The White Hero (Undefeated Ba...

By Loading760

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Five years ago, after hundreds of years of the tyrannical rule, the Arcadia Empire was overthrown in a coup d... More

Prologue: Tale's Beginnings
Chapter 1: Accidents
Chapter 2: One-on-One
Chapter 3: Old friend
Chapter 4: What It Means To Be Queen
Chapter 5: Choice
Chapter 6: Heroes
Chapter 7: New troubles
Chapter 8: Competition
Chapter 9: Meet The Butler
Chapter 10: Nobility
Chapter 11: Four Great Nobles
Chapter 13: 'Garden'
Chapter 14: Memories
Chapter 15: Duel
Chapter 16: Tathamet
Chapter 17: After Effects
Chapter 18: The Homecoming Of The Strongest
Chapter 19: Life In The Academy and Her Expectations
Chapter 20: Set Up
Chapter 21: Risk and Reward
Chapter 22: Warm Up
Chapter 23: Jam-Packed Day
A/N: Future

Chapter 12: Expedition

506 19 0
By Loading760

Lux and (Y/N) are sat in the common room, the latter seeming much more tired and with heavy bags under his eyes. Noct and Lisha are seen standing with papers and Airi sits in a chair with a large bag next to her. Airi hands both Lux and (Y/N) a stack of papers.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You look quite tired," asks Airi with a worried tone. The group looks at the dark bags under the boy's eyes.

"Yeah! Totally fine. Just stayed up a couple of nights to catch up on work. Krulcifer wanted me to get caught up and I've been drinking some of her delicious black tea to stay awake. Nothing to worry about," (Y/N) reassures.

"Well then. we've done some tests with Miss Lisha and have reports on both your Drag-Rides," informs Noct. "Take a look at this."

Lux quickly flips through the pages, as (Y/N) quickly glances over certain information. 

"These are...?" says Lux, before Noct finishes his sentence.

"Yes, It's an analysis of Bahamut and Wyzex's power output. During the last battle, Noct did the measurement with her Drake," responds Airi. The charts looking around the same between both Drag-Rides. Bahamut seems to be leading in the power and ability category, with Wyzex leading in the speed and agility category. 

"Based on that data, I made some minor adjustments. They don't look like much, but they should make it much easier for you to fight and control the Drag-Ride for much longer now," says Lisha with a confident smile.

'It even includes estimates for the power output and time limit of our Divine Dress,' thinks both boys. 

"Th-thank you so much! Miss Lisha!" says Lux with a bright smile.

"...! Oh, yeah," replies Lisha with a heavy blush on her face. "I-if you're that happy about it, then it was worth working so hard! Ummm...As a reward maybe a hug..."

(Y/N) just chuckles, as Airi replies with a disappointed tone. "Noct and I also helped out."

"Ah, thanks to you too as well," Lux quickly adds with sweat drop.

"Yes. No problem," replies Noct in her expressionless voice.

"Thanks you guys. We're truly grateful that you took time to do this for us," adds (Y/N).

"It doesn't seem like it," whispers Airi, while looking away.

"What'd you say Airi?" replies (Y/N), with a confused expression.

Airi decides to not answer instead keeping a pout, before (Y/N) grabs her wrist, pulls her out of her chair, and towards him.

"Kyah!" shouts Airi in a cute voice, as she falls into (Y/N)'s lap. (Y/N) kisses her cheek, before pulling her into a hug.

"Satisfied now?" replies the boy.

"Y-yeah..." whispers Airi, as she digs her face into (Y/N)'s chest hoping to cover up her blush. Noct simply turns her head in confusion and Lux looks at the two, before giving off a large smile.

"Hey! I'm not finished talking ye-" shouts Lisha, before getting cut off.

"More importantly, it's too early to be thanking us. Take this," says Airi, while still in (Y/N)'s lap, as she hands the large bag to Lux.

Lux and (Y/N) look into the bag, only to be mortified of all the material in it.

"Umm..?" says Lux.

"I prepared all the incomplete maps that have been made of Garden. I've also put in all the past investigation reports, so please verify them," informs Airi.

"I guess we'll help, if you took the time to prepare all of this..." replies (Y/N), with tears falling from his eyes. 

The mood in the room turns serious, as Airi stands up and looks at the two boys. "During the investigation tomorrow...Don't be too reckless...take care of yourself," says Airi with a slight blush.

"Right," says the two boys.

*The Next Morning*

(Y/N) slowly walks into the bathroom, holding onto the walls, before dropping to the floor. He tries to keep his eyes open, before splashing water onto his face. He waits for most of the water to drip off, before wiping down his face and changing into his Drag-Knight outfit. He slowly walks out, as he meets eye and eye with Lux.

"(Y/N)! I've been looking for you!" shouts Lux. He takes a look at (Y/N)'s tired face, before changing into a worried tone. "Hey! Are you sure your fine to participate today? You look like you haven't slept in days!"

"Yeah...No worries. I'll be just fine. I've been in much worse situations...You know..." replies (Y/N), with a not so assuring smile.

Lux shakes his head and chooses not to push any further, knowing he can't win the situation. "We're exploring inside the Sixth Ruin 'Garden' and a large Abyss that wanders around it is called 'Golem'." 

"Right. That was the information given to us yesterday by Airi. The plan afterwards is suppose me, you, Lisha, and the Triad Squad will enter the Ruin."

"Right, although we won't have any backup from the Third-Years of the Chivalric Order. They're all back expect for their captain, Celestia. She's returning late because of a rebel plot discovered in the capital. The returning Third-Years will stay to protect the academy."

"So if we're overwhelmed, with no backup...We'll have to use it no matter what..."

"...Yes, but let's not think so pessimistically."

"I've heard Krulcifer isn't participating either."

"We're not completely sure, but Lisha thinks she won't. Neither will Philuffy due to Lily's orders. She's leading this expedition, so we shouldn't run into too much problem. The largest will most likely be caused by 'Golem'."

"We should be fine. If everything goes smoothly we'll be back and I'll get some sleep."

"Well then, let's go to the meeting room."

The two walk into the room, seeing multiple other students, but also Krulcifer standing in the middle of the room.

"Krulcifer?" (Y/N) questions.

"You're all here then," says the instructor. "Well then, there are several changes in today's plan that I'd like to bring up. First, Krulcifer will be participating in this expedition as well. She's participating because of her strong volition. Treat her as one of your own and work together to achieve your mission."

"I look forward to working with you all," replies Krulcifer in a respectful tone.

"...And one more person will be participating in today's expedition..." adds the instructor.

"Ah, I shall introduce myself. I wouldn't want to cause you trouble, professor," says the voice.

Everyone looks towards the door, as Balzeride enters to the shock of Lux, Lisha, and (Y/N).

"My name is Balzeride Kreutzer. With regards to the Abyss subjugation as well as the investigation of the Ruin, I thought it'd be nice to help out, so I offered my assistance," informs Balzeride.

(Y/N) looks at Balzeride with suspicion, as Lisha argues with the instructor.

"What's the meaning of this! Why is he-"

"That's...Regardless of whether or not he is one of the Four Great Noble families and is connected to the military, for an outsider to join this critical expedition on such late notice is impermissible," says the instructor.

"Is that all you have to say? Your Highness?" questions Balzeride with a smug smirk. "No worries, I don't intend in getting in your way. Rather, you should rejoice at my assistance, no? I, a wielder of a Divine Dress, shall serve as a shield for these delicate young maidens."

"An unneeded favor, Lord Balzeride. Since you won't be able to cooperate with us, your joining of the expedition will only get in our way of our ability to act. If a great noble such as yourself were to be injured in this expedition, it would cause troubles for the academy," responds Lisha.

"That will not be a problem . No matter what happens to myself, you all shall bear no responsibility," states Balzeride. He pulls out a signed document, before stating, "Just now, I finished writing this contract at the Headmaster's office."

The room stays quiet, as Lisha has no response. Until Shalice decides to speak up. "...I see, I understand the circumstances. But then why would you...?"

"There's a reason," responds Balzeride. "My future wife will be participating in this expedition, you see. And if by any chance something were to happen during this dangerous expedition...You get the point."

"What..." responds Shalice, as the Triad Squad looks at Balzeride in shock. Krulcifer simply looks away, uninterested in what Balzeride has to say.

"...Then let us have Lord Balzeride participate in the subjugation effort. He shall no participate in the investigation. Is everyone good with that?" announces the instructor. 

No one disagrees, promoting the instructor to guide everyone towards the hanger. Balzeride walks towards (Y/N), before putting a hand on his shoulder, which causes the boy to lose his balance for a second. "Clumsy aren't you former knight," whispers Balzeride.

The boy decides not to answer, focusing his attention to remember the actions he was given for this expedition.

"No answer huh? Hahaha. I'm looking forward to this duel in a couple of days, so don't disappoint me and die during this expedition." Balzeride walks off giving a laugh, as (Y/N) ignores his words and instead walks towards Krulcifer. Krulcifer sees the boy approach her, before giving him a smile. He continues to walk forward looking down, before stumbling and falling into Krulcifer's arms.

"Are you alright?" Krulcifer asks in a worried tone.

(Y/N) starts to breathe hard and tries to keep his eyes open. "Y-yeah...Sorry about that." He helps up, as Krulcifer takes a closer look at the boy and immediately spots the heavy bags under his eyes.

"Have you gotten any sleep?"

"...Just a few minutes...I'll be fine though. Nothing to worry about." Krulcifer looks back with a worried expression, as (Y/N) quickly changes the subject. "I was meaning to ask...What made you want to join this mission? Weren't you forbidden from doing so due to that condition from the Einfolk family?"

"I'll tell you in details later, but this is one of the few chances I have right now to achieve this my goals."

"Your goals huh."

"You should be getting ready to leaving. Make sure to get rest when you come back. I'll send you some herbal tea to help you recover."

"Right. Thank you." (Y/N) walks off, finding Lux, before the two nod their heads and equip their Wyverns.

The group leaves towards the ruins, approximately 20 kilometers from the cross field. As the group approaches, many are shocked from the appearance of the Ruin.

"This is the 'Garden'!" Lux exclaims.

As the group comes closer, (Y/N) flies next to Lux, before speaking. "Hey, Lux. I need a favor."

"What is it?" replies Lux.

"You were right. I'm off my game right now. I'm barely staying awake and after my adrenaline wears off, I'll probably collapse. I'll help, but I'll need you to take the lead in organizing attacks."

Lux looks at (Y/N), before nodding. Suddenly a noise is heard, as a huge rock formation stands up.

"Golem," says (Y/N).

(Y/N) watches, as Krulcifer drops onto the field and draws her Sword Device.

"Reincarnate. The huge dragon of calamity, taken captive by riches. Become the compensation of desire far and wide, Fafnir!" recites Krulcifer. Light black and white armor cover her body, as its right arm wields a massive gun 

Krulcifer flies upwards, as Lisha confronts Krulcifer. "W-wait! Krulcifer! Do you intend to do this alone?"

"With my 'Fafnir', it won't be difficult. If there's no problems, I'll be going."

Krulcifer quickly closes the space between her and 'Golem' only to see the its fist coming straight towards her.

"Krulcifer!" shouts (Y/N).

Krulcifer appears in another position, as (Y/N) looks at 'Golem' in shock to see ice covering the 'Golem' in place.

"That's Fafnir's armament, called Freezing Cannon. Fundamentally, it's much like a high-class rifle, but that weapon has the ability to freeze the point in contact. If you try to defend, it'll just freeze off your defense. It's a troublesome weapon when against," informs Lisha.

Krulcifer maneuvers around the giant, before appearing behind it. 

"Wise Blood," says Krulcifer. A light blue symbol appears behind her, before she quickly dodges all of its attacks, while launching back her own.

"What...was that?" (Y/N) questions.

"Fafnir's Divine Dress," replies Lux.

"It allows her to see the future. It's the reason she's allowed to attack so efficiently," Lisha informs.

Krulcifer makes quick work of the 'Golem' as it gets easily destroyed.

"One of the reasons she's able to be so efficient is because of her high aptitude levels. Among the students at our academy, her aptitude level towers above the rest. It's too high to be normal. Yours is among the highest as well Lux. Although now that I think of it...(Y/N)'s around her range, possibly even higher," Lisha states. 

(Y/N) thinks about the words Fugil said years ago. "Your aptitude levels is one of, if not the highest in the Empire. You'll be king soon. You'll be the savor this world needs...I guarantee it."

(Y/N) whispers under his breathe, "Guarantee huh."

(Y/N)'s thoughts get broken, as Noct shouts warnings for an approaching Abyss.

"Diablos...?!" shouts Lux. "A mid-size Abyss powerful enough to destroy an entire city. Why is it in a place like this? This is bad! Most of the Chivalric Order can't fight this Abyss!"

The Abyss charges at the group, as Lux quickly equips his Wyvern's sword, only for the Abyss to fly right pass him and towards Noct. 

"What?!" shouts Lux.

The Abyss swipes at Noct, as suddenly (Y/N) appears blocking the hit.

"(Y/N)!" shouts Noct.

"Are you okay, Noct? Can you move?" (Y/N) asks.

He continues to lock with the Abyss, before slowly getting pushed back.

'Damn! It's getting stronger! I can't move! At this rate, we'll get crushed," thinks (Y/N).

As the Abyss gets ready to make a move, it gets shot in the back by Krulcifer, as she shouts at the two to run.

Lisha and another student approaches, before the latter speaks up. "Princess Lisesharte! We should as well!"

"No! We don't have the same accuracy as Krulcifer's Freezing Cannon! If we fire, there's a chance it'll hit (Y/N) or Noct! We'll have to move in and fight it directly!" Lisha replies.

(Y/N) looks towards the distance, while still in the lock to see Balzeride's Azi Dahaka's special armaments.

"Get out of there!" shouts Krulcifer.

'Neither Noct or I can move,' thinks (Y/N).

Balzeride starts to laugh hysterically, as Azi Dahaka's cannon's start to charge and aim towards the Abyss. A dark red symbol appears behind the Divine Drag-Ride.

'It couldn't be!' thinks (Y/N), as his eyes go wide.

"DEVIL'S GLOW!" shout Balzeride, as the shots go straight towards the group, causing a massive explosion. Lux and Lisha watch in shock, as smoke continues to build.

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