The Demon in the Pastry Shop

By NelWritesNovels

311 51 93

In a world of fantastical creatures, two tragedy-stricken souls (an Idol demon, Silus, and a Bell Spirit, Kit... More

1: The Sound of a Song on Mute
2: A Muffin-Shaped Heart
3: A Heart-Shaped Muffin
4: The Most Special Mistake
5: Why Don't You Speak For Yourself?
6: Confection Affection
7: The Crushing Weight of Friendship
8: Second-Hand Idol
9: Those Who Look Back
10: The Bitterest Flavor in a Sweet Tart
11: The Cruelest Kindness
12: The Fancy of Failure
13: It's Time to Leave the Past Behind
14: The One in Your Hands
15: When It Comes Down To It
16: The Ants at the Picnic
17: Going Postal
18: What Goes Unsaid
19: The Mighty Wish
20: Chips in the Cup, in the Stone of an Idol
21: Best Dressed
22: Turntable Motivation
23: The Promise of a Canary
24: The Undamaged Goods
25: Caught in the Light
26: A Little Honesty
27: Showing Your Cards
28: A Box Inside a Box Inside a Box
29: The Song You Can't Sing
30: Flies and Honey
31: Backdoor
32: No Mistakes From Here on Out
33: Old Places Make Good Harbors
34: Old Things Make New
35: The Icing on the Cupcake
36: Can't Stand the Heat
37: Wrong House
38: Even in the Dark
39: A Dull and Brilliant Spark
40: Decadence
41: An Oath so Fitting
42: Such Brutal Benevolence
43: Enough Chocolate
44: Cut of the Same Stone
45: Happy Homecooked Hesitation
46: The Note and the Fermata
47: The Shoes Walk Best
48: The Lamppost Hums Brightly Until Morning
49: To Dance Again, Part 1
50: To Dance Again, Part 2
51: The Bubble Pops
52: Snap
53: The Overstepping into Sincerity
54: Pouring into Cracks
56: Somebody's Stomachache (The Last Stone in the Wall, Part 2)
57: Kitchen Into Darkness
58: Taking Scissors to an Heirloom
59: Before It's Too Late
60: Everything You Are
61: Can You Hear Me?
62: Symmetry
63: A Metal Box
64: Stuckness
65: There Will No Longer Be Cupcakes for Just Anyone
66: Dwindling Spell
67: Talkative Pen
68: Luck and Mistakes and Wishes
69: Welcome, Truer Desire
70: No Glue for That
71: I'm Sorry Dear Friend
72: There's a Demon in the House

55: The Last Stone in the Wall, Part 1

5 1 0
By NelWritesNovels

It looked like a rock. Only a rock. Not something that used to be a rock, then got struck by lightning, came to life, lived perfectly, was stolen, and then became a rock. It was a rock.

His heart filled with sorrow. The new one, not the rock in Ravitavah's hand. Shouldn't he know his heart when it was right in front of him? Shouldn't he be filled with excitement and joy? His old heart -that chunk across from him- didn't look like it could go back in his chest. Kit's face brightened and she touched his arm so softly he didn't have the strength to show the rubble of his hope.

She scribbled on the takeout menu while Ravitavah told him, "I found it taking up the space of a missing cobblestone on the street. I think whoever put it there thought you would never find it. But I know a special stone when I see one, so you're in luck."

Silus heard the crinkling of the paper Kit handed him and for a moment, thought it might be the sound of his soul on account of its turning paperthin and weak and liable to blow away with his next breath. Somehow he managed to lift his hand and take the menu and read her message.

"I can't believe it came back to you after all. I'm so happy for you!"

Something felt wrong when Ravitavah gifted his heart back to him. Silus' snakes could sense it, but couldn't find the shape of it yet. It was a imperceptible rumble in the distance. A quirk of the air. Silus frowned as he tried to pinpoint it.

"And you just..." he said to Ravitavah, eyes focusing on something invisible, "found it?"

The Ace nodded, "yes, it was bizarre to say the least."

Kit wrote quickly, thrust it under Silus' nose. He reluctantly pulled himself away from his vigilance to read her, "Didn't Lovell have your heart? He said so in the bubble-gram. Would he have hidden it from you as a cobblestone in some random street?"

Silus breathed cold, "not a random street."

As if they were the magic words, the house trembled from fear of whatever had come for it from the shore. The dishes on the coffee table rattled and chips flew off of them like nervous sweat. Ravitavah shapeshifted into his cat form, leaping onto the table and pressing his paw down onto the cookie plate to keep it from shuddering.

"Oh, I know what I've done," he realized, feeding Silus his exceptional understanding through his remorseful gaze. The lights flickered and Ravitavah said, "I've brought him right to you."

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