I Was Never Anyone's โœ”๏ธ

By _mrs_yoon_ki_

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[Editted] "You know , I'm not gonna let you take breath between our kiss next time . " He said while smirkin... More

Introduction of everyone
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
โ™กEpisode 19 โ™ก
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
ยฐยฐยฐAuthor's mini heart attackยฐยฐยฐ
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 57 Part 2
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 62 part 2
Episode 63
Episode 63 part 2
Episode 64
Episode 64 part 2
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 66 part 2
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 73 part 2
Episode 74 ๐Ÿ”ž
Episode 75 ๐Ÿ”ž
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
The Cover

Episode 5

128 29 24
By _mrs_yoon_ki_

Authors Pov ___

Y/N was always looking outside of the window and admiring the beauty when thinking about her past. Thinking about how her life will change in a few days . How she just lost her life because of her family.

After some time , they arrive at the destination. The warehouse where Jin suggested Y/N to stay.

When they reach the warehouse, Y/N notice that the palace was horrible but beautiful. It looked like a beautiful ghost house. It is modern and gorgeous.

Jin : So we are here .

Some guards come toward the car and open the door for Jin .

Jin got out of the car and motioned for Y/N to also do so . Y/N also came out and Jin went to her .

Jin : This is the place I talked about. It's my warehouse and from today you are gonna live here.

Y/N : But how do I pay back ?

Jin : We will see it later . Now come inside. You're still weak .

They went inside the house and it was just as beautiful as outside.

Jin : So your room is gonna be on the 2nd floor and Miss.Lia , please show her a room on the 2nd floor. From now on she is also going to live with you all.

Miss.Lia : Ok Mr.Kim .

She bowed and walked toward Y/N and she looked at Jin . He motioned her to go with her and she slowly went .

After some hours .....

It's now 10 p.m . Night has already fallen . Jin has already gone home . You think that he is going to stay here. But he left after you went to your room .

The room Jin gave you . The room is big . Not that big but bigger than your previous bedroom. There is a big bed in the middle of the room, some furniture and the most beautiful thing is there is a big window at the right side of your bed . When the door is on the left side .

You had your dinner. The maids bring your dinner to your room. You had them quietly .

Now it's 10 . Everything is silent. You thought maybe everyone fell asleep. You also lay down on the bed but you can't sleep. You can't help but to think about your family. About your brother's. When you are in your thoughts, you don't notice that tear aspect from your eyes . You are now crying.

You stood up from your bed and went to the window next to your bed . You stood there quietly. You saw that everywhere was darkness just like your life but still the darkness was beautiful not like your life .

The wind was blowing and you can see the trees dancing with the wind . You again remember those days and this time you burst into tears . This time , you can't control yourself but to cry out .

You feel like someone just stabbed into your heart again and again. You want to die but you can't. You can't do anything. You can't help yourself. You were just crying nonstop.

Jin POV____

I came back home after dropping Y/N off at my warehouse. I told the maids that she is also gonna live with them .

That warehouse is just a place which we bought for emergencies. If we somehow need it anytime. Today it came into use .

It's not like I can't keep her at my other houses but there people become tortured. My man's torture people whomever don't listen to us or betray to us . She did nothing so that's why I kept her at that house .

We didn't have any mission today so everyone was at home . They were doing their own things .

Like Joonei was reading as always in the movie , Yoongi was laying on the couch maybe sleeping , Hobi was with Jimin doing something in the corner of the living room and Taehyung and Jungkookei were playing video games .

We might be Mafias but when we are alone or have free time, we mostly spend our time with each other and do our own things .

I went to the living room but no one noticed me . Then I started to walk to my room but then Hobi notice me and said ,

Jhope : Jin hyung, you are here. We were waiting for you. Please Hyung make us some food . We are starving for your delicious food.

He said with his puppy eyes and then everyone turned their puppy gaze toward me .

Jin : Ok ok , no need for this look . I will take a quick shower and cook you the food you want .

I said and went to my room .

And yes, I like cooking. I often cook whenever I get time. You can say I'm the chief of our group. Everyone likes my food very much.

We had maids but they liked to eat my handmade food . As I also like cooking , I also enjoy cooking for them and of course like the moment when they enjoy their food .

I took a quick shower and went toward our kitchen.

Authors Pov ____

Jin : So , what do you guys want to eat today ?

Jimin : I want Bibimbap

Taehyung: I want Kimchi Fried Rice

Jungkook: I want Bulgogi

Jhope : Teeok-bokki for me

Namjoon: for me--

He was about to say something but Jin stopped him by saying,

Jin : Enough of all . I'm a human being not a robot who will cook all of your wants . So stop and I'm going to cook Bibimbap for you all .

With that he goes for the ingredients.

Jin cooked it really well and they all enjoyed their delicious food made by their Jin hyung.

By that time, the maknae line decided to clean up the plates . Jin , Jhope and Suga were in the living room. Suga was sleeping peacefully while they both were on their phone. Suddenly Hobi said

Hobi : Hyung, let's grab a drink together.

Jin : Why so sudden ! What's the matter!

Hobi : I just want to drink with my hyung. Is there any problem !

Jin : No . Did I say something like that? They both laughed at their talk and went to the rooftop of their mansion.

Jin went there and sat . Jhope was grabbing the drinks. He also comes and sits beside Jin and gives him a drink. Jin takes it and they stare at the night sky while drinking their drinks.

There was silence but a peaceful silence not an awkward silence. After some time, Hoseok broke the silence by saying,

Hoseok : Hyung

Jin: hmm!

Hoseok: How's the girl now ?

Jin : Who ?

Hoseok: the girl you bought from the beach.

Jin : ouh , she , she is good .

Hoseok: Is she still in the hospital?

Jin : no . Today she got her discharge and I keep her at our secret warehouse.

Hoseok : ouh- what at that place! But why? Everyone who came to us stayed at other places. So why did you keep her there ?

Jin : At other places, you know what our men do with people's. But she is already in a lot of pain . Maybe she is not ok . Ask that's why.

Hoseok : oh , I see. But what happened to her?

Jin : When I found her , she was beaten by someone very badly. She was also shot in the chest .

Hoseok: Do you know Who did this to her ?

Jin : I have no idea but she said that it was the kidnappers who kidnapped her and her family.

Hoseok : So what happened to her family?

Jin : she died while saving them .

Hoseok : ou--- WHAT ! IS SHE IS A GHOST?

Jin : shut up. She is not .

Hoseok: But you said she died while saving her family.

Jin : Yes but I don't mean that. She got shot and bare all the pain given by the kidnappers for her family.

Hoseok : Oh . Does her family know that she is alive ?

Jin : No they don't . She doesn't want them to know.

Hoseok : Mysterious. Why doesn't she ?

Jin : I don't know either.

Hoseok: Shouldn't you do some research about her ?

Jin : You're right . I was also kinda thinking about that .

Hoseok : By the way , what's her name ?

Jin : She didn't have one when I found her. So I gave her a name and now she told me to call her by that .

Hoseok: What is it now ?

Jin : Y/N . Kim Y/N .

Hoseok : WHAT!!!! Why that hyung!!! You know na-

Jin : I know everything Hobi ,but at that time this name came to my mind first and I kept it for her . But you know what , her eyes are really unique.

Hoseok : You're changing the topic. But what do you mean?

Jin : She has really unique eyes . Her eyes are blue and black mixed. They are so beautiful. They look like a deep ocean. She is really beautiful.

Hoseok : So beautiful that you are complimenting her .

Jin : Yes , she is really beautiful.

Hoseok : Then I have to see her for once at least. Can I meet her?

Jin : ok , I'll take you next time I visit her .

Hoseok: ok don-

Taehyung: Jin hyung........ Namjoon hyung again broke your glasses......

A sudden yell from Taehyung came from downstairs.

Jin : Not again ......

He said while rolling his eyes and went back to the dining and kitchen room to see that they were fighting like small kids .

Jin : yaaa Kim Namjoon, I warned you na that don't come to my kitchen... So why are you here ? You god of districting go away from my kitchen or I'll beat you up really bad . Now Get out......you alllll.......

With that everyone got out of there and only Jin was there . He looked around and saw that there were lots of broken glass pieces on the floor.

Jin: Glad that no one get hurt by this.

Jin thought to himself.

With that he started to clean up the mass they create. He can tell the maids to clean them but all the maid's are in their home . Because every Sunday, they give the maid's a break from their work because they also don't have that much to do .

After cleaning the mess , Jin went to the living room and saw that Yoongi was still there . He went to him and call him

Jin : Yoongi ahh , go to your room and sleep. Not here . You will catch a cold .

Yoongi : hmnmmmm

With that Yoongi gets up from the couch and starts to leave for his room . But suddenly stop and said ,

Yoongi: Where were you the whole day long?

Jin : I was with the girl .

Yoongi: You shouldn't spend much time with her .

Jin : Why ?

Yoongi: You know why .

With that he walks away and Jin also understands what Yoongi means by that .

Jin also went to his room .

He went to the bathroom, changed into his night dress and directly lay down to his bed .

Jin in thoughts : I wonder what she is doing ?

Jin gets his phone from the nightstand and calls someone.

Jin : Mr. Lee , I want some information about a girl who's currently at my warehouse . It's urgent. Bring all of them to me by tomorrow.

After completing the conversation, Jin put his phone back to the nightstand.

And again he started thinking about her. He was so in his thoughts about her that he didn't notice when he fell asleep.

♡ I'm really sorry for this boring chapter hope you will forgave me

ᴵ'ᴹ ᴿᴱᴬᴸᴸᵞ ˢᴼᴿᴿᵞ ᶠᴼᴿ ᴹᵞ ᴳᴿᴬᴹᴹᴬᴿ ᴬᴺᴰ ˢᴾᴱᴸᴸᴵᴺᴳ ᴹᴵˢᵀᴬᴷᴱˢ . ᶠᴱᴸᴸ ᶠᴿᴱᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᶜᴼᴹᴹᴱᴺᵀ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴼᴾᴱᴺᴵᴼᴺ ᴬᴮᴼᵁᵀ ᴹᵞ ˢᵀᴼᴿᵞ ᴬᵀ ᵀᴴᴱ ᶜᴼᴹᴹᴱᴺᵀ ˢᴱᶜᵀᴵᴼᴺ ᴬᴺᴰ ᵛᴼᵀᴱ ᴵˢ ᶠᴿᴱᴱ ˢᴼ ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ ᵛᴼᵀᴱ ᴬᴸˢᴼ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴼᶠ ᶜᴼᵁᴿˢᴱ ᴵᶠ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴸᴵᴷᴱ ᴹᵞ ˢᵀᴼᴿᵞ ˢᴴᴬᴿᴱ ᴵᵀ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ᵞᴼᵁᴿ ᶠᴬᴹᴵᴸᵞ ᴬᴺᴰ ᶠᴿᴵᴱᴺᴰˢ (✿^‿^)
ᵀᴴᴬᴺᴷ ᵞᴼᵁ


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