Dream Island + (The Original)

By JellyGirl16

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It's been a year since B.F.B has ended and Woody was the winner. Ever since winning B.F.B Woody's life has be... More

Author's note
Episode 1A: Helping Teardrop To Talk
Episode 1B: Helping Teardrop to talk
Episode 2: Lazer Light Cannon
Episode 3: Tundra Turmoil
Episode 4: Who Beat Up TD?! (Warning Gore)
Episode 5a: Arm-less
Episode 5b: Loss
Episode 5C: Disaster Strikes
Episode 6: Help
Episode 7: Cooking Like A Chef
Episode 8: The Return (MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING)
Episode 9: Babysitting For Dumbasses
Episode 11: Title Undetermined
Episode 12 (Finale): It All Blows Up

Episode 10: Everything is Okay...(Character Development)( trigger warning)

433 5 67
By JellyGirl16

Warning this chapter will include mentions of suicide and other things so if you don't wanna read about it then maybe skip this chapter.

Previously on Dream Island +

It had been a year between episode 8-9 reasons being is probably because Woody and Teardrop had a child...The challenge was to take care of their child and while both teams did at least decent, the winner in the end was Gelatin's team. And now it's time to figure out which person is going to be eliminated on this episode of Dream Island +...


Teardrop woke up in the middle of the night...for some reason she couldn't sleep. When she woke up however, Woody was already awake as well and it looked like he was getting ready to go somewhere...

Teardrop: Woody...? It's the middle of the night...what are you doing?

Woody didn't respond however....It looked like he was to focused on something.

Teardrop: Woody...? What's wrong...?

Suddenly Woody's eyes darted towards her quickly...and then he just...glared at her with these soulless eyes...like they were just blank...After a while of staring...he finally spoke up...

Woody: Goodbye Teardrop...

Suddenly Teardrop saw something from the darkness that looked like it morphed into a set of hands...and just proceeded to snap Woody in half...

Teardrop screamed but before she knew it
She woke up in very cold sweat...

She looked over to see Woody just fast asleep, their child also asleep in the crib next to their bed...she sat down for a second and started to cry quietly...despite crying as quiet as she could, it still ended up waking Woody up who was concerned for her...
Woody: Teardrop? What's wrong...?

Teardrop stopped crying for a second and looked at him...she started to hug him quickly...and started to sob quietly again...

Teardrop: Woody...I thought you were gone again, I saw something grab you and snapped you on half! I thought you were gone forever....

Woody: Teardrop I think you just had a bad nightmare, I'm fine...I promise you. Everything is okay...

Teardrop: Do you promise...?

Woody: Of course! I promise you...

Woody then hugged her back and the two embraced each other until they both eventually fell sleep again, this time in each others arms.
The next day...

It was a normal day at the mansion of contestants...it was just after breakfast time...and it was rather boring waiting for things to happen...but at least this time they didn't have to wait an entire year for something to happen...so it wasn't that bad...Firey's team go to talking about who could be the next one eliminated...

Firey: So guys, who's the next to go...?

Flower: I don't know...I just hope it's not me...

Firey: Well to be fair, didn't you get far in Bfb?

Flower: Yeah, at least until I got eliminated 4th after Lollipop, then It was Teardrop, the. Gelatin, and then Woody won the season...

(Remember in this timeline, Woody was the season winner)

Coiny: Also correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you try to hurt the child?

Flower: You literally tried to throw her out the window!

Coiny: ...Fair enough...

Flower: But point is, I hope I'm not eliminated, I hope it's Donut...

Donut: HEY! Why me?!

Flower: Cause you barley said anything these last few episodes!

Donut: Well don't blame me! My voice was hurting really bad...

Flower: So your telling me your voice has been hurting for over a year...?

Donut: ...Ugh! Just fuck off, okay?

Flower: Okay fine sorry...

Firey: But when is the next elimination...?

Woody from out of nowhere: Right now!

Everyone else:

Firey: Dammit Woody! Stop scaring us!

Woody: *Chuckles* Sorry guys, can't resist! But anyway it's time we find out who out of your team is going to be up for elimination, so let's go to the cake at stake place and find out who's leaving the game!

Teardrop: Hey there Firey's team! It's time to see which one of you are going to be eliminated. We got 9 votes, which is the most ever! Well, for this show that is. *Chuckles* Anyway, the prize for today's episode is...Cupcakes! So the first people safe with 0 votes are Coiny and Pin!

She tossed them both a cupcake each.

Teardrop: Next person safe with 1 vote is, Donut!

Flower: WHAT?! But he doesn't even do anything!

Teardrop: That is neither my concern or my problem...But the final person eliminated is...

Flower: 6

Firey: 2

Flower is was in shock! She didn't want this to be real...

Flower: W-W-What?! H-How?! I didn't do anything!

Teardrop: Like I said, neither my concern nor my problem.

Suddenly she got teleported to The Mansion of Losers.

Eliminated: Match, Needle, Ruby, Bubble, Leafy, TB, and Flower
Woody: Guys I'm gonna be 100% honest with you...we have no challenge ideas for this episode!

Everyone else gasped! Even though Teardrop had no ideas for episode 8, it's because she was sad and depressed, but now that Woody's back they have more ideas, but I guess not...

Firey: So what? Does that mean this episode is cancelled or something?

Woody: Well no...we aren't allowed to cancel anymore episodes...the network won't allow it.

Donut: So then, what are we even supposed to do without a challenge?

Woody: Well for now I'm not sure, but how about you guys go and, idk do what you guys usually do without a challenge...

Woody and Teardrop then walked offf while the contestants went to go walk back to their mansion...
Flower was transported to an unfamiliar place, it looked like the mansion but it was black on the outside...

Flower: huh...? Where am I? Is this the place they send the eliminated?

She walked up to the door and knocked on It. On the inside Ruby heard the knock and knew that someone new was here so she opened the door with a smile excited to see who came...

Ruby: Hi! Welcome to the mansion....of losers...

Flower: *Nervous chuckle* o-oh...h-hey Ruby...nice to...uh see you again...?

Ruby: ...

Flower: ...

Ruby: *Sigh* Let me guess...you got eliminated....?

Flower: Yeah...

Ruby: *Sigh* Just come in I guess...

Flower walked in to see most of the eliminated contestants just sitting around doing whatever.

Ruby: This is where most of us just chill I guess...there's not much to do here believe it or not so better hope you brought your phone or something...

Flower: Do you guys ever idk talk to each other?

Ruby: Well to be honest the only one I really talk to is Bubble. The rest are just so weird and mean...especially Match...she's so annoying...

Match: Bitch! What did you just call me?!

Ruby: You know it's true!

Match: That's like so not true!

TB: Well to be fair...you were very aggressive...

Needle: And you were eliminated first...

Bubble: Plus yoiu were voiry moain.

Match: Okay fuck! I get it! Well at least give me some credit! I wasn't the worst person on the show...

Ruby: Yeah...that is true...but honestly no one could be worse that Leafy...

The rest nodded in agreement...while they all do argue from time to time, they can all agree that Leafy is just the worst...

Flower: Wait speaking of her...where exactly is she...?

Ruby: Oh...well, when Woody came back to life, he found out what really happened and he basically locked her in a prison cell for the rest of the show...

Flower: Woah...are you serious...?

Ruby: Yeah it's over there...you can go look for yourself if you want...

Flower then went over there and saw Leafy's "room" which was basically her in a room all by herself...she was just there by herself...all alone with nothing but her and her own thoughts...

Flower: Wow...that's very harsh...

Ruby: Well when you consider everything that she has done, it's very justified...

Flower: I mean, I guess, but are you sure there was absolutely nothing better to do with her?

Ruby: Well what else would you do be honest...

Flower: Good point....I guess, but what if she somehow manages to escape or something?

Ruby: Well that's the thing, We have a schedule that basically has to where one of us is usually standing at guard...but now, we usually just glance at her room from time to time just to make sure she doesn't try anything funny...

Flower: Well what exactly do you guys do for fun?

Ruby: Well we usually just do our own things alone...but every now and then, we all like to chat sometimes...but normally we just keep to ourselves...

Flower had a question she wanted to know.

Flower: So like do we all get our own rooms, or do we have to share a room

Ruby: Well there are only 7 rooms, but two of the rooms got damaged cause Leafy was having a mental break down and just turned them into wastelands, so you're gonna have to share a room with one of us...

Flower looked around at the eliminated contestants, she didn't have any particular problems with them but she wasn't too fawn of them either...Ruby sensing her mental debate spoke up...

Ruby: If you want, I guess you could be my roommate...

Ruby had a slight blush saying that, and while Flower did notice, she decided it was probably not the time to say anything...

Flower: Thanks Ruby...

She had a slight smile on her face saying that...

Ruby: Anyway how about you pack up?

Flower: Pack up? But I didn't even bring anything...probably cause all my stuff is still in the other mansion

Ruby: Well don't worry, when you transported here, your stuff you usually arrived right...Now

Flower's things were suddenly transported next to her...

Flower: Woah...how did he do that?

Ruby: Well he probably teleported it over here the same way you were...

Flower: Oh...I guess that makes sense...
Back at the contestant mansion

Firey: I can't believe they would just send us back like this. We didn't even get to do a challenge at all!

Gelatin: Damn Firey, I know your upset but I think you need to calm down before you set this place on fire!

Firey: I know, it's just I feel like we deserve another challenge after everything we've been through. I was just hoping we could immediately get onto the next challenge but I guess that can just never happen.

Donut: I understand how that can be frustrating and all, but do we really have to get mad about this?

Firey: *Sigh* I guess you're right...but what is there to do anyway? I mean if there's no challenge what do we do?

Gelatin: Well, we could all play a game of toss the forks...?

Donut: Gelatin, no offense but that doesn't sound like much fun...

Gelatin: Well it's the only thing I can think of for fun :/

Gb: Well, we could do some math calculations, that's always fun for me!

Pencil: Yeah...no offense, but despite being a pencil, I always hated math.

Spongy: Yeah I never really liked math either...

Firey: So then, what can we even do for fun?

As the other 6 discussed what they could do for some entertainment, Pin noticed Coiny was just on his phone not really caring about what the others were doing. To be honest, Pin did want to have Coiny back, but she wasn't sure...on one hand she still had feelings for the copper coin, but on the other...can she trust him?

The only way she would know for sure, is if she gave him a second chance, but after the last time he tried to start over with him, she was the one who turned him away...if she tried to get back with him, would Coiny even let her back in his life? Only one way to find out I guess...

Pin: Coiny...? Can we talk...?

Coiny looked up from his phone and looked at her...

Coiny: Oh...hey Pin, what's up...?

Pin: Well...uhm...I don't know how to really put this...

Coiny: Well what is it...?

Pin let out a deep breath and a sigh...

Pin: Coiny...can I trust you...?

Coiny was a bit confused

Coiny: Well...do you see me as a trustworthy person Pin?

Pin didn't really expect Coiny to ask her a question like that...she wasn't exactly sure how to respond...

Pin: Yes...I mean no...I mean...ugh...I don't know...Coiny I want to trust you...but can I?

Coiny: Well Pin...let me ask you the same question...can you be trusted?

Pin was more taken aback by this question...if she can't trust herself, can she trust anyone?

Pin: Coiny...I don't know sometimes...I feel like I can trust myself most of the time, but the time I snapped at you after what leafy did and almost killed you, it makes me feel like maybe I'm the person who I can't trust...

Coiny: And that's your issue Pin...if you can't trust yourself, can you trust anyone? Probably not...

Pin really started to question everything she thought up of until that point...despite everything that happened, Coiny had a point...

Pin may not be able to trust anyone...not even herself...

Coiny: Well...is that all you wanted to talk about?

Pin decided now wasn't the time to tell him the truth, she needed some time alone if anything...

Pin: Yeah...that's it...I'm fine...I think...

Coiny: Okay...well, nice chatting with you i guess...

Pin: Nice chatting with you too...
Woody's House

Woody and Teardrop arrived home, it was around 7 pm so it was getting dark but not too dark...

Woody: Well that was a short day wasn't it...?

Teardrop: Yeah. We barely had to do anything...

Just then as they got home, their daughter Maple woke up from her nap.

Maple: Hi mommy, hi daddy! How was show?

Woody and Teardrop couldn't help but smile. Maple was just so cute and made their day better.

Woody: It was good Maple.

Maple: What was challenge?

Teardrop: Oh...well we didn't really have a challenge this time...we didn't really think of one.

Maple: So no challenge?

Woody: Yeah no challenge this time...

Maple: Aww I really like watching show. This episode gonna be boring...

Teardrop: Say...I have an idea...

Maple: What idea?

Teardrop: Well...what if you do a challenge?

Maple gasped with starry eyes. She always wanted to do a challenge! She started to bounce up and down with excitement!

Maple: What challenge? What challenge?

Teardrop: Well...your challenge is to help mommy and daddy cook dinner!

Maple looked like she was gonna burst with excitement!

Maple: You mean I get to help cook?!

Woody: That's right Maple! You get to help us cook!


So the 3 of them started to make dinner. Maple was actually quite a big help in the kitchen, especially since Teardrop only had one arm to work with. After 30 minutes the 3 were finally done cooking and sat down to have a good family meal together. Maple was a curious little girl, she always wanted to know more about the world around her. One of Maple's biggest questions she wanted an answer is to, is why her mother only has one arm while she and her dad had two arms. She couldn't wait any long r, so she decided to ask.

Maple: Mommy, I have question.

Teardrop: What's the question?

Maple: Why you have one arm?

Teardrop stopped for a second. When Maple asked that, she didn't quite know how to respond...She of course didn't want to tell her the real answer, cause it was too violent and she probably wouldn't understand, but what could she tell her?

Teardrop: Well...uh...you see...

Thankfully Woody could sense her struggles and decide to help her out.

Woody: Well Maple, mommy was...fighting a monster!

Maple: A monster? Like scary monster?

Woody: Yes, and the monster BIT her arm off!

Maple: *Gasp*

Woody: But even without an arm, she still beat the monster and sent it away forever!

Maple: So momma kick the monster butt?

Woody: Yeah! And she saved the day and she was a hero!

Maple: Mommy this truth?!

Teardrop: Y-Yeah! It's t-true!

Maple: MY MOMMY IS HERO! ^_^

Maple was in awe that her mother was a hero! She always looked up to her parents, but especially her mother cause she was always a strong person in her eyes, despite only having one arm.

Maple: When I grow up, I wanna be hero just like mommy!

The two parents couldn't help but just smile their cute daughter. She really was the best thing to ever happen to them.
After dinner, Maple went upstairs to watch tv and play with her toys while Woody and Teardrop stayed downstairs to also watch some TV together...to be truthful it didn't really matter to them what they watched as long as they were together nothing could go wrong. They could literally be watching nothing but static and it wouldn't really matter to them, cause all they needed was each other to be happy...

Teardrop: Hey Woody?

Woody: Yeah?

Teardrop: I wanted to say thank you for helping me back there with Maple. I really do appreciate that.

Woody: Oh well it's not a big deal. I could sense you were having trouble on what to tell her about the whole missing arm thing so it's really no problem Teardrop. Besides your a strong person and it makes sense that you would be a hero not to just her, but to me as well...

Teardrop didn't quite know how to respond to what Woody had told her...while she knew that  people did look up to her, she wasn't as strong as people said she was...

Teardrop: Well...I'm not that strong Woody...

Woody: What do you mean Teardrop? You're so strong and amazing!

Teardrop was just feeling a bit down...she dreaded having to eventually tell Woody the truth about how she felt during his death. But she decided better to tell him now than let him find out for himself.

Teardrop: Woody...I need to tell you the truth...

Woody was a bit confused on what Teardrop meant...

Woody: The truth about what...?

Teardrop was a bit hesitant to even say anything but...she has to at some point...

Teardrop: Woody...when you died, it really affected me...you're literally one of the reasons I'm still alive...and when you first died I was in shock...like it didn't even feel real at first, but after awhile it finally set in...and that's when everything went down hill for me mentally...I was spiraling out of control and everything was terrible...I had nothing left to live for once you died...and...

At this point she had tears steaming down her face and Woody looked at her with great sadness

Teardrop: I even tried to kill myself...I was going to succeed until G-Gelatin..s-stopped m-me...b-but I-I was s-so close to doing it W-Woody...

At this point she couldn't hold it back anymore and she sobbed her eyes out and held Woody close...all Woody could do was hug her back and try to console her...

Woody: There there Teardrop...it's okay...I'm here for you...

The two of them stayed like that for a few minutes until Teardrop pulled away from the hug. Woody decided to speak up.

Woody: Teardrop...listen...I understand everything you went through and it was awful for you...I'm sorry that I wasn't there to comfort you...if I could be there, I would've held you in my arms tight and never let go...

Teardrop: Well can you promise me something...?

Woody: Anything dear...

Teardrop: Promise me that even In our darkest moments no matter how bad things get...for better or for worse...that you'll never leave me...?

Woody: Yes Teardrop I promise

Teardrop: I love you Woody... ;)

Woody: I love you too Teardrop ;)

After saying that Woody pulled Teardrop in and then he kissed her...Woody then kissed her a bit more deeply as Teardrop blushed...during the kiss Woody pinned her down on the couch and started to rub her a bit.
Maple: Mommy? Daddy? What are you guys doing?

The voice of their child shocked them and almost made them fall off the couch...

Woody: Oh! Maple! Me and mommy were just...uhm...

Teardrop: Fighting! Yeah! Take this!

Teardrop said as she fake punched Woody.

Woody: Oh no! I've been hit! Her powers are too strong for me!

Woody then fell down in like comedic way as Maple started to laugh.

Maple: Yay! Mommy wins cause she's a hero! And daddy lost cause mommy is too strong for you!

Woody got up.

Woody: Well I learned my lesson...never mess with mommy again...

Then the three started to laugh at the whole situation. Sure their child almost lost her innocence but at least they made it into a funny situation. After their laugher died down, Maple asked a question.

Maple: Hey can I watch Tv with You?

Teardrop: Oh sure! Sounds like a great idea!

Woody: Yeah, I could use some family time.

The three of them started to watch some cartoons that Maple liked. While the show she watch didn't exactly appeal to them...they were just glad to spend time together as a family.
Later that night...
Mansion of Losers...

Ruby: Alright Bubble! It's your time to watch over leafy tonight!

Bubble: Oikay Ruby. Oi'll do it...

Ruby: Alright Bubble...Goodnight...

Bubble: Goodnoight Ruby...

Bubble was quite nervous that she was on watch...normally, it would be 2 or 3 of them watching over Leafy per night...but since most of them were up late last night doing business, they were all really tired since they all have to wake up at a certain time each day...unfortunately, Bubble was quite well rested, which meant she was on watch all by herself...Bubble decided to pass the time on her phone just scrolling through social media...that's when Leafy decided to speak up...

Leafy: Bubble...can you hear me...?

Her voice was raspy since sometimes they "forget" to give her water until the last minute just so she doesn't die...

Bubble decided to try and ignore her since there was not really a point in talking to Leafy...not to mention she was terrified of her after the whole incident back then...unfortunately the lemon leaf wouldn't give up.

Leafy: Bubble! I know you can hear me...! Say something!

Bubble was trying her hardest to just ignore her, but Leafy was already starting to get on her nerves...

Leafy: Bubble! Speak to me Or else!

Bubble: Whoit do you want Loify?

Leafy: Well you don't have to be so rude! Bubble I know you're upset but please stop yelling...

Bubble: Well oi'm not in mood to talk to you...

Leafy: Bubble well geez someone's mad aren't they?

Bubble just rolled her eyes...she knew Leafy was up to something but she couldn't really figure out what...

Bubble: Loify...what do you even woint me for...?

Leafy: Well nothing much...but I need you to do something...

Bubble: Do what exactly...?

Leafy: Well...can you maybe let me out of here?

There was a brief silence in the room...until Bubble bursted out laughing.

Leafy: What's so funny? Do you think this is a joke?!

Bubble: It's just funny that you expect moi to let you out after everything you've done not oinly to moi but everyoine else. So it's funny to think oi'm even gonna let you escape...

Leafy: *Sigh* Fine! You win! I'm just gonna go to sleep...

Bubble was surprised by her response...normally she would be arguing with her and trying to convince them to let her out, but this time I guess she decided it wasn't worth the trouble...A few minutes later it appeared that Leafy went to sleep...and Bubble let her guard down and fell asleep in the chair that was close to her cell.

Leafy got up cause she wasn't asleep at all...and she stole the Keys that Bubble was given! To her cell! And unfortunately she was about to be at the wrong place at the wrong time...Bubble woke up just in time to see her opening her cell door! She tried to get the key back from here and she eat a Yoyle berry to make sure she didn't pop...but  Leafy wasn't gonna let that slide as she pinned her to the wall...

Bubble was shaking in fear.

Bubble: L-Loify y-you can't h-hurt me! Y-you'll get in trouble!

Leafy however had other plans for her...she knew she couldn't technically hurt bubble otherwise she'll get less food...but she thought of another way to hurt her...

Leafy: I know I can't hurt you in the way I want to...but I can do other things~

Warning! This next part is NSFW so if you're a sweet cinnamon roll than skip till you see the SpongeBob title card.
Leafy started to rub on her area very rough and it was very uncomfortable to Bubble...

Bubble: Loify stop!

She was trying to hardest to push her away but Leafy kept dragging her back and she was powerless to stop her.

Leafy: Bubble...the more you resist the harder I'll keep going...so you better stay hush before I cut you in your sleep...and Lollipop...

Bubble was horrified...Lollipop was her girlfriend and she didn't want anything to happen to her...Bubble kept trying to kick leafy away but leafy was just too strong...eventually Bubble's area appeared and Bubble was literally shaking unable to even defend herself...

Leafy: There there Bubble, you're being a good girl ain't you?~

Bubble was in tears and begging for herself...

Bubble: L-Loify P-Please! OI'll do anything! Please! I-I'm sorry! I KILL ANYONE YOU W-WANT JUST P-PLEASE STOP!

Leafy didn't respond and started by shoving her hand straight into her hole...the pain was too unbearable for her...the blood started to pour out like a faucet of blood...Leafy didn't care and just went in and out getting blood everywhere...Bubble was just a crying mess...yet she couldn't even cry for help as Leafy out duct tape on her rendering her unable to scream...

Leafy: There's a good girl~ take my hand won't you?~

Leafy kept doing this for 5 minutes until Bubble finally came...a mixture of her tears her blood and her fluids covered the floor...Bubble couldn't even move at this point...she could only sit there and take it...

Leafy: Alright~ it's time I continue~

Leafy then rubbed her area a bit until her area appeared...leafy held bubble down and rubbed her area against Bubble's. Every time Bubble even made the slightest movement, Leafy slapped her hard in the face but just soft enough as to not leave a mark...Bubble at this point would rather be killed again back in the forest...cause at least she wouldn't have to remember it in great detail...eventually Leafy came and got up...

Leafy: I hope you learn this lesson...never betray me ever again...

Leafy looked at Bubble who was passed out due to loss of blood and shock...It was around 5:30 am so Leafy had to work quick...Leafy grabbed all her things and walked out the door...making sure to avoid the security cams...

It was early morning and everyone in Woody's house was still fast asleep...Woody and Teardrop were sleeping together while Maple was in her own room by herself...At around 6:00 am, Maple heard some noises coming from her room somewhere...

Maple: ...? Mommy? Daddy? Is that you?

No one responded and Maple thought maybe it was nothing and tired to go back to sleep...that is until she heard some tapping on the window...

Maple: ...? W-Who's T-There? H-Hello?

No one responded and at this point, Maple started to get scared...she didn't want any bad person to come in...especially since her mommy wasn't there to beat up the bad guys...Maple turned on her lights but no one was there...she thought that maybe it was her imagination and tried to go back to sleep...just as she fell back asleep.
She heard the window open...
Maple started to freak out quietly! She didn't want her parents to wake up...she hid in her closet and remained as quiet as possible...she wanted the bad person to go away...but unfortunately...

Leafy: Hello there...Maple... =)

Maple let out a scream and tried to run away to her parents room...she tried to run quickly and threw stuff back at leafy who was coming closer to her...she ran with all her night and she was just about to get to her parents room...until Leafy caught her...and with quick thinking she pushed her down the stairs knocking Maple out cold with blood trickling all down her body...she ran down the stairs as quickly as possible and stuffed Maple in her bag and ran out the door...
Woody: What the hells going on?!

Woody heard some of the commotion and left to see what had happened.

Teardrop: What's going on Woody?

Woody: I don't know...Maple? Are you okay?

Maple however didn't respond.

Teardrop: Maple! Where are you?

Woody: Teardrop...get up...we need to find Maple I can't seem to find her...

The two got up and searched everywhere for her but they couldn't find her anywhere. They tried looking for her but no matter where they looked they couldn't find her...their final stop was checking downstairs...and all they could see
Was her blood stains...
Hey guys thank you so much for reading this chapter. I know it was very different than the other chapters but I'm proud of this chapter. So make sure to comment what you think about it and leave some suggestions for next chapter and maybe even some future challenges. But until then thanks for reading and Jellyboi1 Out!

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