Finally! (BOOK 1) - Alois x R...

By DannyMailManny

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(This is book 1/2 in the Finally series!) 2 of the richest households in london, The Phantomhive's and The Si... More

Chapter 0, My Arrival
Chapter 0.5, Stupid Little Key
Chapter 1, And There He Is
Chapter 1.5, The Search Begins
Chapter 2, Catch me if you can!
Chapter 2.5, 'Sebastian'
Chapter 3, The Fight Begins!
Chapter 3.5, 'Hertlair'
Chapter 4, Pact Broken
Chapter 4.5, Wonderland
Chapter 5, Meant To Be!
Chapter 5.5, A Small Village
Chapter 6, His Ring
Chapter 6.5, Claude's Pact
Chapter 7, A Spider Not a Raven
Chapter 7.5, Y/N Silversfield
Chapter 8, File After File
Chapter 8.5, A Lovely Death
Chapter 9, Claude Returns
Chapter 9.5, Newspapers
Chapter 10, ,,Medicine''
Chapter 10.5, No More Spiders, No More Ravens
Chapter 11, Phantomhive?
Chapter 11.5, No Means No
Chapter 12, Say My Name
Chapter 13, Verbatim
Chapter 13.5, Maniac
Chapter 14, Home..?
Chapter 14.5, Vile
Chapter 15, Toujours
Chapter 15.5 Blessing
Chapter 16, Nostalgic
Chapter 16.5, Breadcrumbs
Chapter 17, Oozing, Oozing, Oozing.
Chapter 17.5, Home
Chapter 18, Anything
To be continued...

Chapter 12.5, Look Into My Eyes

34 1 0
By DannyMailManny

The rustling of leaves and the stinging wind filled my senses. "What could Ciel want from me anyway?" I crossed my arms, deciding not to waste energy. I knew that Claude would come for me. "Ah! Have they wiped your memories? That is quite a shame. I was thinking of inducing small talk on your time at the Trancy Manor, Silversfield." He exhaled, "Now we must hurry! We don't wish to be late for your reunion." He sped up. "They had no memory to wipe? I can assure you I am not missing anything. You people are just plain psychopaths, plotting such vile acts." I rolled my eyes. "Oh? What have you heard?" He asked. "Why do you wish to know? You should already, it's common knowledge. Especially for you." I let my hands fall to my sides. "Ah, I just wish to be informed on the social blemishes Trancy has bestowed upon you, that's all." He smiled. "Well.. I am unsure how to explain such an act..." I thought aloud to myself, wondering how to explain it. "I was informed of your vile acts of trying to bestow your dictatorship upon London."

He gave a confused "Huh.". "That is an interesting theory, indeed. Where is your source? Your evidence?" He asked, a smile plastered upon his face. I sat in silence for a second, there was no evidence within the theory. Just Alois' word. "Well I was perfectly fine with the Trancy's, this is a kidnapping! I can assure you I do not want to go with you Phantomhive's." I rolled my eyes once again, showing clear displeasure. "That is what you think! Trust me, you're better off with us.." He smiled, though, it dropped rather quickly. His speed picked up, I had to smile myself. Claude was right behind us. Sebastian whipped around, still keeping balance. "My, you don't give up now do you?" He smiled for himself, Claude kept serious. "I am afraid this foolish game must end. I will abide by my masters orders and take back Silversfield!" He sped up. 

Sebastian did a specific hand movement, the sound of thread was quickly and quietly portrayed in the intense chase. Claude dodged it, throwing a few golden knives in Sebastian's direction, obviously Sebastian dodged them effortlessly. It was quite interesting to watch unfold, two demons with counteracting orders, each with equally matched strength and speed. I wondered who was to win. Their anger was made clear, Claude taking a more serious approach whilst Sebastian made clever remarks throughout the chase. "Well, this dance has been fairly enjoyable if I might say so myself but I must leave! Too-da-loo~!" Sebastian turned around, choosing flight over fight. I assumed he was getting tired, or dare I say; bored. But that was when my thoughts were cut off by the loud roar of a chainsaw. "Gahh!!" a lady-like apparition with a red chainsaw stopped Claude. Sparks flew from what I could see, but they soon shrunk into the distance. 

"Oh! There's more?" He stopped, positioning himself carefully on a tree-branch. Hannah back-flipped in front of us ever-so-casually. She pulled out two daggers, one in each hand. "Oh, I remember you. Mighty odd that a demon is to work with a human they have not signed a contract with?" Sebastian smiled at her. "I work with my master, contract or not. Either way our relationship is master and maid, I do not see how that is your business." She got into an attack position. "It makes me question your authenticity. Why would you work with a human just to get nothing in the end? No soul for you in the end." She swung at him. "I don't understand your statement and I will not remark my earlier statement a secondary time! Leave my business alone and give me the child!" She yelled, still slashing at Sebastian. "I am afraid I am unable to do so. An order is an order, and I wish not to be late in the delivery!" He jumped over her and carried down the trees. "I don't see a point. It's 5 against 2.. if that weirdo is even with you." He laughed at my statement.

"You could say that he works with me. But our relationship is mighty confusing. He is a rather big help in situations like these, but I wish not to contact him unless needed. He doesn't seem to mind." He turned around, and looked back in front. "We're almost there anyway, I'd have to say; this went by rather quickly. Wont you agree?" He looked down at me, I looked back with displeasure on my face. Thompson, Timber and Canturbury were mighty fast, catching Sebastian off guard. "Ah yes the three triplets. I'll be honest; I forgot about you three. You're quite quiet." He stopped, a smirk still on his face. "Claude!" Ciel's voice came from below the trees. "Of course!" And with that, Sebastian threw me down to Ciel's level. I was quite amazingly caught mid-air by Claude. "Shouldn't have let them go so quickly." Claude said blandly, like usual. He fixed his glasses as the Triplets and Hannah positioned themselves behind Claude. "Let Silversfield so and we'll leave." Sebastian jumped down from the trees as well, he took place beside Ciel.

Claude looked at me, I looked back. "If I were to do so; you would take them and I would fail my orders. So your answer is; no." Claude stated. "We would not take them without consent. But I know they will come to us without force." Ciel answered, seeming pretty confident. "How am I to believe you?" Claude exhaled. "Even if we were to break promise, you have an upper-hand. Let Y/N go and we will leave you alone." Ciel crossed his arms. "If you wish.." Claude put me down, I stood my ground and did not move. "Are you bound?" Ciel slowly started walking up to us, Sebastian stopped him and whispered something into his ear. "And if this were to be a trap?" Ciel asked. "This was not planned. You asked for us to let them go and we abided. You are to fulfil your side of the promise and leave." Claude said. "But.." Ciel started, interrupted by Sebastian once more. "We must go, master.","You have not specified us to give the young master to you, therefore we are not breaking anything. You sounded very sure of yourself that they'd move with consent but they choose to stay with us." I nodded at Claude's statement. "You scare me, Ciel Phantomhive. I wish for you to leave and never come back!" I waved him off.

My words were full of truth, I didn't know what to think of Ciel at that point. I was disorientated and unsure of anything going on. I just knew that I had to trust Alois, for he was the only person who I felt actually cared. Ciel, unwillingly, left. He left with a nod, not another word. The dissatisfaction that rang to me, the unpleasurable feeling of yelling at him. It was as if our memories did not matter, he was a vile person with ill intent and I could not feel pity for such a person. I exhaled and we all walked back to the mansion. About halfway there, I saw Alois suddenly running up to me. "Y/N! You're alive..." His breath was shaking he appeared to have been terrified to an extent that was unbearable to his mindset. "You didn't think I'd die so quickly on you? Did you?" I smiled at him and he hugged me tightly. I stopped. "Don't ever leave me again.. I don't want to lose you.." He sniffled, "Now, don't get yourself worked up. You're going to mess up their clothing." He glanced at Claude after he made that remark. "Go back inside, all of you! The mansion is a mess and I want it cleaned.. now!" He demanded to the servants. 

"Today has just been so long.. I need a break." He exhaled. "Indeed you do." I agreed, I took his hand and led him to his room. "Say, doesn't this mean I get my room back?" I turned to him, we stood in front of his room. "The guest bedroom is made for guests. Dear, you're not a guest." I let go of his hand. "Last time I checked, our last 'guest' was not a guest." I laughed. "I am afraid you are correct. But just stay with me for one more night..? I just wish to feel your warm imbrace, it's all I can think of..." He begged, I sighed. "Alright. Just one night." He smiled with glee at my answer and we entered his room. Hannah was cleaning up the remaining mess. "Great to see you're finally doing something useful, Hannah." He commented on her current duties. "I'll let Sebastian finish here, I wish for you to tend to Y/N and get them ready for resting." She nodded at his order and I nodded too. I followed Hannah who led me to the guest bedroom. I sat down on the bed. "Do you have any bruises? Scratches?" She questioned, getting down into a kneeling position. 

"Thankfully, I don't feel anything. You demons are mighty good at your jobs." I looked to the closet. "Thank you. I am afraid we don't get compliments from Lord Trancy, so all are greatly appreciated." She smiled lightly. "Oh? I'd expect decency from a boy like him." She started undressing me, I avoided eye-contact. "Did he do that?" I asked. "Do what?" She removed my shirt. "Your eye. Did he do that to your eye, of course if you don't mind answering." The cold aura of the mansion hit my skin once again. She held her bandage for a moment. "Yes. He did. He gouged it out, I did no comply my orders. All servants need proper punishment." She stripped me down to my undergarments. "What kind of slip up would cost your eye?" I asked, still avoiding eye-contact. "I looked him in the eyes. A maid should never do such a thing." She put a tunic on me. "'A maid' you say? Quite a funny thing for a demon to call herself. I'd expect you to have more power. Some confidence?" I sighed, she buttoned up the tunic. "...Alois Trancy is my master and-" I cut her off, "You haven't even signed a contract with him, why do you obey someone who brings you pointless suffering?"

"I... I never thought of it that way." She stuttered, I looked her in her eye. "Hannah." i put my hands on he face, "Why do you obey him?" She grabbed my wrists lightly. "I can show you why." She grinned, it sent a chill up my spine. "Show?" I gulped. She lifted her patch, an indented bloody eye was presented to me. She leaned her head downward and it fell out, the optical nerve still attached. "Open wide." I couldn't help but comply, I opened my mouth. I tasted the blood and I froze. What was this feeling? It was fear, excitement, engagement. "Hah... hah!" I laughed, "I don't understand your reaction?" She said quietly. "I don't either.." I muttered, spitting out the eye and handing it back to her. "I'd like to see where this is going but Alois is waiting on me." I got up, she stayed in place. "I hope he treats you better, Hannah." I left the room.

I walked into Alois' room and he laid on the bed with a book on his chest. He was passed out cold. "Oh my.." I whispered. I closed the door quietly behind me "Silversfield." Claude started, I jumped. "Oh goodness! You scared the crap out of me..!" I whispered, turning around to him. "My deepest apologies. I was just about to ask if you wish for me to prepare the bed." I shook my head to his question. "Leave him be, he's had a long day.." I exhaled with a smile, my heart still somewhat beating hard. "As you wish. Have tender dreams, young master." bowed and closed the door behind himself. I sat down on the bed and stared out the window, quite tired myself. Something told me to watch the stars, I watched them closely. 

It was the farthest from cloudy and the scenery was perfect. A small breeze escaped the cracked open window, I smiled at the final silence. I finally was away from the drama for a second. Just letting the dust settle, letting myself breathe. I let my shoulders drop, my head empty and my breathing soft. I walked up to the window and let my hands rest on the glass. That's when I heard rustling, I quickly looked down and I saw the one and only: Ciel Phantomhive and his butler climbing the wall. "You have to be kidding me!" I whispered. I opened the window and peeked my head down. "I thought I told you to leave!" I exclaimed, trying to stay as quiet as possible. "I'm not leaving without you!" Ciel responded. 

"Well you're going to have to because I'm not leaving with a person as vile as you..!" My grip tightened to the window sill. "Just let me explain, Y/N. Come down here or I'm coming up!" He exclaimed, I furrowed my brows. "Well good luck climbing because I'm staying up here." I leaned against the wall, out of sight from the window view. My arms were crossed as I watched Alois sleep, waiting for Ciel to leave. But then.. "Thanks for the luck." Ciel smugly said, climbing in through the window. "What could you possibly want that's so important?" I whispered. "Well-" I stopped him and pointed to Alois. "Oh.." He whispered, "Well, I need to ask you one simple thing. Do what I ask and I'll leave." He whispered, lifting his eye-patch. Another headache. "Look into my eyes." He put his hands on my shoulders, "Why?" I asked, quietly. "Just do it." I sighed and did so. It gave me a stinging feeling in my head, my head started to pound and my heart with it.  I looked at my reflection that laid deep into his eyes. "Ciel..?"

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