Mute|| Sashannarcy

By poochy99

53.3K 1.5K 8.6K

Marcy Regina Wu, a young 23 year old girl recently moved out of her home into a new dorm for her studies at c... More

1- First Impressions
2- Roommates
3- Tagging Along
4- Perfect Chemistry
5- Lockdown
6- Outing
7- Study Buddies
8- Gym Troubles
9- Party
10- Cuddles
11- Comfort
12- Date Night
13- Home Care
14- Sneaking Out
15- Reflexion
16- Forgiven
17- Aquatic Spectacle
18- Family Visit
20- A New Start
21- A Small Encounter

19- Three Lovers

1.8K 58 348
By poochy99

"We're here! You can open your eyes now, Marcy!"

Marcy opened her eyes and soon afterwards, they grew wider with a familiar surge of excitement as she recognized their location.

They were at the arcade and it was as lively and beautiful as she could remember from the last time. Except now that it was nighttime, the vibrant neon lights from inside finally got to showcase their beauty in full display.

Anne smiled as she noticed how her face brightened. "What'd you think?"

"Did we do well?" Sasha teased, sounding playful.

Marcy nodded vigorously, hardly able to contain her delight. "But I thought that we got kicked out of this place?"

"We had a little time talk with the manager," Sasha explained, before mischievousness took over her expression. "After totally not bribing him, we got another chance to go here. You can thank us later."

The raven-haired woman's eyes lit up with joy and then the three proceeded to enter the arcade. Marcy quickly scanned through the place, trying to search for something that they could do together. After all, they were so thoughtful to bring her here.

When something finally caught Marcy's attention, she grinned and swiftly dragged Anne and Sasha over.

And what was the game in question? Why it was Super Dance Fun Time Fusion. The game that Anne and Sasha had played together the last time.

"This is what you wanna play?" Anne asked to which Marcy nodded eagerly.

"You have good taste," Sasha commented, holding back a chuckle as Marcy's cheeks grew pinker.

"Why don't you go show her some moves this time Sasha? You're the best dancer I know!" Anne exclaimed sweetly with such warmth that it made her girlfriend start to babble nervously a bit.

"I—I was on—in a cheerleading team a long time ago, Anne," Sasha stammered incoherently while shuffling her feet, which Marcy found to be cute. "You're just saying that..."

"What, no! I really mean it, Sash! You were amazing, and you still are! If anyone can dance it's you!" Anne's eyes, as blue as water reflecting a summer sky, were filled with honesty and she gently cupped her cheeks.

"O—okay I'll do it. Just because you're being your sweet self and all," Sasha stammered, staring at her lovingly.

And so, Sasha and Marcy proceeded to go over and stand on the colourful arrows on the ground.

Sasha glanced at her. "You know how to dance?"

"S—sort of," Marcy answered.

"Well, in case that you don't. I'll help you out. Just follow my lead," she told, winking confidently.

Marcy gulped, and started shaking with apprehension. Soon afterwards, the game started and Sasha began dancing to the rhythm of the song. Up to this point it wouldn't be such a surprise anymore, but she couldn't help but find her sweet and moves impressive.

Gathering a little doze of courage herself, Marcy too stared dancing, but clumsily fell to her feet.

"You can do it Mar-Mar!" Anne encouraged warmly.

"Boonchuy's right. You definitely got the spirit, all you need is a little help that's all," Sasha told optimistically as she helped her get back up to her feet.

"Just look at me and do what I do," she stated, patient yet firm. "Part of the challenge in dancing is getting in sync with your partner."

Marcy looked at Sasha as she started dancing once more. She observes her for a moment and slowly starts entering the beat, making sure to get in sync with her. With a little struggle at first, she ended off flawlessly matching her movements and now she finally started getting points.

And to think, all she had to do to succeed is ask herself, what would Sasha do? For one she would have such clumsy feet, and would be more confident in her own abilities.

"You're really good at this!" Sasha praised with amazement. Her eyes glowed as Marcy continued laying out some sick dance moves to the beat.

Although Marcy smiled back at her at first, it all came to a screeching halt as she suddenly froze in place and began trembling, which made Sasha's eyes fill up with concern.

She followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at the increasingly growing crowd watching them play eagerly.


Marcy continued trembling violently, anxiety clouding her features.

Sasha gently took her hand. "I think that's enough of that for today. Let's get back to Anne."

As they got of from the game, the crowd was rather disappointed and slowly started to disperse.

"Are you okay Marcy?" Anne asked, gently rubbing her back, attempting to soothe her.

"She's really stressed out," Sasha commented, exchanging a worried glance with her girlfriend.

Marcy shook her head and trembled even more, whimpering.

Anne frowned. "Here, let me help..."

The brunette pulled her into a hug and gently turned her head to the side so she could listen to her calming heartbeats. Sasha watched them patiently yet also anxiously.

"I hug usually always helps me when I'm feeling scared," she hummed calmly. "I think it could help you too."

Marcy had barely been able to catch what she had said as she already sensed herself mellowing out, her tense body loosing. Their was something magical about Anne that could just make her relax whenever she felt even just slightly off perturbed. Perhaps due to her compassionate and caring nature. The noise in the arcade had now just become a distant buzzing.

"Are you all good?"

A much more relaxed and confident Marcy pulled back nodded slowly.

"Can you.... hug me whenever I'm feeling scared or stressed out? I like being close to you, and it really does make me feel better." she wrote shyly.

Anne smiled at her warmly. "Of course. We can do that whenever you want too. Just say the word."

"At least your in a better mood," Sasha hummed happily. "I wonder what we should do next before we go...?" she mumbled that last part out.

Eager to play another game, the blonde looked around aimlessly for a bit, until she spotted a very familiar game.

"Oh yes! Here we go part two!" Sasha exclaimed with determination, heading towards the claw machine.

"Not this again..." Anne mumbled apprehensively, and Marcy found herself agreeing with her, signing.

As they followed her over to the game, Anne asked this: "Are you sure that you won't break it this time?"

"Don't worry Anne. I've learned a lot since the last time," Sasha assured, cracking her knuckles and keeping a somewhat confident edge to her voice.

As soon as Sasha put a token in the crane game, everything became a blur. Without seconds she skillfully picked up a blue newt stuffy with the crane and lowered it into the prize box.


Sasha smirked triumphantly as she turned around and saw their baffled expressions. "See? Got it first try!"

She picked up the blue newt and gently held it in front of Marcy with a smug grin, as she felt like she had finally proven herself worthy to her. "And here's a very lovely newt for a very special lady."

Marcy gently took the stuffy with a large smile plastered on her face, and held it close to her face to hide her ever growing blush from them, additionally to feel the soft texture.

"I'm glad that you like it," Sasha told, pleased with herself for making her happy. "But we've got places to go."

Marcy held the plushy away from her now confused face at her words.

"We're gonna head down to the park because we gotta tell you something. There are going to be lots of stars in the sky and I know how much you love gushing about it," Anne explained trying not to smile uncontrollably as Marcy's eyes increasingly dilated with elation.

Marcy gasped excitedly at this and frantically began dragging the two women away from the arcade. They both laughed at her with amusement.

As they walked, Marcy trotted close to Anne's side while Sasha watched fondly.

It sure was a beautiful night indeed as they walked by a lot of decently lit up stores in red and white lights, decorated with cheery Christmas items and such.

The three continued making their way through the streets when something in particular caught Sasha's eye.

She began slowing down a little as a jewelry store caught her attention. There was a gorgeous pearl necklace on display through the glass window.

"Huh.... a necklace?" she thought with interest before her cheeks began heating up as her mind drifted off to a certain someone in particular. "Anne would be totally hot in that..."

Sasha unintentionally began grinning with lovesickness, and sighed dreamily. Her fantasies dragged her into the separate world of daydreaming.


"Oh Sash, you got me such a beautiful gift!" the imaginary Anne beamed adoringly, as she held onto the dazzling white necklace.

Her blue eyes brimming with familiar details of happiness, that she loved and had gotten so used to seeing.

She pulled her in a warm hug. "I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend like you."

Sasha practically melted like snow on a hot day at their close proximity, her heart fuzzy with overwhelming joy.

She then imagined Anne burying her with ever so affectionate kisses, making her melt into a pile of mush.


Back in reality, Sasha hiccuped with anticipation, and swayed dizzily from left to right, as if she was drunk. Her head was light with giddiness and she felt a wave of affection for the brunette sweep her off her feet. There was nothing more that she wanted more than to display her appreciation for her lover by her buying a special gift.

"Yeah, I'm definitely getting her that."

"Watch were you're going you klutz!" an angered voice suddenly yelled out.

Snapping out of her daze, Sasha's shoulders tensed up and she turned around towards the direction of the noise. She saw a man with an angered face and saw Anne helping Marcy get back up to her feet.

"She really didn't mean too—" Anne began, but was quickly interrupted.

"I wasn't talking to you!" the man snapped at her harshly, making Sasha eyebrows furrow.

"You know what I do to punks like you?" he snapped impatiently, suddenly harshly picking her up and reeling back his fist. Marcy squeaked within his hold, closing her eyes in anticipation.

Sasha quickly decided to intervene and punched him in the face, making him stumble back in shock and let abruptly let go of Marcy, who fell down.

Once she saw Marcy scurry backwards and was within were Anne could tend to her, she turned her attention towards him, her gaze burning.

"Are we going to have a problem here?" she asked, her tone dangerously low.

His eyes widened with fear and recognition. "It's its you! N—no, mam!"

"That's what I thought. Now get out of my sight. Unless you wanna receive a beatdown?"

"N—no I didn't—"

"—Mean too?" she finished with a scoff before rolling her eyes. "That's pathetic. Someone oughta teach you a lesson.

Luckily I can do that right now," she added, taking a step closer towards the shaken man.

"Sasha," Anne's voice warned.

Sasha glanced back at her, her pink eyes narrowed. But Anne stayed calm and met her hardened gaze.

Marcy looked between them and could tell that they were having a wordless exchange, but didn't dare to interrupt.

Suddenly, Sasha huffed in frustration and glared at Anne for a second, implying that she had won whatever invisible argument they had just had.

The blonde glared at the man with hatred and spat out this: "I don't want to see you or your weak gang near me or them ever again, understand?"

He nodded weakly and Sasha stepped back as he scrambled away into a dark alleyway.

She dusted her hands nonchalantly and her expression softened as she walked over to a stunned Marcy.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you bad, did he?" she fussed lightly, kneeling down as she checked for any wounds.

"N—no," Marcy mumbled out, still at a loss for words about all that had happened.

"Good. As long as I'm here I won't either of you two get hurt," Sasha promised, gazing at them protectively and albeit with affinity as well.

Marcy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Not only did Sasha come to her aid and protected her but was also willing to it again. Overwhelmingly feeling tender emotions, she got back up to her feet and kissed her cheek.

Sasha blinked in surprise and held her reddened cheek with a dazed expression. "Y—you're welcome."

After that whole ordeal, the three continued walking, but Sasha couldn't help but think about that store.

"If I'm getting something for Anne, then I need to get something for Marcy too. What could I get her?" she wondered.

She abruptly stopped as a flower shop nearby caught her attention. However it was closed. There was a man with sandy blonde hair locking things up.

"I think she'd like that," Sasha concluded in her mind. "Huh, I wonder how she would react though?"

Once again she was quickly pulled back into the realm of daydreaming.


She imagined Marcy holding the flowers in her hands and gazing at her with unmistakable love and joy.

"Oh Sasha you're so thoughtful and considerate. Please make me your girlfriend~" she purred passionately, making pleasant shivers slither down through her spine.

"And I thought that you couldn't be any more hotter than you already are~" sure it was a stretch that Marcy would actually say this, but Sasha was too busy listening to her sweet voice.

Marcy eyes twinkled. "I love you~"


Once in reality again, Sasha chuckles with glee. "Well don't mind if I do~"

"Hey, excuse me!" she rushed over towards him, waving her hands in the air. "Do you own this store?"

The man shook his head. "I sometimes swing by here to help out, but this is more my wife's store.

I'm in charge of the wooden toy store to your left, right there," he pointed towards the location to which Sasha followed.

"Why is that? Do you need anything?" he added with curiosity.

"Yes, actually I was going to ask when it's going to reopen because..." a tint of red spreads across her pale cheeks. "I wanna by flowers for someone who's special to me."

"Oh I see, well it should be open near the spring break, when they flowers are ready to blossom again," he told kindly, giving an amused gap smile.

Sasha's eyes glistened. "That would be great! Thank you!"

Meanwhile while they were having this exchange, Anne and Marcy were having a conversation with each other.

Anne looks back and sees Sasha at the flower shop before turning around and whispering this: "Mars, can I tell you a little secret?"

Marcy lowered her head down and nodded, intrigued and surprised.

Anne took a deep breath and her blue eyes darkened. "Sometimes... sometimes I think that I'm not good enough for her."

Marcy gasped and saw a flicker of doubt shine in Anne's eyes. How could Anne ever think that? If anything she herself should be the one to think to not be worthy of them.

Anne's heart sunk as she took note of her reaction. "I know I know, it's dumb but, well she's so amazing and confident and strong and...

I'm just well.... Anne," she finished dejectedly with made Marcy think thoughtfully as this was familiar territory for her.

"But are you happy with her?" Marcy asked, even if she knew what the answer would already be.

Anne looked at her as if she was absolutely crazy. "Of course I am! Who wouldn't be?"

"Then you don't have to worry about that. That's why you're in a relationship with her in the first place. She wouldn't be otherwise." Marcy reassured, her choice of words stern yet also caring.

"I guess you're right," Anne said quietly as she registered her words. Her face began brightening from its sulkiness. "I feel a little stupid now for thinking about that," she told sheepishly.

"No Anne it's pretty healthy. We all have our doubts sometimes. It's nice to get some friendly advice sometimes. If you want to, I'd gladly give you some advice whenever you need it. It's the least I could do for you."

Anne was totally bewildered by her wise words. Marcy might've not known a lot about love herself, in her own opinion, but she did at least know the basics and functionalities of it.

"I'd love that. Thanks Marcy," Anne nods slowly and blinks at her with warmth, making her heart soar.

You really have a way with words, even if you don't say them."

Without a moment too soon, Sasha finally caught back up to them. The trio continued walking and finally made their way over to the park. They all sat down on a small hill, with Anne and Sasha being at Marcy's right and left side respectively. They all sat in a comfortable silence and admired the shining stars for above.

That is until Sasha decided to break the silence. "Marcy... we really, really need to tell you something."

Marcy blinked, and alternating her gaze between them, intrigued by their now redden faces.

"We—well you see, we.." Sasha started unexpectedly shyly and began distractedly playing with her fingers

She shook her head violently, embarrassed by the fact that she wasn't able to muster out a word. "Gosh darn it, I can't say anything! You do it Anne!"

"W—we like you," Anne finally finished her sentence with nervousness, obviously because of her potential answers.

Sasha even avoided her gaze. "D—d—d—d—do you wanna be our girlfriend?"

At that sentence Marcy feels her heart freeze and her mouth was wide open. She felt time slowing down.

No this couldn't be!

She wasn't deserving of a relationship!

She's wasn't pretty.

She didn't even have a good personality.

Her parents said so themselves. And the dark side of her mind too...

Yet here she was....

"We talked about it awhile back," Anne told her voice filled with clear signs of nervousness and hope blending in with each other. She also saw Sasha share this bourgeoning hope unfolding.

Marcy looked between them, between the most loving gazes she's ever gotten.

She waited—waited for them to laugh at her, to mock her and tell that it was a joke.

But it ever comes.

They just gazed at her...

Eyes full of warmth and life...

With the softest and most adoring smiles.

They really, really wanted to be with her like that?

And with all three of them together?

They.... they actually mean it?

Marcy decided to listen to her heart as it beat wildly. Her chest was burning, stinging with unbelievable amounts of yearning. And it actually was nice! It was more intense emotion then she had ever received before and she absolutely craved it! She adores how her breath hitched when she looked into their eyes, how her legs felt like jelly and trembled with pleasant numbness due to her nerves, and how her heart flutters with happiness whenever they entered the conscious of her mind.

There was no mistaking that this was the happiest she'd been in a long while.

"Yes," she finally breathed out, emotion filling her eyes. "More than anything."

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