Pokemon: Master Tales, Kanto...

By DisposableButtons

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This is a story following the tales of Jason Yoshi, a young idiot who wants to become a Pokemon Master, how s... More

Part 1: A Strange Message?
Part 2: Jason's Gone Again?
Part 3: Return to Mt. Moon?
Part 4: Where is that Idiot?
Part 5: Elite Four Plan's Revealed?
Part 6: Help From an Unexpected Source?
Part 7: Random Spa Episode?
Part 8: Thee World's Most Powerful Pokemon?
Part 9: Mewtwo?
Part 10: Oak's Biggest Mistake?
Part 11: Training and New Friends?
Part 12: Jason Vs Blaine?
Part 13: Crystal Island?
Part 14: Perseus Vs Elite Four Lorelei?
Part 16: Jason Vs The Elite Four's Bruno?
Part 18: The Struggle to Defeat Lance?
Part 17: Blaze And Volt Vs Lance?
Part 19: Escape From Crystal Island!?
Part 20: The Kanto Chronicle's End?

Part 15: Jason's Past?

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By DisposableButtons

A blindfolded Jason and his friends, Nova, Riolu, Blaze, Volt, Sapphire and Riolu has just left Percy to deal with Sabrina and were running through the cave as fast as they could. Sapphire looked at Jason, "Hey, you think your clawed friend can take care of Sabrina? She is pretty strong."

Jason chuckled, "You have no idea how powerful Percy can be." He said smiling. "I've seen the way he trains both himself and his Pokemon, she doesn't stand a chance against a monster like him."

Nova looked at him, "Isn't it rather mean to call Percy a Monster?"

Jason looked at her, "What else would I call him? Percy is a Monster!" He said, "And it's awesoooome!" They came to a huge room in the cave and stopped.

Volt looked around, "This feels weird, like we're being watched or something."

Sapphire fell on one of her knees, "It's cause we are being watched." She said in pain.

Jason looked at her, "Whoa! Are you ok?"

Amethyst popped out from under her cloak, "There are Ghost Pokemon in this place."

"That's right my small Ghost Pokemon." They turned around and saw Agatha floating in mid air. "My Ghost Pokemon are in this clearing and if you want to pass," Suddenly, Ghastly and Haunter appeared, "You'll have to defeat them all." Two Gengar appeared behind her.

Jason frowned, "We're surrounded, aren't we?" He asked.

Volt nodded, "Yep. They are all over the place." He chuckled, "Don't worry though, I should be able to handle-"

"You guys go ahead." Sapphire said. "I won't be able to do much until they are all gone."

Volt frowned, "OH COME ON!"

Sapphire stood up, "Just get going you idiots, this is why I was called here." She said.

"Yeah, I can't get crazy until you mortals leave! I might just damage your eyesight with how awesome I am!" Amethyst said.

Volt frowned, "Fine," he grabbed Jason's writs, "Let's get going." He dragged Jason across the large clearing as Nova and Blaze followed.

Sapphire sat on the ground holding her head, "Jeez, too many of them." She said. Then she reached behind her back and pulled two Pokeballs off her belt, then threw them, out came a Nidorino and an Arcanine. She pointed, "Go kill the Ghost Pokemon, otherwise, i'm done for."

The two Pokemon let out roars and flew off to fight Pokemon. Agatha laughed, "I don't know what you're planning on doing, but I know who you are Sapphire Quarts, you can't beat me. You don't have the energy since you can't control your Ghost powers enough to contain all the Spiritual energy coming from the Pokemon."

Sapphire looked over at Amethyst. "Go ahead."

Amethyst looked at her, "Wait, really?"

Sapphire smiled, "Go crazy."

Amethyst smiled in a really creepy way, "Yes! Oh hell yes!" He jumped up and pointed to the two Gengar, "You two vs me! Right here! Right now!" Both Genar flew at him, "This is gonna be awesome!"

Agatha chuckled, "You think your Sableye can defeat both of my Gengar?"

Sapphire smiled, "Without a doubt."

Amethyst ran at the Gengar as an epic fight enused, however, back with the others, Nova took over pulling Jason, he was deep in thought. "Mewtwo." He said in his head, "That seems so familiar." He thought long and hard, then he stopped, a picture of a Pokemon then flashed in his head, "Mew!" He remembered.

Nova stared at him, "Jason!" Jason was still blindfolded and jumped. "We have work to do!" She said.

Jason nodded, "Right sorry!" He remembered back, three years ago, when he was just seven years old.

Flashback, Jason was wearing a red jacket, black shirt, no shoes, and shorts. He walked down the stairs of his home, and saw his mom passed out on the couch, he walked over and saw a beer bottle in her hand, He shrugged it off. He took the bottle, and started cleaning up the room, there was trash everywhere. He then walked into the kitchen and started making coffee. His Mom woke up a little, she sat up on the couch and looked back to see Jason start fixing himself a bowl of cereal. "Oh, hey kid." She said, she stood up and grabbed her head.

Jason smiled at her, "Morning Mom!" He said with a grin. He then poured the milk into a bowl of cereal. "Have fun last night?"

His mom looked at him, "Oh yeah, that horror movie flick was the best."

Jason chuckled, "I mean when your friends came over to play poker."

"Oh, ya knew about that huh?" She said. The noticed the coffee.

Jason nodded, "Yeah, you guys woke me up so I watched for a little bit."

"Sorry kid, I thought you were asleep." She said.

Jason nodded, "It's ok." He then finished his cereal and stood up. "I"m gonna go out and play!" He put his food away and looked at his mom. "See ya later mom!" He ran out.

"Stay out of trouble today!" She yelled, "He always winds up getting into some weird disaster."

Jason was running through Pallet, and then started running into the woods. He ran through the trees and tripped over a tree root sticking out of the ground, he stood up and looked around, "Stupid haunted forest." he said. Then looked around, "Where are the Pokemon!" He said.

"Keep your voice down!" Jason looked over and saw a seven year old blaze, she was wearing a red shirt and jeans. "You'll scare them all away!"

Jason smiled, "Hi Blaze!" He shouted. "Have you seen any Pokemon around here!"

"I just said to keep your voice down!" She shouted back.

"Don't scream, you'll scare them!" Blaze picked up a rock and threw it at him as hard as she could. "Ouch! That hurt!"

"Shut up!" She then lowered her voice. "You'll scare them away."

"Oh, right," Jason said feeling stupid. "So, do you know where they are?"

"I saw a group of Rattata." Blaze said, "But you scared them off with your screaming."

"Oh... it was the forest's fault." Jason said, "It's haunted."

Blaze rolled her eyes, "Where did you get that idea?"

Jason smiled, "I heard that people with great navigational skills who go into forests are bullied by Ghost Pokemon." he smiled, "So obviously, Ghost Pokemon are playing tricks on me."

"Or you're just stupid." Blaze said.

Jason rolled his eyes, "You always think that." He looked into the woods. "I"m gonna go explore more." He looked at her, "Don't wait up!" He ran off.

Blaze rolled her eyes, "Idiot is going to get lost again." She followed him. "I'm coming too!" She chased him down. The two were wandering the forest having fun, it started getting dark though, the two kids were sitting at the edge of a cliff. Blaze looked at Jason, "We need to get going soon."

Jason smiled, "Alright." He said. "Hey, Blaze, do you remember that story?"

Blaze looked at him, "Which one?"

"You know, the Dominus Legend."

"You mean the one about the Master Badge?" She asked.

"Yeah! I love that story." He looked at her, "Do you think it's real?"

Blaze chuckled, "I doubt it." She said, "It's impossible to become the very best."

Jason looked at the sky, "But, what if it is true?" He said, "Think about how fun that must be, all the adventures Dominus Must have had." He smiled even wider, "I wish I could be a master."

Blaze raised an eyebrow, "You? A master?" She looked at the sky, "Well, I guess Master of stupidity is something."

Jason looked at her, "Oh shut up! You're just mad that i'm cooler than you are!"

Blaze glared at him, "What was that shrimp!?" She shouted, "You better watch it! I can beat the crud out of you!"She grabbed him by the collar,

"Careful! We're gonna fall!" Blaze then slipped and fell off the edge of the cliff, Jason grabbed her arm. "I got ya!"

Blaze yelled, "Please! Don't let go!" She pleaded, years in her eyes.

"I would never do that!" Jason shouted, "You're my friend!"

He tried to pull her up, but to no avail, he started losing his grip. "Please Jason! Don't let go!"

Jason grabbed onto her hand tighter, "NEVER!" He slipped off the cliff and they both fell, as they did, Blaze hit her head against the side of the mountain, and she was knocked unconscious. Jason wrapped his body around hers, "I'll protect you." He said. They kept falling.

Until right before they hit the ground, Jason heard it. "Mew"

He opened his eyes and it, a pink cat like creature. And he was just floating there, suspended in mid air. "What the hell?" He looked around, confused, I know, weird right? Jason is confused. The Pokemon lifted him up and flew him back to the forest, it put him down right outside the forest back in Pallet. Jason stared at it, "Um, thanks." The Pokemon flew back into the forst. "No! Wait!" He then heard Blaze, "Oh right, I should get you to a hospital." And so he picked her up, "Jeez, you're heavy." He ran her to the nearest hospital. The next day, he went back to the forest, he walked through it with a sandwich. "Hello!? Small weird pink thing!" He shouted, "I have nom noms!" He said flashing the food. He sighed, "Where are you?" He looked around, "I wanna say hi! And thanks! And like, I don't give you a hug or something!" He sat down. "I'm hungry now." He picked up the sandwich, "Well, fine then, i'll eat it." He picked it up and as soon as he was about to take a bite, it floated out of his grasp. He freaked out, "Hey! My sandwich!" He went to grab it, but it floated out of his grasp. Then, a bite was taken out of it. He jumped, "Hey wait a second!" Then, the Pokemon from the day before appeared. He smiled, "Oh hey! There you are!" It finished the sandwich and floated closer to him, he walked up to it. "Hey! My name is Jason!" He said, he held out his hand, "What's your name!"


"Where are you from?"


"Are you ok?"


Jason stared at the Pokemon, "So, your name is Mew, you come from Mew, and you're feeling Mew." He thought for a second, "Alright then Mew." He smiled, "Wanna play?"


"Whoo!" Jason ran off and Mew followed closely. They had fun for a while, they played and swung from trees and Mew even used her powers to help Jason fly. Finally Jason and Mew sat down in the forest, Jason was tired. he looked at mew, "Well, today was fun." he smiled, "So, I gotta head home soon." He said, "I'm getting hungry." He looked at Mew. "Do you want to come with?" Mew nodded, "Awesome!" They got up and left the forest. As they got to Jason's front door, he looked at Mew, "Ok, Mom doesn't allow Pokemon in the house anymore unless they are int their Pokeballs, sooo," He grabbed Mew and stuffed her in his jacket, then zipped it up, "Stay in here." He said. He then opened the the door and looked inside. "Ok, coast is clear." As he opened the door all the way, he saw his Mother standing behind the door. "WAAGH!" He jumped backwards.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked harshly.

"I was in the forest!" He said.

"Oh ok." She then left and sat down on the couch.

Jason let out a sigh of relief, then went upstairs, a while later after his mom fell asleep, he got some food and brought it up. He climbed out the window and on top of the roof, where Mew decided to join him. He looked atthe stars, "I love looking at the stars."


"It's so pretty up there, and it makes me feel like I can do anything.He said, "My Mom usually just ignores me, and everybody else just laughs at me a bunch." He said.


"If only," he said quietly, "If only I could do something better, bigger!" Mew looked at him, he smiled at him, "Sorry, I just," he sighed, "I want to be a trainer, but I just think it would be a stupid idea, i'm not very smart, and I usually screw shit up." He sighed, "I don't know, ignore me." He said. "Everybody else does."

Mew floated over to him, and touched their foreheads together, and Jason saw visions, he saw a man, he was doing something on a table, another vision flashed, he was showing a strange looking badge to Mew, the badge began to glow, then the man said, "Good job Mew, we have done it!" He said smiling, "We have created, the Master Badge!" He pinned it on his shirt, "With this badge the world will know, with this badge, I, Dominus, will protect everybody!"

The visions stopped and Jason jumped up, "Wait, was that, that, was, Dominus!? From the legends!"


Jason smiled, "So, it does exist!" Jason was so happy, then frowned, "I wonder what ever happened to it though." he said, then sighed, "I guess it doesn't matter." He looked at Mew, "Man, I bet if you're strong enough to get that Badge though, you must really be the very best." He looked down, "If I was that strong, I could protect everybody I care about, no matter how powerful the Pokemon, or anything that tried to stand in my way."


Jason looked at him, "Do you only say Mew?"


"Thanks. That was helpful." He sighed. He looked at Mew, "Let's get some sleep."


They went inside and went to bed. A week later, Jason was walking through Pallet and decided to go home, he was carrying a grocery bag when a strange man approached him, "Hey kid." Jason looked at him. "Have you seen this Pokemon around?"

Jason looked at the picture, and it was Mew. "Yeah, that's Mew." he said, "He's staying with me, is he your Pokemon?"

The man chuckled, "Yes, of course."

Jason smiled, "Cool, let's go see him then." Jason went home and the man followed him. "So, how long have you had Mew?"

The man chuckled, "Oh so long, I don't even know." He said, "I guess I would say I raised him from the day he hatched."

Jason smiled, "Really? How interesting." Jason said.

"What is so interesting about that?" The man asked.

Jason looked at him, "Because, you don't look hundreds of years old!" Jason threw the bag into the Man's face, "Mew belongs to Dominus! And he died hundreds of years ago you fool!" Jason shouted, "I may be an idiot, but even I know how time works!" He then ran off.

"You brat!" He chased Jason down.

Jason ran to the back of his house and shouted "Run Mew!"

Mew heard Jason from inside his room and flew out the window and saw him. "Mew?"

"Run! Somebody is here to get you!" Jason shouted.

The man came around the corner, "There you are Mew!"

Mew got scared, "Mew!"

Jason looked at Mew, "Go Mew! Run!"

Mew looked at him, "I can't protect you Mew! I'm not strong enough!"

The man threw out a Pokeball and out came an Alakazam. "Use Psybeam!" The Alakazam shot the attack from his spoons. Mew dodged the attack with ease, then started flying into the forest. "After him!" The ordered. Alakazam started levitating and floating after Mew, the man ran by his side.

Jason frowned, "No, I gotta help him." He said. His knees were shaking, "But, what would I be able to do? I'm just a kid." He then shook his head, "But my friend needs me." He ran after the two.

The man chased Mew through the forest, his Alakazam kept trying to hit the Mew out of the sky, but Mew kept dodging. Finally, Alakazam shot a branch in front of Mew and it knocked Mew down. Then Alakazam used his Psychic powers to pick Mew up and hold him. The man laughed, "Sorry, Mew, but you're coming with me." He said. Mew cried in pain. "Oh shut up, Arceus you're annoying."

A big rock fell on Alakazam' head knocking him out and releasing Mew, "Fly away Mew!" Jason shouted. Mew looked over and saw Jason sitting in a tree, he was tired from carrying the rock that hit Alakazam.

"Mew!" Mew tried to fly towards him.

"No Mew! Run away!" Mew was taken aback, "I could only slow them down! Run away! Go!" Tears were forming in his eyes. "Please! Before they catch you!"

"Mew!" Mew started crying a little.

"Don't worry! I'll find you again some day Mew!" Jason said, "And then i'll protect you, like a real friend would! Until then, go!"

The man looked up at Jason, "You brat! Stop this!" Jason started throwing rocks he had in his pocket at the man. "Oh! Damn it! This kid lives near here, so even if I chase him down, he knows this forest better." He thought. He looked at Mew, "I'm coming back for you Mew!" He then ran away.

Mew turned to Jason and waved bye, then flew off. Jason got out of the tree, "I'll find you again some day Mew, and I won't let anyone hurt again." He fell to his knees, "But how am I going to do that!?" he then remembered what he said, on the roof, "If I was that strong, I could protect everybody I care about, no matter how powerful the Pokemon, or anything that tried to stand in my way." He then stood up, "That's what i'll do." He said, "I will become the very best, like no one ever was." He stared into the sky, "And then nobody I car about, nobody I love will ever be hurt again!" He shouted, "I will become a Pokemon Master, and protect everybody!"

Jason was running through the caves, bandanna still over his eyes, Nova pullinng his wrist, he grabbed her hand and held it tight, then sped up so he was next to her. Nova noticed this, "We gotta hurry Nova." He said, "We have to stop this whole thing being Lance back to his old self."

Nova stared at him, then nodded, "Right."

Meanwhile, back with Agatha, all of the Ghost Pokemon were defeated, and both Gengar's collapsed on the ground. Sapphire smiled, "Nice work."

Amethyst smiled, "Thanks! These Pokemon didn't stand a chance."

Sapphire returned her other two Pokemon. Then they heard a kicking sound. They looked over and saw Agatha kick her Gengars. "Pathetic! Useless! Worthless!" She shouted. "How could you lose to a Bug!"

Sapphrie got pissed, "Hey! Don't hurt your Pokemon just because they lost!" She shouted.

Agatha turned to her, "As long as I hold their pokeballs, they will do as I say, and I will treat them however way I want!"

Amethyst yelled, "How dare you hurt them you human scum!" He lunged at her.

Agatha threw her hands up in defense, "Get back garbage!"

Amethyst crawled around her then jumped off. "So, you will control them until you no longer have their Pokeballs, right?" He said, then turned to her to show he had all the pokeballs, in their smaller size of course, in his mouth.

"Return those this instant!" Agatha demanded.

Amethyst bit down and destroyed all the pokeballs at once, "Sorry, return what?"

The Gengars saw this a rejoiced, all the Ghastly and Haunter got up and flew out of the cave. The Gengar flew over and thanked Amethyst. Sapphire smiled, "Looks like your Pokemon didn't want to be with you at all."

Agatha glared at her, "Shut up you stupid child." She started floating, "Lance will defeat Jason, then everybody else on this wretched Island and become a Pokemon Master! Just you wait and see!" She disappeared.

Amethyst crawled over to Sapphire, "Jeez, that woman is just full of hot air."

Sapphire nodded, "Yeah yeah, whatever." She turned around, "Well, we did our part, we should go now."

"We're not gonna go an continue helping them?" Amethyst asked.

"No, it's boring and I have more important things to do." She picked Amethyst up and put him on her shoulder, "Let's go."

Jason and his friend are still on the hunt for Lance, Percy is close behind, and Sapphire has already left, with Mark and Ruby in the air knocking down any threats, will they all be alright? Who knows.

Don't Own Pokemon, please don't sue?

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