Halstead Sister One Shots

By oneChicago2000

894K 10.4K 1.6K

This is a bunch of one shots following the life of Gracie Halstead. She lives with her brothers Jay and Will... More

Forbidden Party Part 1
Forbidden party part 2
Thunder Storm
First Period
Not An Update! Requests!
AN help!
Skipping School
Bedtime Tantrum
A Bit About The Halsteads
The Friends Of Firemen Barbecue
Mothers Day
Pretending to be sick
Halstead Apartment
Gracies Seventh Birthday
The Car Incident
Gracie gets caught
A Regular Day In Lockdown
Gracie Gets Sick
Scared For Jay
Football Watch Party
AN Requests
A Date?!
A Date?! Part 2
The Bank Robbery
Gracie Needs Glasses
Jay Gets Shot
Gracie Makes a Run For It
Broken Bones
Jay and Hailey What?!
Fire Alarm
Grocery Store Tantrum
Smoking Again?!
I Hate Her!
The Zoo
Mothers Day Picnic
Ruined Homework
Supply Teacher
Not Fair!
Introducing The Boyfriend
Missing Money
A Not So Secret Admirer
Adam Babysits
The Audition
Running Away
Instagram Part 2
Instagram Part 3
Opening Night
Tooth Fairy
But What Does It Mean?
Gracies First Breakup
Trick Or Treat
Stella's Birthday
That Time Of The Month
Late Nights And Bad Attitudes
The Break In
Instagram Part 4
Instagram Part 5
Do You Love Me?
To Old For Spanking
Sneaking Out
The Dress
Christmas Eve
I Don't Wanna Go To School
Scraped Knees And Bandaids
The Playground Mega Tantrum!
Instagram Part 6
Expelled Part One
Expelled Part Two
Truth or Dare
Anxiety?! Part One
A Six Year Old In Lockdown
Car Theft
CPD Family Picnic
A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?
Instagram Part 7
Instagram Part 8
Hawaii Part One
Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)
Aprils Birthday Surprise
Bad Advice
Hit By a Car?!
Nine Going On Nineteen
How It Started
Fathers Day
Hailey Puts Her Foot Down
Instagram Part 9
Instagram Part 10
Instagram Part 11
Fake ID
Trouble At The Diner
Instagram Part 12
Instagram Part 13
Allergic Reaction
Bathtime Tantrum
Chores = Allowance
A Day At 51
Instagram Part 14
Instagram Part 15
Instagram Part 16
Instagram Part 17 (Disney Edition)
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 1
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 2
Updated Halstead Apartment
Stage Fright
Skipping School 2
Christmas Day
Running In To The Road
Sick At School
The Evil Dance Teacher
The Ice Cream Fit
Wedding Reception Disaster
Instagram Part 18
Will Doesn't Spank
Push and Shove
Instagram Part 19
You Better Be Sick
Quality Time
Mood board/ AN
Instagram Part 20
No Kids Allowed!

The Crayola Adventure

4.5K 85 23
By oneChicago2000

Gracies POV (3 Years Old)

"Ok kiddo, you've got your crayons and your colouring book" Mouse said "do you need anything else before I get back to work?" He checked and I shook my head happily "atta girl" he praised "I'll be right here if you need me ok?" He asked and I nodded once again,

"Ok Mousey" I replied as he ruffled my hair slightly before leaving the break room. I would usually be at daycare on a Tuesday but Will got an E-mail this morning saying that the heating had broken down so it would be closed until it gets fixed. Will had to go to work and so did Jay so I had to come with Jay to the district. Jay had been here most of the morning but the whole team had to leave to go and catch some more of the bad guys! That's why I am now sat in the break room doing my colouring with Mouse checking up on me every once in a while.

Twenty minutes later I had coloured my picture the best I could and I was humming to myself as I kicked my legs back and forth aimlessly. I began to roll the crayons about the table in a bid to entertain myself before getting an idea. I wonder how many crayons I could fit up my nose?

Two minutes later

"Mouse!" I said shyly as I walked out of the break room,

"What's the mat- oh god" he cut himself off once he saw my swollen right nostril and the tiny bit of ripped paper sticking out "what did you do?" He asked as he picked me up and stood me on his chair so he could get a better look,

"I put a crayon in my nose" I told him and he looked at me in a mix of shock and confusion,

"Wh-wha-why?" He stammered,

"I wanted to see how many I could fit up there" I exclaimed with a shrug "turns out only one" I added and he nodded with widened eyes,

"You don't say" he said in a daze,

"I tried to get it out but it snapped" I told him as I held out the other half of the crayon and he sighed,

"Ok. ok" he said as he ran a hand through his hair before picking me up and carrying me down the stairs,

"Where're we going?" I asked as I poked up my nose,

"Don't do that" he scolded "you're gonna push it further up there" he added as he pulled my hand away from my face "hey Sarge" he said as he carried me over to the reception desk and sat me on top of it "I've got an issue" he added,

"Whatever it is I don't care" she replied without looking up from her computer,

"It's not for me, it's for Gracie" he told her and she looked up from her computer with a slight smile,

"Oh, well" she said giving the issue her full attention "in that case I'm all ears" she said "trying to colour in your eye sockets there short stack?" She joked making me giggle slightly,

"How can you joke at a time like this?" Mouse asked Trudy who rolled her eyes,

"Relax, every kid's done something like this at one point" she told him,

"Jay has left his three year old sister in my care for thirty minutes and she's got a crayon stuck up her nose" he exclaimed "he's going to kill me" he added,

"Jay Jay wouldn't kill you" I told him assuringly,

"Look, she's clearly feeling ok in herself, right Gracie?" She asked for confirmation,

"Uh huh" I assured,

"Just run her down to Med and someone down there'll pull the thing right out" she told him,

"I guess your right" he said with a sigh,

"I usually am" she replied before turning back to her computer and getting back to work.

Ten minutes later Mouse had parked his car outside of Med and we were walking in hand in hand,

"Gracie?" Maggie asked when she saw the sight of us both walking in to the ED,

"Hi Maggie" I greeted "I put a crayon up my nose" I told her making her smirk slightly,

"I see" she said as she gave mouse an amused look "take a seat right over there you two and someone will come see you soon" she told us.

"Gracelyn Halstead" a familiar voice spoke from the doorway and I looked up to see Ethan "c'mon you" he said as he motioned for us both to follow him. "So" he spoke once Mouse had lifted me up on to the bed "I think I can guess why you're here" he smiled as he gestured to my nose,

"I got a red crayon up there" I nodded,

"Of course you did" he smiled "do you mind if I have a little look?" He asked and I nodded in agreement "do Will and Jay know about your little crayola adventure?" He asked me as he gently felt up the sides of my nose,

"Not yet" Mouse told him "I'm gonna be up for the firing squad when they do" he added,

"I'm sure it will be fine" Ethan tried to assure "ok Gracie" he said as he slipped off his gloves "I'm gonna go and get some equipment that should be able to get that right out for you" he told me "and I'm also gonna go and find Will" he added before turning to leave the room.

"Gracie?" Will said as he appeared in the cubicle next to my bed "are you ok? What happened?" He asked with a frown,

"There's a crayon in my nose" I told him and his frown deepened,

"How?" He asked,

"I wanted to see how many would fit" I told him and he sighed,

"And do you think that was a good idea?" He asked,

"No" I sighed "but I was bored" I added,

"I'm so sorry Will" Mouse spoke "I swear I left her alone for like ten minutes" he added and Will shook his head,

"Don't worry about it" Will assured "I know Gracie and if she wanted to do it she would've done it wether you where there or not" he added,

"I think I'm gonna need a new red crayon" I commented,

"I think you might be right" Will agreed before turning to Mouse "why don't you head back to work and leave Gracie with me" he suggested "I can give you a call to let you know she's ok" he added and Mouse nodded,

"Ok" he sighed "see you soon Gracie" he said before leaving the cubicle.

"I'm bored" I complained dramatically,

"I'm assuming from that statement that you're not in any pain" he said and I shook my head,

"It just feels like a really big booger" I admitted,

"Lovely" my brother commented. Just then Dr Choi walked back in to the room, shortly followed by April who had a small tray of equipment. Suddenly I wasn't so confident.

"Is that gonna hurt?" I asked, gesturing to the metal tong looking thingies.

"It might feel a little bit uncomfortable but it will only be for a few seconds" Ethan assured and Will put his hand on my shoulder,

"Can I sit on your knee?" I asked Will and he nodded,

"If you want too" he agreed. He sat on the edge of the bed and I shuffled myself until I was on his lap,

"Ok Gracie" Ethan said as he put on a pair of blue gloves "I'm gonna need you to tip your head right back for me so you're looking up at the ceiling" he instructed and I did as I was told, tipping my head back until I was looking directly at Wills chin above,.

"So Gracie, your brother was telling me that you started ballet the other week" April said as Ethan began to poke and prod at my nose,

"Uh huh" I sad tearful as I swallowed down a lump that was forming in my throat,

"You made lots of new friends as well didn't you" Will added as he rubbed my side comfortingly,

"It won't be long before we'll all be coming to see you on the stage" she said as Dr Choi continued his work "outshining all the rest of them" she smiled,

"OWWW" I sobbed as I felt the crayon finally being pulled from my nose,

"All done" Ethan assured as I cried in to my brothers chest and he kissed my head reassuringly,

"It huuurtt" I sobbed as Will continued to rub soothing circles on my back,

"I know it did sweetheart but it's over now" he reminded "maybe next time don't stick things up your nose when your bored" he added and I nodded in agreement,

"Is my crayon ok?" I asked Ethan making him laugh slightly,

"Unfortunately I don't think it's gonna be able to do it's job anymore" he said with a sympathetic smile,

"I'll get you some new crayons as long as you promise not to put them in your nose" Will said "deal?" He asked,

"Deal" I agreed and he leant down to kiss my forehead,

"Good girl" he praised "now let's get out of this room so they can use it for another patient" he said as he put me on the floor and took my hand,

"Dr Halstead" Goodwin called "why don't you take your lunch now?" She asked "it seems pretty quiet here at the minute" she added,

"Thank you Miss Goodwin" my brother replied before we both walked in to the doctors lounge so he could collect his stuff "are you hungry?" He asked me and I nodded,

"Jay left my snack in his locker and Mouse didn't know how to get in, so he gave me an apple, but he didn't cut it in too slices like you and Jay Jay do" I explained making my brother smile.

"Ok then, let's go get some lunch" he said before we both left the doctors lounge and walked down to the canteen.

"Dr Halstead" a friendly voice said as we sat down at a table in the canteen "is this a new student doctor?" He asked as he smiled at me,

"Not quite" Will smiled as he handed me my ham and cheese toasty "this is my little sister Gracie" He informed,

"Ah, so you're the famous Gracie Halstead" he smiled as he held his large hand out for me to shake "my names Daniel but you might hear more people call me Dr Charles" he said and I shyly shook his hand,

"Do you help the poorly people like Will?" I asked and he nodded,

"I do" he smiled "and unfortunately I'm gonna have to go back and do just that" he said once he checked his watch "It was nice meeting you Gracie" he said before leaving us to go back to work.

"He was nice" I commented before picking up my juice box to take a drink,

"Yeah he is" Will agreed as he split my toasty in two "here you go" he said as he pushed my plate towards me "be careful, it's hot" he warned.

One hour later

I sat in the doctors lounge with Natalie and Conor who where taking their lunch breaks. My eyes where becoming droopy and I was stifling a new yawn every few seconds.

"Are you tired Gracie?" Natalie asked me as she ate her salad,

"No" I lied making both of the doctors smile as another yawn slipped past my lips,

"Really?" Conor asked "because you look like you could use a nap" he commented making me shake my head once again.

"No" I repeated "I'm wide awake" I said. Just then there was a light knock on the door before I saw Jay walk through the door "Jay Jay" I exclaimed as I jumped off the chair and ran over to my brother who instantly picked me up.

"What" he kissed my cheek "have you been doing to yourself?" He questioned,

"I put a red crayon up my nose" I told him "Mouse was really scared" I added making Jay smile "he thought you where gonna kill him" I added,

"I still might" Jay replied making my eyes widen in horror "it was a joke Gracie" he assured and I sighed in relief before letting out another yawn and rubbing my eyes,

"She's not tired by the way" Natalie informed with an amused smile and Jay began to play along,

"Ahh" he replied "you sure about that?" He asked and I nodded certainly "fair enough" he agreed "say good bye before we go find Will" he said and I turned to Natalie and Conor,

"Bye" I said as I gave a little wave and they both smile in return,

"Bye Sweetie" "Bye Gracie" came both the replies.

Jay put me down on the floor before we walked out of the doctors lounge and found Will walking over to the nurses station,

"Bye Will" I said as I ran over to him and gave him a bone crushing bear hug, which he of course returned.

"I'll see you at home" he said as he ruffled my hair slightly "try not to get anything else stuck in your nose" he added making me giggle.

We walked out of the ED and Jay got me buckled in to my car seat before he began the drive back to the district. It only took a couple of minutes before my eyes began to droop shut and I felt sleep overcome me. 

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