You're My Ugly Pineapple

By Chaotix_Writer

54.1K 1.2K 196

Sid has been sloth-napped by an angry momma-dinosaur, Ellie is pregnant and Sky has no memory of her life bef... More

Basic backstory and Character Profile
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty one

Chapter twenty

434 13 4
By Chaotix_Writer

"Hey Love, what's up with that blanket you bought down?" Buck called out from the kitchen area, as I sat on our couch, carving away at a block of wood. 

"Hm? Oh, you don't want to bloody know."

Buck peeked around the corner and raised an eyebrow, before walking around with a bowl of eggs and dried newts. He placed it down on the couch, which was, in reality, a piece of stone that was carved into the shape of a couch, and picked up the blanket that was draped over the back. He took a whiff of it and raised an eyebrow, looking over at me in confusion.

"Sid's grandma gave it to me, it's made out of the pelts of her ex husbands," I explained, laughing a bit as the expression on Buck's face changed to one of slight disgust and horror. 

"And you took it, why?"

"I didn't get a choice. She calls it the 'baby maker.' Apparently it's supposed to help with fertility? I don't know, I didn't ask too many questions considering."

"She does know that we live in a nearly perfect climate, yeah?"

"She's a decrepit, possibly sociopathic lady who literally turned the skin of her ex husbands into a blanket, I didn't get into explaining our living situation to her," I explained, looking up at him as he was examining the blanket.

"I mean, it's not too bad quality wise. A little dusty, but we could probably hang it up somewhere," He pondered, picking a 

"You want to keep it?!"

"I mean, it was a gift. And who knows what the old bag would say if we just give it back. She'd probably add us to the blanket," He joked, folding it before putting it on the back of the couch. I smiled and rolled my eyes slightly, grabbing Buck's arm and tugging it to pull him onto the sofa. Not expecting the sudden pull, he fell on top of me and I giggled slightly as he nuzzled into me slightly, wrapping himself around me. 

"Bucky!" I laughed as Buck kissed along my body warmly, over dramatizing the sounds he'd make each time he planted a kiss. 

"You bought this on yourself, Sky!" He joked, squeezing me tightly. "The power of the baby maker, it's too much!"

I laughed and he eventually settled down, the top of his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck and my arms wrapped around him.  

"Hey Love, did you wanna go to the watering hole today? I wanted to thank Barry for helping you put this beautiful home together."

"Yeah, I could do with a drink or two," Buck pondered, uncurling himself and hopping to his feet. I followed suit and we grabbed our stuff and we walked out the main door. 

Ava was perched on a branch just above us, scratching under her wing nonchalantly. I whistled to her, and her eyes lit up and she glided down to me, nuzzling me with her beak.

"Aww, Ava. So you want to go for a fly? Do you?" I cooed, scratching the back of her head.

"It's not too far from here, but I'm sure she'll enjoy a nice dip in the water, won't you girl?" Buck smiled, watching as I climbed onto her back, taking my outstretched paw and jumping on behind me.

He was right, the watering hole wasn't that fair away, and looked absolutely beautiful, thankfully untouched by the earthquakes, it looked like a little spot of paradise within a paradise. Other mammals of all species gathered around, playing games and sitting by the water with a coconut in their paws. I landed Ava beside the water, taking off her bridle and hanging it up on a low hanging branch nearby. She made an instant dash for the water, making a splash as she squawked happily and thrashed in the water. I glanced at Buck and squeezed his hand, and he gave me a reassuring smile as he led me down to the bar. Behind the bar sat a beaver, mixing drinks and conversing with a pair of Aardvarks sitting at the bar. Buck and I wandered over and sat on the other end of the bar, and I turned to Buck. 

"What did you want? I'm not really sure of the types of drinks," I asked, fiddling with my claws. 

"Hmm? Oh you got your basic coconut water, they put a little mint in that one, you got your margaritas, cocktails, martinis, mojitos. Really, if it's a summer drink then you could probably get it here. Plus you've got your water, flavoured water, all that stuff."

"Hm," I thought for a second, tapping my claws on the wooden surface of the bar. "I think I'll just have a coconut water, and add half a shot of fermented potato juice" I shrugged, and the bartender nodded towards me and pulled a fresh coconut up from underneath the bar and cracked it open. From under the bar, he pulled a mishappen clay bottle along with a little cup, poured in the liquid up to the halfway point on poured it into the coconut, shook it and and, putting a lime wedge on the edge, a small bamboo straw and some mint, he slid it over to me. I caught it in my left paw and took a sip, the sweet and bitter clashing on my taste buds taking me slightly aback. 

"I'll have a new-fashioned please," Buck piped up, swivelling in his chair to face me better. The beaver mixed a concoction from different bottles behind the bar into a cup and shook it up before handing it over. Buck took the drink, took a taste and nodded, before turning back to the ba

"Now, bartender! I was wondering if you'd be able to tell me where a regular might be at this hour," Buck exclaimed, raising his glass to his lips.

"Of course Buck, who do you need to see?" the beaver asked, taking a rag and wiping a glass clean.

"The missus and I need to see Barry, he helped fix up our new place and we wanted to thank him personally for it."

"Ahh, Barry! Just one second," the beaver stepped away from the bar for a second and ducked behind the curtains that hid a room in the back. A thud, some chattering and a few seconds later, Barry comes out from behind the curtains with the beaver, rubbing his head.

"Sorry about that you two, he was sleeping."

"Ya didn't have to hit me on the noggin though!" Barry groaned, shaking his head.

"Ah! Barry, good to see ya mate, Sky here wanted to see ya!" Buck exclaimed, wrapping an arm around my middle.

"Yeah, I just wanted to thank you and your crew for the extraordinary work you did in our den. I cannot thank you enough, but," I reached into my bag and pulled out a little figure of a beaver, just smaller than my paw, and placed it on the bar, "I made this for you, I thought it was the least I could do."

Barry fell silent, staring at the little figurine. Small tears started welling in his eyes as he picked it up, turning it in his paws. "Thank you, thank you so much. It looks just like my grandmama, we lost her during the earthquakes," his voice quivered.

"Oh my gosh, I had no idea. I'm so sorry," I stuttered, my paws shaking a bit. Did he love it? Hate it? Does he hate me for making him remember something so horrible? He must hate me. He hates it. I put so much work into it, it doesn't even look good.

"No! It's ok, I love it, it's like I have a little bit of her still with me," he wiped a tear away and smiled at me, holding the trinket in his paws.

I calmed down a bit, and Buck noticed my worry and stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I'm glad you like it, it's made out of some oak that I got from the surface."

"Ill treasure it. Now, if you two don't mind, I was in the middle of a nap," Barry yawned, before scurrying back behind the curtain.

I sighed deeply and looked to Buck, a small smile on his face.

"You ok, love?" he asked, his head tilted slightly.

"I'm fine. Just anxious, you know how it is."

The sun started to set and, with it, most of the mammals around the waterhole went back to their burrow and homes for the night, leaving Buck and I sitting on the sand, looking out over the water. It was quiet, the chirps of birds and insects filled the dusk air with familiarity. Buck and I sat there, talking and laughing until night crept upon us, ushering us back home. We walked this time, Ava following us and snapping her beak at fireflies that flew too close.
Once we got home, exhaustion hit like a mammoth, and I collapsed on the couch, crawling up into a ball.

"Sky, love, I know you're tired, but you need to get into bed," I heard Buck say, still by the door as he hung up his knife for the night.

I groaned in response, curling up even tighter. Buck chuckled and I heard him move closer, just to feel his strong arms pick me up and carry me out of the room.

I peeked a look at him, a focused yet soft look on his face as he put me into my hammock I curled up in the blankets and Buck joined me, curling himself around me. Comfortable, warm and feeling safer than ever, I drifted to sleep.

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