Life in Zora's Domain - Part...

By Andremoi_88

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For anyone who wishes more about Mipha's and Link's life together, this story is a sequel to "Life in Zora's... More

Chapter 1 - Accepting Responsibility
Chapter 2 - Astra and Purah
Chapter 3 - Family Agreements
Chapter 4 - Astra Meets Zelda
Chapter 5 - Catching Up and Diving Down
Chapter 6 - Astra and the Master Sword
Chapter 7 - Motivations
Chapter 8 - Astra Visits Zora's Domain
Chapter 9 - The Right Answers
Chapter 10 - Astra's Day at Zora's Domain
Chapter 11 - Relaxing Rain
Chapter 12 - Astra Returns to Kakariko Village
Chapter 13 - A Possible Future?
Chapter 14 - Astra Returns to Hateno Village
Chapter 15 - Anxious Awaiting
Chapter 16 - Astra Journeys to Akkala
Chapter 17 - A New Life
Chapter 18 - Astra Meets Jerrin
Chapter 19 - Welcome Home!
Chapter 20 - Astra meets Kass
Chapter 21 - Astra Visits Gerudo Town
Chapter 22 - Astra Meets Goron Chief Yun
Chapter 23 - Family Changes
Chapter 24 - Astra Visits the Thyphlo Ruins
Chapter 25 - Memories and Nightmares
Chapter 26 - Astra Gets a Scolding
Chapter 27 - Gossip
Chapter 28 - Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 29 - Yiga Clan Hideout
Chapter 30 - Near and Far
Chapter 31 - Attack on the Yiga Clan
Chapter 32 - Childish Behavior
Chapter 33 - Princess Coronation
Chapter 35 - Washing Away Regrets
Chapter 36 - Revisiting Riju
Chapter 37 - Astra Departs Gerudo Town
Chapter 38 - Coping with Change
Chapter 39 - New Time with Old Friends
Chapter 40 - Astra Visits Ruta
Chapter 41 - Mipha's Diary Lost Pages
Chapter 42 - Ancient Energy Miracle
Chapter 43 - Am I Still Me?
Chapter 44 - Spreading the News
Chapter 45 - Bonding and Memories
Chapter 46 - Moving On
Chapter 47 - Mushroom Memory
Chapter 48 - Small Decisions
Chapter 49 - Lake Akkala
Chapter 50 - Getting Acquainted
Chapter 51 - Memory and Princess Power
Chapter 52 - Bad Choices
Chapter 53 - Combat Training Plans
Chapter 54 - Building Good Relations
Chapter 55 - Meeting the Family
Chapter 56 - Getting Better Acquainted
Chapter 57 - Echolocation
Chapter 58 - Mood Swings
Chapter 59 - Just Desserts
Chapter 60 - Explaining Astra
Chapter 61 - Music of the Water
Chapter 62 - Mother-Daughter Bonding
Chapter 63 - Sharing Secrets

Chapter 34 - Clearing the Air

130 3 0
By Andremoi_88

Summary: Astra fondly remembers her sister, briefly discusses her father with Fi, then offers to assist Zelda. Zelda clears the air with her Chief of Staff Myra over the Princess's existence.

It was evening at Hyrule Castle on the day of Astra's coronation as Princess of Hyrule, and the castle was quiet now, the day's celebration and festivities over. The buffet lunch and party in the Dining Hall had ended, and the last guests had left to return home. Astra thanked each guest for coming and for their pledge of support. And she made sure that Hanlon's family returned to Hateno Village with a fresh Royal Fruitcake, prompting their youngest child Rand to tell her she was the nicest Princess he ever knew.

Now a weary Astra and Zelda made their way back to the castle living quarters, their footsteps echoing in the silent hallway.

"I think I will sleep well tonight," said Zelda as they walked. "But I go to bed happy, for it warmed my heart to see so many of our people smiling and cheering, being excited about good news for a change."

"That warmed my heart too, and how readily people accepted me," said Astra.

Zelda stopped when they reached their bedrooms and looked at the wall opposite their doorways.

"You know, I think this will be a perfect spot," said Zelda. "At least for now."


"I've been gradually replacing the castle artwork destroyed in the Calamity, and I think this is an excellent spot to hang a picture of your coronation," said Zelda. "I pass by here every day and will enjoy seeing a reminder of this special occasion. But now I'm exhausted, and you must be too."

"Maybe not quite exhausted, but certainly tired. Goodnight," said Astra as she and Zelda embraced. "And thank you. I will never forget today, even without a picture to remind me."

"A day you deserved and one long overdue for both you and us, sweetheart," Zelda said as she kissed Astra on the cheek. "You look so beautiful and poised as Princess, and it's wonderful to see this other side of you."

"Despite my best efforts, I guess I did learn a few things from my big sister," laughed Astra. "She was always the dignified one."

"Seriously, sweetheart, you've brought joy and hope for the future to our kingdom and given my heart some much-needed mending. I'm the one who should thank you."

They held their embrace for another moment, then Astra retired to her room and closed the door behind her. She began changing for bed at once, hanging up her dress by her closet where it would be picked up and laundered tomorrow.

Then she gently removed the ruby and gold circlet from her head that she received at the coronation and was about to put it aside when she paused to examine it, turning it over in her hands. It was identical to the circlet her sister wore on special occasions. Astra smiled as she thought back to when she first learned the word circlet, a time when she was still quite small. It was just before her sister took her to the Sacred Grounds to attend a ceremony their mother would officiate at.

"Can I come in, Astra? It's me, Zelda," said Princess Zelda as she knocked on the door to Astra's bedroom.

"Sure, Zel, it's open," shouted Astra.

Princess Zelda opened the door and entered the room.

"Are you ready to go? Mother wants me to take you to the Sacred Grounds early so you can burn off some energy before the ceremony begins, and you won't get all fidgety."

"I'm ready."

"No, sweetheart, you're not," laughed Princess Zelda. "Sit down here and let me fix your hair. But, honestly, Astra, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror?"

Astra did as her sister asked, sitting down at her dressing table while Zelda stood behind her and began brushing her hair.

"You look all Princessy with that fancy dress and crown," said Astra as she looked at her sister's reflection in the mirror.

"It's called a circlet, and thank you - I think. Princessy? Is that even a word? Anyway, you're lucky Mother feels you're still too young to get dressed up for these ceremonies, or you would be wearing a long dress, too."

"I guess so."

"You have such beautiful hair, Astra," said Princess Zelda as she brushed it. "And it goes so well with your bright blue eyes. You should let it grow longer."

"Longer hair gets in the way when I play."

"There! That's much better," said her sister as she put the brush down, satisfied Astra's hair was neater looking. "Do you want to bring along your toy boat? You can sail it around the water there while we wait for Mother."

"Good idea! I'll get it," said Astra, as she got up and retrieved her toy boat from her closet.

Astra clutched her boat with one hand and held her sister's hand with the other as they walked from Astra's room and out of the castle, then across Castle Town.

"Is it a long ceremony today, Sis?"

"Not too long. A few medals and two senior promotions. But you need to behave yourself once it starts. These ceremonies are important to the soldiers and their families, so you need to stay quiet and dignified. That means no making faces or fooling around."

"Trust me, Sis. I'm not a baby anymore," said Astra as she squeezed her sister's hand, and they both laughed. "I guess you can't run around and play with me in that long dress."

"No, definitely not! I need to stay neat and presentable. Mother said I could officiate at ceremonies like this on her behalf when I'm older, so I also need to pay attention. And by the way, that reminds me: don't you dare splash me like you did at our picnic! Mother won't think it's funny, and you'll get in trouble."

"I'll behave, Sis. I wouldn't want you to trip and fall in that dress trying to avoid a splash. And we wouldn't want your circle thing to fall off and roll away like circle things do".

"You're so cute sometimes!" laughed her sister as she bent down and kissed Astra on the forehead. "It's called a circlet, sweetheart, with a 't' at the end, not a circle thing. And, no, we wouldn't want that either."

They reached the Sacred Grounds, where some guards were busy getting things ready for the ceremony, and Astra began sailing her boat in the water surrounding the ceremonial platform while her sister watched her.

Astra smiled as the memory ended.

"I hope you're well, dear sister," said Astra. "I'm sleeping in your room now, and I think of you daily. I miss you."

Astra sighed, put the circlet down on the end table, and then walked to her window.

"Now, let's briefly look at the world outside our window before bed."

Astra pushed aside the curtain and opened her bedroom window, and at once, a brisk, steady breeze rustled the curtain and filled the room with cool, fresh air. Astra stood at the window and looked to the south. It was a mostly clear evening with a sky full of stars, only a few wisps of clouds here and there. A few guards were making their rounds patrolling the castle grounds.

Looking beyond the castle, you could make out a quiet Castle Town. Only a few lamps were still lit there, almost all merchants having closed shop by now, eager to rest after a hectic day serving the crowd of tourists. But a few stalls were still open, primarily those offering food and drink to late-night revelers who could never bear to see a good party end.

Beyond Castle Town, the rest of Hyrule looked peaceful and at rest - just the way it should be, Astra thought.

"This was an amazing day, Fi," muttered Astra as she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air. "I was touched by how everyone accepted me as Princess and offered me their support. That meant a great deal to me."

Yes, this had been a great day, a chance to celebrate and enjoy the company of well-wishers. But something Fi had said about completing the first part of her mission had stuck in her mind.

"Fi, something has been on my mind since the last time we spoke," said Astra.

"On your mind, Mistress Zelda?"

"I mean, I've been thinking back to something we discussed," said Astra. "It concerns my reason for being here. Do you remember we spoke of it before my coronation?"

"Of course, Mistress, and asking if I remember things is unnecessary," said Fi in a tone that sounded like she was mildly offended. "My data capacity is more than adequate to retain all our conversations. Shall I replay it for you?"

"No, I remember it too, thanks, and no offense was intended Fi," said Astra. "We sometimes use the expression 'do you remember' to ease into a conversation about a certain topic, not because we doubt the listener's ability to recall it. But when we spoke, I assumed my primary mission was to finish my father's work here by helping to destroy the Yiga Clan. I suspect that's something he would have devoted himself to as he wished Hyrule to be safe for everyone. Does that make sense?"

"It is possible he would have behaved as you said, Mistress. And thank you for clarifying another confusing aspect of your language. I still struggle with its ambiguity."

"It's fine, Fi. But back to my point. From the Goddess of Time, Hylia's point of view, destroying the Yiga Clan wasn't necessarily my primary goal, was it?"

"I cannot know Her Grace's thoughts other than what she reveals," said Fi. "Destroying the Yiga Clan may well have been an important part of your mission. But Her Grace is entrusted with the preservation of temporal order and the survival of Hyrule."

"Yes, the preservation of temporal order and the survival of Hyrule," said Astra. "So, destroying the Yiga Clan allows me to live safely, marry someday and produce a blood descendant of the Goddess, helping to assure Hyrule's survival. But what about preserving the temporal order? Is another reason for my being here to eventually restore Hyrule to the way it would have been had my father never traveled in time?"

"It is possible, Mistress."

Astra paused for a moment to think, then spoke up.

"But Queen Zelda's husband is dead now," said Astra slowly. "So, would my father, Link, also be dead now if he had remained here?"

"I cannot say what might have been, Mistress. But I think that Master Link would still be alive. He was virtually unbeatable in combat and not easily taken by surprise. It may well be that the temporal order is not yet fully restored, Mistress, and will not be so until you are much older. You yourself used the expression, eventually restored."

"I see," said Astra, who yawned and then stretched.

"I think I had better sleep now," Astra said as she closed her window and then the curtain. "It's been a long day."

"A long day, Mistress? I did not detect any appreciable difference in its length. The sun rose at ...."

"I meant a tiring day that felt longer to me," Astra laughed. "It's another one of our terrible figures of speech you find so appalling. Goodnight, Fi."

"Goodnight, Mistress Zelda," said Fi. "And congratulations on finally being recognized for who you are, the Princess of Hyrule."

Astra said her nightly prayers and then climbed into bed, falling asleep moments later.

The following morning, Queen Zelda awaited a meeting with her chief of staff, Myra. She wanted to thank Myra for all her hard work organizing the coronation. But she also hoped Myra had genuinely gotten over her hurt when she learned of the Princess. Zelda recalled their conversation before the coronation.

"You wished to see me, Your Majesty?" Myra asked.

"Yes, Myra, please sit down," said Zelda. "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, thank you, tea would be nice, Your Majesty," said Myra as Zelda poured a cup of tea for her, then Myra took a sip. "Mm, delicious."

"I have what will be a surprising request of you, Myra, and I'll get right to the point," said Zelda. "Later today the Royal Herald will make an announcement to the kingdom about this. I need you to help me organize the coronation of Astra as Princess of Hyrule."

"What?!" exclaimed Myra as she quickly put down her tea, the cup rattling against the saucer. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. But Astra is a Princess? She is a relative of yours?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Astra has been a family member all these years? And I never knew?" said Myra as her eyes welled up with tears, which she quickly brushed away. "Forgive me, but of course, I will do whatever you require of me, Your Majesty."

"It's not like that, Myra, not like that at all," said Zelda, reacting to Myra's hurt feelings. "I did not know of the Princess's existence until the day she first arrived here with Dr. Purah. And believe me, in ways I can't go into, I was even more surprised than you are. But once I found out, I quickly realized it was essential to keep her royal ancestry a well-guarded secret. If word had leaked out, the Yiga Clan would have devoted all their efforts to destroying her. Any inadvertent remark or gesture, such as addressing her by title or as her highness, or treating her differently, might have been seen or heard by someone, causing rumors to spread, and given away the secret. I hope you understand, Myra. You've been my most trusted assistant for over fifteen years, and I value your service above all others. But this was different."

Myra took a deep breath and then took a sip of tea to help clear her throat.

"I admit I felt hurt at first that I was kept in the dark about a family relative, as I hoped I had earned Your Majesty's trust," said Myra. "But I feel better upon hearing that the deception was short-lived. And thinking about what you said, Your Majesty, I realize I have no right to feel hurt. I understand that even in my position of trust, there are some secrets only the Royal Family can know. So, of course, I will do my best to prepare for the coronation and am happy for you and our kingdom. This is wonderful news!"

"I'm glad you understand, Myra," said Zelda.

Myra left to organize the work that needed to be done, including delegating responsibility to castle staff for the many tasks involved. Zelda sighed. She trusted Myra, but too much was at stake should harm come to Astra, perhaps the very survival of the kingdom. Some things just needed to stay secret until the right time. And others needed to remain a secret to everybody.

Zelda's thoughts returned to the present.

So, she and Myra had parted on reasonably good terms, but Myra had been so busy working on all aspects of the coronation since then that they had rarely spoken and resolved questions through written notes.

When Myra arrived, Zelda offered her breakfast, but Myra wished only for some tea. Zelda poured her a cup and then spoke up.

"I know you've been incredibly busy organizing the coronation, and a wonderful job you did, Myra. Everything went perfectly, and I want to thank you for handling it all so well, as you do all your assignments."

"It was an unexpected pleasure and honor to do so," said Myra. "I am happy everything turned out to your satisfaction."

"It did, and to everyone's satisfaction, not just mine. I hope there are no hard feelings between us now, Myra."

"None, Your Majesty," said Myra with a smile. "And if I can be of any service to the new Princess, please let me know. I am happy to help her or train her with any duties you wish her to perform."

"Thank you, Myra, that is very generous of you," said Zelda. "I will certainly consider your offer. But you already work hard helping me, and adding support for the Princess would be asking too much of you."

"Whatever helps you most, Your Majesty," said Myra as she finished her tea. "Now, if there is nothing else, I need to finish work on arranging your appointments for today."

"Nothing else, thanks," said Zelda as Myra stood, bowed, and left.

A short time later, Astra arrived.

"Good morning! Am I too late for breakfast?"

"Not at all. You slept well?"

"Yes, and long," said Astra. "I'm ready to help now with whatever duties you wish me to do. I know my sister took on responsibilities at my age."

"There is still time for that, sweetheart," said Zelda. "I'd like you first to become familiar with your new home. Travel throughout Hyrule and meet people as the Princess now. You have a good deal of catching up to do for all the years you missed growing up here."

"Yes, I know, and that would be fine. I'll enjoy that," said Astra. "There are many beautiful places in Hyrule to visit and many people to meet."

"That there is," sighed Zelda. "Looking back on my life, I think my travels around Hyrule as Princess made me a better ruler and helped me become more familiar with the land and its people. I want you to have the same experience."

"I'm happy to," said Astra. "But forgive me, as my father once said, every good day begins with a good meal. I was so busy speaking with guests at the party yesterday that I had too little time to eat. I'm starving!"

"Like father like daughter," laughed Zelda as she passed Astra a plate of eggs. "By all means dig in, as the Gorons say!"

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