his eyes then looking down at his lap.

"Its fine Porsche." He said finally looking at me with yet another smile which i returned.

"Im sorry vegas.... you seriously don't have to-"

"I used to stick with Kinn like a koala all the time when we were kids. No one used to talk to me except Kinn. Khun used to be under pressure always as the heir of the main family and always would tell me to mind my own business since because he got actually alot of business. That bastard has always been like that." Vegas chuckled as he said that.

"But i knew he always cared. About Kinn. About Kim. About Macau. About... me. But he just especially liked to tease me alot and couldn't express his love to everyone." Vegas look at me with a smile and i couldn't help but do the same. Because i know Khun by now, so i can tell what Vegas said is 100% true. Khun acts like he doesnt care but he do. Very deeply he do.

"Kim was too little for me to play with him. Kim and Macau used to stick together always. Even though in every 10 secs they would fight on every silly things that could exist. But then they'll even make up in less then 10 secs." I smiled at the past theerapanyakuns and the way they still hadn't changed a bit. I did heard from Arm and Pol that Kim and Macau are like younger version of Tankhun and Vegas. They always fight whenever they'll see each other. But listening to Vegas, its a sad thing that now theres only fight is left in Theerapanyakun cousins. The love is long forgetten.

"And Kinn? How was he?" I asked quietly to not disturb the peacefulness  of the night. Vegas sighed.

"Kinn.. Kinn was different from everyone. He would worried about Khun since he used to work relentlessly and would take care and look after Kim and Macau so they won't fall while playing or starts hitting and fighting with each other. He used to be a perfect son for aunt as he'll help her with every thing without aunt saying anything. He used to take care of me always. He'll do everything to keep me safe. And I'll follow him like a little puppy everywhere. We were practically glued with each other. He was the best in the house." Vegas said as he take a deep breathe and looks in the sky. His eyes looking distant as the smile on his face tells the story that he's just lost in reminiscing the warmly past he shared with the people whom he once called family with love and care.

Suddenly his smile disappeared and his eyes, still distant, becomes glaringly sad.

"But then... aunt died. The sunshine of the house was gone. Kim and Macau's bond starts to break as Kim started becoming  distant with everyone. Macau tried to be with him in that hard time but Kim would just push him away. Push everyone away. Until one time everything between them accelerated and Kim mentioned to Macau how he cant understand the pain of losing mother as our mother died while giving birth to Macau." I gasped at that as Vegas just gave a sad smile while still looking in the sky.

"It was Macau's weak point as he'd always blame himself for taking our mom away from me. But its nonsense. He is never going be the one whom to blame... No one is. I still remember being 9 year old huged by 10 year old Kinn while crying hard as i get the news from my dad through a call that the new born is okay but... mother didn't survive." Vegas sniff quietly as i pull him close and he put his head on my shoulder. He continues.

"After that fight, Macau and Kim parted their ways. They started hating each other.... it was the first downfall between us brothers. Between us five."

"But me and Kinn take it on ourselves that we'll not let our bond break. Like never ever. Khun started paying more attention on Kim as he only talks to Khun freely while being distant to everyone else. At that time Kinn was greatly hurt as he couldn't help his baby brother to get out of that pained time. That all he can do is sometimes cuddle his brother to sleep while he cries softly on his chest. But then when finally everyone starts getting back to track, finally Kinn starts getting out of the house for highschool as he before, like any other of us, used to have home teacher, we were both happy as he would come home happily and tell me about how great it was being able to make more friends except tay and time, and I'll be happy to listen to him animatedly describing his days, things gets down that time suddenly...."


Next part coming soon!!!

Pls tell me was it good???😋😋😋😋

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