I'll Remember Someday... Fred...

Av CharlieA

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Teen mom? Check. The Dark Lord's daughter? Check. Amnesia? Check. Was there anything else? Harry Potter has w... Mer

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley
{Chapter 2} Lost Memories
{Chapter 3} Tommy's an Arse
{Chapter 4} Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes
{Chapter 5} Is it really Just Pity?
{Chapter 6} A Date with Fred Weasley
{Chapter 7} Verity's Plan
{Chapter 8} Pillows, they really do work!
{Filler} A Morning with Caitlin and George
{Chapter 9} The Weasley Rememberance
{Chapter 10} That's not Everything
{Chapter 11} A Chaotic Dinner
{Chapter 12} Heads will Turn
{Chapter 13} Firewhisky
{Chapter 15} The Hangover, News
{Chapter 16} Confusion
{Chapter 17} Birthday Date
{Chapter 18} The Photo Album
{Chapter 19} Someday
{Chapter 20} Happily Ever After

{Chapter 14} The Other Marley

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Av CharlieA

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter characters :)


Chapter 14: The Other Marley


            My eyes were slowly fluttering open as I realized I was laying on a white floor. I straightened up, now in a sitting position as I looked around myself, to see nothing but white. It was so white my eyes were a little confused at the scenery. I then noticed something, something glistened in the light as the light reflecting off of something. I stood up cautiously,  “Hello?” I called out, unsure what I was doing or where I was. “Hello? Anyone here?” I called out as I stood up walking towards an object ahead of me. It looked to be a person, a girl perhaps, since the object had slightly short curly brown hair. I continued to walk closer, cautiously, still unaware of what was happening. “Excuse me.” I said as I neared the person, but when I got closer I felt as if I had ran into a wall.


I stumbled back a few steps, curiously looking at the invisible wall in front of me. I placed my hand over it, running it against the smooth surface, to realize that it was in fact a glass-like wall, blocking my path. I knocked on the piece of glass trying to get the person’s attention that was just on the other side. “Excuse me, are you okay in there?” I called out. I looked around to see if there was a way to get inside to the girl, but I couldn’t seen anyway.


“There’s no way to get to me, at least, not yet.” I heard the person call out from the other side. Strange, even though we were separated by this invisible glass wall, I could hear her perfectly, as if she was standing right next to me. Her voice sounded familiar as well, “That’s because it is familiar.” She said as I blinked, could she read my thoughts. “Technically no, I can only read my own thoughts.”


“How do you know what I’m saying then?” I asked looking at the person sitting on the ground, “Where am I? And who are you?” I questioned, wanting to know what was going on.


The girl stood up from her spot on the ground as she started to turn around, once she was turned around and looking at me, my eyes widened in disbelief. I could not believe what I was seeing, it was ME. I was standing in front of myself, except… I didn’t have the same facial feature I had now, and I was walking not standing. “To answer you’re questioned in order: I know what you’re saying because well it’s my mind so I know what I’m saying. You are in your head I suppose, probably dreaming. And I’m you, and you are me.”


“That’s impossible.” I murmured as I smiled.


“Oh trust me, nothing is impossible. I mean we’re friends with wizards aren’t we? And we have a daughter that can teleport anywhere she wants, and do magic?” I questioned as I looked at myself curiously, this would take some getting use to.


“If you’re me, then why are you behind this glass.” I said as I placed my hand on the smooth surface of the invisible glass. It was there, I wasn’t making this up. I sighed from behind the glass.


“Because you’re taking so long remembering everything.” I said as I looked at my doppelganger.


“What do you mean?” I asked.


“Oh you know what I mean, how you can’t seem to remember certain events in the past, like a year ago. You’ve remembered a few now, but not the really important stuff.” I said as I frowned.


“Well how is that my fault? What do you remember everything?” I asked as I smirked.


“Yes I do, I’m the Marley that remembers everything that’s happened to us in the last year. I remember it all…” I said with a sigh, it seemed like my memory self was sad. “Well of course I’m sad! There are things that have happened in the past that I miss and want to get back to!”


“Well then why don’t you just tell me!” I exclaimed as she sighed.


“Because, you need to let down this wall before I can fill your mind with our memories.” She said as I cocked an eyebrow at her, “See this wall, is what is keeping the memories I have from you. It’s…. it’s what keeping the past Marley from the Present Marley, which is you.”


“I don’t understand…” I said as she sighed.


“Ugh… when did I become so dumb?” she questioned as I frowned at myself.


“Hey, if you’re insulting me, then you are just insulting yourself.” I said with my arms crossed as she smiled.


“Alright, well anyways, like I said this wall is the thing that is keeping you from actually remembering everything. If you would just let the wall down, I can fill you in to all what’s happened.” She said as I groaned.


“But how do I do that?” I asked as she groaned this time.


“You just let it down, you have to want to get your memories back.” She said as I sighed.


“I want to get my memories back…” I said as she cocked an eyebrow at me.


“But..?” she asked as I sighed, and then I heard myself gasp as I looked up at her looking at me with wide eyes, “You’re afraid!”


“What no!” I lied as she nodded.


“Yes you are, you’re afraid that something happened between Fred and us, and you’re afraid of what you can’t remember!” she exclaimed as I felt the blush form on my cheeks.


“So what? Look nothing is going on with Fred and us.”


“That’s not what last night said,” I heard myself say with a sly smirk as I felt my face heat up.


“I was drunk!” I exclaimed as I sighed.


“Yeah… I’m kind of disappointed, I always thought that when or if I would ever get drunk it would be after three or four glasses, not two… Sheesh, I guess everyone was right, I am a lightweight.”


“Whatever….” I said with a sigh, there were too many things going on. “Wait, then how come I remembered a few things?” I asked as she sighed.


“They are called triggered memories, it’s when something trigger a memory and you sort of remember, sometimes it may be the whole thing, but other times it may just be little snippets. See look over there,” she said nodding her head in the opposite direction of herself towards the wall, I looked over to see what seems to be a small hole. I quickly walk over, and there was a small hole, but it was no bigger than a penny. “You are somewhat trying to get the memories back, this hole was made after you remembered Max, because you remembered everything about Max, so this tiny little hole formed so all the memories I have of Max can flow right out and into our memory.” My doppelganger said as I looked at the small hole, I remembered Max completely, but nothing else? “Nope, only Maxey and you remembered a few of the family members of the Weasley family, but you don’t remembered everything that’s happened between them and yourself.”


“Why can’t I remember everything?” I asked as I sighed.


“Because, you are not trying to.” She said as I frowned.


“I am trying!” I argued.


“No you’re not, if you were I would be out of here by now. Look, you’re either afraid of what you are going to remember or you just don’t want to. You could remember everything in a second if you really wanted to, all you have to do is let down this wall.” My doppelganger challenged as I sighed.


“I can’t…”


“Why not?”


“Because, it’s like you said. I’m afraid.”


“AHA!” I shouted as I looked up to see my doppelganger pointing an accusatory finger at me. “I knew it! Well, I did since I’m technically you, but still I knew it. That’s why you don’t want to remember, because you’re afraid?” she asked as I nodded, “Let me guess, of what you’ll remember of Fred am I correct?”


“Yes, but also… of the people who died in the Hogwarts Battle, like Sam. I don’t want to remember how she died, I don’t want to see her face.” I said softly, as I looked up to see myself look at me with sadden eyes.


“Yes, well you have to be strong. You have to remember, do you just want to go through all your life never remembering what’s happened this past year?” she asked me.




“Maybe?! No! You can’t be a coward! What if something really important happened? You just want to never remember it?!” I questioned myself.


“Wouldn’t that be the first thing I remembered though?” I questioned as she sighed.


“Not necessarily, it may be the last thing you remember. Look, you need to realize that there may be things you may not want to remember, but you have to. For the sake of the others and ourselves. We may lose what we want most if you refuse to remember, and then when you do, it may be too late.” She said quietly as I sighed, and then I realized the room was starting to spin, and my head was beginning to hurt.


“What’s happening?” I asked as I turned around and smiled at myself.


“You’re waking up!” she exclaimed as I grabbed my head in pain, “Good luck with that hang over, you’re going to need it. Since we never drink, so this one is going to be a pain. Oh and Marley, take a look at that locket around your neck, if you ever really want to remember. It may just be of a little help.” I said with a wink as the room started to dissolve.


“Wait, but what will I remember?” I asked to the unknown as the room started to fade, and soon it was nothing but darkness.


wELL HERE you go! Sorry it's short, but i'm uploading another one today :) A little twist of wierdness correct? And maybe a little foreshadowing? :) well hope you enjoyed it!

People to check out: 3DaysFromLove, IAmFred, IAmGeorge, xxTheDreamerxx, the_chosen_one, Georgerocks_3_2_1.

Song of the Day: Love in a box By: The Workdays


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