By Magical_LittleStar

212K 6.7K 1K

THE ROYAL COUPLE Meet Swasti Singh:- A Greek goddess with a unique personality, her life revolves around two... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14(Finally the wedding)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 27

3.4K 117 32
By Magical_LittleStar

Swast's pov

I got up the next day and got ready as I went to the dining room and greeted everyone and had breakfast laughing as I told them that I'll be going to meet Divya today and before leaving I gave everyone the good news that now the company's construction is going to start very soon!After breakfast I left to meet Divya and we did loads and loads of shopping as we also talked soooooo much I mean we had alot to catch up on so!

At around 4 I went back home and freshened up and sat on the couch posting today's pictures on Instagram and just when I was scrolling I saw that's bastard profile as suggestion and I decided to stalk him abit to find the account is private!But is he stupid or what!He is the fucking ass YUVRAJ of jaipur!He can't fucking have a private account!I mean u get it ya guys?!

I put away my thoughts and went down talked to everyone played games and had fun in short then at night we enjoyed gol gappas!I know,I know,it's a royal family but so what?Gol gappas are life Okay!

In short I slept after talking to mom and everyone,ofc not that bastard but I felt I should call him,idk why,it's like I'm missing him,but I hate him!And 3 reasons y I didn't call him,one is I HATE HIM!Two,I don't have his number!Three,even if I had his number what will i talk about?

So I just slept yet feeling as if something is missing.The next day I got up at 5 and had my breakfast and all and I took my bag and came down,not before checking I have everything I brought,and also packing my burkha,actually I didn't pack it last time as I wasn't the one packing and if someone sees a burkha with ME,meri toh band hi baj jayegi(My life will become a mess)So I packed it this time,I know I have no one there to go shopping secretly with but I took it as a memory!

At 7 I left after bidding everyone an emotional bye and getting an extremely beautiful set as a gift from ma and papa!As I made my way through the airport and I reached exactly at time so no problem!At around 10:30 our flight landed and I got out to see Ritika there,I went and hugged her as the driver kept my hand-bag in the car and me and ritika sat talking for years,as she told me how everyone missed me so damn much specially my food as I chuckled!When we reached home,mom was already waiting for us and I hugged mom and took blessings!

Mom:Now go freshen up and come down the lunch is already ready!(Mom said as I did so and me,Ritika and mom had a very fun lunch!As I had rest)

I didn't realise that I overslept it was 10:30 and I was lazy to go down plus I wasn't even hungry so I just ate some fruits in the room and did some time-pass and slept again not before feeling to go meet Vihaan and dropping the idea!


Months has passed with me and Vihaan ignoring each other the most we can!We were ignoring each other every way possible and when we met at the dining table or due to some work we behaved extremely cold with each other,and idk y but it's haunting me down,I have cried multiple times but I remember each and every word he said and humiliated me,and my anger again rises and I too behave the worst of me with him!The construction is also going on and next week I'll be going udaipur as bhai is also returning the same day,I'm going there and as promised I have to go to help them with everything.

As of now I have just come back from the construction site,as I went to the site directly from home and now it's 11:08 and I'm in my cabin chilling abit as someone knocked,

Swasti:Come in!

Ishaan:Good morning mam,sir has called u in his office!

Swasti:Good morning,Thank u,I'll be there!

He smiled as I returned it and he left.Chalo,let's go to the lions den,god knows what he now wants to fight on?

I knocked and entered after hearing the khadoos's famous GRUMPY COME IN!

Swasti:Good morning sir!(I said making him realise my presesnce)

Vihaan:We r going at a business party,I'll pick u up at 8 sharp!(He said after looking at me then back to his work)

But I don't think so I have clothes dude!

Swasti:Okay sir!(With this I left and since I don't either ways have any work today,I went home.)

When I reached I asked a helper where mom is,and went to the living room.

Swasti:Mom,will u please call Mr Arun,I have to go in an business party and I seriously don't have clothes!!!!(I said as soon as I barged in)

Mom:Omg,relax sweetheart,I've already called Mr arun,he is on his way as even Vihaan needs a tuxedo so he had already called and asked me to choose a tuxedo for him but now there is one problem,I have to go out,so will u choose a dress for urself and Vihaan please bacha!

Swasti:What!M..mee..I don't...don't know about tuxedo's and all,can Ritika choose instead pleaseeee!!!!????(I literally begged because I don't know anything about tuxedos and I also don't know that bastard choice and I just don't want to choose HIS tuxedo!)

Mom:She is in college!

Swasti:Ohh yeah!Umm kashi?

Mom:Yeah she can "help" u!Anyways I gotta go,bye bacha(Mom bid me bye going)


I called kashi as exactly at the time Mr arun came and he showed me sooooooo many dress but they all were like dresses u wear a to a ball and I was going in a business party so I told him to give something looking more elegant and not too fussy,he showed a number of things which were too reveling,finally I like one mermaid dress,it was green and wasn't tooooooo revealing considered to others,it covered till a inch below my neck and the back was in a U shape not revealing too much.I decided the jewellery and everything else.

And now I had to choose a tuxedo for that idiot!Mr a run started showing stuff but I didn't like a single one and honestly I didn't know how to choose a tuxedo so I asked kashi to help me out,Mr arun took a hour showing soooooooooooo many tuxedos and  after what felt like decades,me and kashi chose a navy blue-black tuxedo.

It was already 3:47 so me and kashi had lunch at tea time as i told one of the helpers to put the tuxedo in the room and I went up at 4:30 and called ishaan and asked everything necessary then I had a face mask while I scrolled insta and at 6 I started to get ready as kashi helped me with everything,and as for my makeup I just applied kajal,lipstick and abit of foundation and I was done as I'm not really a makeup person,I come in the laziness category so ofc I'm too lazy to put all that effort of applying primier,concealer(I just know these 2,makeup lovers can fill in more stuff).

I went down at 7:50 and took my purse and just when I was to step out Ranbir bhaiya and mom came in.

Mom:OMG!!U look gorgeous love!!!!)(Mom said amused as I smiled and hugged her as I said thank u!)

Ranbir:Even I'm coming so u owe me a dance,gorgeous(Bhaiya said taking my hand and kissing my knuckles as he bended a bit as a gentleman as I chuckled)

Swasti:Yes sure,handsome!(I said playing along and we all chuckled)

Bhaiya left to change as I told mom I need to go as that bastard has told me to come at sharp 8 so I walked out after taking mom's blessing!


Vihaan's pov

Today morning I woke up early and went for jogging,then went to the gym and had a bath and got ready as at 7:50 I went to the parking lot and drove to the entrance and waited as it's yet 7:56 so swasti yet has 4 mins to come,but she didn't come so at 8 I decided to go,let her die,she needs to be punctual!So I started to drive out when I saw her come out so I stopped,I didn't want to but idk y I just did automatically,she stood there for a whole fucking 1 minute when she finally decided to Come!

Vihaan:You are late!(I said driving as soon as she sat and put on the seat belt)

She looked at the time and it was 8:09 and She looked at him with an are-you-serious look.

Vihaan:Y were u late?And remember the reason must be logical enough or I'll leave u on the road!(I said losing my patience I mean she can't give me an are-you-serious look cause SHE is LATE!!!)

Swasti:You know what!Leave me on the road!(Is she getting pissed off on me?On MEEE?This is like Ulta chor kotval ko daate(The thief shouts at the policeman instead)U know what sure!)

I looked at her with an are-u-sure? Look

Swasti:No tell me what u think I am?Huh?I know u defiantly don't consider me as ur wife and honestly I'm glad of that and I also know that u don't respect women too,but now don't tell me that u don't think I'm a human being!Like seriously dude,I'm just fucking 10 actually ur too practical so I'm just 9 minutes late ok and even that,I'm not a velli(free) person that u randomly come up and tell get ready by 8 tomorrow we r going out and u just leave,I have work to do unlike u okay!(She said turning fully towards me,and removing all her anger)

OKAYYYY!I didn't know she can get so pissed off on THE VIHAAN RATHORE!But it kinda hurt me whatever she said in the starting don't know y.

I looked at her amused and then at the road.

Vihaan:Honestly,u should be glad I spared u with my precious time and please tell what "I have work" u do?(i said mimicking her and mocking her at the same time)

Swasti:Mister!I woke up at fucking 6:30 and I had to find the simplest clothes I have and don't u dare complain about this because as far as I remember I was blackmailed by someone who god knows y happened to be called my oh-not-so-dear-husband urf boss,to sleep so ofc I had to find clothes in the morning!Secondly I wasn't just roaming here and there Ok!Unlike U!I do care about mom,dad,ritika and ranbir bhaiya,and therefore I cooked breakfast for them,and after all this u defiantly can't blame me for ur stupid 10 sorry 9 minutes!!!!!!(She said glaring at me,ok it hurt to know that she cares for everyone but not me,but wait y do u want her to care for u?) 

Vihaan:And what about that one whole fucking minute u wasted standing there!

She looked at him with a r-u-ok? Look.

Vihaan:I just told u,be glad I'm sparing u my PRECIOUS time!(I said removing my seat belt as i got out)

And she just look at me like idk what

Vihaan:Do u need an invitation to get ur ass out?(I said smirking)

She got out as she banged the door hard on purpose,i looked at her then at the door,trust me if she didn't happen to be a lady,she would have seen herself in the hospital right now!I mean my car and bike are the most precious things to me!

Vihaan:We have to walk from here(i said walking)

I so missed this fresh air so much!They were some woman walking too after filling their pots.

We walked more as we reached.

Vihaan:Wait here!(I told her as I went)

Vihaan:Khamma ghani Shambhu kaka!(I said to kaka,from the time I was small papa showed me this place and introduced kaka)

Shambhu:Arey,Ghani khaama bhaayo!(we hugged each other but before that i took blessings)

Vihaan:The kise ho?(how r U?)

Shambhu:Main chokha hai!The Bata!?(I'm fine,u tell?)

Vihaan:Main bhi chokha hai!(I'm also fine)

Shambhu:Thane paani peeno hai?(Do u want some water?)

Vihaan:Koni kaka,abhar!(No thanks)Mane kuch kaam the tharo se(I had some work with u)

Shambhu:Mhare se ki kaam hai bhaayo?(What work do u have from me,friend?)

We talked as we walked to the charpai/khatiya(A bed common in Rajasthan and Gujarat)And sat as I also made sure swasti is alright.

Vihaan:Mhare mati kharidni he(I want to buy soil for construction)

Shambhu:Mati?(i nodded)Theek hai bhayo,kitni mati chahiye hai?(how much soil do u want?)

Vihaan:Mhare bohut na chahiye,mhare mati aur pathar dono chahiye hai,mhare ghar bannano he(Not alot,I want some soil and stones(stones for building, for making a house)

Shambhu:Theeke,tu kethe rehvo he?(Ok,where do u live?)

Vihaan:Na kaka,mhare aadmi aake le jevenge!Chinta koni!(No my workers will come take)

Shambhu:Ae bhi Theek he!(Even this is ok)Aur,Chai paani karke jàvo,mhari ludaai ghani achi chai banave hai(Have some tea then go,my wife makes really nice tea!)

Vihaan:Koni kaka,mhare kuch aur kaam he,kaki ko mharo Ghani Khamma dena,main chalo hu(No it's ok,I have some other work,give aunty my greetings,I'm going)

Shambhu:Arey,chal Theek hai,par bhayo,agli baar mat aiyo agar chai koni peeno ho thare(Ok it's fine,but brother,don't come next time if ur not going to have some tea)

I chuckled as i promised to come back and started to leave after taking blessings and bidding bye.

She just saw me from far shocked,I was walking towards her and she was just looking at me with wide eyes.

I came and clicked my fingers in front of her as she came out of her la la world.

Vihaan:Let's go!

She nodded as we walked back.

Swasti:Thank U!

Vihaan:Leave that did u learn something?

Swasti:Yeah,I never thought about buying from such places as the cost would be so low and the quality would be best!

Vihaan:U have never visited villages have U?(I said looking at the way she is walking

She nodded.

Swasti:How do u know??(She asked confused)

Vihaan:Its not hard,the way ur walking sooo cautiously and the way u were so amused looking at the village and how I spoke with Shambhu kaka,it showed all that u have never been to a village before and u have never heard typical marwadi before too!(i said smirking)

Swasti:Woww,actually I've nothing to do with villages so I've never come!

Vihaan:What can u even expect with a rich spoiled brat?(i said walking in a different direction than the one we came from)

Swasti:I'M.NOT.A.SPOILED.BRAT!(she said emphasizing on each word)

Vihaan:U surely aren't(I said sarcastically,as she just ignored me after that)

Swasti:Y r we going here?

Vihaan:To buy something!

Swasti:Buy what?

I didn't say anything but just walked as she followed me through the rocky village and after 2 mins we stopped as she looked around.

Vihaan:Buy whatever u want from here but don't leave me,I mean u will get lost in this place so follow me.(I said with concern)

She did what i asked her to and suddendly she tapped my back,calling me.

Swasti:Change of plan!(she said smirking as i looked at her confused)Now,YOU will follow me nd not vice-versa,if u follow me then I'm sure I won't get lost and if I do u will be there right!(she said smirking)Let's go(she hold my hand and dragged him to some shopkeeper without giving me time to reply back)

She bought  bangles and bargained with the women and ik y,to show she isn't a spoiled brat.And then she bought so many more stuff without sparing a single glance at me,she is showing so much attitude and then she expects me not to call her spoiled brat,huh!

She bought a dress for herself and ritika,traditional rajasthani mojri(footwear)for her and ritika and damn beautiful payal for ritika also a choker for ma.

Finally after her shopping was done it was already 1,hours had passed and her stomach grumbled as she now finally looked around if I was there but i was on the side shop doing time pass.

She turned to look for me but I  was not there and so I went and tapped her back as she turned.She let out a "hush"as her face changed to relieved.OHH!She though she was lost!Haha

Vihaan:U thought ur lost?

She nodded

Swasti:Ofc,I know that u don't give a damn about me so...

Vihaan:I honestly had planned to do the exact same but since ur my responsibility right now,I couldn't do that(i said in a bored tone while saying the truth)

Swasti:WTF do u mean "ur responsibility"????!!!I'm not a 5-year- old kid!!!(She shout at me as she followed me)

Vihaan:Yea ur even smaller than a 5-year-old!

Swasti:Fuck Youuuuuuu!!!!!!(She said annoyed)

Vihaan:No baby!Not here,let's get a room and u fuck me!(i said in sweet coated words,smirking)

She made a disgusting face

Swasti:DON'T YOU EVEN THINK!!!!!!!!!(she said with purely disgust and anger)

Vihaan:Think what baby?(i asked acting innocently)

She ignored me and walked,omg how cute she looks when she is annoyed!!!Oops,nope!Her stomach grumbled.

Swasti:I'm hungry!

I Ignored her As we were walking,there was a slope and i got down and turned.

Vihaan:Should I help?

Swasti:No it's ok I'll manageeeeee(she said slowly getting down as she slipped stretching the manageeeeeee and she closed her eyes ready to fall when she didn't  as i hold her,so she opened her eyes i had hold her waist stopping her from falling and we had an eye-lock for around 30 seconds and i put her up and didn't leave her till she became stable on ground)

Vihaan:This is how u manage???(I said sarcastically)

Swasti:Sorry and Thank U!(i didn't reply back as we walked back to the car and sat as she put all the shopping bags behind)

She put on the radio as an old song played,Tere mere hothon pe!
She sang along the whole time as I was shocked that she listens to old songs too!i stopped the car and she looked at me and i signalled her to look out and she did so to find a rajasthani hotel.And she jumped out as we both sat as i ordered flood since she was fine with anything.Soon 2 Rajasthan thaal's came and we started to eat,just as she was to keep a morsel in her mouth when  tears came into my eyes.

Vihaan:Y did u stop?(i asked looking at her as she looked up)Wait r u crying?(i asked with concern,if I y but my heart skipped a beat)

She just nodded and ate her food as we went back to the car and the whole time she didn't speak a word so even I  stayed quiet.And after half and hour we reached home as she took the shopping bags and started going,the whole time she ignored me,god knows what happened to her so suddendly.

I went in as I saw her in the garden talking to mom as I went up and had rest as then I came down to the living room after talking to ma and I decided to watch something.Soon I saw swasti coming she saw me there and turned to go just to be stopped by me

Vihaan:Where r u running to?(i said yet looking at the tv screen)

Swasti:I'm not running,I'm just going to the garden!(she said turning back and giving an excuse)

Vihaan:Then y did u come here?

Swasti:Umm...i....i..i...I can't find something!(She said making another excuse)

Vihaan:What something?

Swasti:Wait,why do I need to answer him?(She mumbled actually she was thinking)

Vihaan:Because I asked U!(see u just tell me y ur ignoring me dude!)

Swasti:But u don't need to know!

Vihaan:Is there ever a time u can stop arguing???(i asked annoyed)

Swasti:Why the hell do u ask questions?U already hate this marriage,more than this marriage u hate me!And u have already set ur goals on making my life miserable and treating me as a piece of shit and what Not!So y....y don't u go on with that!(she said going in flashback as her eyes had tears and she sobbed speaking the last sentence)

She turned and left.Leaving me in all anger,FINE!if this is what u want then enjoy!

I had gone to bath as when i came out i saw her going out as I asked her in cold voice.

Vihaan:What r u doing here?

She turned and almost drooled looking at me when she turned back.

Swasti:I...I wanted!(She said stammering as I wore a tshirt)

Vihaan:Look here!

Swasti:Ur half naked!!( she said in horror)

I turned her as she looked at me and i was really really really close to her so she looked the other way trying to create some space.

Vihaan:What do u want to ask ME?

Swasti:Ste..step back!

Vihaan:Y,u don't want ur husband to be close to U?(i asked in a rude tone)

She didn't answer but just stepped back making a decent distance.

Swasti:Can I go to my house for 2 days?(she asked looking everywhere but me)

Vihaan:Hmm!Interesting!Y do u think I'm going to allow U?(I  said taking a step infront but she didn't move)

Swasti:Cause..i..I want to meet my family!

Vihaan:And what if I don't allow?(i said smirking taking 2 more Steps as she stepped back)

Swastii:Mom has...allowed!

Vihaan:So?(i said stepping forward as she stepped backward to  find the door)

Swasti:I'll!(i too came forward and now she was stuck between me and the door)

Vihaan:Really,go on!(i said keeping my both hand on the door making her stuck)

Swasti:Mo..Mom said if u don't will twist ur ear!(she said stuttering)

Vihaan:So?(i said playing) said being unable to breath as she had hold her breath due to my proximity)

Vihaan:Y?I though u already knew that I want to make ur life miserable!

She tried to push him but it all went in vein!

Swasti:Just tell me yes or No!!(she said annoyed)

Vihaan:Hmm!Lemme think!(i said stepping back and acting to think as she finally breath)

Swasti:U tell me once ur done thinking!(she said giving a sarcastic smile)Bye!(she said turning to go when i hold her wrist and pulled her as she turned to have around 2 inches gap between us as she looked up)

Vihaan:How many days r u going?

Swasti:Y would I tell u!itsnot like ur going to allow so it's useless to even come here!(she said with anger as she glared at me)

Vihaan:Don't make me repeat!(i said In a low but yet dangerous tone as i glared at her)

Swasti:2 days!(she said pulling her  hand roughly as she turned the other side with her hands under her chest looking hot!)

Vihaan:Nd Y?

Swasti:Buaji and all r going back next week,I miss my family and bhai's engagement has been fixed!(she said stating all the reasons)

Vihaan:Fine!(i said sitting on the couch taking my laptop as her eyes glowed abit)

Swasti:I'm allowed to go??!!!!(she asked shocked)

Vihaan:I don't repeat myself!(i said opening my laptop)

After around half and hour sachit called and we talked as I congratulated him.


It's been around 2 months and me and swasti have been ignoring each other,we talk to each other in cold voice and our conversation lasts only 1-2 sentences and we  r done.Whenecee I try to talk to her nicely she would ignore me making me damn angry so nowadays I too don't try,let her suffer,I mean at the end of the day she is a bloody gold-digger!

R u sure ur not getting affected?

Ofc not!

Today Mr Shetty had called up and invited me and that bitch to his business party as he was going to launch something new.So I called Ishaan and told him to call that bitch in my office.Soon someone knocked as I said come in.

Swasti:Good morning sir!

Vihaan:We r going at a business party,I'll pick u up at 8 sharp!(i said after looking at her then back to my work)

Swasti:Okay sir!(She thought something for a moment then said this and left)

I called ma after she left and asked ma if she can call Mr arun and decide a tuxedo for me as ma told me that she is going out but she will arrange something.

During lunch Ranbir came in,

Ranbir:Bhaiii!!(He said sitting on the couch)


Ranbir:I'm also invited to come tonight!!(He said excitedly)

Vihaan:Good,but y r u so excited?

Ranbir:Because Mr shetty personally called me and invited me!

Vihaan:Okayy,Congrajulations!(I said not understanding anything)

Ranbir:Where is Swasti?

Vihaan:How the fuck will I know?!

Ranbir:Ur her husband dude!

Vihaan:So?I don't know where she is!(I said annoyed)

Ranbir:Okay chill!

He left saying this as I wondered where swasti is I mean she must not be in the office or site that's y Ranbir asked me.I called ma and asked her if swasti is there because at the end of the day that lady is crazy and clumsy and childish,she is honestly harder to handle than a 5 year old!

Ma told me swasti came home for the same problem of clothes and since ma is going out she will decide my tuxedo like the actual fuck!

At 7 I reached home and went to my room and freshed up as when I came out i saw a tuxedo in my dressing room,it looked really nice,I wore it and went to parking lot as I drove to the entrance.


4559 words!

Ok I know it's more like a repetitionbut u guys should also know about Vihaan's feeling na!

Bechare ko hum bycot kar rahe hai!So a chappy from Vihaan's side!

Btw yesterday was my paper collection and I did quite well I mean I have improved from last time and my mean is 89.5 so yeah now the results will be out on Saturday!

Anyways byeee,
Stay tuned,
Thank you,

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