(Discontinued) Sparks

By princesssuniversexxx

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What if Gwen and Miles didn't totally get off on the wrong foot? Imagine a world where Miles met Gwen differe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Seventeen

245 8 9
By princesssuniversexxx

GWEN SHIVERED SLIGHTLY as a brisk wind blew by her. Her feet began to ache, as her sneakers were rubbing against her ballerina shoes and became extremely uncomfortable. She began to focus the pressure on her heels to make it easier.

"So," Miles said, jolting Gwen out of her thoughts. It seems like you're different from other times we bumped into one another," he said, making Gwen feel guilty. He had no fault with her having trust issues and being from another dimension.

Gwen pursed her lips. "Aside from you causing my new haircut, there's just been a lot going on," she said truthfully. She tucked her hands in her front pocket as a crosswalk sign turned white and they walked across the street.

Miles nodded. "Yeah, I can understand that, but the haircut looks nice though," he said as he looked at her.

Gwen looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "You don't get to like my haircut," she snapped.

Miles's smile faded and he nodded. "Y-yeah, sorry about that," he said, tucking his hands in his pockets. In the midst of their conversation, Gwen felt uneasy walking with him, so she pulled him to the side while leaning against a closed candy shop.

"Look, Miles," she said, fighting the urge to look at the ground and forced herself to focus on Miles's eyes. "I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, it's just, it's not every day some random guy I just met gets his hands stuck in my hair."

Miles's smile returned on his face and he chuckled. "Yeah, that's true. I guess I should at least apologize for that," he said, scratching his head and had a bit of trouble taking his fingers away.

Gwen looked at his hands, confused. "Why do you keep sticking to everything?" she asked as people passing by looked strangely at them.

Miles looked at his hands. "I don't know exactly. I was spray painting with my uncle the other night and this weird looking spider bit my hand," Miles said.

Gwen's eyes widened at this. Wait what the hell? Does that mean-

"Uh, is that a terrible thing?" Miles asked, confused.

Gwen shook her head. "No, no, not bad at all, just a bit strange."

Miles looked at her strangely, but he brushed it off. "Yeah, I was planning to sneak out like I did tonight and take a look at the spider. Better to know if it was poisonous or something," Miles said as they continued walking.

Poisonous? Is this guy a bit dumber than I thought?

Screw that, if it's what I think it is, he's a spider like me.

But that's impossible, is it? I haven't heard of two Spider-Men in this place.

"Can I come with you?" Gwen asked without thinking. Miles turned his head at her and he grinned.

"Sure! Maybe you can see my drawing that I spray painted," Miles said, having a little more energy than he did.

This guy is just radiating happiness right now. Neither does he know I'm only doing this to find out if he's a Spider-Man.


MILES TURNED OFF the GPS on his phone. Gwanda and Miles had been walking for about thirty minutes and his legs were beginning to burn.

"Not to be impatient, but we've been walking for a while and this place seems a bit shady," Gwanda said as they walked through the subway Aaron took him through.

"It's okay, we're almost there," Miles said as he found the staircase. Miles turned the flashlight on his phone and headed down the stairs. They creaked as they walked down and entered where Miles and his Uncle Aaron were.

Miles smiled at Gwanda, who was curiously looking around. "This place is cool," she said, looking at Miles with a hint of a smile on her face.

"If you think this is cool, look at this-" Miles turned his flashlight over to his painting on the wall. "Cool, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's dope," Gwanda said with an impressed tone which made Miles proud of himself. Miles turned around with the flashlight and spotted the spider he had killed before. Gwen followed the flashlight and she bent down on her knees next to the spider.

"Looks like a normal spider," Miles said, looking at it oddly.

"Yeah," Gwanda said as she touched it, and it did the strangest thing. It disappeared and reappeared repeatedly, changing colors several times. As the spider appeared to return to normal, Gwanda snapped her hand back and yelled in pain. She was doing the same thing as before. She kept disappearing and reappearing while changing colors. She was turning into several different shapes as well.

"Gwanda!" Miles put down his phone and ran to her side. The shapes and colors stopped, and Gwanda's face was twisted in pain. "Are you okay? Do I need to call 911?" Miles was panicking because it was nothing like he had seen before.

Gwanda tried to speak but she whimpered. She was breathing heavily, sweat beading at her forehead.

"I'm calling 911, you're clearly not okay-" Miles said as he reached for his phone but Gwanda grabbed his wrist.

"I-I'm okay." Gwanda said as she sat up. "It stopped," she said as she rubbed her head.

"What was that?" Miles was still in shock from what happened.

"I don't k-know," Gwanda said, scooting away from the spider and attempting to stand up. "But that's no normal spider," She said.

"I don't even know what just happened, it kinda... glitched, and you did too," Miles said, looking at her in shock.

Gwanda looked at the ground and then suddenly whipped her head around as if she heard something. Then she picked up Miles's phone and walked off slowly.

"Hey where are you?-" Miles said but got interrupted and blinded as Gwanda turned the flashlight around in his face.

"Ssh. Stay he-" Gwanda cut herself off. "Just be quiet and follow me," Gwanda said as Miles got up and followed her. Then that's when it hit Miles. There was this white noise in his head, making his vision slightly blurry. Something in his head was trying to tell him something as he followed her. The blurriness and the white noise faded away suddenly as Gwanda shined the flashlight on a curtain and some machines leaving some green lights in the darkness.

"That's weird..." Gwanda said, her voice a slight whisper as she carefully walked. Gwanda shined the flashlight between the crack in the curtain and she furrowed her eyebrows and looked back at Miles.

"You okay?" she asked him.

"I'm fine," Miles said. "Are you? You're still the one who was..." he emptily gestured to what had happened earlier.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Gwanda said, suddenly putting her hand in her pocket as she continued walking. She pulled the curtain to the side and let Miles go in front of her and then she followed. It seemed like there were signs everywhere, from toxic to Alchemax.

"Alchemax signs? What are they doing underground?" Gwanda asked.

Miles shrugs. "Maybe an underground project?"

"Maybe..." Gwanda said as she moved the camera around to show machinery against the walls.

Then suddenly, the white noise in his head came back, as loud as a train. Miles groaned and held his head. Gwanda whipped around and saw him.

"Hey, are you okay? Miles." She said, but Miles could barely hear. It continued for a second and then, there was this tingling sensation in the back of his head. He looked at the window that was in front of them at the same time as Gwanda did.

Gwanda looked at him in surprise. "You're like me." she said, gripping his shoulders.

"Wait, what?" Miles said, immediately confused as something in his head screamed the same thing Gwanda did.

"MILES, LOOK OUT!" she yelled as she tackled him to get out the way as something crashed through the window.

Miles felt himself roll around and fall on rocks as he felt Gwanda be ripped away from him from the impact. Miles scrambled to get up, and he scooted away to the window, completely out of breath.

"Wait where's Gwanda?" he asked himself and then he saw her, well half of her in the rocks. He jumped up and ran over to the rocks, scrambling up to find her there. Gwanda was unconscious and had cuts on her nose and cheeks, blood exposed.

Miles then looked down and became confused.

Her hoodie was ripped on the abdomen, showing a peek of black and white, and in her hand was something white and pink. Miles picked it up, and looked at it. The mask was stretchy and silky. The eyes on it were traced with white and the mesh in it had holes in it so that you could see easily. Miles looked down at her feet, and one sneaker was off, showing a blue ballerina shoe underneath.

Why would she have a mask that looks like Spider-Man's?

Then, it hit Miles.

"Is she a Spider-Man? Or a Spider-Woman?" Miles pondered, putting her mask back down on her thigh. Then there were more crashes behind Miles. Miles looked behind him and his eyes widened.

The window that was cracked open showed something that looked like an area that was under construction. There were yellow beams everywhere that seemed to be keeping the place together, and there were canisters in a few places.

Miles was looking at the place until he saw a flash of red and blue fly by, flying into a dark green canister, leaving a dent in it.


"Norman, listen to me," Spider Man said as he was against the canister. "I cannot let you open a portal to another dimension," He said, his eyes widening as he reached both hands out in caution. "Brooklyn is not zoned for that."

Then Miles's eyes grew wider as he saw a grotesque creature stomp its way over, its mass large and scales covering its body. It had a strangely shaped nose, long, curled horns, long, sharp pointed ears, tiny glowing yellow eyes and a mouth with fangs protruding from it. The creature had slicked back purple hair that ended in a curl and strangely had cuffs on the wrists.

As it slowly made its way over to Spider-Man, Miles scrambled off the rocks to get a closer look, scooching his way back to the window, peeking only his eyes as he tightened his hoodie around his face.

"It's not up to me," Green Goblin said in a low, scratchy voice. "Why won't you quit?!" Green Goblin exclaimed as he knocked over a beam. Miles didn't even realize that Green Goblin had wings until Green Goblin began flapping his wings. Spider Man reached out both his arms and shot webs at the ceiling.

"I guess I like Brooklyn not being sucked into a black hole," Spider-Man says as he swings himself up as Green Goblin flies forward to attack, but Spider-Man kicked him in the face and swung around Green Goblin as Green Goblin recovered from the face kick.

I really need to leave... But I can't just leave Gwanda here, or whoever she is now here by herself while this fight is going on...

Spider-Man then swung over and kicked Green Goblin in the face as he tried to swipe at him. "Staten Island, maybe. Not Brooklyn." Spider-Man said as he swung around. In a fall, Green Goblin knocked a row of cannisters off balance, sending a metal rod hurtling towards Miles. Miles saw it and tried to run away, but it hit him in the abdomen as he tried to look back. Pain rippled through his chest and his stomach as it dragged Miles back into the fight as he grasped on to it to ignore the pain.

Spider-Man continued fighting Green Goblin as he floated upwards, Miles pleading with his hands to hold on since it was a long way down. Miles felt panicked.

"No, no no!" Miles said, trying not to draw attention, but it was challenging since he was terrified and dangling from a metal item.

Then, Miles's hand slipped, slick from sweat, and now only one of his hands was sticking to the beam. Spider-Man kept landing hits on Green Goblin, making it harder for Miles to keep hanging on from the rickety force of the fight.

"This is the one time I have to sweat," Miles said, trying to hold on for dear life. Green Goblin struck his tail against the wall, making Miles lose his grip, making him terrified as he felt himself falling.




Miles landed on the floor, landing on his stomach yet again, nothing too serious but sure to cause bruising. Miles curled up, his stomach in pain as more thing fell down from the Green Goblin's fight with Spider-Man. There were explosion sounds as Green Goblin flew up to catch Spider-Man as he swung around. Then, more explosions happened near Miles, making him get up and run as Spider-Man swung around.

He was out of breath and weary, but he kept running as more explosions happened closer and closer to Miles, making his running harder. Miles then hopped onto a railing and then rolled under a canister. There was sweat beading at his forehead, and his lungs were burning, pleading for air. Miles was breathing quickly, terrified for his life.

Is this how I die? Now I REALLY wish Gwanda wasn't unconscious right now.

Miles froze when the canister he was hiding under was lifted up by the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin walked off when he threw the canister at Spider-Man. Miles scrambled up, getting up to run away from the fight.

This is the craziest day of my life, Miles thought as he kept moving forward. He was running on a railway that led to a door as the Green Goblin thudded on the floor behind him. Spider-Man kicked him across the face, causing him to use his hand to catch him as he lost his balance. Miles kept on running until he came to the door, which was barely open, leading to an area that was cylinder shaped, full of tiny holes. On the sides of the canister of the room were two giant machinery items that looked like nothing Miles had seen before. They were grey and lit up with all kinds of lights. They didn't look exactly finished.

As the fight continued behind him, Miles looked at it confused. "What is this place?" Miles kept looking around until behind him, Spider-Man kicked Green Goblin hard in the face, hurtling towards Miles, which made him yelp as he was knocked over, hurtling towards an unfinished area in the ground. Miles gripped on to the edge of the unfinished area as Green Goblin fell down into the area. As Green Goblin fell down to the bottom, it caused a loud and forceful thud that almost knocked Miles down. Spider-Man came out of the door, swinging from the ceiling, and Miles's hands then felt a painful cramp, causing him to let go, yelling out as he lost his balance. Miles was once again terrified. As Spider-Man swung around, he felt his senses trigger, spotting Miles falling down into the hole.


Once more, Miles was falling from a significant height, causing him to scream out and squeeze his eyes shut. Spider-Man then shot webs to to enable himself to dive down to save Miles. He swung down and grabbed Miles before Miles could fall. Miles felt strong arms around him, the falling feeling replaced with a feeling like he was swinging from a swing set. Miles opened his eyes and saw red and blue.

Holy crap, I got rescued by Spider-Man! Miles thought as Spider-Man swung onto a construction site, landing on a platform. He put Miles down. Spider-Man was breathing heavily and looked down.

"Did you know your shoes are untied?" He said as Miles looked down, and indeed, they were untied.

Miles nodded.

"This is a onesie, so I don't really have to worry about it," Spider-Man said as then his senses turned on, but Miles felt the tingle in the back of his head too, causing some confusion and slight headaches between the both of them.

Then, the feeling faded away.

"I thought I was the only one," Spider-Man said, the eyes of his suit widening. "You're like me," Spider-Man said, Gwanda's same words echoing in his head.

Holy crap, there's two Spider-M- People? Now I might be one? What the heck?

"I don't wanna be," Miles said as he still felt the stinging pain in his abdomen as he breathed.

"I don't think you have a choice, kiddo." Spider-Man said, the eyes of his suit softening. "I'm sure there's a lot going through your head,"

You have no idea.

"Yeah," Miles said as he looked at the floor.

"You're going to be okay. I can help you," Spider-Man said. "If you stick around, I can show you the ropes," Spider-Man said as he gestured.

Miles smiled. "Yeah," he said as then there was a growling sound that vibrated the whole site. Miles looked above him, seeing a grey and black machine he had never seen before gears begin to move, powering up.

"I just need to destroy this big machine real quick," Spider-Man said, gesturing to the machine powering up behind them. "Before the space-time continum collapses. Don't move," He instructed as he landed on a container and looked back at Miles. "See you in a bit," he says as he jumps off the container and swings off.

Miles looked at Spider-Man in confusion. What does he mean, space time continum? Like is some bad guy building a portal?

Spider-Man swung around, jumping off the beams of the construction site, the machine moving faster by the minute. He swung himself off the machine, the momentum landing him on the ceiling, the ceiling being almost covered in lights. Spider-Man crawled on the ceiling, seeming to be looking for something.

How does he do that? Miles thought as he stood up. Then he looked at his hands. I'm guessing that's why.

Spider-Man continued to crawl until he began banging on the panels.

"Is it here? No, it's here," Spider-Man said as he banged on a panel and uncovered it, pushing it back and getting what seemed to be a slim USB drive out of a hidden pocket in his suit.

"All right folks." He said, trying to figure out where the USB went in the panel. The panel on the inside had buttons, lights, and wires everywhere in it neatly, some holes shaped square and slim. "I always get this wrong," he said assuming where the USB went.

Miles watched as Spider-Man's voice echoed across the room. Spider-Man's sense went off strongly, causing him to look up. "Oh boy," Spider-Man said as he glanced to his left. Miles looked to the left as well and saw a streak of purple on the machine. Suddenly, the streak moved quickly, leaping at Spider-Man.

"Prowler," Spider-Man said as he was being held in a chokehold by the Prowler.

Whoa, that guy is cool. A bad guy, but cool. Miles thought as he watched them fight. The Prowler let go of Spider-Man, keeping himself upright with some sort of rocket boosters. Miles got his first glimpse at him.

The Prowler had claws for hands, metal claws that were jaggedly shaped. He had (Miles assuming it was a he), had glowing wristbands on his forearms, connecting to the rest of his suit. The material on his shoulders were a light purple. This was cut off by bunched up black material around his shoulders that led to his cape that was long enough to touch the top of his boots. The top of his cape was spiked up in one low level, one high level, and another low level. The front of his outfit looked like an upside down bat, light purple and surrounded by black material. The black material reached down his legs and stopped at his boots, which looked like light purple sneakers that glowed. He had a black leather utility belt. His mask was the same light purple as the mark on his chest and had black imprints on it.

"I was in the middle of something," Spider-Man said as Prowler moved closer to Spider-Man and they began fighting. Prowler began to launch several punches on Spider-Man when a thud caused him to whip around.

Standing before him in black, white, and pink clothing was a person holding her side and dragging her foot behind her. From her blue ballerina shoes, her suit was black, with white slashes at her hips. The black ended in sharp points at her chest. She had black curves under her arms and pink edges at her elbows, while blue patterns on the pink mimicked spider webs.

Her suit had a hood that started at her collarbone, going over her head. On the inside it had pink on the inside, and her mask was traced with pink, and white over the rest.

She was out of breath and suddenly collapsed. Miles then scrambled over to her.

"Gwanda?" he said, and the eyes of her suit squinted at him.

"Actually," she said, taking in a breath, "My name is actually Gwen. And Hi."


GWEN FELT PAIN all over her body when she woke up. She felt rocks all under her body, and her face stung. She opened her eyes and noticed it was pitch black, only lit up by the area beyond the window.

"Ah," she said, feeling pain in her side as she sat up. She looked at her side and saw her suit was exposed and her mask was on her leg.

Didn't I pass out with this in my hand? Gwen wondered as she picked the silky mask up. Then, it hit her.

"Shit, Miles knows." she said as she rubbed her face and made it sting more. She pulled back her hand and it came back with a bit of blood on it.

"Shit," she hissed as she tried to get up and only got pain. She looked at her left foot and saw it was under a rock. Gwen leaned over, despite protests from her side, and lifted up the rock with some effort and put it on the floor. She crawled off the rocks and her foot screamed at her as she tried to put pressure on it.

"Why does today have to be so awful?" she asks and looks at the mess beyond the broken window. There were beams bent and broken, multiple holes in the walls, and webs everywhere.

"What the-" Gwen said and then stepped on something that cracked. Gwen took her foot off it, seeing it was Miles's phone. It wasn't completely destroyed, but it was fractured in the corners and at the top. Gwen picked it up and slipped it in her hoodie pocket.

"I gotta find Miles, there's no way he left," Gwen said as she took off her hoodie and her leggings, leaving just her suit. She shot a web to her mask, which was still on the rocks and she grabbed it, pulling it over her head and tucking her head inside. She bunched up her clothing and cast a web towards the wall, taking the clothes with it and it stuck to the wall. She pulled her mask over her head and shot a web at the ceiling, swinging off. She stuck to the ceiling, her eyes widening once she saw the damage done.

"What happened here..." she said, looking at the damage. Then, not too far away, she saw a door and heard crashes.

"That's something suspicious," she said to herself as she shot a web towards a row of cannisters to propel herself towards the door. She lands on the floor, keeping her injured foot off the floor and saw the doors, which were bent open. The area above the doors were crumbled as if something huge had been thrown through it. She limped toward it and continued to hear noises, but not from the area, but from a large hole in the ground.

"Seriously?" Gwen said as she looked around and saw the machines on both sides of the room. She shot a web at the ceiling, swinging her over just above the hole, and she dropped down into it. It was pitch dark and then it became light again, landing in an area where it looked the same as the room above. She saw a guy in red and blue fighting a purple and black person who fired rocket boosters at him from his feet. The person in red and blue shot a web, which confirmed it was another Spider-Man.

This day is just weird today. Seeing another Spider-Man and a villain fight. Then, the tingling sensation came, telling her to look to her left. She saw Miles sitting there on a platform high above the ground.

I knew it, she thought as she shot another web after another, propelling herself to the platform. She landed on the platform out of breath, her foot off the ground and grabbing her side. This screamed at her when she was trying to catch her breath. She also felt a bout of dizziness, causing her to fall over.

Miles scrambled over to her, looked at her, taking in her suit in confusion. "Gwanda?"

"Actually," she said taking in a painful breath. "My name is actually Gwen. And hi."

As she expected, Miles did a double take when she said that, and looked behind him, seeing Spider-Man land under the activating machine.

"You lied? Why Gwa-Gwen?" Miles asked, helping Gwen as she sat up.

"I'm not from here," Gwen said. "Not from another state, but like... I think I'm from an alternate universe."

"An alternate universe?" Miles's voice rose when he repeated what she said. Miles looked behind him as Spider-Man continued fighting Prowler on the machine.

"I think so," Gwen said. She looked at him, Miles's eyes were moving as he was trying to process this.

"This is crazy," Miles breathes. When Miles looks at her, he says, "Today I saw Spider-Man fighting the Green Goblin in person, and he offered to show me the ropes since I appear to be like you and Spider-Man."

Gwen nods. "The glitching spider makes sense," she said.

"But- uh, should I call you-" Miles looks behind him with a worried expression since Green Goblin had crashed through the ceiling and pinned Spider-Man's head down with his ginormous toes.

Gwen's eyes widened when she saw the Green Goblin, seeing flashes with the Green Goblin she was seeing and Peter. "Peter?" she said, her voice barely a whisper as tears sprung to her eyes. Her heart beated through her throat.

"Who's Peter?" Miles turned around at her and noticed her expression through her mask. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah-" Gwen cleared her throat to keep her voice from breaking. "Don't worry about it." She said as the Green Goblin roared.

"Aw, so gross," Spider-Man's voice echoed. It sounded exactly like him. Exactly like her Peter.

Gwen couldn't stop her emotions, but she managed to control her tears.

Miles got up and looked at Gwen. "Should we try to help him?"

Gwen grabbed his arm and made him sit down. "What do you mean, 'we'? I'm in no condition to fight and your face isn't even covered," she said in a hushed whisper.

Miles's face twisted. "Crap, you're right," he says, turning to peek over the canister.

"What are you even doing here?" Gwen asked Miles. he turned around and looked at her.

"I was going to leave, but it'd be wrong to leave you here unconscious. I accidentally got pulled into the fight and Spider-Man rescued me from falling- He realized I was like him and told me to stay here," Miles said. "I'm guessing you followed the damage here and found me," he said, looking at her.

Gwen nodded. "Yeah, I did."


BEHIND THE GLASS OF the fight, sat rows of scientists, in front of computers, computer screen with loads of information in front of them as they typed. They were all wearing white lab coats and some wore glasses. There were tv screens that showed more information attached to the walls.

The floor trembled slightly as a giant man walked down the aisles, grabbing the attention of a few scientists.

"Here comes the Spider-Man," he said in a mocking tone. His deep voice echoed slightly. He walked as he clicked a pen in his hand. "You like my new toy? Cost me a fortune, but hey, can't take it with you, right?" he said as a smirk formed on his face, crinkling the edges of his eyes. He put the pen in his pocket, messing with the golden wedding ring on his finger, twisting it. 

He watched as the Green Goblin pinned Spider-Man down. "You came all this way, now you get to watch the test." he said as he stood to the side of a grey man crossing his arms with a haircut that stuck up but was smooth on the top.

Spider-Man looked up at the man called Kingpin, as his voice had been projected into the room where the machines were.

"It's a hell of a freaking light show. You're going to love it," he said, smiling.

A scientist was typing and the screen appeared with a message, saying 'Probe Triggered'. An alert system sounded off.

"No, please, don't do this! Stop!" Spider-Man yelled.


GWEN LOOKED AROUND in confusion as the walls of the room lit up. She looked back at the window at the gigantic man and then back at Spider-Man.

I need to do something... But I have a feeling I should be kept put here just in case something happens.

"You don't know what it can do! You'll kill us all!" Spider-Man shouted.

"What?" Gwen and Miles both said, keeping their voices down.

"This is bad... We're not supposed to be in the middle of this," Miles said.

"Well even if I could move us down that hole, we could get spotted and we're all to be basically dead," Gwen said, nervously looking around.

Then the whole room was lit up as something was being lowered mechanically. It was small, but it looked like a camera. The platform began to shake when the machines came to life, shooting blasts of different colors. Gwen then felt it again, her whole body felt like it was burning and like every atom in her body was splitting apart. She screamed, but covered her mouth.

"Gwa-Gwen!" Miles gasped as he scooted over to her, looking at the machine. It got dark as the machine kept blasting. Gwen felt pain rippling through her body, and she felt like she was dying.

Behind the glass pane, the scientist who had turned it on shouted. "I see multiple dimensions opening! That was three, and four, separate dimensions. We should stop!" She says as the TV monitor's showed them. There were portals named E-90214, E-8311, E-616, and E-14512. They were all in circles and now they all merged together into one red circle, showing they were being brought into the universe they were now in.


Gwen was in agony, but she could see everything that was going on. "What's going on?" Gwen asked, but her voice sounded pretty glitched out.

"I don't know!" Miles said.

"Norm, what's your take on head trauma?" Spider-Man's voice echoed as a panel above knocked Green Goblin on the head. Green Goblin slipped off of the machine and Spider-Man stood up. Spider-Man shot a web at the ceiling as Green Goblin scrambled to get back up, flying off towards him.

Green Goblin snarled as he caught up to Spider-Man and used his feet to grab him. He snarled again as he stuck his foot in the beam of the machine, flying up to keep himself upright and to keep from falling into the beam.

Suddenly, a piece of the ceiling dropped on the platform Gwen and Miles were on, and it knocked them both off their balance. By Gwen's surprise, when she dropped, Miles got a grip on the side of the platform and caught her by her waist.

"nIcEeeEeeE cCaaAaAtTtTcHhHh," She said, the word sounding elongated and glitchy. Miles smiled at her, which made Gwen feel a little bit better. 

I don't know how much more I can take of this... Gwen thought as the agony continued. 

Behind the glass panel, multiple warning signs appear on every screen of the scientists. 

"Goblin, no! Get him outta there!" the giant man yelled. 

The Goblin hesitated, keeping Spider-Man in there, until then there was an explosion. Green Goblin, everyone behind the panel, and Miles were hit by the force. The glitching and agony stopped. Miles grabbed on to Gwen tighter and kept holding onto the beam as everything went dark.

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