One shots.- Trixya

By pinkymattel

18K 452 670

Basically, it's what the title says. More

Heaven is a place on hearth
Strawberry blond
Diamonds are a girls best friend
It's over Isn't it
Yes sir, I can boogie
The one that I like
Everything is embarrassing
Slow dance with you
I wish you liked girls
Running up that hill
Last Christmas
Good 4 ur misery business
Slipping through my fingers
How to be a heartbreaker
In your arms tonight
Because the night

Blank space

446 13 2
By pinkymattel

This was planned as a whole story but after months without updating anything and after the world's biggest creative block, I decided that maybe it wasn't the best idea to start a new book.

Sooo, here it is. This is the first chapter now as a one-shot, but maybe I'll post the rest here too, who knows.

I hope you enjoy this, please vote and comment! 🤞


Everything started on a sunny morning.

It seemed like a normal day, almost like any other morning in that ridiculously expensive residence. There was a deathly silence all over the place except for one room in which Fiona Apple's melodious voice sounded, but outside of that everything was silent. There was plenty of staff scattered around the house, some mowing the lawn, others quietly cooking while a couple of people made sure that the pool was in perfect condition as every morning, but the funny thing was that everyone worked quietly. The house was a mansion so ridiculously big for just the two people living there, however, it was the pride of the businessman who lived there, because he liked nothing more than hosting parties to meet his colleagues and be able to boast about his collection of cars.

The society parties were fine, but they didn't compare at all with the crazy parties her daughter could throw.

Trixie Mattel was the definition of a daddy's princess. She was the blonde that boys wanted to take to bed and that girls hated for not being her. She liked to have a good life and that was something that couldn't be denied: she had a collection of ridiculously expensive jewels, outfits from imported designers, and shoes of all colors and brands, although, of course, her favorite color predominated in her wardrobe: Pink. Trixie was a life-sized Barbie with her long, blonde hair and heart attack body, so it seemed almost ridiculous to think that even having all that, her dream of being a recognized model didn't come true. Although of course, perhaps her low temper and bratty attitude when something didn't please her influenced that fact. It was well known that the girl was famous for having tantrums and leaving projects in half when she didn't like something and because of that, not even with all the influence of her father and the help of that face that seemed to cost a million dollars got influential brands to work with her again.

But everything seemed to want to change that summer, as finally one of the world's most famous brands of lingerie seemed to want to include her in its summer festival, including advertising and catwalks that would keep her busy for several months. Trixie was still very young, so working with the designers of her dreams would make her career ascend, and she could almost feel the fame breathing on one side of her neck.

Everything was going so well, at least until that morning.

"What do you mean by replacement?" the astonished girl asked as she stopped with an incredulous expression, almost as if it was stupid to think that someone could reject her and replace her with some amateur model just because her flight was delayed twenty-four hours. Although, on second thought, maybe it wasn't a good idea to go to a party six hours before having to be at the airport, but hell, she wouldn't change the night she drank tequila bodyshots from at least five different people for nothing in the whole wide world. "I don't care if they got the same Naomi Campbell, those bastards can't reject me, are you hearing? I have my summer planned and I don't intend to break my head just because they couldn't wait a couple of hours for me... No, I don't care. I will fly to Italy right now and they'll see what they missed, nobody rejects Trixie fucking Mattel, do you understand?"

Apparently, Trixie hadn't been wrong after all.

The brand agreed to have her for its autumn collection even though she had a temper tantrum and threatened to give bad reviews to her fans. How come Trixie still had a job? It was impossible to know for sure, but although they had confirmed a full schedule for the next months, the blonde had the bad luck that her plans for the summer were shattered by a tiny hangover that prevented her from boarding her plane on time.

"Good morning, little angel. Why are you still here?" His father asked without tearing the sight of his phone, but smiling lightly to see how the apple of his eyes came in with the face of wanting to kill half the world in the dining room and took her usual breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar and a plain toast, "I thought your flight had to leave an hour ago."

"They replaced me," the blonde replied simply, without wanting to talk about it any further.

"What?" exclaimed the man in disbelief to finally give all her attention to the girl and knowing that he would have to move some of his contacts to see her happy and fulfill another of her whims.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be there for the autumn collection but until then, I've got the whole summer free, which means I'll have the house by myself because if I remember correctly, your flight leaves tomorrow morning," answered the girl as if nothing had happened, although in her head she had begun to form more of a plan to have fun in that gigantic house with her friends. She had already begun to visualize all the parties, alcohol, and maybe more than one illicit substance in the comfort of her home, so a smile formed on her pink lips, "I hope you have fun with Allison, don't forget to bring me something from Tokyo."

"Honey, her name is Emma," her father reminded her once again, although he knew perfectly well that Trixie was only using a different name for his girlfriend just to bother him, "And if I were you, I would think about my summer plans once again. You forget that the house is not going to be alone."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trixie, we talked about this a month ago. A friend needed to stay here during the summer and I offered her a room thinking she would be alone. I wasn't waiting for you to be suddenly canceled again because you forgot your flight," said the man in his typical serene tone of voice, and out of the blue, Trixie remembered what he was referring to. The girl didn't remember much of the woman and certainly had never met her in person, the only thing she knew was that the stranger was a former colleague of his father who now devoted herself to photography and poetry, however, she couldn't care less now that her summer plans were shattered for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.

"Well, call her and tell her that the house is no longer available because I'm not going to spend my summer with a stranger."

"I'm sorry, honey, you should think better about not making yourself responsible for once in your life," he replied with a mocking smile at his daughter's angry expression. Clearly, Trixie wasn't used to being told no, so that wasn't the answer she expected, "Who knows? Maybe you can learn something from her."

And so, without giving the blonde time to throw another tantrum, he simply fled to his room.

Without much to do but suppress her frustration, Trixie decided it was time to start her summer ritual regardless of whether that stranger could show up at any time to ruin her fun. The doll called a couple of friends to spend the afternoon picking one of her many bikinis until she finally decided on one that was true to her essence: pink and white, what more could she ask for? She had everything to have an amazing summer and yet everything indicated that it would be a nightmare to have to share the house with a stupid stranger who couldn't stay in her own house and had traveled to stay in hers. What if she was a hateful, boring woman and her only topic of conversation was her children? Well, it's not as if Trixie planned to spend a lot of quality time by her side, but it was definitely weird to think she would spend a long period with a complete foreigner. There were thousands of doubts and complaints going through Trixie's head as she silently sunbaked by the pool and pretended to read the monthly number of vogue, but she had to shake her head a few times when she visualized the big door of the residence opening up to see a fucking red Porsche that Trixie couldn't take out of sight, especially when the driver's door opened and a pair of black heels peeked out. Though the sound of a voice beside the model completely distracted her, making her jump as if she had been discovered doing some mischief.

"Shit," murmured the blonde angrily, taking off her huge sunglasses to see one of the service girls waiting for her attention, "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, miss, but the agency called to let you know that your car is ready and you can pick it up," said the frightened woman, and Trixie was about to yell at her when she remembered that it was her who specifically asked to let her know as soon as her car was ready.

"Send someone to pick it up, I'm busy."

Clearly, the woman and everyone with logical reasoning disagreed about that concept of being busy, but no one said anything and instead, the woman turned around to follow those directions. So when Trixie turned around to meet the woman who owned that red car she was observing seconds before being interrupted, she simply met a couple of men who were carrying her luggage quietly without a trace of the stranger. The blonde was eager to meet her new roomie, but her pride prevented her from running around the house as she did when she was seven and her father was returning from a business trip.

Trixie tried to distract herself as much as she could, alternating between checking her Instagram and reading the magazine she had in her hands until she could no longer resist and threw her pride aside. The barbie put on a pair of white denim shorts so she wouldn't look more indecent than she already looked and made sure her hair was in order, just as she always did, to finally collect her stuff and get inside to meet the new tenant. The first thing the blonde bombshell noticed upon entering the house was that this woman had a rather... Peculiar laugh. She was laughing at some stupidity that her father had said, and all she could see from that angle was her blonde, shoulder-high hair, yet nothing would have prepared her even for a million years when she finally was able to see her face.

"Trixie, honey! Come, I want to introduce you to Katya, the friend of whom I had spoken to you so much."


Maybe that's really when everything started.

Katya had the bluest eyes the girl had ever seen, the most seductive smile she could imagine with a pair of red lips that Trixie was already dying to kiss without even being aware of it. She wore a stupid Gucci dress that didn't leave much to the imagination because it was tight to her body and left a delicious view of that cleavage. And it wasn't until Trixie remembered to breathe again, that she had to give a logical answer and trying not to look like a hungry animal that she finally smiled back, clearly enjoying the fact that Katya also admired the sight in front of her.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, Trixie," said the blue-eyed woman with a smirk that Trixie liked to call wet-panties-worthy, and she had achieved her goal, "You look even prettier than on those magazine covers."

"Hi," answered the blonde, cursing herself as she heard her voice hesitating. No one ever made her feel nervous, ever, so she decided to put aside the desire to fuck her to pretend the security that so characterized her, "Paparazzi can never get my good side, but I still look fabulous."

The loud laughter that came out of the lips of that woman who seemed to be a reincarnation of some Greek goddess was - surprisingly - music to Trixie's ears. It was official, she wanted to keep saying stupid things to make her laugh and that was never a good sign, so she decided to concentrate on that tempting cleavage instead.

"I was about to call you, Trixie. I need to get out to check something in the office and I need you to show her room to Katya, maybe later you can give her a tour around the place if you have time," her father suggested without really giving her a choice as he was already collecting his things and honestly, Trixie was no longer bothered by the idea of spending time alone with that hot stranger, so she agreed without hesitation, "Great, see you later."

And so, with a kiss on the princess's forehead and a friendly smile for the other woman, he disappeared from the place.

"Well, come on, my girls will appear at any moment," Trixie said, trying to be as sharp as possible even though she was eager to jump into her arms and beg her to kiss her. She wasn't going to show any sign of weakness to the woman who ruined her summer plans, so she had to prove it in one way or another.

"You don't have to, sugar. I can do it alone," the woman replied, smiling before taking Trixie by surprise and holding a lock of hair behind her ear, stopping for a couple of seconds to look at the extravagant earrings she wore before letting her go, "I'm sure you have more important things to do. That beautiful tan won't be done alone."

"Oh please, I want to do it. Have you seen me? I'm an angel fallen from heaven," Trixie joked, regretting the instant that the words came out of her mouth, as she could see how the blonde in front of her had interpreted it differently and that caused her to bite her lower lip. She would definitely end up surrounding that woman.

"That's more than clear to me, Trixie," Katya answered with a flirtatious smile, "But I'm serious, I can get there alone. Do whatever you have to do."

And so, without waiting for any answer, the woman simply walked silently before asking one of the maids where her room was, and once with clear instructions, she went to the place silently, shaking her hips slowly like a femme-fatal, probably thanks to the fact that she felt the look of a spoiled blonde on her ass. Trixie was convinced that this woman was some kind of witch because she had barely started to walk and she was already following her like a lost puppy until she stopped suddenly, and with a smirk, indicated that she could lead the way. Stupid blonde, who thought she was to come, change her plans of being able to walk naked around the house whenever she wanted and on top of that look so fucking good with that black dress that highlighted her curves? She could go to hell, thank you very much.

"This is your room. There's not much science. You have new sheets, fresh towels, a TV, and your own bathroom. You can't get confused," explained the blonde in a disinterested tone as she adjusted her bra strap and tried to ignore the hungry look of the woman in front of her at that action.

"Oh darling, are you okay? That must have been a lot of information to process."

As much as the comment may have caused Trixie to pull out anyone else's eyes, surprisingly, it made her laugh thanks to the blonde's bad interpretation of Paris Hilton. Okay, so it could be fun after all.

Trixie wasn't sure what her next move would be, so she just stood quietly watching Katya pull a book out of her bag and prepare to read it in the comfort of her new bed, ignoring the presence of the girl in front of her drooling at the new vision the older woman had created for her by putting on a pair of black-framed reading glasses. Fuck, Trixie was getting a teacher kink thanks to that bitch.

"So, what's the T with you and my father?" Trixie interrupted, sitting without being invited to the side of the bed as she watched with curious eyes how the other blonde didn't seem to be distracted by her question in the slightest, "Are you coming to replace Emma?" the girl unsuccessfully asked again and dropped a growl before she climbed even higher and without thinking twice she pulled her blonde hair away from her face and bent down enough to whisper in a seductive voice to her ear, "Will you be my new mommy?"

Apparently, that was the only thing Katya needed to get out of the impeccable concentration she had on her book.

"Why are you still here, Trixie? Don't you have to go and plan a tea party with your dolls or something like that?"

"There's no need to be rude, I just want to know what your intentions are with daddy. I can't let you hurt him, I'm very overprotective, I can't help it," admitted the girl, straightening and puffing a lock of hair that fell on her face. Trixie knew Katya was weak. She had the power to know when a person would fall down at her feet even before they knew it and there was something in the look of the blue-eyed woman that she couldn't quite decipher and that drove her crazy while encouraging her to want to know more about her at the same time, "Well?"

"Your father and I are just friends, there's nothing else to say," Katya replied before finally giving up and putting aside her book, knowing that there was no way she could continue reading it while that pink-lipped Barbie was in the room. But even though she was telling the truth, Trixie's face indicated she didn't believe her at all. "It's not like I want to go out with a man, after all, that's not my thing."

Trixie's eyes shone at the new information and a smirk of satisfaction formed on her lips.

Oh, there would be no doubt it would be a fun summer.

Trixie had always gotten what she wanted, she was known from a young age for her ability to get what she wanted by just smiling and batting her eyelashes, especially when it came to her love life. I mean, who could turn that blonde away after all? The girl was used to having everyone eating from the palm of her hand and being the center of attention, so now her new victim would be nothing less than an older blonde woman with blue eyes and red lips like a pair of cherries who looked selfless but at the same time died to have her in her arms.

"I see," replied the girl as she studied each of the movements of the blue-eyed bombshell, as if she were a hunter stalking her prey just for fun, "I don't see a ring on your finger, does that mean you're not married?"

"Thank God no," Katya murmured without interest and instead of reading, she opted to answer a couple of texts, leaving in evidence for a few seconds her wallpaper where she appeared accompanied by another woman and that detail kindled, even more, the curiosity of the blonde but decided not to ask about it. For some reason, she believed Katya, "Why so much interest? I thought you weren't eager in spending time with a stranger."

"Oh well, anyone can change their mind when the stranger is smoking hot and has a gaze that melts you," The words came out of Trixie's lips gently accompanied by a smirk, and the way she bit her lower lip could definitely be able to wipe out the brains of more than one.

That was enough for Katya to look at her with hungry eyes and Trixie expected her to respond with her flirting and maybe, if she was lucky enough, to kiss her, especially as she got up and slowly stepped around the bed to face her. The blue-eyed blonde lifted her glasses to rest them on her head and with a mischievous smile bent over to see Trixie swallow nervously. Katya smelled of a mixture of cigarettes and expensive perfume, which drove the younger girl crazy with each passing second and she couldn't resist it any longer. Trixie wanted to be dominated for once in her life, she wanted Katya to tell her what to do and to tell her that she was a good girl by following her instructions.

"You're so fucking pretty, although it's more than obvious that you already know that," said the blue-eyed woman, caressing the girl's freshly bitten lower lip, which caused the most beautiful giggle to come out of her lips and it caused an explosion in Katya's lower stomach. Trixie just shrugged her shoulders at that response. She knew she was irresistible and wouldn't apologize for it, "But you're a girl. I don't need problems in my life right now and definitely messing with a kid who appears on the cover of teen vogue for crashing her daddy's convertible is not in my plans. Sorry, princess. You'll have to find something else to distract yourself with... Maybe you can call your dad to buy you a puppy. My niece loves that."

The smile on Trixie's face disappeared completely. Hearing the mocking tone Katya used on her only made her want to strangle her in the non-erotic sense of the word. Who the hell did that idiot believe she was to deny her anything? Or even worse, to reject her. No one in their five senses rejected Trixie Mattel, much less treated her as if she were a child incapable of understanding things. Yes, maybe she still lived in the comfort of her father's mansion and didn't need to work, but those were completely different matters. It wasn't her fault to have that life after all.

"Are you stupid? I'm not twelve and it's obvious that you're wetting your panties just by hearing me say your name," the blonde replied with hostility, pushing her slightly to get out of bed, and without realizing it, she was already proving Katya's point. The girl just wanted that woman to fuck her, she didn't need to be humiliated out of bed.

"Why do you think you are so special? Babydoll, I just came here because the place is giant and I can concentrate to write a new book on your father's gardens. I don't need a spoiled baby trying to boost her ego by flirting with a woman who is likely to double her age."

Apparently, Trixie Mattel had found the stone in her stiletto.

"Go to hell, grandma."

And so, Trixie left the room furious, but not before showing her french manicure and, more specifically, the one on her middle finger. No one, absolutely no one denied anything to the girl without suffering the consequences, especially since she had never been denied anything. The Barbie was so angry and at the same time so interested in... Well, in Katya's lack of interest. There was something in that woman who was willing to forgive that humiliation to try her red lips, which probably tasted like cherries.

"Trixie, baby!" a voice was heard, which brought Trixie out about that fantasy where Katya gave her what she wanted. It was Willam and Courtney who came willing to keep the blonde company, although, the idea of being accompanied by someone else no longer seemed appealing to the blonde. Trixie didn't consider them her friends. Of course, she liked to go out and visit the beauty salon with them, but she didn't consider them close enough to talk about their feelings or their problems and all because of the lack of confidence she had... According to her therapist, "Why the long face? You're not happy that summer finally started?"

"Why are you so happy? It's not like drinking expensive cocktails on your family's yacht and buying the entire Givenchy collection is something you only do in the summer," Trixie scoffed, putting her huge sunglasses on her face to hide her frowning and the desire to kill half the world.

"It smells to me that someone denied you something and even though I die to know what it is, first I need to get a tan," Willam answered with a half-smile and Trixie rolled her eyes at that under the sunglasses.

An hour later, the three blondes met in the garden while the guests heard about Trixie's new headache and drank pink cocktails like every weekend. It was almost funny to realize that at the beginning of her day Trixie couldn't get out of her head the idea that she would no longer travel to Italy as she had so much planned and instead, would have to spend the summer together with a stranger, who would probably be a boring old lady and now she couldn't get out of her head that stranger who was definitely no old lady and instead had a pair of legs with which she wanted to be strangled with. Worst of all? That she denied her a miserable kiss. Trixie was denied a caress and that was driving her crazy.

"So, let me resume your morning: first, you discovered that you had fallen asleep thanks to the fact that you probably drank a mixture of all kinds of alcohol and so you will no longer be going to Italy, although you will still be working for the autumn collection of your favorite designer. Then, you realized that thanks to your stupidity you would have to spend the summer with an unknown bitch who turned out to be fucking hot and finally you threw the tantrum of your life when she rejected you," Willam explained quite calmly and honestly, a little disinterested at the same time as Trixie watched her from her pink float and saw the other girl rest from the comfort of a chair. Courtney wasn't a big fan of being in the water, but she would never miss out on a good tan.


"Well, can I know the real reason you're angry? I understand you want to get into her pants or whatever, but come on, there are millions of milfs who would be willing to do anything to spend a night with you," Willam wasn't telling lies. There was something wrong with Trixie if she couldn't get a blue-eyed idiot out of her head and turn her down, "What's so special about her?"

Trixie opened her mouth to answer but the words didn't come out of her mouth. She was officially angry with everyone, especially when she saw the teasing smirk that was drawn on Willam's lips.

"Well, I propose that we put aside the subject of the hot lady who rejected you to really concentrate on what matters: where the hell are we going now that you are free?" Obviously, Willam had to create a plan b. It couldn't be possible that Trixie wouldn't have jumped in excitement at the new option of a trip just when her plans were canceled and instead would have preferred to stay home. Of course, that wasn't a bad choice as she could easily have fun doing what she always did, but a trip to Paris or Bora Bora wouldn't hurt her at all, "Some ideas?"

"Oh! Can we go to London? I'm dying to visit some friends there and I hear there will be several fashion shows this summer," Courtney suggested with that Australian accent that always made Trixie laugh, and that detail of seeing some friends didn't pass by to her girlfriend, who just rolled her eyes.

"No, London is boring," Trixie replied.

"What about Puerto Vallarta?"

"Too hot."

"That's what the fucking beaches are for, Einstein," Willam mocked, watching her girlfriend roll her eyes clearly irritated at having to deal with another brat who was furious and took revenge on the first person in front of her, "Why don't you tell us your requirements and we think for you?"

"Good. It must be a nearby place because I honestly don't feel like leaving the country. Somewhere where I can wear pretty dresses day and night and obviously when there's a lot of alcohol because I won't survive this summer without being drunk 24/7," said the blonde in a pink bikini, seeing from there how the other girls' minds were starting to work, although in her head there was only room for a certain grey-haired, blue-eyed woman. Damn, at that moment she was supposed to concentrate on having fun, and instead, she could only think of her body, "I want a place that distracts me from all this shit."

Trixie didn't expect such a quick response, but the way the two girls' faces lit up in a coordinated way and smiled told her they had found the perfect place.

"Las Vegas!"

For the first time in her life, Trixie agreed with something proposed by that pair of bimbos at the first opportunity. The girls started planning the trip for at least an hour until Courtney became bored and declined more than once the offer to have fun in the pool with her girlfriend and the other girl, so that left only one option for the other blondes and they both knew what it was with just a glance.

"Well, Trixie, now that we finally found a solution to your problems and we have a trip ready I need your help because my girlfriend doesn't want to have fun with me and I'm very horny since that bitch refused to eat my pussy this morning," Willam explained while in the background she could hear her girlfriend whine something about having to have breakfast first to not faint like the good bottom she was and Trixie gasped shocked when the girl in front of her swam to rest her chin on her naked thighs. Although this didn't last long because Willam pulled her to finally get soaked from head to toe and honestly, it was a surprise to everyone that Trixie didn't want to kill her and instead giggled with the stupid flirty laugh she used when she wanted something, "Help me?" the girl asked, attracting the brown-eyed blonde up her ass and pouting her lips. Trixie stared at Courtney who simply winked at her in approval as she always did. There was something so exciting about their relationship that Trixie couldn't refuse to be pleased by Willam while Courtney simply watched them, "Just let yourself go. Close your eyes and imagine that I am her."

That statement made Trixie swallow doubtful, but she followed the blonde's instructions and closed her eyes once she felt the kisses begin to spread around her neck. She imagined Katya's big hands on her body and her red lips kissing her tan skin. The girl was so focused on imagining that woman that when Willam got rid of her bikini top and moved her kisses to her shoulders, she opened her eyes feeling a gaze on them.

But it wasn't just Courtney's gaze. Trixie moaned when she found the figure of her dreams watching them from the top of the house in one of the rooms with a serious look. Those blue eyes made contact with hers for an instant and that caused a revolution to break out in Trixie's chest, who had the audacity to smirk at her while clinging to the neck of the girl. The doll wanted to show her all that had been lost by saying no and the idea of imaging Katya locked up in her bathroom while she touched herself thinking about her made Trixie moan hoarsely again and unconsciously, made the mistake of closing her eyes while fantasizing about that erotic image. But when she opened them again, she was disappointed that Katya was no longer looking at her and the place was empty, almost as if it had been an illusion.

The girl was going to explode out of frustration.


It had been three days since Katya had arrived and that pool incident had become Trixie's number one wet dream. Unfortunately, they hadn't been able to interact a lot because it happened that whenever one was in the house, the other was outside or just in another part of the gigantic mansion. But it wasn't as if Trixie wasn't tempted to knock at the door of her room at three in the morning after touching herself thinking of her or as if she hadn't walked around in her underwear in the morning to give her a show after learning that the grey-haired woman was practicing yoga at a ridiculously early hour. However, everything had been in vain and it wasn't until day four that they finally saw their faces again while eating breakfast together unexpectedly.

"Good morning, princess," Katya greeted with a mocking smile at the irritating face the girl dedicated to her as she sat down. Damn it, how she dared to look so good at that time while Trixie had eyelash mask traces on her face and was still wearing her pink silk pajamas? "What are the plans for today?"

"Sending you to hell like every day," the girl replied, rolling her eyes when she heard the scandalous laughter of the blonde. Her hangover was roasting a bad trick because her head was about to burst and although that laughter didn't help her at all, it hurt her in the depths of her ego to admit that it was music to her ears, "What about you?"

"Not much. I was thinking of staying here and working a bit on my book, I really ran out of ideas and hoped I could lend you your pool to rest there," the idea of watching Katya wearing a black swimsuit that probably cost a fortune made the blonde's cheeks turn a cute pink that mimicked the color of her pajamas, so she tried to hide it by drinking the tea freshly served by one of the girls who worked for her, "You have a beautiful house. I already understand why you like so much to live here... Oh! Thank you, doll," said the older woman with a smile at the action of having her cup of coffee filled and the way the shy girl blushed didn't pass Trixie by. The blonde raised her eyebrow when she saw Tatianna, the maid, replied with a stupid smile and left the room with clumsy steps, but probably what boiled her blood most was the fact that Katya had used a cute nickname for someone else than her, "What do you say?"

"Do whatever you want. Dad said the house is all yours and as long as you don't enter my room without permission I'm not interested in what you do here," Trixie replied almost unkindly, becoming selfless as she ate her usual breakfast and checked her phone, noticing all the things she had done the night before. She hoped that if she was going to come out again in a gossip magazine they would at least have the decency to use her good angle.

Katya didn't respond but Trixie could feel her gaze on her all the time as she silently chewed and smiled when she saw a picture in which she looked spectacularly good despite having drunk four shots of tequila in a row.

"Uh, listen, kitten. I know you might still angry at me or whatever, but maybe we should learn to get along," that voice interrupted Trixie from her thoughts and finally raised her eyes from her phone, "I'm not saying that we will become that kind of people who wear friendship bracelets or who want to adopt a pet together, but we will spend most of the summer together and it will be awkward for both of us if we continue with this. How about if I take you out to dinner tonight as an offer of peace? Think about it like a friend's thing."

Trixie's lips curled with satisfaction as she felt her power slowly returning. Was her indifference working? Did Katya begin to be interested in having her attention when it was denied? Maybe the answers to the previous questions were negative, but she couldn't refuse the idea of going to an expensive restaurant, wearing nice dresses while letting the blue-eyed woman order for her and drink expensive wine, listening to the stories behind her books and knowing everything about that woman sounded amazing. Maybe that's why her mouth surprised her by opening and answering before she even thought about it.

"Sorry, I have no friends"

"Oh come on, you are always surrounded by people. I doubt very much that a girl like you doesn't have friends," the blonde replied with a smile as she gently took Trixie's hand and kissed her knuckles seductively, not knowing that her words had struck a nerve in the brown-eyed girl. Obviously, Trixie being the person who hid her feelings flawlessly after years of perfecting her skill, simply smiled and directed her eyes to the woman's lips.

"I'll be ready at eight. If you're not ready, I'll leave without you."

Another thing Trixie was known for was being a pathological liar. The model would never be ready at the time they agreed, even though she spent the entire day locked in her room, alternating between reading, chatting with her followers on an Instagram live, and spying on Katya as she rested in the yard with her legs submerged in the pool while playing with her camera. The girl took her time to shower, picking one of her many dresses until she decided on a cute, white, silk, and sleeveless dress that highlighted her most recent tan, accompanied by a pair of black heels that matched her earrings and the necklace she wore. It was strange to think of her wearing that color palette, especially when she realized that her makeup was also completely different from her usual. It wasn't as if the perfectly applied black shadows on her eyelids and her nude lip made her look bad, no, Trixie was aware that she looked fiery. It's just that all those things made her look... Older? Had she unconsciously managed to look older? She was about to take off her dress and start from scratch but when she heard Katya knock on her door for the fourth time, she was frustrated and cursed loudly, finally opening.

"Shit, stop knocking on my door like this or you're going to break it up with your stupid brute force!" yelled the blonde in rage as Katya rolled her eyes about to answer, but when her gaze stuck on the sight in front of her, her words just couldn't get out. Trixie knew she was beautiful, but for some reason, she was dying to hear it from those red lips. Katya didn't look bad at all. She was wearing a red dress adjusted to her high-necked body that made her look somehow like a vampire whose eyes sparkled at the thought of having a prey right in front of her nose, "Take a picture, it will last longer." Trixie mocked knowing that this was hypocritical on her part because she drooled for that goddess.

"I guess it was worth the five hours of waiting," Katya mumbled, unable to look away from the blonde in front of her while wetting her lips seductively.

"I will always make your time worth it."

The way Katya bit her lower lip to repress a smile while slowly denying meant that Trixie was nowhere near kneeling before her. That beautiful face would be her ruin.

"Why don't we leave? We are about to lose the reservation thanks to you."

Trixie rolled her eyes with fun before taking her hand and guiding her to the red car that was already waiting for them. Katya wasn't used to the idea of a driver because she seemed to like driving, so she declined the idea gently as she opened the door to the blonde and made sure she was fine before getting on. Apparently, the conversation started from the moment they turned on the car and Trixie wasn't mad about it. She enjoyed hearing Katya babble about her latest trip to New York where she was the special guest in some important book fair thanks to her most recent book that Trixie had already read in secret, also discovered that she was good at reading the tarot as they walked to the entrance of the restaurant while the older woman held her waist almost possessively and by the time they finally reached their table, she was sure she knew at least the last five years of her life.

"I have a feeling you're already bored of me, sorry, I usually talk a lot," apologized the blonde in a red dress, unable to look away from Trixie as she drank the freshly ordered wine. The girl allowed herself to ignore her for a few seconds, enjoying the sweet sensation of that red liquid that ran through her throat until finally, she deigned to see her with a raised eyebrow as if waiting for some kind of instruction, "Why don't you talk to me about you, princess?"

"If you wanted to know about me you could check my Instagram, there's everything there."

"I want to know about the real Trixie, not the one that comes out on the covers of magazines," Katya replied with a soft smile as she wasn't able to see her in the eye and instead, the barbie was just waving her glass silently, watching the liquid slowly dance back and forth, "What do you like?"

"Besides older blonde women with blue eyes who usually write poems, photograph, and ask ridiculous questions? Maybe musicals, I like them a lot," the blonde said with a sly smile as she watched Katya roll her eyes at her words, unable to ignore how a pretty blush appeared on her cheeks almost imperceptibly through the makeup base, "I collect playbills. Maybe you think it's stupid, but I've never told anyone."

"Are you a Broadway nerd? I would never have guessed it." Trixie was a person she knew absolutely nothing about other than that she loved pink, jewelry, partying, and being a real barbie, so knowing her more human side and realizing that she collected things she loved like any other mortal was a treat, "What's your favorite musical? Let me guess: mean girls? Heathers? Legally blonde?"

"Wow, you really think I'm predictable," the girl joked with a funny smile, "You weren't even close, Sherlock. I didn't go to see my favorite musical on Broadway: It is The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

"Shut up!" gasped the older woman as she took her hand over the table and held it in surprise, making Trixie laugh in the process and Katya realized it was the first time she had seen her laugh. Her laughter was a delight, and she didn't seem to care that she won a couple of eye-rolls from the people around them thanks to the scandalous sound from her pink lips. Probably, that version of Trixie, with her eyes crinkled by her smile and the tears that came out of unforeseen that slightly ruined her makeup was the one Katya liked the most, "It's my favorite too! Oh my god, we have to go together to a midnight show or we can watch the movie. Any option is good."

Trixie smiled clumsily at the image of them both being drenched in raw popcorn and screaming obscenities in a theater, though before the red on her cheeks could betray her to that fantasy, she was saved by their waiter of that night.

Amazingly the rest of the dinner flowed wonderfully. It was difficult for the younger blonde to accept that for the first time in a long time, a date had gone so well (although they both knew it wasn't in a romantic context). Trixie was used to going to boring dinners from time to time with some boring model or a pretty designer in the hope that her perception of love would change, however, she was always disappointed to find that they were only looking to eventually take her to bed. And it's not as if that's a bad thing. Trixie was the first one to admit that she was a fan of having sex, however, sometimes she longed for a fairy-tale relationship like in the princesses books that she used to read when she was little despite never having confessed that out loud.

That night, the girl enjoyed a nice dinner with a beautiful woman who looked genuinely interested in anything that came out of her lips. Of course, she was trying to kiss her, but she didn't want to make the atmosphere uncomfortable at the same time, because after all, they had a whole summer waiting patiently for them. So, after sharing a piece of raspberry cheesecake, and Katya offering to pay the bill like a gentlewoman, she drove the girl to her car, where for the first time that night there was silence. The only thing that could be heard was the sweet, sensual voice of Lana del Rey singing as Trixie closed her eyes feeling slightly dizzy by all the wine she had drunk and the smell of expensive cigarettes that the woman next to her was smoking.

The girl finally opened her eyes when she heard the doors of the big mansion open, indicating that the evening was sadly over. It wasn't fair at all. Trixie hadn't heard enough stupid anecdotes or the loud laughs that accompanied them, so she felt her heart beat harder as they got closer and closer to the entrance and even more as Katya hurried to open the door and take her hand to accompany her to the door.

"I guess it's over," Trixie said with a smile, trying to disguise the disappointment on her face with a sigh.

"I guess so," replied the silver-haired woman, copying her flirty smile before looking up in a conspiratorial way, "Unless you have another activity planned."

Fuck me! - Trixie's brain screamed immediately, but the girl quickly eliminate that option because she might be desperate as shit, but she would never admit it out loud. So after thinking for a couple of seconds, a smile was drawn on her face and she took Katya by the hand to guide her to the back of the house where the huge pool was waiting for them. The night was amazingly not freezing, so without thinking twice, the younger blonde took off her expensive heels and lowered the zip of her silk dress, putting it aside and giggling at Katya opening her eyes to the action before turning clumsily to avoid seeing her.

"Whoa... What do you think you're doing?" she asked in shock, feeling the red of her cheeks moving up to her chest as she remembered the dream figure of the blonde behind her. There was no doubt that Trixie was beautiful, but shit, she was a fucking sight.

"Come on grandma, don't be such a prude," Trixie mocked before entering the pool, preventing the water from damaging her makeup, "We already went to dinner as much as you wanted, now it's the funny part... Oh! You can turn around, by the way."

A little unsure, Katya turned around to see that, indeed, the girl's body was already covered by water and unfortunately, she had no longer been able to appreciate that Agent-Provocateur lingerie set. Trixie could watch her brain begin to work slowly until she finally muttered a little "shit" before lowering the clasp of her dress clumsily compared to the sensual and little desperate way in which she had done it, however, she couldn't help smiling once she was in the water to see her eyelash mascara begin to run poorly to the side of her eyes, so she had to resist fiercely the impulse of caressing the black trail with her fingertips.

"You look like a psychopath!" Trixie said amid a loud laugh that took a couple of seconds before Katya joined. It was a fact that they both looked like crazy under the moonlight, laughing at a joke that only the two of them understood and swimming in nothing but underwear, although honestly, that couldn't matter less to Trixie, who just watched with a flirty smile the older woman swimming silently from one side to the other without caring to be clearly ignoring her. It was a bit of a strange feeling, the blonde in pink lingerie was used to having the attention of anyone she wanted, however being ignored by Katya made her legs rub under the water thinking she was just there to keep her company and be a pretty face she could appreciate from time to time, only when she remembered her, "Do you want to play something?" the girl asked once she noticed that her eyelids were slowly beginning to close, probably thanks to all the wine she drank at the dinner mixed with the relaxing sensation of the warm water caressing her body.


"No, you idiot. Something to get to know each other better," Trixie proposed with a smile as Katya slowly approached her and raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to speak, "Two truths and one lie. You'll have to guess which one is the lie and which one is true, if you hit the most you can choose the punishment for the other."

"I like it. Start."

"Well, let's see" a funny smile formed on Trixie's lips as she thought and watched Katya carefully take off her earrings and leave them on the edge of the pool where the younger blonde was resting, forcing her to get even closer to her, "Once I gave a blowjob to John Stamos in the bathrooms of an award ceremony, I have a phobia of bees and I threw up at Kris Jenner's car" Katya laughed loudly at the three confessions, Ignoring the slight blush on the other girl's cheeks.

"It's not fair, it could be any of those!" joked the blue-eyed woman before pretending to be serious, trying to study the other blonde's face as if the answer were hidden there, "It's obvious that you vomited Kris's car and that's why you weren't invited to Kourtney's birthday party and you look like some girl crying for help at the sight of a tiny little bee, so uncle Jessie it is."

"You weren't supposed to guess at the first try!" The blonde complained as a little brat girl, though a loud laugh betrayed her by letting Katya know that she wasn't angry at all, "Yeah, John's assistant discovered us in the middle of the action, I'm banned from the Kardashian's house and I'm fucking scared of bees... Those bastards terrify me but I can't kill them, they keep us alive!"

The game continued as it began. Katya seemed to have an ability to guess every time it was her turn and Trixie had got it pathetically twice. It was complete nonsense that they were learning from each other (Like knowing that Trixie had an emo phase in high school or that Katya knew all the dialogues from her favorite Brooklyn '99 episode). Both were close enough to each other and Trixie had to bite her lower lip to hold a sigh whenever their legs touched below the water or when the Russian pulled her hair back in an almost hypnotic way, although it seemed to be a cheap tactic to distract her and get her to win, but hell, she was willing to do anything at that point of the night no matter how pathetic that sounded.

"Well, let's see," Trixie shook her head slightly when she realized she was lost in the way the woman in front of her was smiling. It was a completely intoxicating smile, as if she knew everything that was causing it inside Trixie and yet she was willing to make things more complicated for her, "I have it: my favorite superhero is Thor, I have a weakness for blondes and the summer of your life is about to begin."

"I-" the youngest swallowed with difficulty at the new information. Trixie wasn't sure what exactly she meant but the proposal sounded tempting, was this woman a witch who could know what would happen, or was it just so predictable? Be that as it may, Katya was enjoying having left her speechless and that brought her back to reality as she shook her head slightly and slipped her hands shamelessly through her wet shoulders, taking the initiative to come closer, "The second one is the lie."

Katya smirked.

"You really stink in this game," murmured the Russian before following the current and resting her hands on her hips. Trixie hated how she easily made her tremble at the moment she felt her big hands making contact with her skin and although she considered herself an atheist, it wasn't until that moment that she knew she had to thank god for that interaction, "Cat eat your tongue, pretty baby? It's really a shame."

"What are you doing with me exactly?" Trixie hated the way her voice went shaky, showing Katya how vulnerable she had made her by touching her hips. Her breathing began to shake as they got closer and closer and the hazel-eyed girl swore that no one had managed to have her eating from the palm of a hand up to that point, but shit, she was willing to do anything at that very moment for a single kiss.

"Nothing, I thought you wanted to keep playing," the Russian replied with a mischievous smile before moving her hands to her ass, causing an involuntary moan to slip from Trixie's lips clumsily. They were so close to each other that it was only a matter of a light breeze pushing them, but although Trixie was ready for anything, she had to stop when she saw doubt in the blue eyes of the woman in front of her, "Trixie, your father..."

"He's not here," the blonde replied in desperation, making Katya smile.

They looked at each other one last time.

Trixie looked gorgeous under the moonlight, her hair wet and her makeup slightly messed up. She was like an angel, with that beautiful face and her big brown eyes filled with lust. There was no doubt that she was the reincarnation of Aphrodite herself, a mermaid calling her with her song or a nymph who needed to be worshipped for life, but the older woman was able to see behind all that selfless woman's mask. Katya could tell she was just an innocent girl wanting some attention and the Russian woman didn't know how to take that.

"Honey, I don't want to hurt you," the older woman's voice came out hoarse, causing Trixie to squeeze her legs under the water. Katya smiled slightly at the movement, but she just stayed in the same position, almost as if she was afraid that the moment might be ruined by the slightest action.

Katya looked like a whole erotic fantasy in the other girl's eyes. With her lips red because of her waterproof lipstick and her blue eyes shining under the moonlight, Trixie didn't know how the hell she had managed to get that lucky but she definitely didn't complain at all. Trixie had a gift for reading people easily, she did it all the time and had learned to enjoy how such simple actions could reveal a person's darkest secrets, but with her she was different. Katya was not so easy to read and yet Trixie was willing to trust her with her eyes closed.

"I'll run the risk."

It was the last thing heard to come out of Trixie's pink lips before attacking the woman in front of her with a kiss. And the blonde swore that she had never felt so excited about kissing someone in her entire life. She could feel Katya's big hands squeezing her ass while she expertly pushed her tongue between her lips, making her moan instantly and forcing her to tangle her fingers between the Russian's silvery hair, an action that made her groan as she felt her acrylics making violent contact with her body. It was as if at the moment of joining her lips she had lit a fire inside Katya that seemed impossible to extinguish. The woman knew where to kiss, bite and lick to make Trixie groan and make her forget even her own name.

"Katya, Katya, baby," Trixie pleaded with an almost painful sigh as Katya placed wet kisses on her neck and collarbone. Only the two of them existed at that time. If before she felt slightly dizzy about the wine she had during dinner, Trixie was completely drunk for that point with Katya's kisses, "Please, please..."

Anticipation began to form slowly in the girl's belly as she felt Katya's hand moving to the center of her wet underwear and there was no doubt that her eyes rolled the moment shd felt the Russian start to stimulate her almost painfully.

"Please, Katya, please," was the only thing coming out of Trixie's lips. Katya on the other hand was too busy leaving marks on her cleavage and finally pleasing the younger one by inserting her fingers as much as she anticipated that she didn't even bother to speak.

Trixie gave a choking scream as the blue-eyed woman stimulated her clit with her thumb before introducing a pair of fingers without warning, her eyes started tearing at the delicious sensation she was experiencing, and at the same time trying to keep her hips still but failed in the attempt. Katya knew how to push her to the limit and even though Trixie wanted to save herself the embarrassment of cumming too early to give the other woman a full show, she knew she wouldn't last long by hearing the Russian growl and looking at her attentively, waiting for her reaction when she gave up.

"It feels so good, Kat," mumbled the blonde, almost incoherently, moaning as she felt the movements begin to be more violent and faster. Trixie closed her eyes, feeling Katya desperately attack her lips and so, with her fingers inside her and her tongue deep in her throat, the girl cum without warning, feeling her cheeks blush, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," The brown-eyed girl repeated, gently pushing away the Russian's hand as she began to over-stimulate her.

After that, they both glanced at each other for a few seconds.

Trixie felt small, almost vulnerable in front of those piercing blue eyes that looked at her the way a wolf stalked its prey. The barbie wanted to speak, she wanted to thank her and tell her that it was her turn now. For god's sake, the idea of having her sitting by the pool as she ate her out as if she was her last meal was reason enough to turn her on again, but before she could even say thanks, Katya was already giving her one last kiss to get out of the pool without uttering a word and leaving her alone, confused, and aroused.

The blonde pinched herself five times exactly to realize all that hadn't been a dream. Katya had been so generous as to give her an orgasm before going to bed, but not even five minutes later she left her alone in the middle of the night. An almost maniacal laugh came from Trixie's lips as she processed the situation: her dad's friend had fucked her in the middle of her pool and abandoned her to her fate soon after. The girl couldn't fully digest the situation, but she still struggled to get out of the water and grab her phone with trembling hands.

"Trixie?" was heard behind the other line. There was loud music playing, which could only suggest that the blonde couple were partying just as she had predicted, "What's going on, doll?"

"Did you make reservations for Las Vegas?" Trixie asked, unable to display her view from the window of the Russian's room. The girl gulped when she realized how Katya's silhouette appeared on the scene and could bet all her fortune that she was completely naked.

"Uh, yeah. Everything is ready," Willam answered in a drunken tone, "Hotels, the private jet of Courtney, spas, bars, restaurants..."

"Cancel it," interrupted the blonde in a firm tone, sighing as the woman's movements stopped behind the curtain before turning off the light. Katya's red lips couldn't be removed from her head by running through her neck, her fingers satisfying her, and her look which made her weak. It couldn't end up like that, Trixie had to have her or she would go crazy. She had to have Katya eat from the palm of her hand before the summer was over or she would die. The blonde always got what she wanted and that woman wouldn't be the exception, "I won't go anywhere, something tells me that the summer of my life has just begun."

Little did she know what she had really got herself into.

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