Cubits Can't Save You Now: Se...

By CandyLovely148

4.4K 11 17

A crossover between Pibby, Mixels, and many more. What had planned to be a relaxing camping trip for the Infe... More

Episode 1: It All Began With Fire
Episode 3: Four Walls Compared To Three
Episode 4: The Echoes of Television
Episode 5: There's Pranking and There's Hurting
Episode 6: Accidental Arrival
Episode 7: Back To The Pilot
Mini Short 1: The Great Chase
Episode 8: Two Planetoids And An Orbiton
Chapter 9: Darkness, Darkness, Go Away
Episode 10: Lost and Scared
Episode 11: An Unexpected Encounter
Mini Short 2: No More Questions!
Episode 12: Coordinated Group Dancing
Episode 13: The Darkness Within
Episode 14: Ok, K.O.! Let's Crossover!
Mini Short 3: A Tale of Trauma
Episode 15: Escape to Springfield
Mini Short 4: Two Faces, One Mindscape
Episode 16: Blunder Slime
Mini Short 5: Missing A Friend
Episode 17: Congregation
Episode 18: Unfamiliar Familiars
Mini Short 6: Crumbs' First True Danger
Episode 19: The Questionable Dinner Party
Episode 20: Splitting Dimensions
Episode 21: Mysterious Mixopolis
Episode 22: Observing the Otherworldly
Mini Short 7: Musical Tears
Episode 23: We Are The Two, How Do You Do

Episode 2: Not-So Epic Comedy Adventure

325 1 1
By CandyLovely148

Suddenly, Meltus sneezed through Flamzer's feelers and burnt a hole in the leaves of the coconapple tree. A whole swarm of Nixels were heard, and then a lone nixel, and then Major Nixel.

"WHOO! All right... you guys go on up ahead.. hoo..." Said Major Nixel, tired.

"I'm gonna go back and bake.. cupcakes. WHOO!"

Major Nixel noticed a hole in the coconapple tree, but he was too tired to investigate it. Major Nixel walked back to Nixel Land, giving the four mixels in the coconapple tree a chance to flee. The four mixels exited the coconapple tree as quietly as they could. However, for some reason, Murp Romp Teslo grabbed a handful of leaves from inside the coconapple tree.

(A/N: Teslo from the Murp Romp timeline (aka the Teslo from Chapter 1) will be called "Murp Romp Teslo" while Teslo from the ECA timeline will be called "ECA Teslo." to make it clearer.)

"..What's with the leaves?" Asked Burnard.

"They're for a dizzzzguise." Said Murp Romp Teslo.

"We can't let me from the past see me, or else who KNOWS what could happen!"

Murp Romp Teslo puts the leaves on his head as an example, making it look like an afro.

"Alright, let's go-" Before Murp Romp Teslo could finish, Meltus asked a question.

"Wait, but what if there's another invisible wall around here?" Asked Meltus.

Murp Romp Teslo looked at the path the ECA mixels took, and then back at Meltus. He could go along with the ECA mixels and act natural, or he could travel through the future and past and escape the strange, glitchy anomaly.

*Commercial Break*

Meanwhile, in Mixel Moon, the Orbitons were using a Nintendo DS-like remote control to watch the Magma Wastelands. However, they saw something weird.. it was the glitchy goop!

"The heck?" Muttered Rokit.

"You think we found new life on this planet?" Questioned Naut.

"..Maybe." Said Rokit.

The Orbitons' drone (aka the big n' green moon that hovered over the glitchy goop) opened its eye (which was actually a camera for the Orbitons to see through) as it looked at the glitchy goop. The glitchy goop stared at the drone when it stared back and soon enough... it grabbed the drone and swallowed it whole.

"WHAT THE!?" Shouted Rokit.

"That stuff just totalled our drone!" Complained Niksput.

Nurp-Naut switched to Nurp and said that he was scared, and then he tightly hugged Rokit.

"Don't worry, space cadet. I'm sure we'll be safe up here." Rokit assured Nurp.

(Fun Fact: This segment of this chapter with the Orbitons is a foreshadow on an event that is truly "out-of-this-world".)

Back in Mixel Land, Murp Romp Teslo, Meltus, Flamzer, and Burnard were sitting down and figuring out what to do. Burnard suggested that he and the other three mixels create a portal into the past again, but Murp Romp Teslo didn't like the idea. Meltus suggested that instead of the past, he and the other three mixels make a portal into the future. Murp Romp Teslo thought about the idea but while he was deciding if it was actually a good strategy, some static was heard.

"...Uh.. d-do you hear that too?" Asked Meltus, concerned.

"Yeah.. I do- OH SCHNIXEL, YOUR FOOT!" Shouted Flamzer.

Meltus looked at his right foot, only to spot a part of the glitchy goop sticking onto it and slowly growing in size.

"Coool!" Said Burnard.

"It's not cool, it'zzzz HORRIBLE!" Worried Murp Romp Teslo.

"Don't panic, Meltus. Just stay away from us and the glitchy goop won't infect us too."

Despite Murp Romp Teslo's request to stay calm, Meltus got more worried about the glitchy goop infecting the other three mixels. Murp Romp Teslo attempted to shock the goop with his tail, but the goop ended up grabbing the electric part of the tail. It made him startle, causing the leafy "afro" to fall apart onto the ground,

"TESLO!" Shouted Flamzer and Meltus.

"RUN, FLAMZER! RUN!" Worried Murp Romp Teslo.


Flamzer grabbed Burnard and tried to run, but Burnard just stood still.

"Come on Burnard, let's scram!" Flamzer told Burnard.

"Nah, I'm good." Said Burnard.

"What the- have you lost your MARBLES!?" Asked Flamzer.

(A/N: Credits to @GlitchyYoshi for the line above.)

"Well, why should I run? They look cool when they're wrestling, hehe." Said Burnard.

It seemed like Burnard's vision was completely enveloped is a rose tint, eyeing the whole situation like it was a Mixel Festival. He seemed to have seen Meltus and Murp Romp Teslo having a wrestling match of some sorts when in reality, they were having trouble with the glitchy goop. However, the goop had finally corrupted the dinosaur-like Infernite and cycloptic Electroid. Flamzer grabbed Burnard's hand and ran to a cave miles away from them.
The two corrupted mixels used their glitchy goop to form a mech that stuck the two mixels together and had long legs the height of a full-grown coconapple tree. Burnard and Flamzer ran far away from the mech before now noticing the nixed part of Mixel Land, immediately twisting back into going towards the more colorful part of Mixel Land. They hastily dodged the mech and ran far, far away, spotting a cave to hide in from the monster that was their own tribemate and the Electroid leader and settling in their unresolved trauma along the way.

(A/N: That last line in the paragraph above was a half-joke.)

"HĖŁĹO-O-Ø-Õ? ĄÑÝONƏ HOME?" Asked the two corrupted mixels in unison.

Burnard was about to say something, but Flamzer covered his mouth with four of his feelers. The two Infernites watched as the monster limped past the cave. When the coast was clear, Flamzer finally let go of Burnard's mouth.

"He's got long legs." Whispered Burnard.

"Yes, I know." Said Flamzer, annoyed by Burnard's 'eye upgrade'.

Flamzer peeked out of the cave hole for a double-check to make sure the coast was actually clear, and then he spotted red, orange, yellow, blue, brown, and gray specks runnng up on part of the terrifying Mixel Mountain, and the corrupted mixels were limping after them!

"Oh, schnixel!" Cursed Flamzer.

"We gots to save the tribal leaders on that mountain!"

Like what Flamzer did, Burnard peeked through the cave hole and the two Infernites now saw a swarm of dark gray specks coming after the colorful specks. However, they weren't that close to the colorful specks. Back in Orbitopia, Mixel Moon, the Orbitons' drone's camera was nothing but black and rainbow static.

"Ugh, this blows!" Complained Nikput.

"How are we gonna find new life now?"

Nurp-Naut switched to Naut and suggested that he and the other Orbitons just go down to Planet Mixel instead of using the drone.

"Naut, there's a reason we're always usin' the drone." Rokit told Naut.

"It's for just in case the hypothetical life we find next time is really dangerous so if it wants to attack somethin', it can attack the drone and we won't be harmed in the process."

"Yeah, but you probably should've built a back-up drone." Reminded Naut.

"Just sayin'."

Rokit looked out the window to see Planet Mixel from afar.

"I know, but I can't risk any of ya gettin' hurt." Rokit told Naut.

*Commercial Break*

Back in Mixel Land, we see the bottom of Mixel Mountain where we see the corrupted mixel mech climbing the bottom of the Mixel Mountain. Up on the middle, nixels are attempting to climb up the mountain and at the top, we see the Series 1 & 2 tribal leaders. The Series 1 & 2 tribe leaders exclaim in awe as they gazed upon the Giant Rainbow Cubit of Mixel Mountain.

"All right man, now's a good time for the Cubit!" Said Flain.

"The Cubit? Ha-hahah-hah, I used it a long time ago!" Blurted Gobba.

"WHAT?! WITH WHO?!" Shouted every Series 1 & 2 tribal leader except Gobba.

"Yeah, with who-o-o?" Asked Kraw.

"With you, silly! Don't cha' remember?" Said Gobba.

The camera pans to the right where we now see Flamzer and Burnard once again, only they were running after Mixel Mountain this time.

"Quick, you got any cubits?" Flamzer asked Burnard.

"Yep, three of them, actually!" Exclaimed Burnard as he pulled out three Infernite cubits.

(A/N: The three cubits are references to Forest Freeze.)

"Oh, thank the Maximum Mixel!" Said Flamzer.

"§äý WHÔ-Ö-Ø-Ó?" Asked the glitchy mech who overheard Flamzer.

"AGH!" Shouted Flamzer.

Flamzer grabbed Burnard's arm and kept running, but then he stopped when he and Burnard saw a ledge they had to walk through. Flamzer grabbed Burnard over his head and carefully walked along the ledge. Back with the ECA Mixels, the swarm of nixels from earlier jumped up and covered the giant cubit.

"What'll we do? WHAT'LL WE DO-O-O-O-O!?" Shouted Kraw.

"I DIG-DIG!" Exclaimed Krader.

Krader accidentally threw a punch onto Kraw so hard, the Flexer leader was thrown onto a big rock nearby.

"Go under, smash big cubit to get SMALL cubits!" Explained Krader.

Krader began to dig a hole that led under the giant cubit before he and the other Series 1 & 2 tribal leaders ran inside the hole under the giant cubit, and then Krader smashed the giant cubit, exploding it into many smaller rainbow cubits. Meanwhile, Burnard and Flamzer were finally done walking across the ledge and now they were climbing to the top of the mountain which meant they were almost to the top. However, the glitchy mech was following their trail. The glitchy mech grabbed Burnard and was about to grab Flamzer next.
When the glitchy mech attempted to grab Flamzer, it missed when the Infernite got to the top of the mountain which didn't take long to do. Flamzer saw three mixes made from two of each of the Series 1 & 2 tribal leaders who were fighting groups of nixels. Flamzer had no time to admire their effort and skill due to being chased by a crazy glitchy pile of goop that corrupted two of his friends, but Flamzer didn't know where to go. If he goes straight ahead, the glitchy mech might grab the tribal leader mixes and corrupt them, but he would surely be severely damaged if he slid down Mixel Mountain.
Flamzer looked around, only to find a giant hole a few miles in front of him so that's what he ran towards, except the glitchy mech had grabbed his tail.

"NO!" Shouted Flamzer.

"Yőu'ŕə mî-i-i-!ne nøw!" Said the glitchy mech, a sinister smile growing on its face which was that of both Meltus' and Teslo's.

Noticing the giant glitchy monster, the tribal leader mixes realized their fight hadn't ended yet.

"Hah, guess we got a new fight here!" Noticed the Flain & Gobba mix.

"Come on, we beat up a bunch of nixels, and we can do the same to this guy too!"

The tribal leader mixes ran towards the glitchy mech and threw all they got at them. The Flain & Gobba mix burped fire onto the mech's left leg, the Kraw & Krader mix punched and punched the mech's other leg, and the Flurr & ECA Teslo mix was about to send a giant shockwave that knocked back the mech. Flamzer fell out of the mech's grip while Corrupted Teslo and Meltus nearly fell out, but their tails stuck to the mech and the mech itself had somehow regenerated.

"Woah, what?" Said the Flurr & ECA Teslo mix in Teslo's voice.

Cut to the Kraw and Krader mix which was still punching the mech's right leg over and over.

"JUST KEEP ATTACK, HE DEFEAT SOON!" Said the Kraw & Krader mix in Krader's voice.

However, the giant fist on his head was being sucked into the glitchy mech's leg.

"GUYS, BIG BIG PROBLEM!" Shouted the Kraw & Krader mix.

The Flain and Gobba mix looked at the Kraw & Krader mix in shock. The Kraw and Krader mix then split in order to not have both components struggle to escape the goop's glitch as much so now Krader got his fist stuck onto the glitchy goop. Kraw tried pulling it out, but it did no good.

"I MISS YOU, KRAW!" Shouted Krader.

"I'LL MISS YOU TOO-O-O-O!" Kraw shouted back.

Flamzer ran towards Kraw and helped him pull Krader out. Sure it still didn't work, but it made Krader be sucked in slower. Meanwhile, the Flurr & ECA Teslo mix was also having some trouble with the glitchy mech. The glitchy mech kept trying and trying to grab the mix, but the mix was too fast and kept flying around the mech's heads.
The mix decided to do another shockwave and this time, it knocked Murp Romp Teslo out of the glitchy mech and the alternate timeline Electroid rolled down Mixel Mountain and down to Mixel Land. Speaking of which, Major Nixel was pulling a tray of black licorice cupcakes onto a table (which back then, I thought was honestly pretty off-character for him but oh well).

"Doot doot doo.. perfect cupcakes!" Exclaimed Major Nixel.

Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo kept rolling, stopping at the table stand.

"..Oh great, it's you." Said Major Nixel, clearly not happy to see the Electroid leader.

Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo got up on his legs and slammed the table onto Major Nixel's face. The table slides down, revealing Major Nixel's frosting-and-licorice-bits covered face.

"...GAH! I JUST MADE THOSE CUPCAKES!" Complained Major Nixel.

"Tõo bad.. sø sã-ā-ą-ad." Teased Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo.

Major Nixel noticed Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo's new look, which was admittedly unfamiliar to him. The corrupted mixel was wearing a brightly-colored exercise outfit, glitchy goop was leaking from his tail, his right foot, and his mouth, and he was also pupiless.

"Yeesh, even I'm concerned about this." Said Major Nixel.

"Well, you deal with your situation and I'll make more cupcakes for myself so goodby-" Major Nixel was interrupted by Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo grabbing him and slamming him onto the table.

"HEY! ONLY I CAN DO THAT!" Barked Major Nixel.

"Nöť ąny mô-o-ørə.." Said Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo.

(A/N: Don't worry, the nixed mixels are back to normal because of how part of what happened in this chapter was how ECA was supposed to go. The Giant Cubit was supposed to be broken, the nixels were supposed to be defeated by the tribal leader mixes, and the Flurr & ECA Teslo mix was supposed to create a shockwave atop Mixel Mountain.)

"..Teslo?" Asked a high-pitched voice.

When Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo looked to his right, he saw Volectro with a shocked expression and some more mixels.

"Hěłļo, fř!enđs..." Said Corrupted Murp Romp Teslo.

*Commercial Break*

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