The Butterfly Dynasty

By Rouge_Renegade

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Follow Star and Marco's journey in this new world with difficulty along the way. But fate was always inevitab... More

Chapter Two: New Beginnings
Chapter Three: Loose Ends
Chapter Four: A Day At Echo Creek Academy
Chapter Five: Ludo Vs The Forces Of Evil
Chapter Six: Parallel Beginnings
Chapter Seven: The ''Earthni'' Players
Chapter Eight: The Imperfect Date
Chapter Nine: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Ten: Rebirth
Chapter Eleven: Bittersweet Alliances
Chapter Twelve: The Forces Of Evil?
Chapter Thirteen: The Butterfly........
Chapter Fourteen: .........And The Dragon
Chapter Fifteen: Battle of The Star-Crossed Lovers Part One
Chapter Sixteen: Battle of The Star-Crossed Lovers Part Two

Chapter One: Together At Last, Except.....

342 4 0
By Rouge_Renegade



Star and Marco instinctively hugged each other at the sight of one another, thinking that they will not see each other again.

I thought I might never see you again, Marco said.

Same here, Star responded.

The now reunited couple look to their surroundings and realise what had just happened. Did we do all this, Star replied. 

I guess, Marco responded.

It's very surreal and pretty, Marco replied.

Oh god, what did we do, everything is in chaos, oh no, I messed up big, Marco, we messed up big time, Star said in a panicky tone. Star was hyperventilating at the aftermath, was destroying magic the way to go, there could have been another way, she thought to herself, Star was way in over her head, Marco consoled her.

Hey, don't worry, we'll get through this, we always have, sure things are very different now, but we will get through this, together, Marco responded. Star knew her best friend, now boyfriend would say that he always had a way with words.

So, what do we do now? Star asked. 

Well, I guess we find our friends and our parents, they're probably wondering what the hell just happened, Marco said.

Well, what are you waiting for, let's go find them, Star said.

Together, the newly reunited couple go in search of their friends and family.

 Moon and Eclipsa's POV's moments before the Cleaving

So, Moon, what now, now that magic and the Butterfly Monarchy are at an end, what do want to do now? Eclipsa asked.

I don't know, all my life, I was raised with one purpose, to lead Mewni, I mean when you took over, it was an opportunity to finally wind down, but your ruling did leave some complaints, Moon responded.

Moon of course was referring to the Mewmans kicked out of their homes and soon became a Defacto leader for what River call the "Yurt Village".

Oh right, sorry about that, but I mean right now, what do want to do now? Eclipsa said.

Well, I did want to..............

But before Moon could say anything further, River interrupted her. What is it, River? Moon asked.

Uh, when you destroyed magic and all, was a big portal in the sky part of that, River asked.

Portal in the sky? What are you talking about, Moon asked.

He means that, Eclipsa and Globgor both pointing up in the sky.

Wait is that Star running towards the portal, Globgor pointed out.

Eclipsa took noticed and informed Moon, Uh Moon don't want to worry you and all, but your daughter is running towards the portal.

Star......................... wait. Moon said.

River, Moon, Eclipsa and Globgor, who is holding baby Meteora all make a dash for the portal but were immediately met with a flash of white.

Moments later, the white flash receded back and all the adults + Meteora were met with the sight of the cleaving, they were all in awe and shock at their new surroundings.

What is all of this? The adults questioned.

It seems like Mewni fused with what looks like Diaz's hometown, River said.

And how would you even know that? Eclipsa, Globgor and Moon all simultaneously ask.

What do you mean Moonpie, don't you remember, I've visited Earth back when we sent Star here to train her magic, River responded.

Oh right, I guess that slipped my mind, Moon said.

But still, I wonder why our world merge with Marco's, Moon added.

I think that Star couldn't bear to live a life without Marco, she said she wanted to stay on Earth when the Realm of Magic was collapsing, clearly Star became the person, because she had Marco by her side, she had to give up on the best thing to ever happen in her life, for her world, her people. She made a tough choice, but it seems that she was given a second chance. Eclipsa replied.

Ok, I get your point, but why is what I'm asking? Moon said.

I think that Marco wasn't able to return to Earth, so when Star landed back in the Realm of Magic, it was just her and Marco, so whatever they did in those final moments must have been the cause of all of this, Eclipsa responded.

But that's impossible, how could both of them, especially Marco, have all that power to create all of this, Moon says while referring to their new surroundings.

That, I can't answer, but it seems we might have to keep an eye on Diaz, Eclipsa added.

Agreed, but shouldn't we find him and Star now, Moon added.

Right, so what are we waiting for, let's go find them? Eclipsa replied.

And with that Moon, Eclipsa, River and GloItbgor all go in search of Star and Marco.

Back to the Present

Star and Marco are wondering around town, for the most part, some residents were freaking out with their new surroundings, but Star was on Earth for the better part of a year, they should have at least been partially adjusted to that, but I guess that doesn't compute. Others were in awe or in shock with what just happened, soon enough Star and Marco did run into Tom and Ponyhead.

Tom, Ponyhead, oh it's so great that we found you guys, Star said.

Star and Marco? both of them said in unison.

Wait, so that portal I told you about, did it create all of this? Tom asked.

In a way, yes it did, Star replied.

Oh, so I guess you and Marco are together now, Tom said.

You mean together as in our worlds, or as a couple? Marco asked.

Both actually, but more about you two being a couple now, I mean congrats dude, Tom said.

Thanks Tom, Star and Marco both said.

And you Ponyhead? Star asked.

I.......Uh........Um.....Ehhh, was all Ponyhead could say.

Really Ponyhead, Tom says while nudging her.

Oh alright, I am so happy for both of, took you long enough, Ponyhead said.

What do mean by that? The couple said.

I mean, you both had feelings for each other but always presented it at the wrong times, hence delaying your inevitable hook up, Ponyhead said.

You know what Ponyhead, fair enough, your actually right about that, Marco said.

Same here, Star also said.

Well now that the elephant in the room is out of the way, what do we do now, Ponyhead said.

Well, Marco and I were going to find our family and other friends, care to join? Star asked.

Eh, why not, got nothing else to do now, oh wait maybe I can........Ponyhead responded.

Maybe later, you already gave your answer, so you must come with us, Star said.

Tom, care to join us, Marco asked.

Uh, ok, I was going to find Janna myself, but sure, I'll join in, Tom said.

Wait, why would you want.......Oh........ Marco said with a smug look.

Marco, what with the face, Star asked.

Marco whispers to Star his response.

Ohhhhhhh, that actually make sense, Star said, who is now supporting the same smug look as Marco.

I don't get, Ponyhead said.

Don't worry, we'll tell you later, Star said.

Uh Star, Marco what's with the look..........wait....... it's not what you think, I was just concerned, you know, as a friend. Tom said sheepishly.

Oh, Okay Tom, Star and Marco sarcastically said.

Soon enough Star, Ponyhead, Marco and Tom join up and continue the search for their loved ones in this new world, they would soon stumble across Janna, Jackie and her new Girlfriend, Chole.


Can you see her, Moon asked.

No, I cannot, Globgor said while size shifting to being huge.

Globgor shrunk down to normal size, sadly Eclipsa, River and Moon also weren't able to track Star and Marco. Eventually the four of them had bumped into Marco's Parents, Angie and Rafael Diaz and their daughter, Mariposa Diaz.

Wait, River, Moon is that you, The Diaz Parents both exclaimed.

Yes, it is, River responded.

Great, so mind telling us what just happened right now with our surroundings? The Diaz Parents asked.

Right, your Marco's Parents, have you seen him by any chance, Moon asked.

Uh, not really, the last time we saw him, he was running towards a portal of sorts, Angie said.

Huh, funny enough, Star did the exact same thing, Moon said.

Oh, but that still doesn't answer what happening now, and from the looks of it, it seems to involve you, so, care to answer. Angie said.

Look, I'm trying to look for my daughter, I know you have questions about what just happened, I assure you, you will know in time, but first, I'm looking for my daughter, she might be with your son, so care to join us in this search party for our kids, Moon replied.

Angie and Raphael nodded in agreement and joined River, Moon, Globgor and Eclipsa in the search for Star and Marco. 

Back to Star and Marco's POV

Star, Marco, Tom and Ponyhead are continuing their search for their family and friends.

Wait, Tom, Ponyhead, shouldn't you be looking for your families? Star asked.

Oh, we already did Star, they are well and ok, it was actually the first thing Ponyhead and I did when all this happened, I mean technically The Underworld and Cloud Kingdom were a part of Mewni, so it did make sense for those area to be a part of this new world, Tom responded.

Oh, what a relief, Star said.

Soon enough Star, Marco, Tom and Ponyhead passed by Echo Creek Academy and found Janna, alongside Jackie and her new GF, Chole and the whole student body of Echo Creek Academy.

Star and Marco's faces soon became a bright red in embarrassment (Huh, reminds me of a certain Cotton Candy Haired Goddess, or am I just imagining stuff, anyways back to the story). 

Hey guys, what's up, haven't been here in a while, right Marco, Star said.

Oh yes, it been a while, anything interesting happen while we were gone, Marco sarcastically replied.

I Dunno, you ask us, does all of this have something to do with you? One of the ECA Students asked while gesturing their hands to their new surroundings.

Uh, I cannot confirm nor deny what you just said, Star replied.

How about you, Safe Kid, another student said.

Oh, come on, I thought we were past that, I mean becoming Best Friends with Star really changed me for the better, if something, I'm anything but safe now, Marco exclaimed.

But your still my safe kid, Star remarked.

Not here Star and I think you just blew it, Marco replied.

Blew what??????? Star responded.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh crap, right, Star said.

Star immediately regreted saying that because now, their peers just put two and two together.

Wait, are you two officially a couple now, everyone but Tom and Ponyhead.

Well, I guess it's out of the bag, so yes, Marco and I are a couple now, Star answered.

ABOUT DAMN TIME, they all shouted.

Star and Marco were like What!

What do you mean by About Damn Time, Marco said.

I mean you two were so cute together, you two did so much stuff together, at that point you felt like a couple, but you officially weren't. But I guess better late than never, Sabrina said.

Thanks, Star and Marco simultaneously said while blushing to that response.

Tell us what happened after you left Earth, it seemed urgent, Hope said.

So urgent that your new boyfriend had to check up on you and wounded up staying there for an entire year, Megan responded.

And what was up with you on Jackie's Skateboard skating towards the gas leak, Marco's only Earth friends before Star said.

Look I get you have a lot of questions about what Star, and I have been up to for the last year, but we are looking for our families, so Star and I have to get moving, Tom, Ponyhead, you coming? Marco said.

Uh, you know what, I'll stay behind, Ponyhead said.

Why is that Star questioned.

Oh, nothing, just want to familiarize myself with this new world, Ponyhead said sarcastically.

Well okay, Tom, you still with us, Star replied.

Oh yeah coming, Janna, wanna come with, Tom asked.

I mean, if it means not having to attend school today, then I'm in, Janna answered.

Janna would soon join Star, Marco and Tom on their quest to find Star and Marco's families.

So, anyone got dirt on Marco, Ponyhead said.

We heard that, Star and Marco said in unison.

While Janna was being caught up with recent events, they view this new world, a new beginning for all Mewman, Human and Monster kind. Things changed, new areas were created, some they remember but it looks different now.

Soon enough, both parties located each other and embraced a warm return. Star and Marco, both united with their Parents. After some explaining of the events that transpired, they were all on even ground now, although while Star embraced both her parents, she still couldn't trust her own Mother, after what she just did, Star remains skeptical with her mother's motives, even though Magic is gone.

Moon recognized the look on Star's face, she knew what she did, and wasn't proud of it, but would try to earn her daughter's love and trust. As of now Moon wasn't completely off the hook with Star, but for now, they need to focus on bringing order to the residents of this new world and establish what happens from here, this is to further prevent any more chaos.

Some Time Later..........

Order, Order everyone, settle down, The Mayor of what was formerly Echo Creek said.

Now, now this is a lot to handle folks, the mayor said.

Handle?!!?!?, there's monsters and giant creatures roaming the streets, an Echo Creek resident said.

Hey, who your calling monster, we are just as confused and scared as you mewmans are, a monster responded.

Uh, its Human actually, another resident chimed in.

Mewman, Human, what's the difference, another monster replied.

They can't be trusted, some Mewmans said.

Hey, we have bigger problems, and you still have beef with us for no reason, a group of monsters said.

The commotion was getting overwhelming between the 3 factions, eventually they had to be silenced by one of Globgor's roars, this got everyone's attention.

Uh, thank you..... big reddish-purple monster, the mayor said.

Now, this is going to get some getting used to, and to help me, is Eclipsa Butterfly, Moon Butterfly, Star Butterfly, who were reigning queens of Muni....Mewni, was it and our very own resident of Echo Creek, Marco Diaz.

Thank you, uh, Mr. Mayor, Eclipsa said. 

Now, this new world is new to all of us, we must set aside our quarrels and differences in order to survive and advance, but first you might have some questions on who we are, our history and more, so let's get started.

An Echo Creek resident raised their hand, do you have any harmful intentions to us humans? they asked.

Heavens No, we are not dangerous, well not anymore that is, Eclipsa said.

Eclipsa, not helping, Marco exclaimed.

Uh, are these monsters something we have to live with now, another resident asked.

Well, yes, but they don't mean any harm, they are just as confused as us, as long as you don't insult or mock them, then they'll be fine, Marco said.

And how do you know that? they asked in response.

Well, I did spend a year in their dimension, so I do have an understanding of how they live and all that.

Noted, the resident said.

What will happen to our homes, all three factions said.

Well, we did an aerial scan of this new world and as it turns out, only our town was affected by all this, no other country, town, city, nothing, it was as though Echo Creek was plucked from the face of the Earth. The Echo Creek Mayor said.

All the residents found this a bit shocking, mainly the humans, and surprisingly Star herself, she'd though all of Earth was affected, but no, only the place she was residing in the last year was affected, how strange.

We also discovered that all home belonging to Echo Creek residents is intact and are safe, The Mayor said.

Moon interrupted him by finishing his statement.

However, not all homes belonging to Mewmans and Monsters survived, Moon said.

This brought distraught amongst the Mewmans and Monsters.

So, where are we going to live now, A Monster asked.

Don't fret, we already have a solution, The Monster Castle and Yurt Village are intact, so, for now, all Monsters and Mewmans can reside in either location for the time being until a more permanent solution is finalized, Star responded.

This just caused further conflict between monsters and mewmans, clearly after what Star had pushed so hard for ever since her return to Mewni, toppled down like dominoes, she wanted to finally put an end to monster/mewman conflicts which had dated back to Mewni's founding.

Moon, Eclipsa, The Mayor, Globgor and Marco all tried to calm everyone down, but then........

ENOUGH!!!!!! Star said.

This got everyone's attention, particularly Moon and Marco's.

Seriously, even after all that has happened with Mewni, you still can't get along with one another, Star said.

Well, us Yurt people were had nowhere to go once Eclipsa gave our homes back to those filthy monsters, a bunch of Mewmans from Moon's settlement said.

Hey, who you are calling filthy, a Monster said.

Well, why didn't you go to Eclipsa for assistance when all that happened? Star responded.

Well, uhm, uhhhhh, I Dunno, the mewman said.

Eclipsa, would you have helped the mewmans, had they asked for your helped, Star asked.

Well certainly, but they never came to me for help, Eclipsa replied with.

See that settles it, us mewmans need to improve on ourselves if we are to co-exist with one another, Star said.

Oh, come on Star, are you seriously going to disrespect your own people, Moon said.

First of all, Mom, yes, I've seen how humans live and how we live, we are not suited whatsoever, the commonfolk are as dumb as bricks, they've only relied on a single food item that has been made into different products, some of which shouldn't even exist, our family has shoved the same propaganda down the throats of Mewmans for centuries, at least Eclipsa wanted to change that, but no the Magical High Commission and Yourself wanted to things to be the way they were, even when you regained your memories back, I had hoped part of your old self had  would fade from existence but nope, it's still inside of you, Star harshly responded with.

This made Moon feel even more guilty than before, but now, without magic and monarchy, Moon might have chance to be a good mother, and be a proper family. 

Star was stressed and needed to decompress, so Marco would take her somewhere to cool off, leaving Moon, The Mayor and Eclipsa to sort out any issues and call it a day.

Where are you taking me Marco, we need to go back, Star said.

Star, as your best friend and boyfriend, you need to ease down, you're basically becoming someone you swore you'll never become, remember what you wanted once you helped out Eclipsa? Marco replied.

To be a normal teenager, Star answered.

Yes, and what were you doing moments ago, Marco said.

Oh, right, guessed I did get carried away, but Marco, look at this, look at what we created, we can't ignore this, I get that I wanted to be like any other teenager, normal mundane activities, but I guess I can't afford such luxury, Star responded.

I know, you're right, but you can't keep going at it yourself, you have people who love you for who you are and will help you, no matter what, but promise me, take things one day at a time, I'll be there helping you every step of the way to rebuild both our worlds, together, Marco replied.

Thanks Marco, I needed that, say where did you want to take me? Star curiously asked.

I thought you would recognize this place; it was a historic moment for the two of us, Marco said.

Is that...... Star asked.

Stop 'n Slurp, why yes, yes, it is, the very place that would start our friendship and would change our lives forever, Marco said.

Aw Marco, that is so sweet of you to remember it like that, Star said.

Huh, I guess I really needed this, thanks Marco, for everything, if I wasn't paired up with you on that day, I would still be the same irresponsible, immature princess I was before, Star replied.

And I would still be safe kid with no confidence in asking out Jackie, when you came into my life, I thought it was a burden, but boy I was wrong, you being in my life was the best thing to ever happen to me, Marco responded.

Star was in tears after hearing that, the good kind that is.

After Star finally eased down, she wondered what would happen now?

Well, it's getting late, you want to spend the night at my place, Marco asked.

Sure, I'd love to, Star replied.

Star and Marco would soon arrive at the Diaz household, which is still intact, even the part of the house where Star's former room was. Star and Marco laid the details of today, and like always, Angie and Rafael were supportive like always.

Anyways, the Diazes, Star and Marco went to sleep shortly afterwards. It was stressful and tough day, but that's how it goes, the first day is always the hardest, but Star and Marco still had a long way to go with this new world and how to establish, well everything.

With that being the only thing for Star to handle, Star would have nothing else to worry about, absolutely nothing to worry about in the slightest.






Some Time Later.......

Star is fast asleep, but we cut to a full shot of Star's hands...........which have a faint glow to it, as do her cheeks, which shows the hearts she once had.

The glow then slowly fades away, as if nothing happened. 

But we soon cut to Marco, who like Star, had the same thing happen to him, except it was crescents instead of hearts, but also something bad, we get a faint glimpse of the stab wound Marco slowly making its way back, but it also fades away too.

Author's Note:  So, this my first attempt at a Star vs Fanfic, I am trying to make it as it were a continuation of the show, so no divergences whatsoever, no altering the canon show in anyway. Although I will make it so that this fanfic can reference other shows and possibly open it up to crossovers that could make sense based on what I write for this fanfic.

This Fanfic is very special and important, because, not sure if I should tease this now, yeah, why not. This fanfic will be essential for two upcoming fanfics that will be further discussed in detail, if people really want to know.

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