Blunt Force// WILLIAM AFTON X...

By ic4rus0_

18.9K 401 1.3K

Going down the rabbit whole wasn't the greatest decision of your life but as long as he guaranteed you protec... More

Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Fredbear's diner
Chapter 3: An interview
Chapter 4: Badluck
Chapter 6: First kill
Chapter 7: Sharp teeth part 1
Chapter 7: Sharp teeth part 2
Chapter 8: A contract
Chapter 9:Clever girl
Chapter 10: Fragments from the departed
Chapter 11: Slut
Chapter 12: Trouble
Chapter 13:

Chapter 5:Changes

1.2K 29 239
By ic4rus0_


   //    And that would be just fine
                 And what a lovely time,
                    that it would surely be
                        So bite your tongue
                           And choke yourself to sleep    //


      That night you told Amber everything that happened at the diner while she helped you with your injuries.Ofcourse you didn't tell her about the events that happened between you and William,you decided is better to keep that your little secret.She fell sorry for your shitty day so you binge watched your favourite series together, accompanied by some snacks,not only right after you finished the delicious dinner that she cooked.

     After a hot bath you found yourself sliding into the depths of your soft bed, your muscles finally relaxing.The pain which was pulsating through your leg moments ago made its disappearance along with the swelling.As you were gazing outside the window at the starry night ,the realm of sleep finally caught you.

      It was a dreamless night, fortunately.Stretching under the sheets you yawned.You wish you could have slept more.Getting up you slid your feet into your shark sleepers,an old christmas gift from your brother.

      Slowly walking towards the bathroom you checked on your friend as she was sleeping peacefully under her white sheets.Some books were placed around her sign that she studied until late.She took school more seriously than you even though it was summer.You didn't even start your portfolio yet and you knew you couldn't postpone it any more longer.

     While doing your morning routine you made sure to cover your purple eye with more foundation .Looking in the mirror at your now pampered self you were ready for work.You left again a note for Amber,a habbit you two carried since highschool.


    The next weeks were peaceful,free from any unwanted occurrences at work.You still hated waking up early but being able to buy more art supplies and snacks plastered a smile on your face everytime,sacrificing your sleep was somehow worth it.

    Amber also found a nice well paid job,at a small restaurant.This change made the two of you take turns on who's cooking.It wasn't that much of a problem since you could find a market a few streets away and there was you tube that helped you make some delicious recipes.Even though you learned how to cook properly Amber's skills were heavenly.She took care of her brothers when their parents were at work so she ended up achieving some crazy cooking skills.

    At Fredbear's family diner you got more closer with your coworkers, taking lunch breaks together,hanging out while doing your chores and after work ,helping each other and gossiping.
If it were to choose favourites there would be Evelyn,Noah and Alice.

   Noah was a tall black haired guy with chocolate-coloured eyes.He was charismatic and always with a smile on his face.The boy was friendly and chill most of the time,on rare ocassions you saw him angry or showing rudeness at someone.The thing you admired most at him is that he could draw as well even though in contrast with you he was year 2 at an engineering university.Alice was a petite girl with short black hair and blue eyes.She was shy and always careful not to disturb anyone,although she can get very outgoing once she feels close enough to someone.She was studying medicine and was year 3.Evelyn, on the other hand ,surprised you by finding out she was actually 25 despite her youngish looks.

  Despite having fun with your friends you took your work seriously,and when you did not you would sneak away outside with Noah for a snack break.He would "steal" some pizza and drinks in agreement to meet behind the diner.You were aware it isn't stealing since the lunch was free but it was funnier to pretend.The conversations were mostly about daily activities and conspiracy theories.One time he told you about the missing kid incident that happened a few years ago, which he found out from a janitor.It unsettled you a bit but you washed the feeling away with soda and jokes

   What took you by surprise is that you started developing feelings for Noah.You decided to keep it a secret so you haven't really told anyone about your little crush although you made sure to write in your journal about it.The little notebook was well kept under your mattress.You enjoyed being in his presence and got more closer to him.Noah aswell felt more content with you around him.

   When William noticed that he took some distance.The time spent talking with him faded away ,slowly, giving you more time for Noah and the others.The attempts in order to exchange some words lead you nowhere.You missed talking to him but you couldn't force him into a conversation that he doesn't seem to have any wish to particiapte in.Until one day when Henry sent you to get something for him from mister Afton himself,when you realized what was truly going on.Everything seemed normal at first when you observed the frame where he used to keep a pic of his family.Lora was cut out from the picture leaving the two kids alone with their dad.You decided to not make any unwanted remark.He was going through changes

   Having what you needed you were ready to leave the room when he grabbed your hand,hesitant on what he wanted to say.In that moment you noticed his dark circles that laid under his eyes.Sleep seemed non-existent for him,his face expressing serious tiredness even more than usual.For a second was silence then he returned to his paper work,a soft "nevermind", escaping his lips and leaving you clueless on what happened.You said nothing and leaved quickly heading to help Henry.Despite the distance laying now between the two of you ,you still used to catch yourself thinking about the first days at work,when he helped you out.

   However you got other priorities now to think about.Henry's birthday was in a few days and along with your coworkers you got invited too.Evelyn was the one who would pick you ,Alice and Noah up,since she was the only one with a driving license.

   When the day came you sat all evening thinking about what to wear.It wasn't anything fancy but being your superior,a pretty and classy outfit would fit perfectly.Amber helped you out with your hair and some advices.You decided to wear a short sleveless dress of a dark shade of red,acompanied by your black leather jacket since it turned out to be a  cold day.Your makeup was simple containing a thin eyeliner some mascara and lip balm.

   Ready to leave,you put on your combat shoes,a black Toyota Prius waiting outside in front of your door.You wave Amber goodbye and got in the left backseat of the car greeting your friends.The inside of the car was full of different scents of perfume,each one fighting to invade your nasal passages.

    Evelyn was wearing a short black cocktail dress along with her wavy blonde hair falling over her chest ,Alice was dressed with a strapless lemonade pink dress and short denim jacket,a small pink bow clip attached to her wavy hair.Noah on the other hand was wearing a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up matching some black pants.His hairstyle was trimmed like Billy Loomis's from Scream.

"Damn look at yourself girl"Said Evelyn turning back at you, examining you up and down with a bright smile,gesture that flattered you.

"Thank you,you guys are looking great too!"You said giggling, Noah's eyes making contact with yours,which made you blush more when he smilled back at you.

The road to Henry's was shortened by all the topics you debated with each other.From time to time you locked eyes with Noah,smiling at eachother and leaving both of you with slight redness in your cheeks.

      Once arrived at the destination you noticed that the man was pretty wealthy.
A big house with 1 floor surrounded by a short brick fence was waiting with the gates open.The path was being illuminated by garden lights.The view brought a certain fascination for your eyes, mesmerized by the beautiful place,unless the others,sign that they might have been here before.

Approached by Noah,he offered you his hand.

"Is there a lady like you in need of a partner?"

   You smiled and noded while grabbing his arm.Evelyn,excited, turned back to Alice and and grabbed her hand giggling.

   Once you entered the house you were caught by surprise of how simple yet stylish everything was.In just a second Henry came welcoming you all with a warm presence.He was wearing a white button up dress shirt with two buttons down and a pair of black pants.

"Happy birthday big man"Said Noah hugging Henry and giving him his gift.
You did the same receivinga big bear hug,followed by Alice and Evelyn.

"I'm so happy to see all of you here"He said smiling."Please,feel like home.And if you need something you can find me outside preparing the grill."He gestured for us to enter his home and not to stay like some statues in the hallway.

"It's too quiet"Said Evelyn looking for someone.Suddenly a brown haired girl jumped hugging her tightly.

"Here you are "The girl started chuckling and looked up at Evelyn

"Missed you miss Eve"

"Missed you too Charlie"Once Evelyn finished her sentence the child ran back to the other room.Noticing your confused face Evelyn explained that she was Henry's daughter.

   You followed the girl to the living room where you found other kids too.There was a boy dressed more casual and one other girl wearing a pink dress.You recognized them immediately, they were Afton's kids.

  Everything was well organised,the color choice was lovely emanating a distinctive feeling,the house itself was welcoming you.The living room was combined with the kitchen ,a big sofa stood infront of the large tv,accompanied by two other armchairs.Further away was a glass dinner table and the kitchen with its furniture and appliances.On the right was another hallway and the stairs.You noticed other persons too,coworkers and other friends of Henry.They all were well dressed in casual but still classy clothes.

    You could see William too accompanied by his wife,talking to other people,with a glass in her hand which you assumed is probably wine.When your eyes made contact you turned back to Noah ,scared of the woman.

"Are you okay?"The boy asked looking down at you.

"Yeah.I'm good"You responded quickly.

"Do you want to go outside?You are really pale."Noah insisted which made you accept the offer.

The two of you excused yourselves to the girls and walked outside.Noah and you weren't a couple or anything,which some people liked to asume.Ofcourse those people didn't know that you actually liked him but that wasn't important right now.

   A state of nausea gripped on you when you saw William but you couldn't tell why,maybe it was because of your bad anxiety.You suddenly remembered the frame with the cropped picture and the miserable portrait William presented that day.You thought alone about it,and you concluded that maybe a divorce intervened;now that thought disappeared.

After a few minutes of fresh air you got back to Evelyn and Alice asking them to go and hang out outside,since you noticed a big garden swing.The whole garden was gorgeous ,well illuminated by garden lights. The terrace was hosting the table which was in the middle of preparation for the guests.A few metres away was Henry and a few of his friends getting ready the bbq.There were other kids too running and playing tag.

As time passed more and more people came outside.

      "Excuse me ,I need to go to the bathroom"You said standing up from the swing and went to ask Henry's wife,who was placing the plates on the table, for directions.Emilie helped you happily.She assembled a small figure,being shorter than you,with blonde hair.Her pink floral dress highlighted her curves pretty well.The woman was beautiful and even more beautiful with her warm and friendly personality.You realised how identical Henry and Emilie are.

    You continued your way to the bathroom.You needed to take a short break from all the things outside.You didn't like that much" parties" and you would have felt bad if it was to deny Henry's invitation,but you were with your friends and you felt more comfortable with them.

   You stopped in front of the door and looked through the small gap between the door and the frame.You saw William's wife standing in front of the mirror,applying something on her neck.

"Oh I'm sorry"You excused yourself, clossing the tall door immediately, after she just turned to see you peeking through the gap. 

    You waited a few seconds until the door opened.Along with a tall woman a wave of floral perfume came through the doorway.She presented the same sharp stare that she had gave you in William's office back then.Her overwhelming presence froze you in your place.A long white dress outlining her towering figure, a small black bag?hanging on her left shoudler.

"Lack of manners I see,you could have knocked kid"It took you surprise her calling you a kid.

"I'm sorry I saw the door partially open and I thought"Before you could finish your sentence the woman interrupted you.

"What if I was with my husband?Would you have stayed like that,watching until we noticed?"

Her rough words annoyed you but you knew she was right and you couldn't defend yourself.You should have just knocked instead of peeking.

"No words from the little mouse"And with that she walked away.

    You entered the bathroom flustered and ashamed by your actions.You needed to use the bathroom after all.She should have just closed the door if she didn't want people peeking.

     Finally letting your thoughts go away you were glad you could find a peaceful place to hide before getting back at your friends.

    While opening the bathroom door you suddenly hear some screams from the next room.You realized soon that they belonged to William and Lora.

"She's just a child Lora!A child's mind assaulted by feelings she had no way to know their nature ,come on!"

"She is 20 William.20!She knows exactly what she's doing."

She paussed taking a deep breath which she released as soon as she turned to face the tall man.

"Darling"Said the man being intrerupted by his wife.

"The way she looks at you.I know those eyes and what they hide"

"Love,right now you sound incredibly ridiculous and I suggest you to calm down a bit.We can discuss more at home.".Said William with his charming tone ,wrapping his arms around his wife's waist ,an attempt to pull her into a hug ,but being rejected instead.

"No love no darling."

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Fire her"

"I'm afraid I can not-"Not finishing his sentence a sharp sound echoed in the room.It sounded like the contact between skin and skin.After that you heard a pair of quick steps run down the stairs sign that she leaved the man alone.

    You just sat there in the door frame digesting the new information.Was Lora talking about you?You just encountered her a few moments ago and you already knew that she might hate you even if did nothing wrong.

    Being interrupted from your own thoughts you jumped when you saw William coming out the room.He gets to gaze upon you for a moment once he turns back facing you,which creeped you out a bit.He wore a black dress shirt with a dark purple bow tie along with some black pants.

    He simply smiled at you and waved,gestures which you returned before he went his way after Lora.

     You wouldn't want to explain why were you eavesdropping on their private conversation.You wanted to go home and examine what just happened.You wanted some alone time to think about what have you done in order for your superior's wife to hate you.You didn't even know if hate was a strong word to define the situation.

     Walking towards your friends you noticed new faces.There was a boy with blonde hair and a girl with dreads.If the boy had a classy look the girl was wearing some jeans and a white top dress shirt.You saw them before at Fredbear's but you never got the chance to talk with them and get all friendly,you only knew their names.Due to having different shifts you only saw them at meetings.Although the boy was always giving you looks.

"Y/N!"Said Evelyn looking at you"Come and play truth or dare with us"

     You noded taking your seat back next to Alice.She was quiet again but you and your friends knew that's just her usual self,and if it was something wrong she would have told you.

     It was Andrew's turn to spin the bottle,landing towards you.

   "Truth or dare"Said him with and evilish smile on his face ,sign that his ideas were amusing to him and couldn't wait for the others to find out.


"Is it true that William is cheating on his wife?"He said keeping that grin on his face.

"What?How could I know such a thing?"You said confused by the strange question.

"I don't know,maybe since she clearly doesn't like you I thought you would be involved in "

"Andrew!"The boy was cutted off by his girl friend.

"I was just curious god".The grin on his face disappeared being replaced by a pissed off look.You frowned at him for a second.

"She is always like that".Continued Chris"Lora doesn't like anybody.Although she was different and more friendly.Now she frowns all the time at anyone even at William"

"Yeah.I think they are getting divorced.I noticed that she stopped wearing her wedding ring."Said Evelyn in a whispering tone,just for us to hear.

"It can't be."Continued Noah."Look at them."

     Indeed they seemed happy at the moment which really intrigued you.A few moments ago they were screaming at each other and now ,Lora, with William's hand around her waist,is kissing him.

"It's just for the facade.They quite hate each other"

"I bet they have hate sex everynight"Everybody started laughing and giggling at Andrew's statement.

    The rest of the night was pleasant,everyone was friendly making jokes or telling old high-school stories, the food tasted delicious,you couldn't get enough of it but on the other hand your eyes would fall sometimes over William profile.His bow tie was now untied hanging losely.Even in the dim light that established the ambience,you could discern some traces of lipstick on his neck.Sometimes he caught you staring but you would look away in a split second.After some mere attention from the man your brain started focusing only on him again.And you felt guilty and disgusting .Noah was right beside you and you were gazing over another woman's man.

    It was almost 2 am when the party ended and the guests started heading home.On your way to the car you realized you forgot your jacket so you informed your friends you were going back to grab it.In your rush finding the lost piece of cloth you made impact with someone.

"What is with the blunt force?"Said the man.

"Sorry I didn't mean to "you stopped once your eyes fell onto his face.

"Oh I know love.Searching for something?"He looked down at your confused face,pulling out your leather jacket.

"Thank you but how did you"he intrerupted you.

"Got my secrets"

Trying to get your jacket back he pulled it away from you smirking at his new found toy that he gets to play a little with.

"You know Y/N,I get that eyes are distracting but for an artist you are quite afraid"

"For a husband you are quite unfaithful"You tried mimicking his accent, mocking him and bringing to the surface his weird behvior around you.He towered you but kept his smile on his face.

"For only an employee you really got the guts.Wouldn't be a shame to get them rearranged hm?"He said in a low voice just for you to hear.The hallway was empty and not very well lit, the only source of light was coming from the lanterns outside.At that point you were scared of him.After such a long time you can say again that William Afton scares you.

A/N:I'm finally done with this chapter.Promise the next one will contain some twists and you will get to see more of William.

Ps:Once again I'm too lazy to correct the grammar and I will probably forget to come back later so I apologise in advantage.

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