Masked Love

بواسطة awsmpants

23.2K 730 35

When the Mandalorian took it upon himself to save the child that was once his bounty, he had no clue what his... المزيد

𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮
Season 2
Long ago...


428 18 0
بواسطة awsmpants


I sat on a bench staring at the entrance to the bay in front of me. The day passed by us quickly, turning into night. I didn't leave my spot. Keeping my eyes on the door. Waiting for Mando's return. When the two sun's rose back up I woke up. Sitting up on the bench and returning my sights on the door.

The kid coo'd as he picked up a rock he found hidden beneath the sand surrounding us. Staring at it and tilting his head in curiosity. I happened to look down as he opened his small mouth, lifting the rock towards it. I quickly grabbed it out of his small hand and pulled away from him.

"Don't eat that. It's not food." I said before turning back to the door.

Saying I was worried about Mando was an understatement. I was absolutely terrified. Going with that wannabe bounty hunter to capture Fennec Shand. I trusted he could do it, probably one of the very few hunters who could. It's the kid I didn't trust.

"Staring at the door isn't going to make him come back faster." Peli spoke out as she tightened a few screws on the Razor Crest. I let out a deep breath, looking back down at the child as he reached his arms out. Asking me to pick him up. I grabbed him as he placed his small hand against my face. I figured he could sense the worry I felt.

"You gotta do something to keep yourself distracted." Peli added as she continued working on the ship.

I let out a scoff. Distract myself? Distract myself how? There was nothing on this planet I could go to and keep myself busy. I rolled the rock in my hand, the child watching closely as I did. Then, the dream I had returned to me.

"You got a speeder I can borrow?" I asked her as I stood up. Finally taking my sights away from the door. I picked up the kid and walked over to her.

Peli furrowed her brows, "What I had in mind actually was you helping with repairs." She said. I just stared at her. Not saying a word back. She took my intense stare as a demand and let out a deep sigh, "Garage three." she answered pointing the wrench across the room.

I looked over at the kid as he tilted his head to the side. His ears flopping down. I felt bad for leaving him but there was something I had to do. Something that wasn't sitting right with me and I needed to confirm.

I handed the child to Peli who grabbed him, looking slightly confused. "Watch him for me." I said before turning around. I walked quickly towards the open garage with a faded three above it. I ran up to the speeder parked inside. Throwing my leg over the seat, and leaning forward. I twisted my hands on the handles and the engine kicked on.

"If it gets damaged I'm adding it to your bill." I heard Peli yell as I sped off.

I was glad to see that I still knew the area like the back of my hand. Knowing which direction to turn so I didn't end up in a busy area. It gave me a sense of pride that helped wash away the uneasiness I was feeling. That despite me throwing away my past, it still never left me.

I sped through the sand dunes leading straight to the village I once lived at. When I arrived I stopped a little bit behind the outskirts. Hoping that no one would spot me. I watched, waiting to see any movement withing it. Instead it stayed still and completely silent.

I drove up and parked outside of a few standing huts that were still up. Seeing every single one sat empty. A sense of sadness washing over me when I realized that everyone that once lived here had either moved on somewhere else or died.

I moved slowly through the abandoned village, making my way towards the house in that back. Once standing tall but now turned to ash. I stared at the empty foundation, seeing only a few bricks still standing in place.

I remembered when it all happened. I remembered staring at the house I once called a home. I held my mothers lightsaber tightly. Staring down at it before walking towards the back of the hut. Digging a hole for it in silence. Once it was deep enough I tossed it in there. Giving my family the only proper burial I could.

I lit a torch and clutched it tightly in my hand. Pausing for a moment before tossing it inside my house. I watched as everything I loved burn and disappeared before pulling up my hood and walking away.

The memory escaped me as I took a deep breath. Walking over to the spot where I buried her saber. I lifted my hand out in front of me. Watching as the sand began to shift before falling into itself. Slowly dipping down lower and lower. I paused for a second, seeing no flash of the familiar silver hilt

The hole sat empty. The hole that carried my mothers lightsaber showed nothing but the sand that sat under it. I sucked in a breath as I brought my hands down, digging into it physically. I hopped that maybe I didn't dig far enough. That it could still be there.

There was nothing.

I stood up quickly as I became short of breath. My hands began to shake. There were many possibilities as to why it wasn't there. All being disproved by the fact that no one knew I buried it. The fact that it was hidden so deep that even years of sands storms would just burry it even deeper. I couldn't move. Too scared that if I did I would see the answer that was lying right in front of me.

My brother was still alive.


I heard the voice call out to me again. I turned my head, and as I did everything around me turned black. No sand, and no village surrounding me. I turned back around as a figure stood in front of me. He was in all black with a unique mask covering his face. It was the Sith I ran into back in Kanarru. I shook as my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Devron?" I called out. My voice beginning to crack as I felt the tears well up. He said nothing. My eyes flicked down towards his hand as he reached behind his back. He brought his hand back down quickly. Igniting his lightsaber. The red light reflecting on the black visor across his mask. I sucked in a sharp breath reaching down to my holster and grabbing mine as well. Before I could ignite it I felt a shift in the Force.

My eyes shot open as the world around me returned. The kid. He was calling out as if he was in danger. I shifted my eyes around, looking to see if the Sith was still here, but there was nothing but silence of the abandoned huts.

I took a deep breath shaking off the fear that was coming over me. I couldn't deal with this now. Even if I did, how do I know who I just saw was really my brother. I hopped back on to the speeder. Taking one last look at the village before riding off through the dunes.

I arrived back to Peli's withing the hour. Parking the speeder outside the door, and noticing there was another already here. I flicked my eyes to the door, grabbing my blaster out of my holster and holding out in front of me. I moved slowly through the hall. Griping tightly to my blaster. I took a turn towards the Razor Crest and my heart fell.

"Welcome back, gorgeous." I heard Toro call out by the Razor Crest. I flicked my gun towards him ready to shoot, but stopped. He held the child in his arms as his own blaster sat against the child's head. Peli was beside him, tied up and staring at us with her eyes wide.

My jaw clenched as I looked at the child. I couldn't shoot him without risking his life. Toro seemed to notice my hesitation. A smirk landing on his face, "Drop the blaster and the kid will be fine." He spoke out.

I let out a deep breath. Looking over at Peli as she shook her head, "Kirra just shoot-" she was immediately cut off by Toro's blaster hitting the side of her face. Knocking her out as she fell to the floor.

My lip quivered under my mask. I did what I was told. A plan already in motion. I held my hands up and bent down slowly. Tossing the blaster down in the sand in front of Toro. When I got ready to stand up I quickly reached back and grabbed my saber.

Toro noticed my sudden move and took a shot. The blast hitting me in my shoulder. I fell forward and onto my knees as the saber fell out of my hand. I let out a groan as Toro stepped forward and walked towards me. His head tilting in curiosity at the weapon.

"You're a Jedi." He stated as his boot struck against my stomach. I let out another groan as I fell onto my back. The air in my lungs completely escaping me. My back arched in pain as I tried to roll myself over. Reaching my hand out in front of me. He immediately caught on. His foot landing on top of my wrist as he put all his weight onto it. I let out a cry as I felt as if my bones were going to crack.

"Oh no. I'm not stupid. I know all about your peoples tricks." Toro said as he stepped off. Kicking the saber farther away from me.

"Get up." He demanded. I rolled myself onto my knees. My body in so much pain it was making any movement hard. I let out another cry as I reached up and grabbed the wound on my shoulder.

"Let them go." I heard the familiar modulated voice. I let out a sigh of relief as I looked up. Seeing Mando standing in front of us with his blaster out.

"Took you long enough, Mando." Toro said. He quickly pressed the gun against my head. My body jumping and my breathing became shaky as I felt the cold steel on the back of my head. I looked up at Mando who kept his blaster forward, but he knew he couldn't shoot. Not with the kid in Toro's arms.

"Looks like I'm calling the shots now huh partner." Toro said, "Drop your blaster and raise them."

"You really are an idiot-" I began to talk but immediately was cut off by the end of his blaster striking me across my temple. I let out a groan as blood began to drip down my face. Mando moved forward but stopped when Toro's blaster returned against my head.

Mando paused as he contemplated his next move. His chest fell as he lowered the blaster down. Slowly bending down, dropping it on the ground and lifting his hands behind his head.

"Get up and cuff him" Toro said, grabbing the back of my cloak and forcing me up to my feet. He still kept the child close to him in case any of us made any last minute attacks. He handed me the cuffs and pushed me forward. My legs felt like jelly as I walked towards Mando.

"You're a guild traitor, Mando." Toro continued turning the gun to the child. "I'm willing to bet this here is the target you helped escape. But to think the other bounty was a Jedi."

I got behind Mando. Unlocking the cuffs but stopping for second as I saw the flash charge in his hand. I let out a small sigh, "God you're amazing." I said quietly so only he could hear. I began to move the cuffs. Making it look like I was cuffing him.

"Fennec was right," Toro continued as all this was going on without him noticing, "Brining you in won't just make me a member of the guild. It'll make me legendary."

There was a pause as I tucked myself behind Mando. Placing my head down against his back and closing my eyes. I heard a click then there was a large bright flash. His hands grabbed around my waist quickly as he pulled me away. Tucking me behind a few crates.

The flash caused the child to fall from Toro's arms and loose sight of us. When his eyes finally adjusted he began to shoot off a few blasts, before realizing we weren't there anymore. Mando came out from behind the crate beside Toro. Catching him off guard and giving Mando a chance to get a good shot. Mando's blaster went off and Toro fell back. Dead before he hit the ground.

Mando ran over to Peli as she woke up slowly. Untying her as they both got up and looked to the child. I leaned my head against the crate, letting out a sigh of relief. The adrenaline still keeping me from feeling a lot of pain. Mando handed the child to Peli before running to me. He knelt down and grabbed my face in his hands.

"You okay?" He asked as he held on to me tightly. The worry in his voice unable to be masked by the modulator.

"I'm okay." I said. Repeating it over and over again. I wasn't sure if I was trying to reassure him that or myself. I grabbed onto his hands, my own shaking onto of them. His hand shifted to grip over mine, holding like he was scared to let go. My breathing began to slow as I pushed my head down. Leaning it against his helmet. The cold steel cooling me down.

"I thought something happened to you." I whispered. I sigh of relief escaping from my lips.

"I promised you I'd come back." He replied quietly.

He stood up, keeping his hands in mine as he helped me to my feet. I let out a groan as the adrenaline disappeared, and all the pain returned all at once. He wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me steady as we walked back to the ship.

Peli insisted on patching me up as we sat on the ship. I couldn't tell her that I could just heal, so I just tried to argue that I was fine. The wound in my shoulder wasn't very convincing for me. With the final bit of medical treatment and a good nights rest we were finally able to leave the next day.

I stood in the bathroom looking at my wounds in the mirror as Mando finished his goodbyes to Peli. I moved my arm out of the sling Peli put me in as I let out a small groan. This was going to set me back a bit and I didn't want to deal with it anymore.

"Stop, what are you doing?" I heard Mando say as he came up behind me.

"It's fine. I just can't stand this thing anymore." I replied back. Trying to pull my arm over the sleeve of my top. I sucked in a breath. The pain to much to do on my own. I looked into the mirror at Mando stared back at me through it.

"If you're going to stare, at least make yourself useful." I stated as I turned around. I watched as his head tilted to the side before shaking a little bit.

He walked up, listening to my every command as I explained what I needed. I shut my eyes tightly as he guided my arm out of the sleeve and over my collar. He stepped back as I opened them back up, and undressed the wound. I looked back into the mirror seeing the wound on my shoulder.

"I got lucky. The blast wasn't too deep." I said as I turned back around, "Will make this easier." I lifted my hand over the wound and closed my eyes. I felt the Force flow through me as my eyes began to tighten. I felt myself grow weak but I pushed myself through it. Finishing as the wound completely disappeared.

I let out a long and heavy breath as I looked back into the mirror. Seeing nothing but a small scar. I rolled my shoulder, feeling absolutely nothing but a nice stretch. Mando stood quietly as he stared.

"Another Jedi trick. Takes a bit out of me though." I answered before he could ask. I pulled away from the counter, fixing my shirt back into it's proper position. Mando leaned against the door frame. Not saying anything.

"What?" I asked as my brows knitted together.

"You're amazing." He said. I could hear the sarcasm behind the words. He began to chuckle as he pulled away from the door frame and walking towards the cockpit.

"Hey!" I called after him, "I was hit in the head and in distress. I didn't know what I was saying."

"Mhm." He replied simply as he sat down in his seat. pressing a few buttons as the engines began to whirl.

"You're unbelievable." I muttered under my breath as I crossed y arms across my chest angrily. Feeling the Razor Crest lifting into the air.

"No. I'm amazing." He joked one last time as we took off.

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