Chapter nine

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"Come on Ellie, you can do it," I exclaimed, squeezing her trunk. "One more big push!"

"Come on Manny, I think we're gettin close!" I heard Diego exclaimed, and I ran over to where the baby was and quickly cut her umbilical cord, handing her to Ellie. 

"Congratulations guys, it's a beautiful baby girl," I smiled, tears forming on the edge of my eyes. Ellie picked the bundle of fuzz up with her trunk and held her close, the baby cooing happily at the sight of her parents.

"She's perfect. I think we should call her Ellie. Lil Ellie," Manny smiled cradling his child with his trunk. 

"I gotta better name. Peaches,' Ellie smiled.


"Why not? She's sweet, and round and covered in fuzz!"

"Peaches, I love it," Manny smiled, looking at Ellie with love in his eyes. 

Diego sniffed back a tear and I smiled, leaning against him. "I saw that, tough guy,"

"No, no, that last dino caught my eye with a claw and," He paused, "Okay, so I'm not made of stone."

"Incoming!" I heard a yell and looked up to see Buck, Crash, Eddie and Sid fly down on a Pteranodon. 

"It's Sid!" Manny exclaimed, looking up at the lovable sloth.

He stumbled down and landed in front of Peaches, smiling widely. "Oh, it's a boy!" 

"That's its tail,"

"It's a girl!"

I didn't hear the rest, as I ran over to Buck who was smiling at us all happily. "You're alive!"

"A little ol' Pteranodon can't hurt me, love," He grinned, wrapping an arm around my waist and dipping me into a kiss. "I forgot what it was like to be part of a family," He smiled, pulling me back to my feet as we stared at the others. 

"Hey love, have you ever thought about havin kids?" He asked as I leaned into his shoulder and smiled, a few tears still in my eyes. 

"Of course, but I want to wait for a few years. Maybe when Peaches is older," I smiled, looking down at the bundle of fluff. 

"Alright mammals," Buck sighed, walking up to the others. "Let's get you home,"

(Time skip)

"Hey, uh, love? Do you still want to go, you know, up there?" Buck asked, his paw intertwined with mine. 

"I was thinking about it, but my real home is down here, with you. We can always go up to visit  if we want to," I smiled, looking back at the line of animals. It killed me to leave them, but Buck was my home. He had been my home for so long before I even met them, and all of those nights alone were all for naught. 

"This is it mammals! Right were you started," Buck exclaimed as we neared the cave entrance. "This was fun! We could make it a regular thing," He smiled, turning around to face everyone. 

"Haha, I don't know about that," Ellie chuckled, looking at both of us happily. 

"Right! Right, yes. Cause of all the uh, mortal peril of course," He chuckled, looking at me lovingly. "And I don't think I could bare to lose this one again, of course," He added, smiling that fang-toothed smile I loved.

"Oh well! The Buck stops here," He smiled, stopping just in front of the cave entrance.

"We couldn't have done it without you," Manny smiled. 

"Well, obviously," Buck smiled, showing of more of his cocky side. "But, good times just the same-" He paused in the middle of his sentence, a breath exhaling on our fur. My heart stopped and I faced Buck, the same terrified look on his face as mine.

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