Babymama 2

By Kanyell

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The Sequel Of "Babymama". More



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By Kanyell


I woke up and I felt terrible. I have lost my voice, my throat hurts and I feel like I got the chills or sum. Something aint right. I rose up and grabbed my phone after it buzzed. It was a text from Meechie fine ass. Damn, I forgot I am a drug dealer now. I know Ace ain't gonna let me stay home this ain't no regular 9-5. Meechie texted and said:

Meechie- Good Morning lil mama, I'll be there at 11 b ready

I laid back down and laid my phone back down. "Knock Knock, get up sleeping beauty.. your baby daddy is here" said mama as she opened my room door. I didn't move a muscle because what the hell do he want. I stayed in bed. "Ma, tell him to leave cause I am not feeling well" I said as shifted in my bed. "See that's why you need me to take care of you" said Keyair as he walked in my room. I rolled my eyes so hard I wanted them to fall into my hand so I could shake them like dice and gamble this nigga out my life. "Oh my god, mom not today...please" I said as I looked at my mom. "TALK !!" she yelled as she walked away and shut my door. Keyair widened his eyes then came and sat on my bed. "Look, I ain't come to bug you about our baby lynn, I just wanted to talk to you" he said as he started to look sad. I sighed, "Its Miss White ?" I said as I sat up and held my heart. I hope he is not finna tell me she ain't make it. "Nah she een dead a nun she just real weak and just got out of surgery and she wanna see you" said Keyair. I let out a sigh of relief. "You told her?" I asked. "That you pregnant?" he asked. Keyair sighed and rubbed his face. "Nah, I ain't tell her" he said. I twisted my face up in confusion. "Why not?" I asked. He shook his head. "Cause you know her rules, that lady a fucking flip if she find out" he said. I sat up in my bed and crossed my arms. "So lemme get this right" I said. Keyair fixed his shirt. "You ain't told yo mama about this baby?" I asked. "You just heard me say that lady gon flip" he said. I smirked.

"And lemme guess.. You want me to tell her?" I said. "Yeah, you know she don't like me like how much she like you" he said. I started laughing. "Scary ahh nigga" I said. We both started laughing. "Ight, I got chu" I said. "Lynn, look" said Keyair. I looked at him grab something out his pocket. It was a bigger ring box than the one he got me. "Keyyyy, see no cause you took my last one and-" I said before I was interupted by his kiss. We started kissing so slowly. I aint finna front like I aint miss his lips. I pulled my face back from his. "Nah, see look.. I can't be doing this" I said. "Why?" said Keyair as he gazed in my eyes. "You a cheater, you fucked a bitch on me" I said. "I ain't get to, you caught me" he said. I got mad. "Get out" I said. "No chill, chill ma I ain't een mean it like dat" said Key as he hugged on me. "I mean like, basically I was finna do that but when you busted in and beat our ass It was ova" he explained. "why was a bitch in your room tooted the fuck up anyways if we on a so called break" I said as I made quotation marks with my fingers. Keyair began to look salty.

"Right" I said rolling my eyes. "But you can't talk, you riding around with my opps and shit" he said. "You know I'm MBGK" he said as he threw down the set. "Watch that shit, cause I'm damn near MBG" I said. Keyair twisted his face up and sat the ring box down on my bed. He then crossed his arms. "What you mean by that?" asked Keyair. "Just what it sound like" I said as I grabbed my ski mask with MBG on it. "You running drugs for ACE ?" he asked me "SHHH" I said. "You loud as fuck, my momma don't know that" I said. "I'm telling, cause you got me fucked up putting you and my baby in harms way" he said. "You not finna tell shit" I said as I put my finger on his forehead" I said. "Or I'mma tell ya mama you selling drugs too" I smiled. Key shook his head. "You need to stay from them, I'm suprised you got in the gang.. from what I heard, bitches get fucked in" he said. "Yeah well I ain't have to up no pussy for a spot, Ace knows my daddy so I guess you can call that grand fathered in" I said as I smiled. "Yeah Ight, don't get fucked up" he said.

I rubbed Keyair's eye. He still had the scar under his eye from when I threw that metal pole and it hit him. "Damn" I said. "Yeah you abused me" he said faking like he was crying. I punched him lightly. "Stop playing" I said. "I'm sorry" I said as I kissed under his eye and rubbed it. "Nah I'm sorry" Said Keyair. "So I mean, wassup.. like can I be with my family" he said as he rubbed on my belly and smiling. I smirked. "Look, I'mma think about it" I said. "Gurl, look you my wife na" he said. "I am not yo wife boa" I said. "You gonna be, watch" said Keyair. "My son not finna be no bastard like me" he added. "Yo son?" I asked. "Yeah my son" he said. "Boy no, this ya daughter" I said flipping my hair. "Nah that's about to be my son" he said. "Whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Well since we coo now" I said. "You need to watch old boy who you came to my house with to get your stuff" I added. Keyair looked confused. "Who?" he asked. "Boy the nigga you came to my house with, with the Ski mask on" I explained. "Aww you talm bout S.G" he said. "Bruh be been trying fuck with you a sum?" asked Keyair. "No, NO" I said. "Cause I aint gon cap I'll smoke his bitch ahh bout my babymama bruh" he snapped. "Nah, you need to watch him, he hang around the gang" I added. Keyair eyes got wide. "Damn, I'm finna have to kill his ahh" he said.

"No the fuck your not, your not finna go to jail like my dad did when my mama was pregnant with me" I said as I grabbed his hand and looked at him. Keyair smacked his lips. "But that's backdooring" he explained. "So what, a snake gone slither through the grass, its up to you to mow it" I said. "Right, so lemme clap that nigga bruh" Said Keyair as he fisted his hand. "Okay, clap him.. but I am not accepting any more jail calls and do not ask me to bring my pregnant ass to see you"I told Keyair. Keyair smacked his lips. "Mann, aight. For you and my son" said Keyair as he rubbed my belly again. He then looked in my eyes. "I ain't gon clap him for yall sake, cause I don't want you raising this baby alone and I don't want my baby to not know his daddy" he said. I smiled, this the Keyair I know and love. "Why you always smiling hard when you hear me say good shit?" asked Keyair. "Cause, I seen you go through alot with the law in the past years, so for you to actaully want for something in life is mind blowing" I said.

"You know you will forever have my support" I added. "Fasho, vice versa will always be my baby" he added as he held my hand and looked in my eyes. "Corny ahh" I teased. "So what" said Keyair as he pushed me playfully. "Stop playing"I said. "Nah, like you might as well tell ya mans you been riding with that yo baby daddy crazy and that we finna get back together" He said as he pointed at me. "Like I said, I'll see cause trust is the only thing we gotta work on with us" I said. Keyair rubbed on his head. "yeah you right.. I gotta get that shit together" Said Keyair as he licked his lips. "But, dont be pushing me away and answer my calls and text lil gurl" he said. "Boy I am a grown woman" I said as I flipped my hair. Keyair just stared at me and smiled. "What" I said with a fake lil attitude. "Nun, I just...have a baby with the best" I he said gazing in my eyes. I blushed. "You gotta baby with the baddest in the A" I said as i flipped my hair again and moved my hand in the "period" motion. Keyair laughed.

Keyair stood up. "Lynn, can we like go hang out like we use to?" he asked. "Umm, I gotta see cause I be working real real late and early morning hours getting that money so I gotta make some time for you" I said. "I'll take your word" He said as he nodded his head. "Don't keep me waiting he said as he opened the ring box and showed it to me. My eyes got wide. The diamond on the ring was big and it shined so bright in the sun light that peaked through my windows. I smiled. "I won't, but we gotta work on what we talked about" I said as I stood up and stepped to the center of my furry rug. "But, you also gotta be willing to give me that chance" He said as he walked up to me. He stared in my eyes, I stared in his. I can see this was genuine, but I couldn't feel it. Keyair leaned in to kiss me. I raised my finger to his face. "We gotta work on us too" I said to interrupt his kiss. "Thats fair" he said as he raised his hands and stepped back. "Ight babymom, I gotta go.. gotta go see mama" he said. "Ight, tell ma imma come see her tomorrow morning" I said. "Ight" said Keyair as he stepped to the door. "Oh shit, I can't forget my baby" he said as he stepped back infront of me. Keyair kneeled down, pulled my shirt up and kissed my belly 3 times. I giggled cause it tickled me. "Da-Da love you" he said. "Awwwwn" I cooed. Keyair stood up and smiled "Okay bye babydaddy" I said as I hugged Keyair. He hugged me tight. "Bye babymoms" he said as he hugged me. We stopped hugging, he walked out my room and I closed the door behind him.

Mama opened my door 5 seconds later smiling from ear to ear. "My baby got her babydaddy back"she chanted as she started dancing. "Mom quit" I said as I smiled and sat in my vanity chair. "Nah I am excited, Just to let you know if he ask to marry you I already give the blessing" she said. "MOM!!" I yelled. "What??" asked mama. "You seen that big ass diamond" she said as she leaned on my doorway. "Shit, that boa showed me that diamond ring.. shit I almost said I do"explained mama. We both started cracking up. "Mama you are crazy" I said as I laughed. "No foreal honey, I mean you ain't suppose to marry for money and materialistic things, but when a man that come from nothing can get you some shit like that" explained mama as she walked to sit on my bed. "You gotta know that that man is in love with you" she said as she held her glass of wine. "I know mama, and I am flattered but like I told him, we gotta work on trusting cause my trust with him is not there" I explained. Mama crossed her leg. "I hear you, so don't be pushing him away though" I said. "Cause you push him away, he gon feel like he need to get with another bitch" mama explained. "

I won't, he asked me to hangout but you know I'm seeing someone and I don't wanna lead them on" I said. My mama looked confused. "Lynn, this man's whole child is in you" she said. I started brushing my hair. "I know, but ma he so fine and he got money" I added. "But, do he want a pregnant girl and do he want to be a stepdaddy?"she questioned. I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. My mama put her head on her head. "Ay yi yi" she uttered. "Look, let that boy know when the time is right for you, but don't be leading both of them on" said Mama as she stood up and sipped her wine. "I'm gonna get it togther ma" I promised. "Okay, I'm gonna stay out of it like I been doing , but I am here if you have any questions and if you need me" she said as she walked out my room.

I will let meechie know of my situation when the time is right. I will see Keyair when the time is right too, I just gotta process everything, clear my mind and then eveyrthing will be taken care of. I am kinda glad me and Keyair eye to eye and had this talk at the moment, we gotta get shit together for this baby. I checked my phone and it was 9:55am going on 10. "Shit" I said as I jumped up. I pulled my black clothes out and shoes, grabbed my towel and undressed. I covered my body, grabbed my body wash and walked to the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom locked the door then took my towel off and turned the shower on. I walked to the mirror and looked at myself and smiled. I turned sideways and held my stomach as if it was big and swollen with a baby inside. I am touching 2 months pregnant. I got in the shower and began to wash my body.

The talk I had with Keyair today kept replaying in my head. I placed my hands together, closed my eyes and bowed my head. "God please help this boy be trusting to me" I prayed. "please give me the strength and heal me through all my pain" I added. "Amen" I said. I finish washing my body, after about 30 mins I got out and dried off with my body towel. I wrapped my body up in the towel, and walked back to my room. I closed my door, grabbed my lotion off the dresser and lotion my body. I grabbed my panties and put my bra on as well and sat in my vanity chair. I grabbed the brush and gel and brushed my hair into a low ponytail. Put on my black hoodie on, black leggings and I can't forget my black forces. I was putting on my lipgloss when my phone rang.
"Lil mama, I'm outside.. bring yo sexy ass out"
"Here I come"

Meechie was outside waiting on me. I grabbed my phone, keys and everything and put them in my hoodie pockets. I did not wanna bring my purse, So I brought my mini all black Nike book bag and put my phone and keys inside it. I grabbed my gun, loaded it up and put it in my bookbag. I turned my light off, walked outside and seen meechie in his car. He didn't get out like he usually do which was off, but I just opened the door and got in anyways. "Hey" I said as I got in the car. "Wassup lil mama" said Meechie as he put the car in drive after I buckled my seat belt. I felt the energy off a little bit. "Why you acting all to yourself with me?" I asked. "Nah, I'm sleepy ah fuck bruh, I been up all night" he said. "Ace working you like a slave and shit" I teased. "Some like that" he said. "You the best what you expect" I said. "Hell yeah, I know that" he said. He turned on some music and we didn't talk for the rest of the ride. I started coughing a lil bit. We pulled up to the trap in like 15 mins. We both got out tucked our guns and walked inside the trap after tapping the door.

We walked in and walked all the way to the backroom. The rooms were filled with naked woman bagging up drugs and counting money. Some of them girls looked younger than me. I held my stomach thinking of my baby. What if I have a daughter, I would not want her even near some shit like this. I began thinking different of myself. Meechie tapped on the door for Ace. "Come in" said Ace. Meechie walked in first and I walked in behind him. We stood next to each other. "Well Well Well, Delivery one and Delivery 2" said Ace. I smirked. "Whats funny Karlynn?" he said. "Why you say my name like that?" I asked. Ace laughed. Meechie looked at me and shooked his head. "Look, don't think shit sweet cause you tryna fuck my mama" I snapped. "Woah woah woah, Ya mama is a very nice lady, and a very good business woman" he said Sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "I do not think of her in a sexual way" said Ace. "Nigga you ain't slick" I snapped. Ace took off his shades and removed his fitted hat.

I began feeling tense. Like I gotta fuck Ace up. "Why you removing yo shit?" asked Karlynn. Ace stood up and got close to me, meechie stepped in between us. I began grabbing for my gun out my hip, but meechie grabbed my hand. I looked at meechie who pleaded with his eyes. "Relax, Karlynn It ain't even like that with your mom" he said. I rolled my eyes. He went sat back in his chair. "Now that that's cleared up" said Ace as he adjust his self. "Karlynn I need you to take some time off" he said. Me and meechie looked at each other in confusion. "Why?" I asked. "Look, just take some time off" he said. "You told my mom?" I asked. "No, your mama told me" he said as he directed his eyes to my stomach. All of a sudden my spirit just dropped low. Everytime I wanna do something it comes back to my baby. Maybe I really do need to slow down. "What is he talking about?" asked Meechie. I did not even want to look him in the eye. "I- Um" I hesitated. "She's pregnant" said Ace. I looked at Ace in the meanest look. "Damn, can I tell him myself" I snapped.

"Shidd, when were you gonna tell me?" asked Meechie. I looked off then back at him and tried grabbing his hand but he moved it. "Man, you for real?" asked meechie. I frown and nodded my head. "Look, ya'll can hash that out later" said Ace "whisper, bring the packs" said Ace. A Lightskin woman with blue hair came out and gave meechie a bag and smiled at me and walked back to the back back room. Meechie grabbed the bag and walked off. I grabbed his hoodie. "Damn can you at least take me home ?" I asked Meechie as I ran behind him. Meechie walked fast as hell outside to his car. "Tell yo babydaddy take you home" he said as he hopped in his car. I stood there ready to cry. "Ight, its coo nigga" I said. He started his car up and pulled off. "I got some for this nigga and Ace" I said as I started to walk through the hood. I took my ski mask and put it in my bag.

I pulled out my phone and ordered me a UBER. It said 10 mins away. Tears flowed down my face. I was hurt. I wanted to tell meechie when it was the right time for me to tell him. Not like this. But its okay, cause I'm gonna tell my mama about Ace. I want revenge. My Uber pulled up after 10 minutes and a spanish man was driving. I got in the car and I think he saw the tears I had. He didn't speak he just drove to my destination. I made the uber take me home, to my apartment. I got home in 5 mins, I stepped out the uber and walked to my apartments front door. I used my Key to buzz in and used the elevator. When the elevator doors opened, I walked to my apartment door, which had vases of flowers, love letters, and pictures of me and Keyair. I had balloons there, teddy bears and baby items. "I love him so much" I whispered to myself. I unlocked my apartment door and put my bag in the door way and began bringing the stuff in one by one.

"All these flowers, and cute baby outfits" I said getting excited. "Now I want my babydaddy" I laughed to myself. I put everything away and started taking my clothes off. I opened my room door and took my clothes off. I was still sad from earlier but I mean this reality it is what it is. I layed in my bed and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my instafeed and seen a picture of me and Keyair posted 2 hours ago by Keyair. The caption said "No matter what I go through, long as it with you". I rolled over on my side and I smiled. This boy is making every little gesture to get me to be with him. I hearted the photo and shared it to my story. I love him so bad, I'm willing to get it together. I decided to text him.

Me: Babydaddy, I need you to come home

He didn't respond right away like he normally does. I laid my phone back down and went to my kitchen. "Of course I need something to cook in here" I said as I opened my damn near bare fridge. I have to eat so I called Keyair. I dialed his phone number and it rang.

"Yeah wassup baby"
"Can you bring me something to eat"
"I got chu, I'll be there in like an hour"

I was happy as hell, I'm getting food and my babydaddy coming over. 2 for 1. I started putting the roses he gave me in the empty vases my mom got me. "Awwn" I said as I grabbed one of the letters that he wrote for me. This man has some good hand writing, and he aint slick with the poetry that boy know he can write but he wanna be so damn hood. I just smiled even thinking about him. I love me some Keyair.


I am so glad that Lynn and Keyair are seeing eye to eye. I actually told him to come over and talk to her, cause she don't think I know she been leaving here with some boy in a hell cat. I ain't mad at her cause baby my daughter is that thang. But, I want my grandbaby to have both parents that love each other. Me and ace have'nt spoke since yesterday. I really wonder what's wrong or what's been going on with him. I really think he is a nice guy but I don't wanna be head over heels like I usually am.

I was in my room playing old home videos of Me, the Kids and Kendrick on my projector screen. I been laughing, smiling and crying for the past 2 hours. I really wish things did not go as it went. Every day I regret stepping out when times got hard in my marriage, I think my husband would have been here all along. But, life comes with mistakes and you live and you learn. I learned alot. "MA!" yelled Khadija as she knocked on my door. "Come in Di Di" I said as I paused the video. Khadija walked in and came and laid in the bed with me. "Whats wrong, what you need" I asked her. "My mommy" she said as she hugged me. "Awwwn" I said as I hugged her back. "Mom, I love you" said Khadija. "I love you too baby" I said as I began to cry. "Mom why are you crying?" said Khadija as she wiped my tears that fell. "Its okay Mommy" said Khadija as she hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry baby" I said as I sniffed. "Momma just, having a moment like I always do" I added as I rubbed on her back. Khadija stood up and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Mom your so beautiful" she complimented. "You too baby, your very beautiful" I added. Khadija then jumped out of my bed and ran out my room and closed the door. I wiped my teary eyes and pick up my wine glass and finished it. I gotta remain strong but I am human with great feelings, god knows I act like everything is okay to mask my pain. I got up and went to Amir's room. He has an appointment today about his weakened heart. He has been improving for the past weeks and definitley has been getting out of his bed everyday to grab toys in his room. I am so proud of the progess he has made.

"Amir, are you okay?" I asked as I rubbed his head. Amir smiled at me and and nodded his head. I grabbed vaseline off his dresser and rubbed them against his cracked lips. He licked it. "No no" I said. Amir began to look sad. "I know, mama know you hungry baby but, youcan't be eating that" I said. He has a feeding tube, but I know he wanna taste something. His birthday is also next month I am hoping he will be off the feeding tube by then so he can eat some of my good food I be throwing down.

My doorbell rang and I heard a knock on the door. I stepped out of Amir's room and tightened my house coat as I walked down to the stairs. I walked up to frontdoor and checked the peep hole and didn't see anyone. I opened the door and seen a rose with a note. I grabbed both the rose and the note and closed my door and locked it. I walked to the couch and sat down. The aroma of the note feeled the room. It was Ace's cologne. I smelled the note and rolled my eyes back in my head as the scent hit my soul. I read the note:

I had to bless the most beautiful woman, with the aroma of a good man. Be ready at 8, and don't keep me waiting- Amir

"Awwn" I cooed. He is such a gentleman. I have a date. I smiled and smelled the note again. "Mmm, that man smell so good" I said. I walked upstairs and went into my room. I went in my closet and looked around for a dress. I seen a nice gold dress that was back in my red carpet days. I don't think I even wore it. It was so shiny and don't let the sun or any lights hit it, cause its like a chandelier. I laid the dress on my bed and walked to my shoe closet. I looked around for my gold red bottoms. For some reason, I could not find those shoes on the bottom rack. usually eveyrthing is color cordinated. I looked up and the shoes were on the top rack. I stood on my step ladder and grabbed the box for the shoes. When I pulled it down a picture dropped on the floor.

I reached down and picked it up. It was a picture of me and August. This was us on the red carpet he took me to when I first started seeing him. I smiled at the memories but, we all know the bad that came out of this. I sat the picture on the shelf and went into my room and sat down on my bed. I put the gold red bottoms on and walked to the mirror. "Ouu my legs look so sexy with these on" I said. I need to go to the hair salon and get me a nice pin up ponytail did or my hair curled. I gotta call this hoe Vanessa. I aint spoke to her ass since she told my kids what happened to they daddy. I hate her right now but I don't trust nobody else. I mean she apologized but, I still ain't forgive her. I called her phone.

"What you want?"
"My best friend that I love so dearly"
"To curl yo hair, for a date you got"
"How you know ho?"
"Cause your my bestfriend"
"I love you so bad"
"I love you too, what time you need me to do it?"
"My date at 8 and I can't be late cause he prolly finna have a driver come get me or some"
"Oh he one of them?"
"Yeah he one of them sis"
"Okay well come at 6 cause you know you got all that hair"
"ill be there at 5:30"
"okay sis, I'll here"

I hung up the phone with Vanessa, I was so excited cause one thing about Vanessa is she gon slay some hair regardless. I still have to take amir to the doctor today for his heart and I know Karlynn probably busy, but I'm gonna see what she is doing before hand. I got up outta my bed and went back to Amir's room. I un hooked his breathing machine for a second and hooked him to his oxygen tank. The thought of my baby once being healthy but now requiring so much help hurts me. He only 3 years old, lord he don't need this. Amir smiled. I think he knew he finally can get out his bed.

Amir reached his arms up. I grabbed him and picked him up. He smiled really hard. I damn near cried. He shook his head no and pointed at the floor. "Baby, you sure you can walk?" he nodded his head. I crouched down til his feet touched the floor. He took a few steps from the door stubbled and held the wall then took off walking to the bathroom by himself. I smiled. "Awwn" I said. I went in the bathroom behind him and he was already taking off his clothes. I started his tub water and grabbed his toys and filled the tub up with oatmeal bubble bath. I helped him stepped into the tub and sit down. He got so excited and started clapping his hands "Yayyy" I said, as I clapped my hands. I took a picture of him and sent it to Lynn. She is gonna be so happy to see him outta bed.

I started washing Amirs back and his hair, He kept closing his eyes. I was guessing that warm water made him feel good. I was so happy. Nobody understands the love I have for each and every last one of my children. I don't care what happens to me in life, I'll be there every step of the way. Knock Knock! "Yes" I said. KJ popped his head in the bathroom. "Uh ma" he said. "What boy?" I asked. "Its some man at the door looking for Karlynn" He said. "A Man ??" I asked. "Hold on, stay in here and watch yo brother" I said as I stood up from the bathtub ledge and walked to the door. I walked downstairs and the door was cracked. I seen some young man standing there with all back on.

"Can I help you ?" I asked as I crossed my arms. I opened the door and checked outside and seen the hellcat. Oh this the hellcat boy. "Hey, I don't mean no harm" he said. "My name is Demetri, I am a friend of your daughter and she left her jacket with me" he said handing me Karlynn's jacket. Out the corner of my eye I seen his window drop and some chick was hanging her arm out the window taking pictures. "Well, thank you" I said as I granned her jacket out his hands. I then motioned to close the door. "Wa ww-wait" said Demetri as he stopped the door. "Can you have Lynn call me?" he asked. "I'll see what I can do" I said as I shut the door. I rolled my eyes. I walked back up to the bathroom and Kj and Amir was splashing each other with the water.

"Okay-okay" I said as I laughed. Amir was looking like he was having fun. "Thanks Jr" I said as he stood up and I sat back on the ledge of the tub. I washed Amir up one last time. I drained the water out out and grabbed his dry off towel. "Alright Mir, lets get lotioned up and your clothes on" I said as I picked him up. I grabbed his oxygen tank, and walked back to his room with him. After we walked in the room I closed his room door and let him stand up by his bed. Amir lifted his arm up and showed me his muscles. "Awwn you showing mommy your muscles?" I asked. He nodded then cracked a smile. I grabbed his lotion and lotioned him up, got him dressed and got him back in bed with some toys. I have to get in the shower next.

"KJ!!!" I yelled as I walked out of Amir's room. "Yes ma?" KJ answered after opening his room door. "Can you sit in your bother's room with him while I take a quick shower ?" I asked. "Of Course" he said while walking to Amir's room and closing the door. I smiled. My kids definitley don't play about each other. I walked into my room. Grabbed a simple t-shirt, my leggings and nike runners and placed them on my bed. I grabbed my underwear and bra as well and laid them on my bed. I took my robe off, grabbed my body towel and went in my bathroom. I turned the shower on, got in and washed my body. I hope my baby heart is improving, and he be okay. I pray everynight for him, but I know its gonna get better. I lathered my body in the suds of soap and rinsed my body off after each wash. After I was clean enough, I turned the water off, stepped out my shower and then grabbed my body towel and went back into my room. I dried off, lotioned myself down and started brushing my hair. I added some curl cream to make my curls pop out.

After getting ready. I went in my drawers and scrambled around for Amir's Medical Insurance cards and his information. threw mail around until I seen this red envelope. "August" I read out loud. I opened the evelope and there was a card inside. I pulled the card out and a ring fell out. "Oh my god" I said. I opened it and it said:

No matter what happens to me and you, you will forever be in my heart. I want to pop that question but I know it would be a problem that a million man march couldnt handle. So here is a ring to remind you of that deep love we once shared.- August.

I teared up a bit. I wiped my face and grabbed Amir's insurance card and grabbed my purse. I walked back into Amir's room and opened the door. Amir was sleep and KJ was on his phone playing a game. "Thanks KJ" I said. "You welcome ma" said KJ as he stretched. I grabbed Amir and picked him up, grabbed his oxygen tank and wheeled it out his room. "Mommy, I wanna go with you" said Khadija. She was coming up the stars with cheez its and juice in her hand. "Khadija you can come with me next time" I said as I carefully stepped down the stairs. "Hey" I said as she walked pass me. Khadija looked back at me. "Dont get juice everywhere in your room" I said. "Okay mommy" she said as she pranced to her room. I grabbed my car keys and went to the garage and locked the garage door behind me. I put Amir in his car seat, buckled him in and closed his door. I walked to my car door and got in and started up the car.

I checked the time it was 2:15pm. "Shit,his appointment in 15 mins" I said as I threw my seat belt on. I buckled my seat belt and started to pull back out the driveway. I pulled out to the street and pressed the remote to close and lock my gate up. I pulled off and headed to the highway. I was speeding a lil bit trying not to miss this appointment. I turned the radio on and I was singing. I smiled. "Oh my god, this is me and August song" I said. Its called "Not Suppose To Be In Love". We made this song around the time me and Kendrick broke up for a while and I was seeing August. The song is basically 2 lovers who have significant others but deep in love with each other. "ANDDD WEEEE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE THIS DEEEEEEEEEP" I sang. Tears started flowing my eyes as I sang. I get so emotional when I hear our songs. " I GOT NO BUSINESS BEING WITH YOU BAE BAYYYY" I sang. "BUT, MY BODY WANT YOU BOYYY, ITS CRAYY ZAYYYYYY" I sang my part of the song. "WHEN YOU GON TELL YO MAN YOU LOVE MEEE" I sang August part. "WHEN YOU TELL YO GURL YOU LUST FOR MEEEEE" I sang. I looked back in the back seat and Amir was woke and smiling at me.

"You hear mommy and your daddy?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded his head. I smiled back and kept driving. I got off the exit to the hospital and took a left at the light. I parked in the hospitals ramp and got Amir out the car. I grabbed his oxygen tank and we walked hand in hand into the hospital. We stood in the short line at the front desk. "Next in line" said the lady. I walked up to the counter. "Hello I am checking in for my son "Amir Alsina" I said. The lady checked us in. "Alright, just take a seat in the lobby and you guys should be called back in a bit" said the lady. "Thank you" I said as I walked Amir to the lobby and we sat down.


Knock Knock Knock !!.

I checked my phone it was about 4:00pm. This better be my babydad, cause I been told him he was to be here about an hour ago and its been about 3 damn near. I checked the peephole and it was not Keyair. I went and grabbed my gun because it was S.G. "Wassup ?" I answered through the door. "Yo baby daddy here ?" he asked. "Um no, you know where he lives" I said. "Ight" he said as he walked off. I immediately got angry. "This nigga got niggas coming to my crib, looking for him and he not even here. I checked outside my window, and seen S.G was by himself in a Honda Accord. I rolled my eyes and facetimed Keyair. It rang all the way through the first time, then hung up.

"This nigga never answers his fucking phone" I said as I walked back to my room and flopped down on my bed. I called again. He answered by the second ring.

"Babymom, Imma be there soon.."
"Nah you need to get here right the fuck now"
"What happened?"
"S.G. Snake ass just came to my house knocking on my door"
"What the fuck"
"Oh nah, I'm on my way na"
"What he say?"
"He asked was you here and I told him he knows where you live"
"Yeah, babymama, I'mma have to smoke his ass"
"Get yo ass over here, and bring me some fucking food"
"Okay, okay"
"Ill be there"

I hung up the phone and went in my bathroom and pissed. After wiping myself I washed my hands and went back into my room and turned on my TV. I turned on the food network channel and watched Master Chef. After about 20 mins, my phone started ringing. "Hello" I answered. "Baby unlock the door I got this food in my hands" said Keyair. "Okay" I said. I hung up the phone and unlocked the door. I stood in the kitchen to get me some water. Keyair opened the door and walked in with some hot wings from this other chicken spot by my mama house. "Damn you was out my my mom crib?" I asked. "Yeah I had some stains out there" he said. Keyair sat the food down on my table. I grabbed the bag right after. "Damn can yo babydaddy have a hug?" he asked. "Yeah" I said smiling.

I walked over to him and held my arms out. We hugged and I swear felt like I was floating and that the time was going slow. Our souls connect in a way that nobody could understand. He let me go and we looked in each other eyes and kissed. It was passionate, I felt loved for the first time in a while. We pulled back from each other. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said back. I let him go and walked back around the table and grabbed the mild wings out. "Fatty" Keyair Teased. "Shut up" I said as I opened the wing box and grabbed my ranch. "I see some Honey Glazed wings, I know you aint sitting here calling me Fatty" I said. Keyair smiled and took his hoodie off, then his shirt. I looked at him and just admired his body.

He grabbed his bag with his wings. "What gurl, you like what you see a some?" Asked Keyair. "Yeah, I like what I see" I said. We started laughing. "Lets go in my room" I said. "And watch Master Chef?"mocked Keyair. "How you know what I be watching?" I asked. "Um hello, you lived with me" he reminded me. I laughed and we grabbed our food, I spreaded a towel out and we sat our food on top and I un paused the TV. This time we sharing is priceless. I am glad I put my pride aside and trying this out again. I still think about Demetri and wonder does he think about me. That boy was beyond beautiful. But, Keyair the love of my life. I can't play with what the heart wants.

I ate all my wings and drunk all of my lemonade Keyair got me. I got up and went in the kitchen threw my food away and washed my hands. Keyair followed behind me and threw his food away and washed his hands too. "Thanks babydad" I said giving him another hug. "Anything for my baby" he said hugging me. "I owe you a steak dinner from Ruth Chris" I added. Keyair smacked his lips. "You just wanna go so yo fat ass can eat" he teased. I pushed him. "Shut up" I said. "Don't be pushing me gurr" said Keyair as he walked up on me. "Or what ?" I said. He grabbed my neck and kissed me again. I was getting so turned on. He picked me up and sat me on the counter and kept kissing me and then started kissing my neck after he grabbed my ass.

"You can have sex right?" asked Keyair as he took my shirt off. "I ain't that far long, so of course" I said with attitude. "Oh yeah, its on" He said biting his lips. I laughed as he picked me up. We kept kissing as we went to my room. He laid me on the bed and snatched my pajama shorts off me. I pulled my panties off by myself. I was ready than I ever been for him. He took his pants off, pulled me closer and pulled his boxers down. He tapped like 3 times, stuck the tip in me and then held my legs as he stroked. I felt the room spinning, I thought of our past and what I been through with this boy, I thought about my baby and us in the future. "This my man" I said in my head as I closed my eyes and held onto him tighter. I moaned louder as he went deeper. This boy was actually making love to me, this was no ordinary sex from him.


I check my phone and I am right on time at the "Peaches Salon". I smiled as I rolled up my windows, got out the car and shut the door. This was the salon I got built for me and my Bestie. Vannessa was a stripper back when we was coming up. We was 21 when we met Kendrick and Drock. So once I was pregnant with Karlynn, I found out about the money I had. Moved to a bigger house, a fucking Malibu Mansion at that. That's when I started talking to Vanessa about what she wanted to do as a career. My bestie told me she was into the hair thing. So I said I would not mind investing in my dearest friend. Like I am sorry thats like the sister I never had.

So we already planned to have a hair salon with a beauty bar inside. Then Vanessa came up on some money to renovate her house, by that time Kendrick was coming home and needed a place to be. It was Vanessa's Idea for him to come over eventually to meet his daughter(Karlynn). But, baby that turned to something way beyond a child knowing her daddy. I fell in love soon after he found out. Anyways, after Vanessa had her abortion, she came to me asking if I'd sell my half of ownership, cause by that time we been opened the shop doors. So me knowing her situation and what was going on in her life. I gave it to her for free. Thats my bestfriend, I'd die for that bitch right now today.

I locked my car doors held my purse and walked up to the salon. "Damn Ma!!" yelled a voice. It was the neighborhood drug dealer. Marquis. I know that Man's voice from a mile long. "Marquis" I said. He got silent. I turned around and took my shades off. He swallowed hard. "Oh shit" he said as I turned all the way around and walked towards him. "King K's wife" he said. I smirked. See Marquis was running drugs for Kendrick through the neighborhood I haven't seen him in over 10 years. "How you been?" I asked. "Good, taking care of my family" he said as he scratched his head. "Thats good, how is you and Yolanda's baby?" I asked. "Oh lil Yaniya? She is so beautiful you got to see her" said Marquis as he pulls out his phone and goes through his pictures.

Marquis gave me his phone. "Awwn, She looks just like Yolanda" I said as I held my chest. "Yeah she's my baby" he said. "Bitch come on" said Vanessa. "Gurl I'm coming I ain't seen Marquis in a minute" I said as I waved her off. "Well Marquis, I gotta get this hair slayed" I said as I reached out to him. I put my arms out to motion him to a hug. We hugged. "Ight, take care of yoself na" said Marquis. I walked to the shop and opened the door. I seen a few new faces in the shop, and some that been there for a while. "HEYYY KARLYYYY" said almost everyone as I stepped all the way in. "Hey, Monique, Quesha, Kayla" I greeted. "Hey TT" said a Voice. I took my shades off and Seen Delilah. "Oh my god, my baby" I said as I ran over to her and hugged her.

Delilah was doing nails in the shop. "TT gon let you do her nails baby" I said after I hugged her. "Okay TT" said Delilah. I took my jacket off and hung it at the door and put my shades in my purse and sat it at Vanessa's station. I sat in Vanessa's chair and she put the cape around my neck. "Heyy bitch, fake ass ho" said Vanessa. "Hoe don't start" I said. Vanessa took the clips out of my hair. "How my neices and Nephew been doing ?" asked Vanessa. "Girl" I said popping my neck. "Lynn's damn near 3 months pregnant" I said. "WHATTT!!" yelled Vanessa. "Yes gurl, she got her a little family going with her babydaddy and all" I said. "She graduated?" asked Vanessa as she parted through my head. "Yup, early" I said. "Ohh shit, I gotta get her something" said Vanessa. "Igh sis get up and go to the sink" said Vanessa. I got up and walked to the sink. "Monique, I think I'ma need a facial did" I said as I walked pass. I got an opening if you wanna jump in after yo style" she said. "Kayla?"I called. "Yes Karly" she answered. "I need some lashes did" I said. "Okay you just tryna get snatched up today" said Vanessa as she walked towards me.

"Yes Ma'am." I said swaying my body in the sink seat. "Who's the lucky guy?" asked Vanessa. "Oh bestie, he is a Real Estate Agent" I said as the water pour onto my hair. "Ohh, look at you taking a break from the hood niggas" said Vanessa as she pumped shampoo in her hands. "Gurl, he is so fine... Like he chocolate, built.. got all his teeth and they white as snow" I described. "Ouu" said Vannessa as she scrubbed in my scalp. "Yes and he smells so good girl like I know expensive men colongne when I smell it" I said. We started cracking up. "He sounds nice" said Vanessa. "Gurl yes, and he's paid girl" I said. "Okay, cause you be finding them paid niggas" said Vanessa as she rinsed out my hair.

Vanessa finished rinsing and conditioning my hair then, I got up and when to her chair so she could blow dry my hair. "So do you plan on giving this man the goods today?" asked Vanessa as she rubbed leave in conditioner in my head. "Gurl, no" I said. Vanessa stopped the blow dryer and it was silent for about 10 seconds. "What??" I asked as I looked back at her. "Bestfriend?" said Vanessa. "What?"I answered. "Tell me, your best friend the truth" she said. "Look I am serious, you know what I have been through" I said. "You right" she said. "Look, I'm actually gonna date this man and find out who he is before the cooch is handed over" I said. Everybody started cracking up. "Monique you hear this gurl?" asked Vanessa. "Long as we known her" said Monique. I started laughing. "Yall I'm grown now and I'm serious" I said. "Okay Bestie let me leave you be" said Vanessa as she finished blow drying my hair.

Vanessa finished my hair in 2 hours. I then got to Monique's chair, got a quick facial, laid in Kayla's table and got some big lashes. I then got to my baby Delilah's chair. Delilah is 14 now and has been working in her mama shop since she was 10 doing nails. "Okay Auntie, I got you the gold nails with the red bottom insides to match them shoes you talking about. I lifted mt fingernails up and stared at them. "Ouu baby girl these are nice" I said. Delilah had my nails jeweled up. I pulled out 400 dollars out my purse and laid it on the table for her. "Thanks Auntie" she said."You welcome baby, I want you to come over next weekend you and your sister so ya'll can be around us" I said as I got up. "Your fake ass mama, should be coming to see us regularlly" I added.

"Get your skank ass outta her ho" said Vanessa as she laughed. I stuck my middle finger up at her. "Nah bestie, I do wanna sit and have a drink and cath up with you on things" said Vanessa. "Okay, just call me baby" I said. "Okay everybody, yall have a goodnight" I said. I looked at my watch and it was 7:00pm. "Bye Karly" Said everyone as I left. I walked out the door and unlocked my car and drove towards my home. I played the radio hoping I could hear me sing again. My dreams of being the biggest popstar over and its time to invest into life and focus on my kids.

I got home after 30 mins, Unlocked my garage and pulled into the garage. I got out the car, locked it twice and walked in the house. "Kids, I'm home" I said as I put my purse down. KJ came from down the stairs and smiled at me. "You look beautiful mom" he said smiling. "Thanks Jr" I said as I blew a kiss his way. "Amir's down for bed ?" I asked. "Yeah" he said. "And Khadija?" I asked as I took my shoes off. "Yup, and might wanna whoop her...yea she went in Lynn's old room and took out all that gurls clothes and shoes" he added. I rolled my eyes. "That little gurl is gonna be the death of me" I said. "Well, I need you to be the man of the house tonight while I go out on a date" I said. "Okay" said KJ. I walked up the stairs and KJ went into his room. I walked in my room and my dress was still laid on the bed and my heels.

I checked the time and it was going on 7:30pm. I already had my dress on and I was practicing runway walking in them. I thought about August taking me to the Red Carpet back then. I met Chris Brown, Jacquees and many more celebrities.  I walked back into my room after pacing the hallway and my phone was buzzing off the hook. I grabbed my phone quickly and answered it. "Hello" I answered. "Hey Beautiful" greeted Amiri. I smiled as his voice filled my ear. "You ready?" he asked. "Yes I am" I said. "Okay, well my driver will be coming to get you in about 5 mins" he said. "Okay, thanks for a good time, this was greatly needed" I said. "You aint had a good time yet mama" he explained. "ouuu okay, well see you soon" I said. "Later" he said as he hung up the phone.

I grabbed my clutch purse and made sure I had my keys. I went to my safe and grabbed Kendricks small revolver. My kids right, this man maybe crazy. I dont know and I hope I dont find out. Nah let me stop, I just be needing a lil bit of protection when I be out, I got people after me little do I know. My doorbell rang, and I knew it was the driver. "KJ" I called. "Yes ma" he aswered as he came into my room. "I am about to leave, you are in charge and do not open this door for nobody" I said. "Okay ma" he said. I grabbed my clutch and walked down the stairs and to the door. I opened the door and a white man with a black tuxedo and black hat stood there. "Good Evening, Madame" he greeted. "Hello Sir" I said as I lifted my dress from my heels.

"Mr Amiri has ordered me to pick you up and take you to the location in which you are to meet" said the driver as he grabbed my hand and walked me to the limosuine. The Driver opened the car door and I stepped in. I seen a bottle of champagne in ice and a glass, a bouquet of flowers and chocolates. "Ouu this is nice" I said as I sat all the way in the limo. The driver shut the door. I looked and seen a card sticking out the flowers. I grabbed it and it said:

To the prettiest woman
to the Mother of 4
I wanna appreciate you
a little more
Tell me your desires
Where you wanna go?
I dont know your secerts
but soon I'll know
be my woman
be the one for me
bill me with your love
and I'll pay the fee
Tell me what you want
I'll have it the next day
love is a strong word
I'm hercules at play
If we met years ago you'd be my wife
Just trust me once
with your life
-Love Amiri

"Awwn" I said. "He is so romantic" I said placing the card to my chest. I grabbed the chocolates. The chocolate's wrapper has Amiri's face on them. "Ohh my god, he is so corny for this" I giggled. I unraveled the chocolate and popped it in my mouth, it had a caramel filling in the inside. "MMM, he probably taste just like this" I said. I grabbed the bottle of champagne and popped the cork and poured me a glass of it. I sat the bottle back down and began sipping the champagne in the glass. I know I am gonna have a great time. I cannot wait to tell Vanessa about this night.

After about 30 mins, the limo stopped. The Limo driver got out the car. I grabbed for my clutch purse and my phone. "Enjoyed the treats he prepared for you?" asked the driver as he opened the door. I stuck my hand out for him to assist me out the car as I grabbed my phone that just dropped out my other hand. As my hand was grabbed, I was walked into Amiri. Amiri helped me out the limo. We stared into each other's eyes. "You looking for me?" he asked. "Yeah, found you" I said as I placed my arms around his neck. I looked at his lips then back at him. "You enjoyed that champagne?" he asked as he leaned in. We kissed passionatley for a minute. I pulled away ready to devour him. "Come on" said Amiri as he grabbed my hand and walked me into this fancy resturant. I have never been here before.

When we walked in the host did not say a word, he just grabbed some silverware and walked us to the way back into a private area. "Wow, you own this place?" I asked. "Nah, Im an investor" he said. We walked to the private dining area which was through two big glass gold doors.  Amiri pulled my chair out and I sat down and he pushed me in. He went around and sat in his seat. The host gave us glasses, placed our silverware down and poured us each a glass of wine. "Your waiter shall be with you shortly" said the host as he walked away.

"You look so beautiful right now" said Amiri. "Thanks, you look handsome as well" I complimented. "Thanks, my love" he said. We both grabbed our wine glasses at the same time. The waiter entered the room through the glass door and walked to our table. "Amiri, how are you my friend?" said the waiter. "Good Ralph, just enjoying the wine" said Amiri. The waiter looked at me. "And who is this supermodel?"asked Ralph. Ralph grabbed my hand and kissed it. "This is my woman, Karly" Amiri introduced me. "Madam, please" said Ralph. "Please tell me what you would like?" he said. Ralph showed me different meals on the menu. "Ill have this one" I said pointing at the lobster and shrimp N grits. "Ahh, good choice" said Ralph. "An Amiri, you getting the regular?" asked Ralph. "You know it" he said.

Ralph walked away and Amiri looked at me. I smiled. Amiri reached across the table and grabbed my hand. We locked eyes. "I never met a woman, so intelligent and beautiful as you are" Amiri said as he kissed my hand. "I never met a man more romantic, ambitious and self motivated as you are" I complimented. Amiri smiled showing his white teeth. Amiri wined and dined me. We talk about buisness and I told him about getting into the music buisness. Our dinner followed after.

After we finished eating. We walked outside and waited for the limo. I was drunk from the expensive wine. "Well this was a great night" said Amiri. "Lets make it marvelous" I said as I moved in closer to Amiri. I put my leg up and Amiri grabbed my leg and we tongue kissed. I was so turned on by him and the world was spinning. "Mmm, baby the limo here" said Amiri. I pulled away, wiped my lipstick off his face and we walked to the limo. I got in and Amiri followed.  I sat in the seat and put my leg over Amiri's leg. "More champagne?" asked Amiri. "Dont mind if I do" I said. I grabbed the champagne and drank it down. "Damn baby slow down, you aint gon make it home" said Amiri. "Okay, okay" I said. Amiri began kissing on my neck.

I started thinking about my friends at the shop. I told them that I would not give it up. I pushed Amiri back from me. "Whats wrong baby?" said Amiri as he looked in my eyes and held me. "Lemme guess, you told yo home gurls you wasnt gonna give it up?" he asked. I started dying laughing. Last thing I remember was drinking champagne and everything went black from there.

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