A new Boy in Berk: Riders of...

By Kirikase10456

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Hiccup and Blake ended the war against dragons but it's not over yet, they'll have to face more challenges li... More

How to start a Dragon Academy
Viking for Hire
Animal House
The Terrible Twos
In Dragons we Trust
Alvin and the Outcasts
Blake's crisis
How to Pick Your Dragon
Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man
Dragon Flower
Heather Report Part 1
Heather report part 2
Incomplete memories
What Flies Beneath
Blake the Outcast Part 1
Blake the Outcast Part 2
The Defiant One
Breakneck Bog
Gem of a Different Color
We are family Part 1
We are family Part 2

When Lightning Strikes

425 10 0
By Kirikase10456

Living with dragons has its ups and downs, that's why you need to stay calm and keep a clear head, that's not always easy for Vikings, so when a problem is caused by something than they don't understand, they lose all sense of reason

On berk they were building perches for the dragons because some of them rested on the houses making the wooden supports of these snapped and making the houses collapse

Luckily Hiccup came up with the idea of building perches made of iron for them, once they finished Astrid and Stormfly flew up to test them

Stormfly however was a little nervous "It's okay girl" Astrid said gently "Take it easy"

Stormfly landed on the perch and it held her weight, all of the Vikings cheered except the twins who were disappointed because nothing got destroyed

"So, we built these things so stuff wouldn't break?" Tuffnut asked confused

"I don't understand you people" Ruffnut said confused as well

"And they ticked us into helping them, I feel so used and sweaty" Tuffnut said dropping his hammer before walking away followed by Ruffnut

(Hiccup's house)

Later that night Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber and Blake reunited on Hiccup's house to celebrate their success in company of Toothless and Thunder who were eating some fish

"Perches for dragons, some of your best work" Stoick said lifting his mug before giving it a disgusted sight "Although we may need to move the one over the well"

Confused Blake looked inside of his mug before pushing it gently away from him "Definitely" he muttered

"The perches are just the biggening" Hiccup said lifting his mug but Stoick stopped him "We could build landing areas for them, maybe even stables in the caves around the village and-"

"Easy son" Stoick said interrupting Hiccup "Remember, Berk is still for people"

"Vikings before dragons" Gobber said making Toothless and Thunder look at him "Yeah, I said it, deal with it"

Suddenly they heard a rumbling sound outside that scared Toothless so he ran upstairs

Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber and Blake looked outside of the house and saw some lightning striking on the dragon perches

"The lightning's hitting everywhere" Hiccup said, when Thunder heard that, he ran out of the house looking happily how did the lightning strike

"At least someone is enjoying it" Blake said looking at Thunder

"Thor must be angry" Gobber said "The only other time I ever remember lightning striking Berk-"

"Barnstat" Stoick and Gobber said

"I'm sorry, who?" Blake asked confused

"Jorgen Barnstat, drifter, sailed into town, he was stealing from widows and old men" Stoick explained

"To punish him Thor gave him a lightning bolt right to his helmet when he was fixing the mast on his ship to make his escape" Gobber said pointing at a helmet that was hanging on the wall

"By the time Thor was finished with him, our whole fleet was on fire" Stoick said

"We shipped him of the island and Thor hasn't hit the village since" Gobber said

"Threw him off the island? Pretty harsh" Hiccup said

Suddenly more lightnings started to hit the houses catching them on fire making the people scream and run away from the burning houses

"Gobber, organize a bucket brigade, I'm going to the Great Hall" Stoick ordered so he and Gobber run to different directions

Suddenly another lightning struck near by and freaked out Toothless so he let out a frightened roar before running away

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled

"You go and find Toothless" Blake said "Thunder and I will help to put down the fire"

In the village some Vikings were filling buckets of water and throwing it into the flames, but Stoick lifter a trough over his shoulder and threw it over a nearby house while some dragon riders helped to put down the fire

Meanwhile near the steps than leaded to the Great Hall Hiccup was still looking for Toothless while the twins were looking at all the chaos

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about" Tuffnut said

"I've always liked Thor" Ruffnut said

"I love these storms" Snotlout said as Hookfang landed "When it rains, I cancel bath night and stand outside with nothing but a sponge and a bar of soap"

"We know, the village has had meetings about it" Fishlegs said landing next to Hookfang

Then Astrid and Stormfly landed in front of Hiccup "I need your help, I need to find Toothless" Hiccup said

"I just saw him by the Great Hall" Astrid said as she lifted Hiccup into Stormfly's back

At the top od the steps that leaded to the Great Hall Stoick was carrying two injured Vikings on his shoulders

"Don't worry men" Stoick said placing the Vikings on the floor "You're going to be alright"

"It's striking through all the village" Mulch said

"I've never seen Thor this angry" Bucket said

Stormfly landed near by and saw Toothless sitting on a perch but he flew off when a lightning hit the perch where he was sitting

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled worried

"Did you all see that?" Mulch asked, all of the Vikings turned around and saw how Toothless leapt from perch to perch avoiding the lightning

"Look! The lightning is following him" Mulch said, seconds later Toothless landed near Stormfly "Toothless!" Hiccup yelled jumping off Stormfly

"Look! He's not the only one who's being followed by lightning" Bucket said pointing at the sky

They all looked up and saw how Blake and Thunder were trying to escape from some lightning

After a minute they both landed next to Toothless and Hiccup "That... was... close" Blake said taking deep breaths

"Don't you all understand? Thor is mad at all of us and I'll tell you why: Because of them" Mildew said pointing with his staff towards Hiccup, Toothless, Blake and Thunder

"As you all know the Night Fury is the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, we let him live among us and now we will pay the price!" Midew said before looking at Blake

"And that boy, his father is none other than Alvin the Treacherous! He'll be nothing but trouble and that Skrill is he's accomplice" Mildew said

"So, there is one thing than we must do... Banish the Night Fury and the boy before the storm gets worse" Mildew exclaimed making all of the Vikings nod in agreement "Thor is angry at us because of them, you all saw it!"

"No, this is ridiculous!" Hiccup said

"If we don't act now, well, I need to remind you of Barnstat" Mildew said making the Vikings look at each other worried

"You're right all of you" Stoick said walking towards the crowd "Thor is angry but I don't believe he's angry at Toothless or Blake"

"That's right! Have you all forgotten what Toothless has done for this village!?" Hiccup asked "Or how has Blake been helping us!?"

"Well then who do you suppose he's angry at?" Mildew asked angrily

"I don't presume to know Thor's mind Mildew, but we'll find a way to sooth he's anger" Stoick said firmly

"Well, for our sakes you'll better be right" Mildew said walking away

(The village)

The next morning there were still thunderclouds so the teens reunited at the village in company of their dragons to find a way to calm Thor's rage

"Another storm is incoming" Hiccup said

"Thor tore a hole in the Great Hall, maybe he's hungry" Tuffnut said

"We need to find a way to make Thor happy" Hiccup said "But what do you give the got of thunder and lightning"

"In the past Thor enjoyed a sacrifice or two" Fishlegs said

"I don't think a sacrifice will work Fishlegs" Blake sighed "Thor has plenty of reasons to be mad at me"

"That's ridiculous, Thor can't be mad at you" Hiccup said trying to comfort Blake

"Just think about it for a moment, my father is a huge traitor to Berk" Blake said starting to count with his fingers

"We all know that, but that can't be enough reason for Thor to be mad at you" Fishlegs said "What can be worse than that?"

"Well, how about that time when I almost kill an adult man, and let's not forget when Hiccup told everything to Heather and I was so mad than I almost let you all die in the Outcast Island" Blake finished

"Wow, if I was Thor, I would definitely be mad at you" Tuffnut said

"Can't you stop being insensitive for once?" Astrid scolded Tuffnut

"Don't worry Blake" Hiccup said "We'll find a way to help you, Toothless, and Thunder"

"Speaking of Thunder, where is he?" Fishlegs askes "I haven't seen him in all day"

Blake only pointed up confusing everyone so they all looked up and saw Thunder happily flying through the storm

"What is he doing up there?" Ruffnut asked

"He's a Skrill so a storm like that is he's natural habitat" Blake said "But back with the problem how can we make Thor happy?"

"If I were Thor, I would want a giant statue" Snotlout said as he stepped on Hookfang's snout and said dragon lifted him

"Or myself, Snotlout as Thor" Snotlout said flexing his arms

"You do know that we're trying to make him happy?" Astrid asked looking at Snotlout

"Exactly" Snotlout said kissing his flexed arms

Astrid looked away with a gurgling sound on her throat "I think I just threw up in my mouth" she said

"Actually, that's not a bad idea" Hiccup said

"It's not an idea, it's a reflex" Astrid said

"I think he's talking about the statue" Blake said and Astrid's throat gurgled again "There I go again" Astrid said

"No, not Snotlout" Hiccup said and Snotlout glared at him "Of Thor"

"Berk has never given Thor a statue" Fishlegs said

"Well, it's time we do" Hiccup said

The teens worked all day on the statue, the twins were making the arms using Barf and Belch's necks to model them

Astrid was working on the cape using Stormfly's spikes to hold the metal plates together

Snotlout was making the legs but the knee was bent backwards "Great job just one issue" Hiccup said noticing the knee "Thor's knee bends the other way, you know like a knee on a person"

Hiccup walked away leaving a confused Snotlout behind, then he went to check on Fishlegs who was building Thor's pants using Meatlug as model

"What are you doing?" Hiccup asked

"I'm making Thor's pants" Fishlegs said "I hope they're not too tight, I hate when my pants are too tight, I feel so bloated"

Hiccup turned around and looked at the sky noticing that the storm was about to arrive "Okay guys, we better start welding these pieces together" Hiccup said

Once they finished, they covered the statue with some rags and placed it on a podium so some Vikings went to see what was happening

"Attention everyone!" Hiccup called "Okay, so, I know we're not exactly Thor's favorite people right now, but I'm confident than this statue will go a long way toward getting us on his good graces!"

"So, without further ado" Hiccup said as he and Toothless pulled the rags revealing the statue of Thor posing proudly lifting his hammer

"Well done" Stoick said amazed "Thor will apricate this tribute and smile upon us once again"

All of the Vikings cheered happily and walked away except of Mildew "You really think this is enough appease the mighty Thor!? Your fools, all of you!?" Mildew yelled furiously

(Hiccup's house)

Later that night the storm finally arrived but it was even worse than the last one, Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber and Blake were looking at the storm

"Unbelievable, even more lightning than the last storm" Hiccup said

"I don't understand, we gave Thor a giant statue" Gobber said closing the door

"It was a gallant effort, but it looks like this is not what Thor wanted" Stoick said

"Open the door Stoick!" Mildew demanded knocking on the door "We've come for the dragon and the boy"

"Hiccup, take Toothless and Blake to a safe place" Stoick ordered "I'll try to reason with them"

"I guess we don't have any choice" Blake sighed sadly before he, Hiccup and Toothless used the window upstairs to escape

Meanwhile Stoick and Gobber were trying to reason with the angry crowd "Give up the dragon Stoick!" Mildew demanded "We've had enough!"

"You're too late, they're gone" Stoick said

"Stoick has already sent them off the island" Gobber said

When Gobber stopped talking some lightning strikes the statue "Thor says otherwise" Mildew said "They must still be on the island, find them!"

(Astrid's house)

Hiccup and Blake with Toothless were able to arrive at Astrid's house but the angry crowd was near by

"We can hide Toothless in the cove for now" Astrid said

"That could work" Blake said "But I've still got to go somewhere where no one finds me"

"No, we have to go somewhere where no one finds us" Hiccup said firmly

"Us?" Astrid asked confused

"I'm not leaving my best friends" Hiccup said

"You'll be back, right?" Astrid asked trying her best to not to cry

"Yeah, eventually, I promise we'll come back" Hiccup said before getting on Toothless' back followed by Blake

Astrid was only able to see sadly how they flew away

(The Forest)

Hiccup, Toothless and Blake were flying trough the storm clouds avobe the forest, Blake sighed sadly but Hiccup noticed this

"Blake, is something bothering you?" Hiccup asked gently

"It's just that I can't stop thinking about that this is all my fault" Blake said surprising Hiccup "Even though I've done my best to use my second personality for good, the gods are fully aware of my sins"

"And it looks like all of this will continue tormenting me for a while" Blake said

"Look, I don't care of how you used to be" Hiccup said firmly "You're still one of my best friends, back then before we met our dragons you helped me in everything you could"

"Not because you wanted to redeem yourself, you helped me because we are friends" Hiccup said "And like you always say 'Friends help each other' Now it's my turn to help you, and you can't let your past torment you"

Blake was surprised by Hiccup's words "You're right, I can't let my past torments me anymore, that won't lead me anywhere" he said getting back to his usual self "You know, you're really good at motivating others"

Suddenly a lightning hit Toothless' prosthetic tail fin destroying it and making him lost control of his flight

They began to fall slamming into some trees and crashed in the ground "You okay bud?" Hiccup asked getting up

"Blake, are you okay?" Hiccup asked noticing that Blake was sitting on the ground

"No" Blake groaned in pain carefully placing a hand on his right leg "My leg, it really hurts"

"Can you walk?" Hiccup asked "We still need to get out of here"

Blake tried to stand up but the pain in his leg didn't allow him to do that "I don't think that I'll be able to walk for a while" He said "But can Toothless still fly?"

Hiccup looked at Toothless' tail fin "I'm afraid not" Hiccup said "When the lightning hit the tail it destroyed it"

Hiccup tried to touch the metal but he got burned so he removed his hand, then Hiccup looked how the lightnings were hitting the perches and the statue "Wait a second..." Hiccup said

Suddenly three bolas came out of nowhere and tied Toothless up, Hiccup turned away and saw Mildew and the angry crowd approaching

"Secure them!" Mildew ordered

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled as some Vikings secured Toothless so he couldn't escape, then they placed Toothless con a cart and chained him

Hiccup tried to stop them but another Viking captured him and another Viking also captured Blake

"Say your goodbyes" Mildew said walking away as some Vikings started to push the cart where Toothless was

Hiccup was able to free himself from the Viking's grip and ran towards the cart trying to stop it but it was useless

"Don't forget to bring Blake!" Mildew said as he began to follow the cart

"Let me go!" Blake yelled trying to free himself but the pain on his leg wasn't helping him at all

Suddenly a Skrill roar was heard and a lightning landed near them blinding everyone nearby for a moment because of the light's intensity

When the light went off it revealed Thunder roaring furiously at the Viking that captured Blake, said Viking released Blake before running away

"Thunder, did you just ride a lightning!?" Blake asked surprised and Thunder nodded proudly

"I don't know if I should be mad because of you arriving late" Blake scolded Thunder "Or surprised because I just saw you riding a lightning"

"But at least we've got some reinforcements" Blake said before looking at Hiccup who was thinking

"What's on your mind Hiccup?" Blake asked

"I think I've figured out what's happening" Hiccup said "But in order to prove it we'll need to get to the forge"

"Very well then" Blake said before looking at Thunder "Can you take us there?"

Thunder nodded allowing Blake and Hiccup to get on his back

(The forge)

Moments later they arrived at the forge, Hiccup jumped off Thunder and grabbed a near spear

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled as she and the other teens ran towards the forge "They've got Toothless but I don't think they'll send him away until they got Blake too"

"I know, that's why I got this" Hiccup said showing them the spear

"Hiccup already explained me what is going on" Blake said before looking at Astrid "Astrid, could you please come with us? We crashed earlier and leg was damaged, we'll need some extra help"

Astrid nodded before going to search for Stormfly before going to the docks

(Berk's docks)

At the docks Toothless was next the boat that was going to send him and Blake off the island, Stoick and Gobber were trying to protect Toothless

"If you want to get that dragon, you'll have to go through us" Stoick said as he drew out his sword, at that moment Bucket and Mulch walked trough the crowd and joined Stoick and Gobber

"Thank you, lads" Stoick said

"If we're choosing sides, Mulch, uh, there's more over there" Bucket said nervously looking at the crowd "Lots of more"

"We stand with chief, Bucket" Mulch said firmly

"Stop!" Hiccup yelled as Thunder and Stormfly landed next to Toothless "You can throw off the island anything you want but that's not stopping the storms"

"It's the metal!" Hiccup said lifting the spear as he got off Thunder "The lightning is hitting the spears and the statue, they are all made of metal!"

"We can prove it!" Blake said "Thunder, a minor lightning blast should be enough"

Thunder shot a minor lightning blast to a perch that was near, the electricity went trough the perch surprising the Vikings

"That's not good enough!" Mildew yelled "That Skrill is manipulating the lightning!"

"Fine, I'll give you another prove" Hiccup said getting on Thunder's back again "Fly me up"

Thunder flew and allowed Hiccup to stand the mast of the boat "Hiccup are you sure that this a good idea?" Blake asked insecure

"I'm completely sure, trust me, I'll be fine" Hiccup said, Blake nodded and Thunder landed back on the floor

"You'll all see by yourselves" Hiccup said "When I attach this metal rod to the top of this mast, the lightning will-" Hiccup never finished his sentence because a lightning struck him leaving him unconscious

"Hiccup!" Stoick yelled when Hiccup fell into the water, Toothless saw everything and with all of the strength he could, he realized himself and dived into the water to save Hiccup

Seconds later Toothless emerged from the water with Hiccup on his mouth and pulled him back on the docks

"Son" Stoick said sadly running towards Hiccup

(Hiccup's house)

The next day Hiccup woke up on his bed letting escape some grunts but he stopped when he saw Toothless

"What happen, bud?" Hiccup asked petting Toothless, then Hiccup looked at his right foot noticing that it was still there

"At least I didn't lose another one" Hiccup said relieved

Suddenly Stoick and Gobber entered the room and saw Hiccup awake "My boy" Stoick said as he lifted Hiccup

"You took a lightning bolt on your head" Stoick said placing Hiccup down and rubbing a hand through Hiccup's hair

"Just like Barnstat, except we won't be throwing you off the island" Gobber said

"So, everyone knows Thor wasn't mad at Toothless and Blake?" Hiccup asked

"They do now" Stoick said

"Where is Blake by the way?" Hiccup asked

"He's back home his leg was badly bruised" Gobber explained "He's been really worried about you, just like the rest of the village"

Suddenly they heard something out side so they went to investigate and saw some Vikings pulling the statue down

"We worked so hard on that statue" Hiccup said sadly "A shame we have to destroy it"

"Maybe we don't have to" Stoick said placing a hand on Hiccup's shoulder "Why don't you take it to one of the high points of the island and leave it there?"

"Great idea chief" Tuffnut said as he and Snotlout walked towards them

"We'll handle that for you" Snotlout said

Later Snotlout and Tuffnut with the help of their dragons took the statue and placed it in front of Mildew's house

"Uh, I'm not sure that's what my dad had in mind, guys" Hiccup said

"Hey, that's the way I understood it" Snotlout said

(The Forge)

Later that day Hiccup went to the forge to see how Blake was doing, once he entered Blake's room, he saw him sitting on his bed writing something, Blake had several bandages in his right leg

Thunder was also there looking how Blake was working

"Hiccup!" Blake said stopping his job once he noticed Hiccup's presence "You're awake"

"Hi Blake" Hiccup said entering the room "What are you writing"

"Just some notes for the book of dragons" Blake explained showing Hiccup his notes "It's about the Skrill's ability to ride lightnings"

"Hiccup, I want to ask you something" Blake said placing the book on a table that he had next to his bed "Are you feeling okay, after you know?"

"I do but this also gave me a lesson" Hiccup said "No matter how things change Vikings will still be Vikings, but apparently we're not too afraid to admit when we go wrong"

A/n: Hi there, after a week of rest I'm back with a new chapter for the story

Thank you for reading and please comment

See you on the next chapter

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