
By futurest3

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(#1 in Lust - 16.11.22) Even though I was the one who initiated the kiss, I could tell that I was no longer i... More

Story Info
Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Darn Ninja-like Second Thoughts
Chapter 2 - What Does A Single Person Do On A Friday Night?
Chapter 3 - I Need A Shot
Chapter 4 - I Forgot How Horrible Interviews Were
Chapter 5 - Find Out On The Next Episode Of 'Exercise Or Exorcist?'
Chapter 6 - I'm The Monopoly Monarch
Chapter 7 - Talk About A Lucky Break!
Chapter 8 - This Is What I Get For Listening To My Mother
Chapter 9 - The Faux Pas Of All Faux Pas
Chapter 10 - Was I Suicidal?
Chapter 11 - I Wasn't About To Turn Down A Free Phone
Chapter 12 - You Win A Lifetime Supply Of Clorox Bleach!
Chapter 13 - The LBD Never Misses, People!
Chapter 14 - Who Was Cutting Onions?
Chapter 15 - Rafael Montero Was Not A Bluffer
Chapter 17 - I Wasn't An Old Toy
Chapter 18 - Speak Of The Devil And She Will Appear
Chapter 19 - Did This Guy Have Metal Insoles In His Shoes?
Chapter 20 - When Did I Turn Into Such A Whore?
Chapter 21 - Relationships Were Hard
Chapter 22 - Mr. Montero, You Little Shit
Chapter 23 - Thank God, Or Satan, Whoever Liked Me More Right Now
Chapter 24 - Exhibit A
Chapter 25 - Paolo Fiero
Chapter 26 - My Brain Was Worse Than A Dementia Patient's
Chapter 27 - Move Over Barney Stinson!
Chapter 28 - Did You Just Make That Up?
Chapter 29 - We Make Out From Time To Time
Chapter 30 - Who Are You?
Chapter 31 - Do You Have A Habit Of Taking Isoniazid?
Chapter 32 - Anything?
Chapter 33 - I Owe You This?
Chapter 34 - I'm In Newport
Chapter 35 - Can I Take Off My Blindfold Now? (Part 1)
Chapter 36 - Can I Take Off My Blindfold Now? (Part 2)
Chapter 37 - Unicorns And Rainbows?
Chapter 38 - I Just Don't Get It
Chapter 39 - Damnit, I Can't Win With You, Can I?
Chapter 40 - Floor It
Chapter 41 - #Feminist Over Here!
Chapter 42 - Father Killer
Chapter 43 - I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Chapter 44 - Why Would I Lie?
Chapter 45 - Occhio Per Occhio
Chapter 46 - So He Wasn't A Cyborg
Chapter 47 - Shit, Not The Police
Chapter 48 - Eff My Life
Chapter 49 - Penny For Your Thoughts?
Chapter 50 - Are You Man Enough? (Mel's POV)
Chapter 51 - Yeah, Yeah, Whatever
Chapter 52 - Tranquilizing
Chapter 53 - Yes?
Enzo (Book 2)

Chapter 16 - ED?

3.2K 106 4
By futurest3

It had been weeks since that unmentionable thing happened in Mr. Montero's office and I could still feel the torrid repercussions.

He had gone from yelling to downright ignoring me unless it was absolutely necessary to talk to me since then and it hurt but at the same time, I was the one who had gone and messed everything up.

Why did I have to kiss him?

I was like a horny teenage boy, the way I couldn't keep it in my pants.

I still remember the coldness in his blue eyes after I had halted the kiss with the most cliche statement ever, "I'm sorry Mr. Montero but I can't do this."

Now he definitely hated me because, in his eyes, I was the tease who had kissed him without consent and then broke it off abruptly.

It all felt very high school, especially what I said afterward.

"I shouldn't have done this, you're my boss, I went out with your best friend. This is wrong on so many levels. What are we doing? Let's just please forget this even happened."

I could've sworn I saw vulnerability in his face but he rearranged his features into a resigned expression so quickly, that I couldn't know for sure if that was what I saw.

"You're right Mia, just get back to work and forget this whole thing ever happened," he stated monotonously, almost robot-like.

I nodded my head and then left as quickly as I could, my mind filled with regrets.

Now, I barely saw my boss, even though I was his executive assistant because he now communicated exclusively via email.

If he needed something done, he'd email me and that was that, and could I blame him?

I would probably do the same if I was in his position.

It was very uncomfortable being at work now because it felt like everyone knew what I did like I had an 'I kissed the boss' sign on the back of my blazer.

Thankfully, outside of work, I was being kept busy because Mel's wedding planning was underway and I was basically her cake-tasting, cutlery-picking partner in crime.

I hadn't even told her, my best friend, what I did yet because I was too ashamed and I also didn't want to bring stories of my work taboos into my safe space which was pretty much anywhere but Montero Industries.

Nevertheless, it was Friday, my working hours were over and my brother, Marcus was supposed to be arriving in New York soon but he had told me that he would take a taxi to my apartment so I shouldn't bother coming all the way out to JFK.

He was probably embarrassed by my old Camry and didn't want to be seen in it but I didn't mind because I hated it very much too.

It sucked.

Unfortunately, it was all I could've afforded at the time.

What my brother didn't know was that I had applied for a car loan with my bank so I could get something newer and less likely to break down than the piece of junk I had been driving ever since I moved to New York.

I sent him the address, just to make sure that he didn't get lost, and he should be here any minute based on the time he'd told me he would arrive at the airport.

All I had to do was wait on his phone call so I could unlock the apartment door and let him in then go straight to bed afterward.

We would have to do the catching up tomorrow because this week in particular had drained me completely.

Between the wedding planning and the awkwardness at the office, I was ready to sleep for a good twenty years, then get back to my amazing life, note the sarcasm.


"Little sis! It's been a while!" exclaimed my brother as he pulled me into a hug that could rival suffocation.

"Just because you're taller doesn't mean you're older," I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Of course it does," he said indignantly as he kicked off his scuffed-up sneakers onto my spotless floor.

"How many times are we gonna have this conversation?"

"Another two hundred times or so little sis," he teased.

I sighed in defeat.

"You're staying in Mel's room by the way."

"Thank God. I couldn't take not even one night on that thing in your living room you call a couch," he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

"Shut up, it was the cheapest one they had," I muttered.

"Believe me, I can tell," he shot back with a laugh.

"Ugh, why did I agree to let you stay here."

"Because you love me, little sis. Where is Mel anyway?" He asked, the nosy side of him making an appearance.

"She's been spending a lot of time at her boyfriend's place ever since they got engaged and she realized he didn't really have ED," I told him.


"Just forget that last part, it's an inside joke."

"I see, so when is Mel moving out?"


"What do you mean?" I asked incredulously.

"She's obviously not going to live here anymore, she's engaged!"

Suddenly it all hit me like a pile of bricks.

My best friend was moving out soon!

Marcus was right.

She couldn't live here anymore now that she was going to build a life with her soon-to-be husband.

How could I be so blind to all of this?

I helped plan the proposal for God's sake!

My mind must have selectively blocked out the obvious, Mel would have to move out and I would have to find a new roommate.

I was too exhausted to deal with this right now.

"Mia, come back to earth."

"Sorry, I spaced out," I muttered after Marcus brought my attention back to him.

I'd been spacing out a lot lately.

"You're probably tired. Go get some rest, I'll be fine on my own," my brother said, ruffling my hair, undoubtedly making me look homeless in the process.

I was too tired to even protest.

"Okay, good night Marcus," I yawned and went to my room so I could crawl into bed.

I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.


I woke up to the jarring sound of a fire alarm going off and the smell of badly burnt toast.

I moaned as the sheets drawn over my head did absolutely nothing to dim the very annoying beeping noise.

Marcus was going to be the death of me.

After getting out of bed at a time way too early for a Saturday, I made my way to the kitchen to destroy that godforsaken thing before I went bat-shit crazy.

"Why, Marcus, why?" I groaned as I turned the smoke detector off.

He had a skillet that was completely black on the inside in his hand.

Why did I let him stay here again?

Oh, right.

He was my brother.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to make you some breakfast and I lost track of time," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head like a scientist trying to figure out why his mixture of vinegar and baking soda didn't explode.

Even though I was still tired, it was very hard to stay mad at him, especially because he was only trying to do something nice for me.

"It's fine, just make sure you wash that pan before you leave, or else," I muttered, not in the mood to lecture anyone.

All I was in the mood for was another trip to Dreamland.

"Okay, but I have to soak it for a few hours first because it's all stuck," he explained, holding the pan upside down, showing that not even the power of gravity was working to get the burnt bread out.

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed."

I went back to sleep afterward and didn't wake up until I was good and ready to face the day.


"Did you want to do anything today?" I asked Marcus who was lying on the couch watching Netflix.

"Like what?"

"The regular tourist shit, see the statue of liberty, empire state building, you know."

"Seen it," he mumbled, half-distracted by his show.

"Okay good, we'll just stay in and order food because you aren't allowed in my kitchen and I don't feel like cooking," I told him as I sat down beside him on the couch.

"Sounds good to me."

Marcus wasn't a person who loved going out which I was secretly glad for.

I had no intention of leaving the apartment today.

I'd only asked to be nice.

"So how's the new job that I had to hear all about from mom?"

"Sorry," I grimaced, "I meant to tell you but I forgot."

"You're the worst sister ever but never mind that. What's it like working for the 'Rafael Montero'?" He asked eagerly.

"Um, it's alright I guess. The pay is really good, I can afford to buy a new car now," I told him gleefully.

"Thank God! Your car sucks ass."

"Hey! At least I own a car," I shot back.

"I'm in college, where am I driving to?"

"Just shut up about my car."

"Fine. What's he like?"

"Who? My car? I think it's a she."

"No, you turd for brains, Rafael Montero."

I kissed him and nobody knows.

"He's very passionate about his work."

He was a very passionate kisser too.

"What else?" My brother inquired.

"He's very cutthroat when it comes to business," I continued slowly.

He was also very attractive.

"I heard he's in the mafia. What do you think?" He whispered conspiratorially.

"I have no idea but he does give off a pretty dark vibe so I wouldn't put it past him," I shivered.

The way he had ravished me made me sure that there was something volatile in the waters that were Rafael Montero, and I had gone and disturbed it, unknowingly.

"Woah, does he use my accounting method?"

"I have no idea, I don't work in accounting but that would be so cool if he did!"


"So, do you have a girlfriend yet or are you still a pathetic loner like me?" I joked, poking him in the collarbone.

"I'm going out with this girl, Sydney, but it's not serious, how about you?"

"I just said I was a loner, you idiot."

"I thought you were kidding!"

"Well, I'm not," I scoffed.

Was everybody taken but me?

"So, if you didn't come to sightsee, why did you come all the way to New York?" I asked incredulously.

That was a lot of money to spend on a plane ticket, only to use the trip to lounge around like a hobo.

"If you must know, mom and dad were getting on my nerves this spring break, I just had to get away," he muttered.

"And here I thought you just missed your favorite sister."

"Mia, you're my only sister so you only get that title by default."


"Anyway, I was at home with Sydney, hooking up, when all of a sudden, our parents, who were supposed to be in Indonesia for the spring, bust my door open!"

My eyes widened in shock.

"Turns out they cut their trip short but gave me no warning so they caught me, you know, so I had to leave before I died from embarrassment."

"I get it, they never give anyone a heads up, do they?"

Marcus shook his head.

It wasn't even what they did, but it was what they said afterward," he mumbled.

"What'd they say?"

"Mom said, 'I hope you're staying for dinner dear' then dad replied with 'well it looks like she already got dessert'."

We both cringed at our horrid parents.

"And this girl, Sydney, still talks to you?" I questioned.

"Yea, surprisingly!" He exclaimed.

"She's a keeper, don't let her go," I laughed, knowing that if I was in her shoes, I would have moved to another country and changed my name to something generic like Ashley Smith, so no one could locate me.

"I'll try not to," he chuckled.

It was at that moment I realized how much I missed my brother and his good vibes.

I was almost tempted to tell him to move to New York, far away from our disturbed parents but I knew that he wouldn't go for it.

Even though they were a lot to handle all the time, Marcus couldn't live without knowing that they were nearby.

I didn't get it but that was how he felt.

I could only handle Vince and Linda Milani in telephone-sized doses.


New chapter!

Marcus is here and I'm so happy!

I wanted you guys to get a better feel of his character because I had only mentioned him before.

Stay tuned for the next chapter which will have more sibling content.

Spanish word of the day: Preguntar - to ask.

If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Thanks for reading!

Cari <3

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