Avengers: Endgame(Book 10)

By ScarletWitch19

3.7K 97 56

It's been five years since the death of Kaitlyn Summers. After Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out half... More

Chapter 1- Where are they?
Chapter 2- Becoming Whole
Chapter 3- The Plan
Chapter 4- Thor
Chapter 5- Back Together
Chapter 6- The How Works
Chapter 8- Time Heist Part 2
Chapter 9- Time Heist Part 3
Chapter 10- Time Heist Part 4
Chapter 11- Bruce's Snap
Chapter 12- Tres Amigos
Chapter 13- Tunnel Escape
Chapter 14- Portals
Chapter 15- Girl Power
Chapter 16- I Am Iron Man
Chapter 17- I Love You 3,000
Chapter 18- Everything will be Okay

Chapter 7- Time Heist Part 1

149 5 5
By ScarletWitch19

Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Scott arrive in New York during the Chitauri invasion. With the portal to Earth opened in the sky, the Chitauri army wreaks havoc on the city. The six original Avengers are assembled, with a thirteen-year-old Kaitlyn standing in the middle, ready to fight the alien army.

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." Steve says. Suddenly, 2012 Hulk passes by them, smashing everything in his way. Bruce puts his hand on his face and cringes at his past self.

"Maybe smash a few things along the way," Steve says to Bruce.

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever," Bruce says. Bruce takes off his shirt and walks over to a car. He lightly punches the car, making a small dent, all the while making growling noises. He picks up a motorbike and throws it at a wall, wincing as it hits the wall.

The Chitauri fly around the Sanctum Sanctorum, and 2012 the Ancient One protects it by throwing flaming fans, taking them out. Bruce lands on the rooftop of the Sanctorum and walks up to a set of doors. "I'd be careful going that way. We just had the floors waxed." The Ancient One says. Bruce turns to face the bald woman.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Doctor Strange." He says.

"You're about five years too early. Stephen Strange is currently performing surgery about twenty blocks that way." The Ancient One says. "What do you want from him?"

"That, actually," Bruce says, pointing to the Eye of Agamotto around her neck.

The Ancient One glances down at the Eye of Agamotto. "Ah! I'm afraid not."

"Sorry, but I wasn't asking," Bruce says, approaching her.

"You don't want to do this." The Ancient One says.

"Ah, you're right, I don't. But I need that stone and I don't have time to debate it." Bruce says.

The Ancient One shoves her palms to his chest. In human form, Bruce's astral projection flies backward from the Hulk's body which falls to the ground. "Let's start over, shall we?" The Ancient One says.

Thor, Rocket, and Will sneak past Loki's cell in the dungeons, where they see Loki lying in his bed and throwing a cup in the air.

Will was in complete awe of Asgard. Everything was pure gold. The sky was a magnificent blue, and just everything about Asgard was beautiful. He wanted to explore the palace and see what else was in store, but he knew he couldn't because he was on a mission. He was just proud that he got to be a part of something as big as this and fight alongside the Avengers to help save the world despite not having any special powers.

"For you, Miss Summers." An Asgardian maiden says to a fourteen-year-old Kaitlyn.

"Um, so you have anything with pants?" 2013 Kaitlyn asks.

"Pants?" The Asgardian maiden asks.

"Never mind. These will be fine. Thank you." 2013 Kaitlyn says.

"Yes, milady." The Asgardian maiden says.

"There's Kaitlyn," Will whispers.

"All right. Here's the deal, tubby. You're gonna talk to her and I'm gonna poke her with this thing and extract the Reality Stone, and get gone lickety-split." Rocket says.

"I still don't see why I can't just go and talk to her," Will says.

"You know why you can't. It will disrupt the flow of time. You weren't in Asgard when this happened. One little mistake and this whole plan goes to crap, okay?" Rocket says.

"Uh, guys. I'll be right back, okay? The wine cellar is just down here. My father used to have this huge barrel of Aakonian ale. I'll see if the scullery has a couple of to-go cups." Thor says.

"Hey. Hey! Aren't you drunk enough already?" Will asks. The three of them hide when they hear the doors opening, and Thor sees his mother, Frigga, walking out with other ladies.

"If you could send Loki some soup," Frigga says to one of her handmaidens.

"Yes, milady."

"And ask our librarians to pull some volumes from the astronomy shelf," Frigga says. Thor steps out from his hiding place and watches his mother. Will could see the pained look on his face. He didn't know who the woman was, but he could only assume that that was his mother.

"Who's the fancy broad?" Rocket asks.

"That's my mother. She dies today." Thor says. Will frowns.

"Oh, that is today?" Rocket asks. Thor lowers his gaze and his breathing becomes heavy.

"I can't do this. I can't do this." Thor says. "I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have come. It's a bad idea!"

"Thor, it's okay. Just breathe." Will says.

"No, no, no. I think I'm having a panic attack." Thor says.

"Just try to calm down, okay?" Will says.

"I shouldn't be here. This is bad."

"You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost my family, too. I get that you miss your mom. I do, too. Believe me. I know what you're going through. But she's gone. They're both gone. And there are plenty of people who are only kind of gone and you can help them. We have to do this, Thor. You have to help me get my family back. What do you say?" Will says.

Thor nods his head with tears in his eyes. "Okay."

"Are you crying?" Rocket asks.

"No," Thor says, shaking his head. He starts to cry more. "Yes. I feel like I'm losing it."

"Get it together! You can do this. You can do this. All right?" Rocket says.

"Yes, I can," Thor says.

"Good." Rocket says, jumping off the statue he was standing on.

"I can do this. I can do this. I can't do this." Thor says running off in a different direction while Will and Rocket walked together.

"All right, Thor, she's alone. This is our shot." Rocket says. Will and Rocket turn around to see that Thor wasn't there anymore. "Thor? Thor!" Rocket groans in annoyance.

Rhodey, Nebula, Natasha, Clint, and I landed on Morag. A pod lowers down from the Benatar that Rhodey and Nebula would use once they got the Power Stone. "All right, bring it down, Blue," Rhodey instructed Nebula. "Right on that line. That's it. Down, down."

I noticed a weird-looking creature approaching me and gave it a hard kick. It snarls at me before running away. "Hey, can we hurry it up?" Clint says.

"Guys, chop-chop. Come on. We're on the clock." Natasha says.

"All that is really helpful," Rhodey says sarcastically. Natasha smiles.

Rhodey looks at me. "Hey, Kait, think you could give us a hand?"

"Sure thing, Rhodes," I say before using my powers to help lower the ship Nebula was on. Once it was on the ground, Nebula stepped out, and I walked over to her. "Be careful."

"You, too." Nebula says. We shake hands. Before I walked away, I gave her a quick hug.

"See you soon," I say. I walked away and joined Natasha and Rhodey.

Natasha hugs Rhodey. "Take care, okay?"

"Get that stone and come back. No messing around." Rhodey says. Natasha pulled away, and I was next.

"Good luck," Rhodey says.

"You, too," I say. As I moved away, Clint walked up to Rhodey.

"Hey. You got this." He says.

"We got this," Rhodey says.

"Let's get it done," Clint says.

"Yes, sir."

"I'll see you back."

As Natasha, Clint, and I walk up the ramp of the Benatar, we stop when Rhodey calls out to us. "You guys watch each other's six." The three of us smile and board the ship. Once the doors closed, we took our seats. "I've always wanted to do this," I say, sitting in the pilot seat. Clint sits next to me while Natasha takes a seat behind us.

"Whoa, whoa. Wait. Should we be letting her pilot this thing?" Clint asks, turning to Natasha.

"Kat, maybe you should let Clint take the controls," Natasha says.

"What? This isn't the first time I've flown a ship. Remember Russia?" I say.

"Yes, and you almost crashed," Natasha says.

"Come on, how hard can it be? I've seen Peter and Rocket fly this thing a million times. You gotta let me do this." I say. Natasha and Clint just look at each other and shrug their shoulders, letting me take the controls. "Yes!" I say, pumping my fist. I start the engines. "Before we start, I'd like to say, if all of this works and Peter does come back, don't tell him I flew this ship. Especially Rocket, they would freak out." I grab the controls and start to fly the ship.

"Better hang on tight," Clint says as he and Natasha buckle in. In a burst of speed, the Benatar flies through a jump point. I smile as I pilot the three of us into the air.

"This is so cool! If Will could see me now." I say. Clint looks back at Natasha.

"We're a long way from Budapest."

A/N: Here we are, folks! Part 1 of the Time Heist. Who would've thought that Kaitlyn would end up flying Peter's ship? How awesome is that? But don't tell Peter or Rocket lol. Will gets to go to Asgard! He and Thor share a moment and tries to help the God of Thunder with his anxiety like he did with Kaitlyn in the past. He's such a good friend.

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