By xyxikin

237K 2.7K 547

desc; a collection of my subby bottom jungkook oneshots. all of these include smut. some are more intense tha... More

sunkissed skin (namkook)
christmas special (maknae line)
temper (yoonjinkook)
synonym (namkook)
pets (sopekook)
overdue (yoonkook)
studio nights (yoonkook)
teacher's pet (jinkook)
parallel (ot7)
scholarship worthy (jikook)
stupefied (jinkook)
showcased (jinkook)
glowpet (yoonkook)
too far (taekook)
too long (jinkook)
made to be yours (yoonkook)
secrecy (jinkook)
eating more than candy (jikook)
tears of the devil (yoonkook)

vending machine of love (jikook)

5.1K 80 11
By xyxikin

content warning: tentacles, ovipositor (egg clutch deposited), slight breeding, brief aggressive possessiveness
jimin is referred to as it/its/itself here. i don't really know why but i did it on accident and it stuck

jungkook slammed the diner's door shut and locked it after. it was well past the time that he was supposed to be leaving, but his manager insisted that he stayed later to clean out the storage and scrub the entire building squeaky clean.

his eyes were heavy and his back was killing him. he felt a knot forming in his upper left shoulder. what made his labor even worse was that he had done it all by himself. his work buddy had left early for the day because they had felt sick, two employees had quit the day before, and he couldn't possibly ask the nice old lady who had helped him out so many times previously. he knew how bad her back had been recently and he'd hate to burden her.

plus, he needed the money. any extra money was worth breaking his neck over, since he lived in a grimy apartment that was slowly becoming harder and harder to keep up with.

the summer heat was another thing. to cut down on after hour prices, he couldn't turn on the AC while he was sweating buckets. he was hot and tired and goddamn thirsty. he was tempted to just grab a drink before he left, but that would be something that he'd have to pay for, and he didn't have the money, employee discount subtracted or not.

he'd been trudging along the alleys that took him with sweat slicked up on his neck and forehead. his hair stuck uncomfortably to it and added to the further humiliation of having to walk a mile home at two o'clock in the morning with the blistering air melting his skin off.

furthermore, his tongue was beginning to feel like a rock in his mouth. it was dry and heavy behind his teeth and jungkook felt his throat becoming just as parched.

"dammit," he whispered, and fastened his pace. he'd have to hurry home if he had any intention of being able to talk again. it was unlikely for any stores to be open at this time and jungkook wasn't willing to walk the extra half a mile to get to one.

in the distance was a bright, neon scarlet illumination that cascaded on the surrounding buildings. jungkook raised an eyebrow and trotted to it. he nearly cried out in relief. it was a vending machine.

in an odd spot, he would admit, and he'd never seen it before, but he was grateful nonetheless.

the scarlet beams were from the LED bubble letters over the machine.

"vending machine of love?" jungkook read aloud. "weird." he tutted and looked at the display window. inside were six, various flavors.

the cans were quite large, and jungkook was smacking his dry mouth already. there was strawberry milk, milk tea, lemon-lime soda, peach-mango coconut water, honeycomb and melon soda, and black tea. each had their own coordinated color and their own odd illustrations. for instance, the strawberry milk had a pair of horns and a collar with a bell drawn on an illustration of a strawberry. the lemon-lime soft drink oddly had a drawing of a lemon being bitten into by a pair of fangs.

jungkook didn't think about any of the other ones because his tongue began to crack from how dry it was. he slid a coin into the slot and pressed the buttons that would give him the dark blue can, the milk tea.

when it dropped to the bottom of the machine, he grabbed it fast and cracked the tab open. a sudden blast of cool wind whooshed through his hair and he sighed sweetly. it felt so good. he then pressed the can to his lips and guzzled a quarter of the can down. he hummed at the refreshing flavor and hopped away. something foreign touched his lips and he spat whatever it was into his hand.

he frowned when he found a squishy, tapioca pearl on his palm he sighed at his silliness and popped it back in his mouth and swallowed.

he glanced down to the can that quenched his thirst and examined it. the top and bottom had a portion of dark blue wrapped around the can. the middle of the can was colored tan and had the flavor written in cutesy bubble letters. he noticed drawings of inky black tentacles twisting around the flavor too with illustrated tapioca pearls wrapped in their grasp. they looked oddly egg-like, and not how companies usually draw tapioca pearls.

he shrugged it off and swiped away the sweat that was starting to drip off his nose again.

it wasn't long before he spotted his apartment complex, and even less time passed before jungkook was slamming his own door behind him and locking it.

his apartment felt like the sun. "oh my goodness," he breathed, peeling off his sweat-soaked uniform and ridding himself of all clothes except for his boxer briefs. he was ready to take an ice bath.

he trudged to his kitchen and grabbed a plastic bowl before going to his ice machine and scooping spoonful after spoonful of ice into the bowl. once it was filled to his liking, he took his milk tea and bowl of ice to his bathroom.

jungkook's eyes drooped and he yawned. work had really beaten him up. his knees were scraped from him crawling around on the floor to scrub the tile until they were spotless, his neck was hurting, and his hair was sweaty and oily. he was more than ready for this bath.

plugging the drain, he blasted cool water into the tub and tossed the ice in after. he guzzled more of his tea down as he waited for his bathtub to fill. he panted and shook the can and frowned. he only had about a fourth of the beverage left. he'd have to make sure and go back. it was absolutely delicious. he placed the can next to his towel that he had folded on the counter and took off his remaining garments. he shivered as he sat in the water.

he groaned and lied back, closing his eyes. the knot in his shoulder began to loosen.

a sudden wave of thirst hit him then. his mouth went dry and his throat itched. he lurched in the water, reaching for the can and swallowing down the rest of it. jungkook swiped at his mouth and placed the empty can back down on the sink. he went back to his original position and closed his eyes.

he had no idea how long he'd been in the bath when he'd opened his eyes next, but he knew that he'd felt numb, he guessed from the ice.

he unplugged the drain and wrapped himself up in his fluffy towel. he grabbed the can on his way out, looking to do some research on the company who made the drinks so he could see if there was any other products they've made. he flicked on all the fans he could too, but all they seemed to do was push around the hot air. his skin was starting to become sticky again, and wished for the summer to quickly end or at least let up on the heat. if he could choose, he'd rather freeze than boil.

after slipping on shorts and deciding he would just be shirtless, he plopped himself on the livingroom sofa. he pulled out his phone and began to scroll mindlessly through social medias. he figured he could tire himself out that way and do some research on the can in the later morning.

oddly enough he still felt numb, specifically his stomach and most of everything below it. he frowned and covered himself with a thin blanket. his internal body temperature was probably still chilly from the icy bath. the rest of his body burned though, not only from the heat, but from something else.

he curled in on himself and positioned into the fetal position. his mind was foggy. he was hot and sweaty and he felt that his insides weren't just numb from the ice.

he stuffed his face into his sofa and tried to sleep it off.

beside him, he heard metallic rattling. he didn't dare move, he was scared that his insides would explode. what other explanations could he have when he slowly became more and more numb?

the rattling insisted and eventually jungkook noticed a shallow clink of a can. it rolled to the spot on the floor in front of him, and jungkook blinked through his foggy headspace. "what?" he murmured to himself.

his eyes widened to a panic when black ink oozed its way out from the can, slowly seeping out on the apartment floor. jungkook gasped and did his best to leap away, only making it to the other side of the couch. his legs were beginning to lose feeling as well. what was happening?

he peeked from behind the sofa to find the sludge slowly materializing into a vaguely human shape. the ooze was rolling everywhere. jungkook came to realize that they were morphing into a more definite shape, something like a tendril, or a tentacle. he watched in fear as a face, neck, torso emerged from the ink.

his heart raced in his chest. despite being absolutely terrified, he still had thought that whatever this thing happened to be one of the most gorgeous things he'd even laid eyes on. with a short but petite waist, silky silver hair, and amber eyes, jungkook couldn't bear to look away. its lips were an alluring pink, plump and pulled back to expose fangs. the sight brought jungkook back to reality and he swiftly ducked behind the sofa again.

he panted and waited for any opportunity to run. maybe his legs would come back to life with an adrenaline rush.

"little human?" called out a soft and sultry voice. jungkook held his breath.

"is this what you call hide and seek? are you hiding from me?" its voice was light and held a very amused tone. jungkook noticed the black sludge tentacles from his peripherals. they were curling over everything, spreading their slick all across jungkook's belongings. he lamented on how expensive all his furniture was. the tendrils didn't seem to care, just rolled and curled over anything they could. they were touching everything. almost as if they were searching.

"i will warn you," the monster purred. "i am a master at this game. i'm fact, I needn't even look for you. i know where you are already." jungkook curled into himself more and hugged his knees into his chest. he held his breath again and kept his eyes on the tendril snaking closer and closer.

a shadow loomed behind him and he became all too aware of the weight that was on the sofa. jungkook turned to face upward and was met with another face grinning at him. "found you, little human," its fangs were bared enough to have jungkook shrink into himself.

the monster leaned over and wrapped his arms around jungkook to hoist him up. jungkook was well above the ground now. he hadn't even realized how tall this thing was. its hair just barely missed the ceiling.

jungkook thrashed. "lemme go!"

"awe, but why? we had fun, didn't we? are you just a sore loser?" the monster tsked and cupped jungkook's frightened face. its hands were pale but the tips of its fingertips were a similar color to its eyes. "you humans are always so sensitive to loss. sometimes it's good to lose, don't you know?"

jungkook couldn't comprehend anything. what? what was this thing?

"my name is jimin, by the way. i was summoned here by that there can," the hand that was previously examining jungkook's face to point at the can that still leaked black slick. jungkook whimpered. what did he drink? was it expired? was it spiked? was he actually already dead on his couch, and this was his brain's last dream?

"you must have so many feelings flitting about in you, huh?" jungkook tore his eyes away from the can and forced himself to meet the monster's eyes. "scared? frightened? uncomfortable?" jimin's voice dropped. jungkook swallowed. he was scared, it was true, but the sticky feeling of being hot and numb and tingly overpowered it.

"would you like me to help? i can be such a good help for you." jimin had a wide smile spread across its face. jungkook shook his head and went back to struggling. "put me down! go away!"

"go away? and leave you like this?" jungkook followed the monster's gaze and found a tent in his shorts. he internally screamed. he wished the monster would just eat him already. why did he have to pop a boner now?

"i meant when i said i could help, you know." jungkook watched with wide eyes as one of jimin's tentacles slithered up to him. he attempted to wriggle away, but ultimately failed.

when the tendril touched him, jungkook felt relief. it was cold to the touch, and the ink it left behind soothed his raging body temperature. he involuntarily leaned back and the tentacle took it as an invitation to explore more.

"see? this is what you needed. you needed me. you need my help." jimin purred into jungkook's throat. jungkook breathed out a moan when the monster's tongue slid across his hot skin.

"wh-why?" jungkook tried to ask. heat began to pool in his stomach and he wished the tentacle would just get it over with.

"why did you need me? because, little human, you chose me. guzzled me down and even wanted more after it was all gone. you wanted me and took me down so sweetly. it was only fair i returned the favor, no?"

jungkook was growing impatient. "jimin, please," he pleaded. the monster cooed and held him tighter to its bare chest as it used its tentacles to swipe away jungkook's furniture, effectively breaking a couple things in the process. jungkook didn't have the mind to care.

he was set onto a pool of sludge. it stuck to his back and rendered him immobile, not that he could care. jimin enveloped him with its tentacles and hummed. "you're so wanting. are you desperate for me? for my help?" jungkook arched and nodded fast. he was almost embarrassed by how desperate he was for a monster.

it's tentacles coiled around the human relentlessly. they sucked on jungkook's skin without stopping. the monster watched as its tendrils pulled away jungkook's shorts. its eyes lit up in surprise. "oh my," it breathed, reaching a hand to jungkook's cock. the thing was hard and leaking, drooling and was impossibly wet.

"you really do need me, don't you?" jungkook panted fast and moaned when a slick tendril slithered around his cock. "y-yes," he whined.

jimin kissed jungkook's knee and reached a hand to press on jungkook's stomach. jungkook let out a loud moan. any touch from jimin felt like a million heavens all at once. "your body's ready now. all i need to do is cool you down," jimin softly murmured. jungkook didn't even know what it was saying anymore.

he felt like he was floating. his mind was clouded with thoughts of jimin and his entire body was throbbing. before he knew it, his hips were being lifted by a sticky mess of ink and something slick and cool grazed over him. he tensed but relaxed when jimin pressed it's fingers on his stomach again. the tendril slid in without any resistance. jungkook cried out. "j-jimin!"

jimin was too busy biting jungkook wherever it could. whether it be his neck, jaw, chest, abdomen. it wanted to mark jungkook so that the others knew who got him first.

jimin's tentacles snaked around jungkook greedily. they coated him in a goo relieved him of his troubles.

meanwhile, jungkook was holding back his loud screams of pleasure. jimin's appendages thrusted inside him without any remorse. jungkook didn't even know how many were ravaging him. "look at you,"

"do you feel good? do you feel better?" jimin asked, though it already knew the answer. "i forgot how pretty humans could be when they're feeling so good."

jungkook's face flushed and turned his face away with his eyes slammed shut. a hand made his face be towards the monster again. "i like seeing you. i like seeing your face. don't hide."

jungkook could barely keep up. his insides were being pounded and stretched. it all felt so good. he felt so empty even still though, and wished there was a way to be filled to the brim. jimin went back to kissing his body. "those were my pearls, you know," it mumbled, lapping at the sweat on jungkook's collarbone. "made you numb. readied you up to take my eggs."

"eggs?" jungkook whimpered out, cock being stimulated by a wet tentacle. "mhm. it's what makes you feel better. i bet you feel empty, right? like you could never get enough?" it inquired. jungkook moaned out a yes. he could feel one of the tentacles reach deeper inside him. he was sure that if he were to look down, he would see a wriggling mound from beneath his skin.

"that's how you're supposed to feel. makes you all hot and bothered and desperate. my eggs are the only thing that could satiate you." jungkook bit his lip and stared up at his monster. "when? i wanna be full," he begged, holding onto jimin's bicep and pulling it closer. "p-please, jimin,"

the tentacle monster grinned sweetly and kissed jungkook's damp cheek. whether it was wet with tears, sweat, or tendril slick, it didn't matter. jimin licked it up and trailed more kisses all over jungkook's face.

"how many?" jimin asked. jungkook was confused and made a face. "wh-what?"

jimin leaned back and began pressing on its lower abdomen. "how many eggs, little human?"

jungkook's mind went crazy. "a lot, as many as you have, give me all of them, please, i just wanna be full," he cried, and the tentacles ravaging his insides pulled out. the tentacle on his cock still persisted.

the human watched with lidded eyes as the monster jolted when it poked an area that was below his belly button. a slit was exposed then, and jungkook realized that jimin's cock was hidden in an inside pocket.

his chest heaved with anticipation and his cock drooled more. his mouth was beginning to do the same.

it was ribbed. jungkook nearly keeled over in lust. his heart was dancing behind his ribs and made his chest thump wildly.

jimin sat over him holding its cock with wide, enamored eyes. it's forked tongue slid out past it's lips and jungkook watched in horny terror as a glob of shiny spit fell onto its cock. it was too much. "j-jimin, please, eggs," jungkook beseeched, clawing and pulling at jimin's bare, glittery chest. he does this until the monsters bottom half is spilling out everywhere, tentacles slithering up the walls and slipping through vents, windows, and under doors. jimin was everywhere, spilling out and permeating jungkook and his entire being with its presence.

jimin pressed the angled tip of its cock to jungkook before pressing in. the human beneath it thrashed with pleasure. it pressed more of its cock into its human for the night and did so until its body met jungkook's.

jungkook was inconsolable. he constantly begged and cried for more, stomach bulging from jimin's fat cock and the thick sludge the tentacles left inside to coat his insides. cum was steadily leaking out from his cock that still stood tall, prostate being milked from the constant, extreme pressure.

"humans are always my favorites," jimin commented, trailing its hands down jungkook's face and swiping his tears away. "they're always so easy to break but so rewarding in the and. especially ones like you," jungkook's face scrunched up when the monster pulled out and then thrusted in again, hard and heavy.

as if to elaborate on its past statement, or to ground jungkook back to earth—or both—jimin spoke again. "your bodies are never too difficult to please and you always let me know when you're feeling good." it continued. "some people don't like that. a friend of mine doesn't. he likes people like you anyhow. criers." jimin chuckled while groaning.

its tendrils held jungkook's convulsing and clamping thighs open on each side of its waist. "he likes basking in silence, but he loves forcing people to become quiet more. then he can have twice the fun, two times the amount of enjoyment." it rambled, going faster now. jungkook moaned loud beneath it, barely getting to listen to anything from how fucking close he was again.

"but enough about my sadistic friend."

jungkook was suddenly lifted and pressed to jimin's chest by its tentacles, its cock hitting deeper inside him from an upright angle. "oh god, j-jimin," jimin's tendrils sucked hickeys all about his writhing body.

"cant wait to feel you around me with my eggs in you," jimin panted. jungkook knew that it was close. "can't wait to breed you," the human's stomach dropped in delight at hearing the monster's desires.

breed? he was going to be bred? filled?

jungkook's insides had an explosion of pleasure before he felt something. jimin was moaning loud and unabashed, and clamped its teeth into his shoulder with a growl.

jungkook went limp. he was numb but felt everything all at the same time. jimin's eggs were filling him to the brim, piling up in his insides and thus satiating the aching and yearning jungkook felt.

his body cooled down as well. shiny, black appendages exploded his entire body and slicked him up with their secretions, keeping him cool and doped up on whatever convinced him to do this with a monster.

jimin was lightly thrusting, occasionally moaning as another clutch was released inside the human. it rested its head on jungkook's rising and falling chest, glazed with moisture.

it was minutes before jimin was done. when the last of the eggs were deposited, it parted from jungkook's chest and watched jungkook's face as it pulled its cock out from him before taking it back in its internal pocket. its eyes fell to jungkook's stomach. its tentacles twitched at the sight and curled the slightest bit tighter around the human. "you are beautiful, little human," it breathed, hoisting him up onto the couch. they curled into each other with the monster's body wrapped and coiled around the smaller possessively.

"you don't have to call me that anymore," jungkook said, still catching his breath. his face was red. jimin cocked its head to jungkook in confusion. "my name is jungkook." he yawned out.

jimin's teeth bared happily and it hugged him tight. jungkook closed his eyes and let it happen, curling his fingers through jimin's silver hair. "will you be here when i wake up?" jimin shook its head with a frown.

"unfortunately not, sweet jungkook. the only way to keep me around is to keep buying these." jungkook cracked an eye open and nodded when he saw the can. it was crazy to think about what came out from inside. jimin got closer. "that's the only way. so if you want to see me again, you buy these. only these. don't bother with the other flavors." jimin's usually amber eyes flashed a bright yellow. jungkook shrunk.

"say you'll only buy my beverage. say it to me." jungkook gulped and it only now dawned on him the severity of this situation.

"i'll only buy your beverage." he whispered, fear making his eyes mist over. jimin grinned at his face. "then i look forward to seeing you again,"

jungkook's hands shifted to his stomach. "what about these?" jimin cupped his face and kissed his cheek. "they'll be fully dissolved by the time you awaken. now sleep, little dear."


it's been weeks since then and jungkook had an itch in his throat. he was closing the diner alone again, and figured a glass of water couldn't hurt.

even after guzzling down three glasses, his mouth was still parched and even seemed to become drier with each swallow. he threw the cup into the sink and grabbed the diner's keys and ran out the door, shutting it loud behind him and then locking it.

he knew what he needed. he was thirsty. insatiable. water wasn't enough. he craved sweetness and relief.

the vending machine's neon lights made jungkook's thirst intensify. when he made it to the colorful box of light, his eyes shone in wonder. he briefly looked at the milk tea, but felt a craving something less smooth, more sudsy, less sweet, and more sour. maybe the lemon-lime soda was his best bet.

a/n: welcome back to horny town :P

how are we doing y'all

hopefully good

stay tuned for next update (whenever the hell that is) and i'll try to think of something to update to make it up to all of you for waiting for so long

until then, rest well and stay hydrated

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