Chapter seven

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Everyone was asleep and Buck and I were sitting down, completely alone. We were quiet, and Buck was making a bone carving of what seemed to be Rudy. Mustering up the courage, I turned towards Buck and sighed.

"You know Buck, I think I'm starting to remember some stuff from my past" He froze and looked over at me, his eyes wide with shock and hope. 


"Yeah, I remember someone saying that they loved me, and they promised that they'd find me again."

"Can you remember anything else?" He asked, getting up on his feet.

"Well, no not really. But I have a feeling that you might be able to help me," I got up and took Buck's paw, walking with him up to a tree. We climbed it and looked over a sort of dance floor, where two squirrels were dance fighting over an acorn. The taps of their feet made a sort of song, a type of salsa. 

"Care to dance?" Buck smiled, holding out a paw. I took it happily and he twirled me around to the beat of the music. Our bodies were intertwined, quite literally, as we jumped from branch to branch in a series of dance moves and skill. We ended with a dip, and our noses touched. A wave of memories came back to me, from sad to happy. When I was younger I lived down here with Buck, because we were cast out from our families for loving each other. We went to the dinosaur world in fear that others above wouldn't accept us. We were mates for life, until I lost my memory the day Buck lost his eye. I was flung against the wall during his fight with Rudy and Buck rushed me back up to the top to find someone to help me. I was in a coma, and presumed dead. So, heartbroken, Buck went back down.

"Why did you leave me, Buckminster?" I asked, happy tears welling at the edges of my eyes. His face lit up and he kissed me, smiling widely. 

"I had no choice. I thought you were dead, love. When I said I'd find you again I meant in another lifetime, but you're alive! And you remember me!" He exclaimed, hugging me tightly. "When I saw you I couldn't believe my eye, I could hardly control myself from holding you close. But when you asked me who I was I felt like my whole world had been destroyed, again. But you fell in love with me all over again and now you know who I actually am, and what we've been through," He smiled, holding my face up with his paws. I leaned into his touch and held my own paw up to cup his. 

"How has everything been without me? Where's my knife, why didn't you tell the others?" 

"Some things are better unspoken until the time is right, and everything is fine! Your knife is back at home, I've kept it sharp just for you," He picked me up bridal style and nuzzled my nose with his before he jumped down to the campsite below. Manny was standing below us and he'd only just woken up, a frantic look in his eyes. 

"You two, is anything wrong?" Manny exclaimed, running over to us. Buck smiled and I kissed his cheek, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."

"Are you guys a thing now?"

"Turns out we've always been a thing," I smiled, staring into Buck's eyes. Manny gave us a questioning look and I explained everything that had happened to him and everyone else while Buck sat beside me with an arm around my waist. 

"So the reason you fell for Buck so hard when we came down here is because your unconscious knew that you two were already mates for life?" Ellie asked, leaning forwards with interest.

"I guess so, yeah," I smiled, leaning into Buck's chest. 

"She's my sweet'eart, I've been sayin that since day one," He smiled, combing through my hair with his claws. "Ever since I first saw her all those years back I new she was the one for me,"

"That was when you still had both of your beautiful, blue eyes. Not that having one is a bad thing, it makes you look dangerous," I smiled, causing Crash and Eddie to gag at me. 

"Come on Sky, stop being so mushy! It's gross," Eddie groaned, shoving a finger in his mouth to show his feelings. 

"Haha, fine, I think it's about time I go to bed anyways," I yawned, getting up and stretching. I walked over to a tree and curled up in a small ball, my head resting on my midriff. Buck jumped over and kissed my forehead, sitting next to me and resuming his wood carving. 

"Goodnight, love," I muttered, falling almost instantly into a deep sleep.

"Goodnight, beautiful." 

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