I Only Like You

By Tusundre

300 46 3

A Short story that shows Love is Forever ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

~ Disclaimer & Character introduction ~
Chapter 1: This is What it Feels Like to Tolerate a Male Capricorn
Chapter 2: He who was my Desk mate
Chapter 3: He who was my Desk mate
Chapter 4: The Daily Lives of the Hilariously Chaotic Siblings
Chapter 5: The Daily Lives of the Hilariously Chaotic Siblings
Chapter 6: The Person Before Me is the One I Love
Chapter 7: My Dearest Lee Hyun-Joo
Chapter 8: In This Long Lifetime Try to Spend Time with Interesting People
Chapter 9: Three Small Things
Chapter 11: Illegal Cohabitation
Chapter 12: The Person Who Taught Me Many Things
Chapter 13: My Armor and Weakness
Chapter 14: The Good Times In Life
Chapter 15: Passing By In Your Life
Chapter 16: The Issue of Yeontan's Staying and Leaving
Chapter 17: Let's Stop and Smell The Roses
Chapter 18: Let's Execute All Those Mary-Sues
Chapter 19: Question and Answer
Chapter 20: I Wanted a Glimpse Of Eternity
Epilogue: Love you Forever

Chapter 10: This is what it feels like to quarrel with a Male Capricorn

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By Tusundre

~ 1 ~

Once, when we were still students, Taehyung and I got into a squabble. Although I am unable to recall the reason for the quarrel, we ended up intentionally ignoring each other for a long period of time. During the summer break, the class representative called me and asked me to contact Taehyung as he was organizing a birthday celebration for our homeroom teacher.

I hesitantly agreed and dialed Taehyung's number with great difficulty. As his mobile was switched off, I was left with no choice but to dial his home number. His mother picked up the phone and informed me that Taehyung wasn't at home as he was in Gwangju for a holiday.

A few days before school reopened, Taehyung suddenly called me and asked me why I had called him previously.

It had been more than a month since I called him – this fellow's reaction time is crazily long! It suddenly struck me that previously, when his mother picked up the phone, she hadn't asked for my name. Thus, I asked Taehyung how he knew that I was the one who called him.

He said, "My eomma mentioned that the caller was a female, and you happen to be the only girl who knows my home number."

A sudden sense of elation washed over me, and a big grin formed on my face. The next day, I even tried to ingratiate myself by taking the initiative to purchase breakfast for him – and yet, this fellow still had no idea what happened.

Ah, I'm truly a woman with no principles.

~ 2 ~

Angering a Male Capricorn is actually very terrifying – they will not shout or yell at you, but they will use a complete set of cold tacit violence against you and throw you to the North Pole.

The evidence for such a proposition can be seen in the four-year-long cold war that he raged against me. Subsequently, I asked him, "Taehyung, how did you ever manage to harden your heart in order to ignore me for so long?"

He snorted coldly, "If I forgive you too easily, you won't learn your lesson."

"Do you know how terrible I felt?"

He sighed, "I didn't have an easy time either."

~ 3 ~

In the office, a colleague (male) was sharing the correct steps to be taken when one quarrels with one's girlfriend.

First step: Shut up. No matter what your girlfriend says, you should not retort or rebut her; a lack of forbearance upsets great plans. If you're unable to control yourself and start quarreling with her, you would encounter even more trouble subsequently.

Second step: Apologize and admit fault. Do not ask why, just take the initiative to apologize.

Final step: Hug and confess. You must hug the other party extremely tightly, look the other party straight in the eyes, and use the most sincere tone that you have ever used in your entire life to say, "I'm sorry, and I love you."

I sat at the side, taking notes silently. My colleague asked me whether I was taking notes to show my husband in order to help him learn how to react when we quarrel. I shook my head and said no – it's for my own learning purposes so that I know how to coax the Male Capricorn at my home.

~ 4 ~

I told Taehyung, "Taehyung, sometimes I truly feel that our genders might have been switched."

"Oh? Really!"

"Really! Compared to you, my personality is more similar to a guy's."

"Why do you think so?"

"Think about it, between the both of us, who gets frustrated more often?"


"So what do you think this illustrates?"

"This illustrates your tendency to commit faults more frequently than I do."

"Rubbish! It illustrates your petty nature!"

Once, when Taehyung and I were quarreling, I called Hyun-Joo immediately after the quarrel and raged, "He really crossed the line this time around! After he finished saying that sentence, I could feel the blood rushing to my head in spurts! I was so angry I nearly went crazy!"

Lee Hyun-Joo asked immediately, "So what exactly did he say?!"

"He said......" I grabbed the telephone, trying to recall it but to no avail. "Damn, I forgot."

Hyun-Joo ticked me off, "You're not magnanimous or forgiving, you're just plain forgetful!"

I learned from my lesson. Thus, the second time when Taehyung and I were in the midst of a quarrel, I shouted loudly, "Wait a minute!"

I fished out my phone with lightning speed, opened the voice recording application, and directed the speaker at him.

"I'm done, continue!"

Taehyung was dumbfounded, calling me crazy before breaking out into laughter.

~ 5 ~

We did have a very serious quarrel once.

One day, whilst we were at a shopping mall, I spotted a flowery maxi dress which I really liked. After I tried on the dress ecstatically, he shook his head and told me that it wasn't nice. Before I could respond, he had already dragged me out of the shop. When we returned to the car, he chided me, "The cost is not the issue, if the dress is nice, I'd buy it for you no matter how expensive it is."

"But I like it, so who cares whether it's nice or not? Why can't you indulge me for once?"

He replied in a domineering manner, "When you buy dresses, you only wear them for my viewing pleasure. So if I say it's not nice, it's not worth buying!"

I got so mad I yelled at him to stop the car, "I don't want to talk to you right now! I'm getting off the car!"

The car came to a stop with a screeching sound, and I keeled forward, nearly knocking into the windscreen – this person had really stopped the car!

I couldn't go back on my word now, so I opened the door and got off the car. The moment my feet landed on the pavement, he revved the engine and drove off without second thought. I was enraged – there are so many men in the world, so how did I manage to find a male chauvinist pig with such an overblown male ego? After I took a few steps, I realized I had left my wallet in the car. Since there was a Starbucks nearby, I went in and borrowed a mobile phone to call Hyun-Joo. The more I talked to Hyun-Joo, the more aggrieved I felt. Naturally, the tears started flowing. Hyun-Joo urged me not to cry, and that it was just a dress after all. If I really wanted it, she'd buy two for me – one to wear and the other to hang in the closet just for my viewing purposes!

Ah, only women understand women best.

Not long after, Hyun-Joo came to pick me up. The first sentence she said when she saw me was, "Your husband is going crazy from worry. He called me, saying that he went back to look for you but you were nowhere in sight."

I said he deserved it since he was the one who ditched me in the first place.

After eating dinner at Hyun-Joo's house, we gossiped and watched Kdramas. At 10 PM, I told her I had to return home.

"Aren't the both of you quarreling right now? If you don't want to go home; you could stay here for the night."

"I can't, he has to go overseas tomorrow for work, so I have to return home to help him pack his luggage."

Hyun-Joo walked me to the ground floor as the lamp below her block was spoilt. Suddenly, a bright light shone in the distance – a car had turned on its headlights in order to help us light the way. As I neared the car, I chucked in glee. Isn't this Taehyung's car?

He got off the car and obediently opened the door for me. I asked him, "When did you arrive?"

He replied, "I just reached."

Hyun-Joo said, "I made a bet with him, saying that you'd sleep at my house tonight. He said that it was impossible, and insisted on coming to fetch you."

Hehe. I giggled mindlessly.

Hyun-Joo scolded me, "You are a terrible person who only cares about your spouse, get lost!"

I followed Taehyung home dutifully.

Although I get riled up easily, I also get pacified easily. Every single time after we quarrel I'd start to regret my actions, and would scratch my head trying to think of ways to apologize. Subsequently, Taehyung told me that he too was like that.

~ 6 ~

As he was due to attend a University reunion dinner, he asked me whether I wanted to come with him.

" I better not; after all, I don't recognize anyone there."

"It's okay, all of them will recognize you."

Thus, I followed him to his reunion dinner. The minute I sat down, people started to point their fingers at me, shouting, "Ah! So you're the one!"

Confused, I wondered what was going on.

"Your Naver profile picture is a baby bear, right?"

"How did you know?" The speaker was extremely pleased with himself, and replied, "Taehyungie would go to your profile page every day! I remember you made these huge lengthy posts talking about your daily life – he would read every single one of them without fail."

I was extremely surprised and turned to question Taehyung, "How come you never talked to me?"

After all, I was only on Naver every day because I was waiting for him!

"I haven't forgiven you then." He replied haughtily.

The speaker continued to expose Mr. Kim Taehyung, "He was just putting up a brave front. There was one night, after having read your journal, he proceeded to purchase a carton of beer and came to knock on my door, forcing me to drink with him."

Giggling, I asked, "Why did he do that?"

"Why else? He found out that you were attached! Although I had an exam the very next day, this idiot still made me drink the entire night. In the end, he hugged the toilet bowl and started retching. When I went in to check on him, I was so shocked by what I saw that sobered up immediately."

Taehyung glanced coldly at him, and interrupted, "That's enough."

To my surprise, that person actually kept his mouth shut after that.

Intrigued, I refused to give up and continued pestering Taehyung, pleading with him to continue.

Taehyung put down his chopsticks, and said quietly, "I cried."

"I was very sad that day, I had never been so sad in my entire life, so I got myself drunk and cried. That's all, so stop asking and eat your dinner."

He helped me to get a bowl of soup.

But I had already lost my appetite entirely. I stared at the bowl of soup, wanting to crash my head into it. My heart felt extremely uncomfortable – in the past, he used to tell me that, compared to me, he had a more difficult time during the years when we were separated, but I never truly believed him. I thought he was merely exaggerating. I never ever thought that he would, despite the huge distance between us, secretly keep himself updated about my life and even cry because of me.

When we returned home, I had a very serious talk with him. He told me that there was no need to feel guilty about the incident – after all, what's past is past, and I hadn't done anything wrong.

Even though he said that I still continued to feel stirrings of discomfort in my heart, and always felt that I had to make it up to him. Thus, I was particularly attentive to him, acceded to all his requests, and even spoke in a volume two decibels lower than my usual volume.

Subsequently, I suddenly realized that something was not right – I never ever wrote about my relationship in my journal entry! I confronted him, "What exactly did I write that day?"

"I forgot."

"Did you make a mistake? I don't recall ever writing about my boyfriend."

He retorted instantly, "The journal entry was made on _ _ /_ / _ _ _ _ , go take a look at it yourself."

Didn't he just say that he forgot...

I went to rifle through my journal entries and found the one in question. It was a pretty normal journal entry, detailing the mundane events of my life – As I was on holiday, I stayed at home and helped my mother make dumplings, and quarreled with Seokjin Oppa over whether the filling should be stuffed with tuna or meat... nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary.

"Where did I mention my boyfriend?" I asked him.

"Second last paragraph, the last line."

Huh!!... Didn't he just say that he forgot...

'Winter seems to be colder than normal this year. Would boyfriend really be alright in school?'

Stunned into silence for three seconds, I threw my mouse away. "Aish! That's a stray cat that my dorm mate picked up! A cat she named boyfriend!"

He was equally stunned, with a multitude of expressions flitting across his face, "Why the hell would anybody ever call a cat boyfriend?!"

"She just named him arbitrarily, she even picked up a dog which she named Lover!!!!"

"Are you guys crazy!!!!"

"It wasn't my fault!!!!"

"Couldn't you have inserted some explanations whilst you were writing!!!!!"

"Who inserts footnotes and explanatory notes whilst writing their own journal!!!!"

"You did it on purpose, didn't you!!!!"

"How would I know that you would be like a perverted voyeur who came to read my journal in secret every single day!!!!"

Miffed, he couldn't find words to retort my accusation. He stood up and exited after slamming the door. I could tell that he was truly angry this time.


That night, I gave my dorm mate a call.

"Do you know, that the cat which you picked up had just catalyzed the biggest quarrel I ever had with my husband after having been married for so long..."

My dorm mate hugged the phone and laughed for a full ten minutes.

~ 7 ~

Nowadays, I can't even pick a fight with Taehyung, because he'd manage to shut me up with a single sentence majority of the time. When Taehyung decides to be prim and proper, he would be rather solemn and stern. Thus, those who are unfamiliar with him often give him the following comments: Serious, rigorous, and meticulous.

Every single time someone says that I'd want to grab his collar and holler at him – You've been cheated!!!!

This fellow has the techniques of acting coy at his fingertips, and his poisonous tongue is akin to a radio that spits out monologue.

There was a period of time when he had to work overtime every single day, and could only return home at 2 am. I told Taehyung that although he was only getting the pay of a farmer, he was working as though he was the CEO of the company.

He laid on the sofa and tugged at his tie whilst patting my head, "Be a good girl, and help me cook a bowl of noodles."

I said, "You have yet to be promoted to the rank of a CEO, but you have the mannerisms of a CEO already."

He replied unhurriedly, "Though I'm not the CEO of my office, I'm the CEO of the department of disobedient."

Heyyyy!! who gave you the permission to call me disobedient!!....

~ 8 ~

We were due to attend a colleague's wedding. Before stepping out of the door, I was having an internal war over which dress to wear.

"What about this one?"

"It's too short, wear something that covers your knees."

"How about this one?"

"The color is not nice."

"Then I'll wear the black dress that you like."

"You're going to attend a wedding......"

"Fine, what about this?"

"It's nice. But if it's too attractive, won't the bride be slightly unhappy?"

"Then I'll change back to the first dress then."

When I went into the washroom to change my clothes, I heard him let out a long sigh outside, "I just can't understand why men would have the effort and energy to look for a woman outside. Having one is troublesome enough."

What? Who exactly do you think is troublesome?!?!

~ 9 ~

My friend knew of a fortune teller that was reputed for being extremely accurate. The fortune teller looked at my date of birth and warned me not to wear any jade accessories. Instead, I ought to 'wear gold near water'.

Although I didn't understand the phrase 'gold near water', I was too shy about exposing my ignorance and chose to secretly ask Hyun-Joo instead.

"What exactly is 'gold near water'?"

Lee Hyun-Joo: "Girl, don't you know how to add a punctuation mark!? Wear gold, near water! What the fortune teller is saying is that out of your five elements of life, that are - earth, fire, wind, water, and space, you're lacking in the water!"

I was instantly enlightened.

A certain person laughed derisively at the side, "That's not accurate, out of all elements you actually clearly lack intellect."


~ 10 ~

Recently, I have been suffering from a severe case of hair loss. Whilst sweeping the floor, I lamented, "Sigh, I heard that there was a couple in America who separated because the husband was unable to endure the house being full of hair. You wouldn't divorce me over this, would you?"

He said, "Don't worry. Even if I want to divorce you, it won't be because of this reason alone."

Me: "..."

When I looked in the mirror, I discovered that my center parting was so bald that it could serve as a racecourse. I went to the hairdresser immediately for a change in hairstyle. With the center parting transforming into a side parting, I went back home to flaunt my new hair to Taehyung.

"Look! Isn't this much better?"

He glanced at me.

"Yup, very soon you will have two racecourses on your head."

He can always find ways to trigger my temper – the only reason he has remained alive till today is because I'm just too kind!

~ 11 ~

My friends often comment that Taehyung and I are both very cool and controlled, as we rarely fly into rages or get too emotional. In actuality, our coolness is rather different. Whenever he encounters a difficult problem, he never gets flustered or anxious; instead, he will slowly obtain a comprehensive understanding of the problem before undertaking a thorough analysis, leading to a satisfactory resolution of the problem. Conversely, my cool nature is derived from my high tolerance when handling difficult matters. I am extremely averse to conflict and fear quarreling with others. As such, I have a habit of simply suppressing my unhappiness and tolerating others, frequently telling people "No worries" and "No problem".

The first time he got mad at me, he said, "Whenever you're unhappy, you have to express it! Don't keep everything buried in your heart!"

At that time, I felt that he was being ridiculous as he was getting angry over a small matter. It was only later that I gradually understood that only those who weren't close to me would compliment me on my understanding nature and my gentle temper; conversely, only those who truly cared about me would be concerned about whether I had suffered an injustice and was simply repressing my unhappy feelings.

~ 12 ~

Kim Taehyung is a workaholic and is unable to separate his personal time from his work time. To him, it was normal to work overtime till dawn, and going on work trips for one to two months without returning home is common fare. Recently, we managed to find a common timeslot where both of us were allowed to take leave from work. Thus, we decided to go on a holiday. However, he was constantly on the phone from 8 in the morning, and always procrastinated about heading out, insisting that he had to wait for an important and urgent e-mail that was due any time soon. As such, I waited along with him; in the end, our wait lasted three hours long. When we headed to the French Restaurant that I had been looking forward to the entire trip, he left me in the corner and concentrated on his phone conversation even after the food had arrived.

I was unable to repress my anger and chided, "If you pick up one more phone call, I'd throw your phone into the sea immediately!"

He knew he was in the wrong and finally agreed to turn his phone off before passing it to me. That's how I managed to force him to go sightseeing with me despite his heart still being preoccupied with work.

When I awoke at midnight, I discovered that he had disappeared, and went to look for him at the café of the hotel.

Unsurprisingly, I found this fellow sitting in the corner with his laptop, looking at various files.

When he saw me he was rather astonished, "Why are you awake?"

"Looks like you have upgraded after I confiscated your phone."

"I'm nearly done, so you should return to sleep first."

I didn't feel sleepy in the slightest, so I sat beside him and accompanied him. He was talking to somebody on his mobile phone, and it seemed to concern an urgent matter.

After hanging up on his colleague, he turned to me and said, "There's something I want to discuss with you."

"You want to return ahead of schedule?"

He nodded his head, and immediately launched into an explanation, "It concerns a really urgent matter that is......"


He was stunned, "You're going to agree? Just like that?"

"What else can I do?"

"You're not angry?"

"I'm a little angry, but not terribly so. After all, you're heading back for work, so there's very little for me to be angry about."

Curious, he asked, "If that's the case, under what circumstances would you get mad?"

I thought about it seriously before replying, "If you're not busy with work but busy having an extramarital affair, I'd be really mad. But since your work schedule is so demanding, I reckon you don't even have the time to look for other women. Rather, I'm the one who has sufficient time and energy to go source for an extramarital affair. Now that I think about it, Taehyung, the state of your marriage is quite precarious."

Taehyung: "......"



A/N: So, my precious readers please take care of yourselves and stay happy... And don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter........ ✨✨

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