Tainted |✔️|

By SilentSpeaker2003

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Zach was born into a poor family and after his parents gave up their three children and up and left. Zach, at... More

Important / funny A/N
Cuming Soon
chapter 1 - two years
chapter 2 - work
chapter 4 - mate
chapter 5 - rejected
chapter 6 - hurt
chapter 7 - meet
chapter 8 - questions
chapter 9 - fight
chapter 10 - meaning
chapter 11 - love yourself more
chapter 12 - heat
chapter 13 - deal with it
chapter 14 - decide
chapter 15 - marked
chapter 16 - family complications
chapter 17 - chase down
chapter 18 - how this works
chapter 19 - my fault
Chapter 20 - time to come back
chapter 21 - back to normal

chapter 3 - first

319 10 0
By SilentSpeaker2003

Zach's POV

Okay, so there is something I may not have mentioned. I and my family are werewolves. We can shift into wolves anytime we want however our first shift is always triggered after our 10th birthday. Rei has the symptoms of having his first. This means me and Rei will be training for the next few days waiting for his shift to happen and then teaching him how to change at will.

Every wolf's first shift can happen anytime and it's not controllable. So once Rei and I get back to the apartment we will be staying there until his first change is over.

I walked into the apartment after Rei. We both sat on the black couch in the living room.

"Zachy? What's gonna happen to me?" Rei asked with concern all over his face. "will it hurt?"

I want to tell him he'll be fine but I can't lie to him. "It's your first change so it might hurt a little bit. When you feel yourself changing don't fight it just let it happen. It will naturally hurt a tiny bit but if you resist it then it will only be worse." I said rubbing his arm.

He nodded his head and then snuggled into my lap and waited for his change to happen." how will I know when I'm about to shift?" he asked. I had to think back to my shift and Kat's first shift.

"your mouth will hurt and your teeth will suddenly get really sharp. Your body temperature will rise for a few minutes almost like a bad fever. Then it will happen and you won't notice. You'll open your eyes and you will be on all fours." I said as I waited for his reaction. He sat and absorbed everything I told him. Then he just simply nodded.

" When will it happen, it's making me anxious," he said in a whiny voice.

"Well if your mouth already hurts then probably in the next hour maybe," I said standing up and walking into the kitchen.


Rei and I decided to distract ourselves by watching a movie with a bucket of popcorn. Rei had been moving around for a while as he tried to get comfortable but couldn't. His arm brushed against mine and his temperature was really warm.

"Rei, go to the middle of the room. Take deep breaths. Sit on your knees and wait. I have a feeling it's going to start in the next few minutes." I said as Rei followed my instructions.

I was right; he was on the floor for only 6 minutes when he put his hand on the floor in front of him. He started screaming out in pain as his transformation started. I walked over to him and rubbed his back but for some reason, he was fighting it.

"Rei let it happen you're only hurting yourself more," he screamed from the pain. "Come one, Rei let it in," I said, patting his back. He looked up at me and his eyes turned yellow and his teeth started sharpening.

A few seconds later his screaming stopped and he had completely changed. Our wolves act as another us. They have their own names and personalities. Katherine's wolf's name is Jessie. When we are human we can hear our wolves speak to us in our heads and when we are in wolf form we talk to them because they have more control.

I may be a werewolf but my human half doesn't speak dog. So I crouched down in front of Rei's wolf and changed just enough so that the wolf could see my eyes and teeth change. If I was half changed I would be able to talk to both humans and wolves.

I looked at the yellow eyes in front of me and the wolf sat down. "what's your name?" I asked the wolf.

"Zero," he said.

"Hello, Zero. I'm Rei's big brother Zach. Nice to finally meet you. Can my brother come back or do you want to explore for a bit?" I asked, waiting for a reply. I sat on my butt and watched as he lay down.

"Both me and Rei want to explore for a bit. Don't worry I won't let anyone see me and I won't mess anything up." He said getting up and walking around the house. I switched back to human form and walked into the kitchen.


For the last hour, Rei and Zero have been learning to shift on demand and I have just been observing. I noticed that Zero is a rather small wolf probably because he hasn't fully grown up yet. He will hit his full size when Rei hits the age of 16.

Kat walked into the apartment as if she had an hour for lunch. "How's Rei?" she asked. She doesn't usually come home for lunch but I guess having Rei's transformation coming she probably just wanted to check on him.

"Go see for yourself,'' I said, pointing to the kitchen. Rei has been shifting in there so that I can watch TV and he can yell if he needs me.

"Rei show me your wolf" Kat demanded Rei then shifted and came trotting into the living room.

"Zach what's his name?" she asked me looking at zero.

"zero," I said as I watched Katherine start to shift. Most wolves did this so that all wolves could meet each other's human and wolf forms. I shifted my eyes and teeth so I could talk to both of them and then I walked over to them and sat on the floor.

"hey, zero and Jessie. Zero, how's the shifting coming." I asked as Jessie and Zero sniffed each other and then sniffed around the apartment.

"good. It's actually pretty easy to control," he said as he walked around. I think we will have to do a family run soon. Zero had dark brown fur and yellow eyes, however, Jessie had black fur and silver eyes.

"Guys, let's go out to eat and celebrate Rei's and Zero's first change,'' I said and then shifted back to human. I forgot that when you shift into a complete wolf you lose your clothes because they get ripped. That also means when you shift back you're completely naked. I watched as Rei and Kat came back and their eyes widened at the sight of each other.

We don't shift often because we don't have a reason to so we don't see each other like this much. The sight of Rei and Kat's surprised faces made me laugh. I guess they forgot about that part of changing.

"Go get dressed and well go," I said, watching the two of them walk to their rooms. A few minutes later we walked out and headed to the nearby dinner. I think the reason we lose our clothes is also that as a wolf you don't have any shame in your body or anyone else's.

That night was good, we all ate and just relaxed with one another. I was happy to know we could just relax for the rest of the day. Rei can probably go back to school tomorrow if he already has his transformation down. I guess I'll be working tomorrow after all. Kat will have to keep an eye on them the best she can while they are in public.

Tomorrow will be interesting. 

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