chapter 10 - meaning

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Alex's POV

When I and Zero reached our clothes we quickly got changed into our human forms and got dressed. Rei dressed Kat because that would be too weird for me. as much as I like Zach I don't like his little sister that way so I would rather not have to do that. Elijah didn't change at all, he was still a little pup and he was still unconscious. I wondered how badly he must be injured if he turned into a pup.

Rei carried the small pup out of the forest and I carried Kat because Rei wouldn't be able to hold her weight the whole way back. When we got back to the apartment I made an emergency call to the pack doctor. Our doctor is just like all others except he knows we exist and he has the proper meds that will help us, unlike human doctors.

a knock at the door sounded and in came Jay, our pack doc. "You called Beta. what can I do for you?" he asked as he set his stuff on the ground in the living room. Rei had fallen asleep on the floor in wolf form, he said he feels more comfortable in that form. Kat and Elijah were lying on the couch. All I did was point to the couch and Jay started checking on Kat.

"So the girl will be fine. She has some minor bruising on her neck and torso. However, with the rest she's getting she healed quickly with her werewolf abilities." he moved over to Elijah and started checking the sleeping wolf. He turned to me a few moments later and gave me a questioning look. " how old is he and is he mated with anyone?"

"He turned 18 not too long ago and has not mated yet but he is supposed to mate with me," I said walking over to the pup and sitting next to him.

"that explains it then. his body has gone under so much damage that a normal wolf would have died. However, the marks on his body show he is an Alpha wolf. These marks show when an Alpha becomes very protective and loses control over himself. Due to all the damage, he stayed a wolf. most Alpha's would have died at this point but because his body is trying to stay alive he turned into a pup." I understood but why was he trying so hard to live? That question kept bouncing around my mind so that is what I asked.

"His wolf wants to live and he can't without the human form so he turned into a pup and it seems that he wants to live so badly because his wolf likes you and wants to mate with you." so it was my fault he's a pup right now. He got protective over his siblings and me and he's struggling so much to live. So he can be with me.

"Is there anything we can do?" I asked

The doctor shook his head at first before he started to speak. "He'll be like this for a while but he will return to his normal size and then human. if you want him to wake up all you can do is mark him when he's human." I can't do that if I mark him then he will forever be my mate. you can only mark a person once in your life. If I mark him to save his life then he will be my mate for the rest of our lives.

"I can't do that. you know what it means to mark someone." I said getting up and moving Kat to her room for some rest. I think she would be more comfortable in her own room. When I walked back into the living room Jay had all his stuff packed.

"Then I suggest that when he turns human again you have your mind made up on rather whether you want to keep him as a mate or not," Jay said as he walked out of the apartment. if I wanted Zack to wake up then when he turns human I would have to mark him. Do I ever want Zach as a mate?

I sat on the couch and rubbed my temples as I thought through my feelings. i have a few days before Zach comes back so I'll have to think hard over my feelings. "Mate huh?" Rei said as he pulled his shirt back over his head. He was getting dressed and I guess he just turned back. I just nodded my head. did Zack not tell him about that.

"he didn't tell you about me being his mate?" I asked as Rei sat on the couch. Rei just silently shook his head.

"No, Zach doesn't tell us much. we don't know when his birthday is. why did our parents abandon us? or how did he make so much money for us." he said

"Why doesn't he tell you guys."

"Kat says he doesn't want us to spend money on him. If we knew when his birthday was, we would buy him presents. but he never tells us. Kat says he only wants us to spend our money on ourselves. every day he comes home with like $50 and he always makes sure that every month he gives money to spend on ourselves but he refuses to ever let us spend it on him." Rei finished and walked out of the living room and into his room.


It's been two days since the fight and Elijah has returned to his normal size, but I'm not even close to sure if I want Zach as my mate. Rei has been telling me a lot about Zach and what he's like to him but I'm still so unsure.

Kat woke up this morning so Rei had been taking care of her. She's better now but she still needs rest and to heal. Zach was probably going to wake up either today or tomorrow. I wasn't ready for this, to make this decision.

I know that a mate is meant to be your other half and your perfect partner. I know that in some way Zach is meant for me, I can feel it. but I'm still scared of the 'what if' factor. what if he doesn't like me. what if he's not my mate and everything i was feeling was a lie.

as if that is even possible. The mate feeling has never been wrong before. Zach is also such a sweet guy, he takes care of his family on his own. I'll just have to go with my instinct and trust myself. I just hope I'm not wrong when he wakes up. 

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