From Rags To Riches

By BritneyVasquez

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We've all complained about being poor or broke at least once in our lives. But do you really know what poor i... More

From Rags To Riches
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 23

371 19 7
By BritneyVasquez

"She called me a slut!"

"She called me a raging alcoholic! "

"She called me abusive and you a bullying whore!"

"Guys, we can't kill Tiffany. That'd look really bad on our records," I started. "Besides it's not like she-"

"It was on LIVE TV!" The three shouted in unison. I rubbed my temples, trying to think clearly.

Why did she do this again?

Oh yeah.



"And then they got my order wrong! I mean can you believe these people?" The annoying voice shrilled throughout the living room.

"Yo, Tiffany, can you do the world a favor and shut the fuck up?" Logan asked, glancing up from his cell phone.

"Listen here Logan, just because you're -" A black sock was flung in her face, effectively cutting off whatever retort Tiffany was going to say.

"I cannot believe you just did that!" She shrieked, peeling it off her nose.

"Neither can I! Nice shot Jake!" Andrea chuckled, giving him a fist bump.

"Well someone had to shut her up and I doubt Logie-bear would've done it," Jake smirked as Tiffany threw a tantrum.

We'd been watching an episode of the Big Bang Theory when Tiffany burst into the living room and sat across from us, demanding attention from everyone. Most of the bands were out in the pool or watching TV along with us, so they got a front row view of the situation.

"You four think you're so cool just because you have a few fans, well guess what? SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE IS THIS DAMNED BUILDING! You are still nothing Elizabeth and Jacob, NOTHING. You're useless, worthless trash! And I'm going to make sure that everyone knows it," Tiffany fumed, her face turning red with anger.

"Hold up one second. We don't think we're cool. We know we are, unlike you who has to bring everyone else down in order to make your petty little -" Logan was cut off by the three judges walking into the room.

"Attention everyone! We are now at our final eleven and you know what that means, INTERVIEWS!" Katherine exclaimed, jumping happily.

Oh yeah.

Last week we had gotten rid of nine other teams after performing with the zombie theme. Our band had done Thriller, our bruises giving the makeup artist a lot less work to do.

Since we were down to the final eleven now, each week two bands will be voted off the show until we get to the final three. Then they'll go by ones obviously.

"Interviews of who exactly? I mean we're already doing the videos isn't that enough ?" One of the girls asked, popping her gum.

"We're not really interviewing you, well, we will but only about how you get along with others bands and such. The people we'll actually interview is your families. Since two of you are going away tomorrow night, we're only showing the families of those who stay. We'll still show your personal interview however," James explained.

"Alright, whatever," the girl said, turning around and heading to her room.

"So now, we're going to need you to go upstairs as we call you so you can be filmed," Walter said, rubbing his eyes tiredly.


"So how well do you get along with other bands?" Ashley, the show's hostess asked me.

"Well, we aren't exactly the closest but we get along alright. The only other band I'm close to is Unrealistic Dreams, since I'm rooming with two of the members," I said, trying to ignore the blinking red light of the camera.

Yeah, that ain't working.

"Any rivalries going on?"

"Not really, I mean there is that band with Tiffany Burkewood but I mean, I just try to ignore them," I blew a strand of hair out of my face, embarrassed I'd brought up Tiffany.

Of all the stupid things I could've said. That was the one that's going to get me questioned.

"And what do you mean by that?" Ashley's eyes sparked with newfound interest.

"Uh.. well, we don't get along? We're from the same school and town and stuff but I mean, we've never been on the best of terms, you know? There have been insults... punches... bruises," I winced, rubbing my side as I remembered the last attack at school.

"Really? So there's been bullying? " she asked me, waving her hand when I asked the time. "Don't worry, we shorten it for the show, the full thing will be online."

"Well, yeah. I mean, it's not just me it's everyone I know pretty much that's been affected. But can we change the topic? I'm really not comfortable talking about this."

"Hmm. Alright. Now let's hear about this relationship you have going on with Carter? How's that going?" She asked, trying to make me more at ease.


"Not exactly a relationship. There was a situation last week where neither one of us wanted to well, deal with really. So we just parted ways." I explained awkwardly.

"What about your band member, Logan? He has quite a crush on you if I recall correctly."

Even I don't know what's going on there.

Cheeks flaming I responded with," Well, we haven't gone out yet or anything but who knows? Maybe in the future something will happen."

"Thank you for your time. Now I think that's a wrap! Send in Tiffany, she's next on the list."

Walking out of the room I ran into Tiffany, well more like she stabbed her heel into my foot.

"Ow!" I held my foot, checking for any damage.

"Listen here. If you think that hurt then your not ready for what's coming next. You are worthless, you're nothing. And I'm going to make sure everyone knows that, " Tiffany snarled at me before strutting into the room.

Whatever. There's nothing she can do to me now.

Boy was I wrong.

"It's always been this way. They've always bullied me!" Tiffany sobbed on the giant screen in front of us. "You can ask anyone back home. Their entire family hates me for no reason! They've attacked me physically and emotionally and now that there's no one to stop them I'm scared. Especially since now Jake is a raging alcoholic and they even have my brother and ex-best friend in their clutches."

"Who the crap is your brother? " I asked as I felt Logan tense up next to me.

We were watching the interviews on the giant screen behind us, we'd just finished performing and we're waiting to see who would be voted off. Since the interviews were so long only the "highlights" were being shown, most likely they were trying to pull on the heartstrings in order to keep some of the bands on the show.

"Who is your brother and ex-best friend?" Ashley's concerned voice asked.

I can't believe she's believing this bullcrap.

"M-my brother is Logan Harrison and my friend was Andrea Robinson. But ever since they became Liz and Jake's band mates Logan has been even more abusive towards me, telling me he's going to hurt me and everything. And Andrea, she's become a whore, just like Liz. She's been sleeping around, leading people on... it's just horrible, " the liar sobbed. At this, I snapped my head towards Logan, in shock.

They're related?

We are so talking about this later.

"Cause slut shaming is definitely the way to go. Especially since she's the one who sleeps around," Andrea muttered, her eyes filling with hatred.

"They always tell me how I'm worthless, pathetic, and just a nuisance to the world."

With that the lights grew brighter and focused on us.

"Anything to say for yourselves ? " Ashley asked coldly, all kindness gone.

"That we'll be right back after this commercial break!" Logan clapped his hands, causing the cameramen to take their cameras off us.

"Why hello there. How's it feel being the most hated band of the show?" Tiffany smirked as she walked pass us.

"I'm gonna kill her. I swear I'm going to kill her. I'M GOING TO- " Andrea snarled. She pounced, being practically tackled to the ground by Logan before she could rip Tiffany's fake eyelashes off.

"What do you think you're doing!? If we do something she'll pin it back on us bullying her!" I screamed, ignoring the whispers of the other bands as they walked around.

"She called me a slut!"

"She called me a raging alcoholic! "

"She called me abusive and you a bullying whore!"

"Guys, we can't kill Tiffany. That'd look really bad on our records," I started. "Besides it's not like she-"

"It was on LIVE TV!" The three shouted in unison. I rubbed my temples, trying to think clearly.

Why did she do this again?

Oh yeah.

That's where this whole shenanigan began.

"Okay so it's, well bad. But it's not like it can get any worse! I'm mean c'mon there's no way she can top this like really, there's just no way-" I started before feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Oh my God, there is a way this can get worse. Are you seeing this?"

Suddenly, Andrea and Logan's phones vibrated in unison and they swiped them open.

Staring at the phone in shock Logan stormed towards Tiffany. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Well, there goes our 'ignore it' plan." I muttered, picking on my shirt sleeve.

Everyone online believed her, and now we were getting hate and being told how they were disappointed/ how we were going down.

"We were never going to ignore it and you know that. Besides, I doubt Logan will physically harm her, hopefully he's smart enough to realize that'd only support her scheme." Andrea said.

"Whatever. All I know is that it's time for someone to get voted off and hopefully it's not us," Jake growled, his eyes darkening as the cameras turned towards us and Ashley raised her microphone to her face.

Ah yes, that fateful decision.

Long story short they voted us off, we parted ways and Jake and I decided to become strippers in order to pay off our bills.

No of course not. The band that did get voted off however was Unrealistic Dreams. That's right, the Reynolds were going home.

There was a lot of crying.

"Listen, Liz, Andrea, I just want you two to know that, well you looked out for me. If you hadn't walked in that first day then I would've," Mai started crying softly.

I gave her a somewhat comforting pat on the back, "Listen, it's okay. You're one of our closest friends now. Don't think just cause you're leaving-"

Cue the louder sobbing.

"We're going to keep in touch, okay?" Andrea finished for me when she saw how I tensed up.


Meanwhile, Claire was packing her things quietly, silent since after the show. Matt and the guys walked in, Carter rubbing his red eyes.

Andrea and Matt did a weird handshake/ fist bump thing before giving each other a big hug.

"I'm going to miss you little man," Andrea muttered into Matt's ear.

"Same here. But don't think you're getting rid of me that easy," he answered with a sad smile.

"Claire, Mai, I-its time to go," Carter announced, his voice cracking slightly. "Say your goodbyes, I'll meet you outside."

Tearful goodbyes were exchanged until the last one that was left was Carter, who was staring straight at me with a sad look in his eyes.

I felt nothing.

"Can, " he cleared his throat," Can I speak to Liz? Alone?"

"Why? So you can go ahead and hurt her even mo-" Logan started, his fists clenched. He was silenced by Andrea putting her hand on his shoulder and Jake giving a quick shake of his head. "Fine. Five minutes."

They filed out, Jake leading the way.

Running his hand through his hair, Carter stared at me with those oceanic eyes I had once swooned over.

I was such a fool.

"Liz, I just... Bloody hell, I kept thinking of ways to apologize but I can never say it right so here it goes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm a stupid, reckless, asshole. I'm sorry that I cheated on you, almost got you... Damn it! I'm so sorry for everything. But most of all, I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry I let you down." He ranted, sitting on the floor against the wall.

"You know what? Don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you Carter."

"No Liz! You don't understand. It's not that you're not good enough, it's that you're too good for me, I didn't deserve you. I never will. But I just hope that somehow, you can forgive me. I'm not asking for another chance because I know I'm not getting one. I just want forgiveness. Please. Can we at least be friends?" he begged.

The thing is though, I'd already forgiven him.

You see, I'd done some thinking, and realized something. Our relationship wasn't going anywhere. Sure he was obviously cute but you see, his ocean blue eyes that turned gray in the sun were nothing compared to a certain brown eyes that secretly turned to gold.

"Okay. Fine you're forgiven just, don't try anything. Because when I say we're friends that's it. Nothing more. Is that understood? "

He smiled widely, running towards me and lifting me up in the air as he hugged me. "Thank you. You don't understand how much I needed you to forgive me before I left. "

"Yo Carter! We gotta go like, now!" Claire shouted, opening the door and peeking in. "Brendan the driver is gonna have a migraine from the amount of crying Mai has been doing so let's hurry this up."

"We'll keep in touch. " I said, hugging him before pushing him out of my room.

Closing the door and sliding my back down it I ended up on the floor. My head resting near the doorknob I muttered to myself as I stared at Mai and Claire's beds.

"They're gone."

Author's Note:
Hello passengers how are you?

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! If you're not a mother then wish your mother a happy mother's day. And if you don't celebrate it then... Happy Random Sunday!

Life has been super busy but I'm here now! Sorry for the late update btw.

Also how many more chapters do y'all think this should be? I think I'll only have a few more and then I'll end it but I'm not sure.

Also, what are your thoughts about a spinoff but instead of focusing on Liz, it'd be on her siblings? Let me know if you'd read it and who it should be about. I'm thinking about using the twins Jamie and Jared but I'm not sure.

Question of the Day:

What are your favorite names?

Mine for guys has to be James, no reason I just really like that name. For girls probably Leah, Andrea or Olivia.

Leave your answers below!

Please vote, comment, (and if you like) follow!


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