The Griffin Effect (Blake Gri...

By ibellsta_

43.1K 2.4K 331

Blake Griffin , the man I fell for on the first date , the man who managed to steal my heart , the man who ch... More

1. Meet Bianca
2. Nice To Meet You
3. All Smiles
4. Lovely Ending
6. Getting Ready Part 1
7. Getting Ready Part 2
8. The Perfect First Date
9. B + B
10. Girls Night
11. All Out
12. Family Dinner + ..Blake..?
13. Clique
14. Game Day
15. Baby?
16. Lunch Date
17. J Vs. B
18. Love On Top
19. Dinner With The Lawsons
20. Hanging Out
21. The Griffins
22. The Meeting
23. Power Couple
24. First Time
25. The Next Day
26. Mine
27. One Year
28. Magazine
29. Prince & Me
30. Prince & Me Part 2
31. Prince & Me Part 3
32. The Witch Tells The Truth
33. Truth
34. Too Much To Drink?
35. End Of Our Happiness
36. Pressure
37. Goodbye..
38. Back To You
39. Where You Belong
40. Day With Ford
41. Disappointment
42 . Lawson & Griffin Dinner
43. Asking Questions
44. Again?
45. What The Hell?
46. Lost Of Love
47. Decisions Part 1
48. Decisions Part 2
49. Making Up
50. Friends & Family
51. What The Hell Is Going On?
52. Hawaii Again
53. You & I Part 1
54. You & I Part 2
55. Allyson & The Appointment
56. Baby Confirmed
57.Friend or Foe?
58. Melanie's Plan
59. Her Death
60.Without You
62.What Are Friends For?
63.Couple Of The Year
65.Kassandra's News
70.Betha-Get The Fuck Out
71.Baby Griffin
72.What's Best?
73. Cry
74. Hurt
75. Because You Lied
76. All I See Is You
78. Surprise
79.Little Angel
80. The End

5. Melanie & The Phone Call

1K 33 2
By ibellsta_

"Melanieeee!!!" I Scream & hug an old family friend of mine , "Bi-Bi" , She would always call me that when we were little. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved to Florida? I asked "Yeah but I came back for the summer, I missed you Bi-Bi , how's work?" , "Good & I missed you too, I came to pick up Sasha , she's sleeping at my condo for the night, wanna come ?" , " Sorry I can't I need to fix up my place , I have to leave now actually, I came to ask your mother for help " , "oh , well let me go greet my parents , I'll see you later , call me later , we need to hang out soon" , "Okay bye Bianca" she said while walking out of my parents house . 'Mom , Dad ? I said while walking into the living room , "Hola Princesa" (Hi Princess) my mother says giving me a hug . My mother speaks both Spanish & English , but she speaks Spanish mostly when she's home, I am also bilingual . "Hola mama" I responded , hugging her back . "Where's my dad?" , "He's up in the bedroom , he's getting early sleep , he has an early appointment tomorrow with a soccer player" , "oh okay , well give him a hug & kiss me for me" , " okay sweety" , I went up upstairs to my sisters room , "Hey, Sasha ready to go?" , "Yeah , I'll be down in a bit" , "okay hurry!" , I went to my brothers room & he was sound asleep , I gave him a kiss on the forehead & walked out, I went back downstairs & said goodbye to my mother. Sasha & I were on our way to my condo. " How far is your condo again?" Sasha asked , "About 40 minutes why?" , "Nothing , I know you're tired, we dont have to stay up", "No its fine , I have my day off tomorrow , unless they call me in , which I doubt so I'm free" ,"Okay Bi". It was around 10 & We arrived at my condo & ordered pizza, "It will be here in 30 Minutes" , "Okay then, I'm gonna go put my stuff away in the guest room"she says going upstairs .I receive a call from an unknown number , "Hello?" , "Hey, is this Bianca?", I remember this voice , "Yes , yes it is , hello Blake"I say smiling . "Hey Bianca , sorry I know its pretty late but I .. I wanted to know if you're free tomorrow? , "Umm yeah , I dont have any plans" ,"Okay well you do now , with me , if you dont mind" He says laughing "Haha yeah , its cool , Where are we going ?" , " You'll see tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon , I'll pick you up , can you text me your address?" , "Yeah , I will right now" I send him my address , "Well beautiful, I'll let you go , I know you're tired , I'll see you tomorrow afternoon" , "Wait what should I wear?" ," Anything , I'm sure you'll look beautiful either way'', He says. I blushed , I could feel my cheeks getting red , "Haha well thank you ,see you tomorrow then?" "Yes , Its a date , goodbye beautiful".OH MY GOSH.. DID HE JUST SAY ITS A DATE? "Okay ..goodbye Blake , goodnight" , He hangs up.. I am going on a date.. With BLAKE GRIFFIN , I've had a little crush on him since his college days & now I'm going on a date with him. "So who's taking you out on a date tomorrow?" Says Sasha , I jump off the couch , "Oh my , dont scare me like that , how long have you been here?", "Long enough to hear that you have a date tomorrow , who is he ? Did you meet him today? What's his name? Finally you let men into your life "she says laughing , "Hey hey , calm down" I said while making her sit down, I continued "His name is Blake , & yes I met him today, he was one of our special guest today, He plays for ..." She cuts me off & yells "THE CLIPPERS!" , "Yeah.." . "This is so exciting , I'm happy for you sis" She says with a smile "Thank you ,I'm pretty nervous though" , "Why ? It will go fine , trust me", "I hope so" ,"We will go out for breakfast & go shopping tomorrow morning" Sasha says while standing up , We hear a knock on the door , "PIZZA'S HERE!"..

***Picture of Melanie , & did you guys see the Clippers game yesterday? I went & the refs ruined my night .

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