The Apathetic Mage Loves Cats

By DazzlingStarss

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Alan had lived a life full of no love, which caused him to grow up not expecting anything from anyone and not... More

Chapter 1: New World
Chapter 2: Cat
Chapter 3: The Archmage
Chapter 4: Iban
Chapter 5: Studying
Chapter 5.5: New Home
Chapter 6: Prince
Chapter 7: Dreams
Chapter 8: 12 years later
Chapter 9: Meeting
Chapter 10: Inauguration
Chapter 11: Iban Returns
Chapter 12: Confusion
Chapter 13: Discussion
Chapter 14: Bodyguard
Chapter 15: Arguments
Chapter 16: Secrets
Chapter 16.5: Dreams pt. 2
Chapter 17: Breakfast
Chapter 18: Prophecy
Chapter 19: Preparation
Chapter 20: Before-Anxiousness
Chapter 21: During-Chaos
Chapter 22: After-Questions
Chapter 23: Truth
Chapter 24: Zing
Chapter 24.5: Mothers
Chapter 25: Melan
Chapter 26: Notes
Chapter 27: The Underworld
Chapter 28: The Journey
Chapter 29: Town
Chapter 30: Letters

Chapter 31: A Plea

1K 61 24
By DazzlingStarss

TW: There are a few trigger warnings I want to hash out just in case. There are slight hints of sexual activities being done throughout this chapter, there is a mention of someone exploding, and some mentions of Zing coming to terms with knowing his own death, so if any of that is too heavy for you, it is not super important to read this chapter. This is mostly one where I kinda flush out Romand and Zing's relationship more. I'll be sure to have a summary below of some of the most important stuff so read that if any of this is too overwhelming. Stay safe!

"You've been writing in the code a lot, is everything okay?" I put my pen down and spun around in my seat, watching my lover put on his mage cloak and look outside the window as a bird flew by. I stood up to help fix his collar, then wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, everything is fine," I drawled. Romand hit my arm a few times, indicating that I should let go, but I didn't want to. Instead, I drew him in closer, leaning to nibble on his neck, causing a gasp to escape his lips. His body lurched forward to escape, but I held on tighter and laughed into his neck; which had a blush that moved up as he tried to turn and glare at me.

"I've got to go," he whined, still trying to shake me off. However, all I could feel was the flutter of my heart, and I just held onto him tighter.

"You can't even stay one more hour?" I asked moving closer so that he could feel every inch of me. He gasped and froze, his body tightening up at the feeling. He didn't say anything as my hand moved down and over his stomach, feeling it twitch slightly as I touched it.

"One more hour?" he whispered; his voice strained. I smiled lightly and nodded, gripping his earlobe between my teeth as I dragged him towards the bed.


Either way, it didn't take a genius to know that the disaster would take place during a time of celebration. Humans are predictable that way, always finding the most convenient times to betray those that have helped them.

I tried my best to warn those around me of the disaster that would be coming. But of course, no one wanted to believe that the humans would go against them, considering the long and good history we had with them at the time. However, I knew that something would happen, (of course I did), and I was doing everything in my power to figure out how to change it—trying to urge the demons and Romand to stay on guard, finding ways to put protection spells around the plaza where the ceremony would be held so that I could try and stop the humans from making too much of a disaster on our land.

However, nothing could've prepared me for the real thing.

The ceremony started off great, there was a lot of laughter and fun activities; humans and demons alike came together to celebrate. And, for a long time, nothing bad happened. I wandered around with Romand for so long, enjoying the atmosphere, that I started to think that it had all been a bad dream. That was probably why I panicked so much when it started to happen. It was precisely midnight when it started. I know that not all the humans were in on it, as some of their screams mixed in the those of the demons. I watched as in front of me two of my comrades were struck down, leaving me to grasp Romand's hand and get out of there. I had an idea in my head before it began on what I was going to do. I would stand and fight, urging demons and humans alike to get behind me as I struck down those who wish to do harm. But at the moment, as I watched more and more of my comrades and foes alike getting killed before me, the only thing I could think of was the image of Romand getting struck down by the human.

It felt like I was in autopilot, as I grabbed Romand's hand and started to drag him off into the woods. I wasn't headed towards my father's cabin, instead, I went the opposite way. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I knew that if I had taken Romand there, he would die, and I couldn't let that happen.

However, fate is mighty cruel. As Romand and I came face to face with a human, his sword in hand and his body dashing towards me to strike me down. I remember feeling a tug as Romand dragged me away, his own body lurching forward and towards the human. I felt something rising within me, something that I had never felt before and I haven't felt since.

Something that caused the man before me to explode into a million pieces. His body flew everywhere and splashed Romand's face. I couldn't tell you much of what happened during that time. Only that my mind still seemed to be in trying to protect and save Romand and my fellow demons.

Romand would tell me later on that after that encounter, my eyes started glowing, their bright lilac color shining and lighting up the otherwise dark night to create a portal before his eyes. And, as if sensing the protection that it was offering, demons would run towards the portal and into the new world that I had managed to create for us.

I don't know how I did it or why, but I knew that it was the only way for me to save my race and save Romand. After I had managed to create this world and drag every living demon into it, Romand says that I collapsed and slept for days. During that time, the demons struggled to work together, to create a world after their previous one was taken. When I woke up, I started to instruct the demons to create our new world so that we would be able to live there. It took a long time, especially because many demons wanted to go back and fight. To avenge their loved and lost ones. Though I couldn't let that happen, considering how much we lost during the short time we were in the fight, it would only be suicide to attempt it again.

It was especially difficult because, during this time, I urged Romand to go back to our home above. He hated the thought, hated the humans who betrayed us and hurt those that he had always loved. But I told him that it would be for the best for him to connect with them, that way we can somehow gather intel and be able to once again take our world back. Stating that he was the only person who could do it, considering how strong he was and that he was a human that I know would never betray me. Though I knew he would come back and visit, which he did weekly, it still hurt knowing that he wasn't within arms reach of me.

Regardless, we persevered. We continued to create a world in the Underworld. Supporting each other and figuring out ways to grow stronger so that one day we would be able to go back up. Romand was a lot of help. He and so many other humans volunteered to bring food and supplies to us so that we didn't have to completely start from scratch.

Of course, though, it won't last.

As I'm sitting here, writing this, I know what's going to happen in the future. What's going to happen to me, to Melan, to Iban, and, of course, to you... to some extent. I know that I will die within the next few days, causing a complete severe between humans and demons. I know that this starts with a betrayal where humans will infiltrate the Underworld and attempt to kill us all, managing to kill me in the process. Though, I know that it'll be a catalyst for a great future. ...I know all of this, and yet, I can't help but feel like I don't want to let go. I don't want to lose Romand, to vanish from his sight. I know that once you two find each other, it'll be okay, but I can't help but think about the things in between. The stuff I can't see. The future that is uncertain. My life without Romand -

"Zing?" I paused in my writing, looking over at my lover. His whole body was aglow beneath the moonlight. The red hickeys were bright and shining against his otherwise pale skin. His hair was a mess atop his head as I watched his body slowly lift up, the covers falling from his chest to reveal the lack of shirt that lay beneath. His hand came up to brush against his right eye, before they both fell on me, the moonlight revealing the worried look those green stars were giving me. "You're crying." I was taken aback by the statement, but as I blinked, I could feel the wetness on my lashes as the tears cascaded down my cheeks and landed on the place where I had just finished writing. On Romand's name. I watched it smudge up the lettering, causing it to become an almost blurry mess.

And everything felt okay again.

I took a deep breath and put down the pen, scooting the chair back and wiping my hands across my face. I turned to give Romand a smile, even as his worried expression continued to spread across his face. I leaned over him in bed so that I could gently place a kiss on his lips. He responded by lifting his hand so he could run it through my hair. I let out a small laugh, feeling content with the situation, but feeling like I needed to do something else.

"I love you." I blurted out against his lips. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal Romand's face morph into confusion, which almost entirely replaced his previous worried look.

"You know I don't know what that means. You said that in that new code you were writing in, weren't you? The one that made you upset. What does it mean? What's wrong?" I shook my head, letting my body flop down to his right side and placing a hand against his chest. I closed my eyes as I felt the beat of his heart, trying to remember the warmth that I was feeling. The warmth that would soon disappear from me.

"You'll know one day."


It's hard, knowing when you'll die. Unfortunately, I know that Melan, the one who came before you, will recognize his own death too. I hope you don't have to experience the feeling of knowing either. The decisions that you are making; the memories that you're trying to create with the time you have left; and the impact that you are trying to leave behind, will take a toll on your actions, your mental stability, and your surroundings. When I first recognized that I was going to die, it was roughly a year ago. It was after we had come to the Underworld, and Romand wasn't there that day, but Iban was. And I remember startling him as I woke up abruptly. He was angry at first but slowly came around as he tried to figure out how to help my panic. He was very cute, but I'm sure he wouldn't like to hear that.

I haven't told anyone about this, let alone Romand or Iban. I know that they would be upset or scared and try to change the situation. Though, I know that there is nothing that can be done. Nothing that should be done to change the situation. My death is a catalyst for so many great things for not just the demons, but for the humans.

After so many years of struggling with my own thoughts and feelings behind humans, that dream had managed to finally put everything into perspective. I wasn't sure why I knew that I had to die then to better our world, but everything slowly came into place as I continued to have more and more dreams. Everything, every time, ends with you. You, and your Prince. I believe that my own sacrifice will be the reason behind your happiness and the happiness of those around us both. We – you, me, Melan– are the only ones that can create this situation. That can create this catalyst to shape the future.

I only know bits and pieces of you, about you. My dreams wouldn't take me much further. And, unfortunately, the time of my death is tomorrow. So, even if I manage to get some sleep today, I doubt there will be much more that I can tell you. I'm sure that among my notes spread out through my study there will be some bits and pieces that can help you. To be quite truthful, as I got closer to my death, my actions become more manic. I feverishly wrote down everything that I had managed to dream about or that I have come to know just in case it may aid you or Melan in the future.

Melan will have his own letter, and you Alan, have gotten this one. I'm sure that your curiosity has led you to this end, and I have a favor to ask of you.

I am fortunate enough to get to hold my dear Iban as I pass, though it may be something that haunts him in the future, I can't rightly force myself to send him away. It seems so lonely to die by myself, and I would very much enjoy the company of my closest companion. I wish that I could ask for his forgiveness in the future, but I know that he wouldn't accept it.

Despite this, I will not get to see Romand. I am aware that tomorrow night he is supposed to come back to the Underworld and that he will stumble upon this mess before seeing my body. But I'll never get to tell him the words that he so desperately wants to hear.

So, my favor. Please, let him know what "I love you" means in our language, in my language. Though it won't come from my own lips, I do hope that it brings him some form of pleasure and closure.

Thank you, and I'm sorry to leave such a hefty matter in your hands.

Stay strong, for Caiden, Romand, Iban, and so many more who need your help.




Summary: Zing is continuing his letter to Alan and he talks about how he tried to warn everyone, demons, and humans alike, of the upcoming fight that is going to take place that will separate demons and humans. However, no one believes him. Zing realizes that this event will take place at their upcoming ceremony that will celebrate the connection between demons and humans. He also had a dream that Romand would die during this time. So, when the time came, he panics and, instead of standing there and fighting as he had planned to, he ran away with Romand hoping to get him somewhere safe. However, a human stops them in their track and almost kills Romand but Zing ends up killing him instead with a power he didn't know he had and hasn't been able to use since. Additionally, he used this power to create the Underworld before he collapsed for a few days.

During that time the demons bickered and Zing had to wake up and get them back in order. He also told Romand that he shouldn't stay with him, that he should go back up to the surface and pretend to be friends with the humans so that they could gather intel. This is when we find out that Romand and other humans (not all bad) were giving demons supplies so they didn't have to completely start over. But Zing knows that this is what, ultimately, causes his death. Zing knows that he must die for ht greater good, but is scared of leaving behind Romand.

This is when The letter stops for a moment and we are in "present time" for Zing and Romand wakes up to see Zing writing the letter. He tells Zing that he's crying and asks what's wrong, but suddenly, Zing isn't too scared anymore. He kisses Romand and says "I love you" in English, promising to tell Romand what it means at a later date.

Zing thing finishes his letter by stating the world rests in Alan's hands, and he asks if Alan would be able to tell Romand what "I love you" means in his language. 


Hello everyone! Saph here! I won't bore you with the "sorry for the late updates" because my update schedule is not consistent and I doubt it ever will be. I'm trying my best and I hope you guys are okay with that!

Anyway, how did you guys like this chapter? I personally was a little upset writing it because of Zing's inner monologue, but I hope everything will turn out for the better later on. What did you guys think?

Anyway, as always, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Please don't hesitate to leave any comments, questions, or concerns I would really love them! Also, thank you guys so much for 100k reads! That's such a cool milestone and I'm really happy you all are here with me. Do you guys want to have a special chapter for this milestone? Should I do something? How about a Q & A with the characters? What do you all think?

Please remember to take care of yourself and monitor your own mental and physical well-being because you are most important. I'll see you all next time!

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