
By Creative_Stories4

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A K-12 story ( From the film by Melanie Martinez and others ) Main characters mostly Crybaby & Kelly but the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The End

Chapter 12

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By Creative_Stories4

"I hope you all know that you can report back to me and leave the building whenever.. do not worry about Leo, he will not be able to harm you if you're with me" The voice said as it went through everyone's head
"Everyone else heard that, right?" Angelita said as she looked at the girls as she changed into a bikini that was in the changing room she had entered
"Yeah, it was Lilith" Crybaby said as she dug through her bag that she brought from home
"I say we just do the fun things and then get out of this place" Magnolia said as she looked over at the other stalls
"Yeah, but there's also the dance at the end of the year which is fun so we would probably have to wait for that" Fleur said as she slipped her bikini on and then walked outside to the main area where the lockers were
"You may skip time whenever you feel like it is necessary, you can skip right towards the dance without anyone knowing, you will just stop in time and everyone will continue their lives until the time that you have agreed on to stop to" The voice said as it flew through the girls heads
"Oh, cool! So we could literally just skip through all the work that we have to do and then go straight to the dance" Celeste said as she began to change into her bikini
"wouldn't we be suspicious and caught by Leo?" Kelly said as she looked at the bikini and stopped in her tracks
"how would we be caught by Leo?" Crybaby said as she put her head against the wall of the stall and leaned her ear against the door
"since we have stopped in our time and everyone else's time will just remain the same? Wouldn't we just not be on the others for the time, and if so, he would probably be more angry and make our dancing thing into homework" Kelly said as she let her eyes wonder to over to Crybaby's bag on the ground and then wondered off and looked at the bikini on a bench in the back of the stall
"If he does do that we can just stop time again and then leave, is anyone even hoping to get us to the dance by someone?" Crybaby said as she looked over to the side of the stall
"I mean, I'm kinda hoping I get asked by Ben" Magnolia said as she walked out and then waited by the lockers with Fleur
"isn't that Crybaby's boyfriend though?" Kelly said As she looked towards the stall door
"I don't think so, you weren't dating Ben, are you Crybaby?" Magnolia said as she opened eyes a little bit to let her eyes wonder little bit as she looked at Crybaby's stall
"Nope, He actually told me in the bus on the way to the building that he didn't like me as he thought he did in the last year, which I don't think I like him like I used to anymore as well" Crybaby said as she slipped the top part of the bikini and then walked out and waited for the others to get out
"Oh okay, so is it cool if he might take me to the dance?" Magnolia said as she looked at her
"yeah sure, I don't mind, he's not my boyfriend, Plus I kinda hope he does it you seem to have a really good connection with one another, I think it will be cute for you to dance with Ben" Crybaby said as the other two girls looked over and finished putting on the bikini and then walked out
"When you guys are stopped in time, a different spirit that looks exactly like all of you will continue through the time that you have stopped" The voice called out as the girls smiled
"That makes sense, we ain't getting caught by no bitches today" Magnolia said as she giggled
"you're waiting on you, now Kelly, we're all out here and ready whenever you are" Celeste said as she looked at Kelly's stall
Kelly then froze and then turned her face over towards the stall door
"sorry I'm taking a bit of a while, please go in the water, don't worry about me, i'll be out there in a couple minutes I just need to do something really quickly, it's kind of personal and I would like it if I could have some space when I'm doing it" Kelly said A sister to panic a little bit
"Oh sure, come on when you're ready!" Crybaby said as the girls began walking outside to the pool
"Wow, I still can't get over the fact that we are now friends with Kelly" Fleur said as she looked at the other girls
"Me too, i'm kind of glad that Crybaby kept on talking to her, She's actually a really nice girl when you get to know her, I know she's treated people so roughly in the past but she's not doing that anymore, unless they try to hurt us" Angelita said as the girls stood on the side of the pool
"I used to be kinda mad when Crybaby would go off to Kelly but now that I know that Kelly's not a harmful girl to people anymore, I kinda like it that Crybaby likes to go off with Kelly, I think the Crybaby and Kelly will have a great relationship, and hopefully we will also have a great relationship with Kelly" Celeste said as she looked at the girls
"you were mad at me when I went with Kelly?" Crybaby said as she looked at Celeste
"Yeah, I guess I just took it the wrong way I thought you were leaving us for some jerk that doesn't care about other people but Now I understand that you were just trying to be friendly towards her and show her that she's one of us" Celeste said as the girls sat down and dipped their feet in the water
The water was nice and cold, it was refreshing and it felt nice to finally feel free from studying and walking around all the time
"The water feels so nice" Angelita so she looked down and smiled at the water
Back with Ben
Ben then walked into the locker room I put stuff in it and then went into one of the changing rooms
"Yo, i'm so pumped for this stuff, how much do a backflip off one of the big diving boards" Jason said I he grabbed his stuff from his locker and then went into the stalls in the room and began changing
"me too, and the ladies will be down there for us to impress" one of the blue boys said as he chuckled
"Guys, I feel like we should just leave the girls alone they've been through enough stuff in the past year, Plus this could be a boys night for ourselves, we don't go to worry about nothing" Ben said as he grabbed his bag and then shoved his stuff inside the locker as he took the key out and slipped into his swimming trunks
"Oh, that would be so sick! We would totally stay up and party well everyone's asleep, we'll just go somewhere and chill" Jason said as he took his clothes off and then pulled his swimming trunks up around his waist and then tired and not with the strings on the suit
"Yeah, that would be sick and we won't have to worry about getting caught because I have powers" Ben said as he looked down at his swimming shorts and tied a knot in them
"Fuck yeah, Ben's powerful as shit" one of the other boys said as he started to laugh
"I'm not as powerful as Crybaby though, she's the leader of the group I'm pretty sure" Ben said as he looked over the door and then opened it and waited for his other crew to join his side
"you still got powers though, my guy, you were chosen as one of the powerful people for some dumbass reason, Plus she needs crybaby and her little gang, we're boys, we can do what the hell we want and that's give two flying fucks" one of the blue boys said as he walked out of the stall and looked at Ben
"I agree, but I definitely wouldn't push Crybaby to her limits, I know that Kelly would completely take all of us out" Ben said as the boys started laughing
"Ahh, we're fine! Kelly is Kelly, she's always been such a feisty little girl, there's nothing that she can do to us anyways, Leo kind of hates her, so we'll probably get the advantage over her" Jason said
"I doubt that, there's also someone else that is in that group that we don't speak about as much due to her insane amount of powers, she's invisible" Ben said as he looked at the ground and then closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and then a deep breath out
"Oh really? And who could that be? It's probably another one of those freaky girls Who thinks they're better than us" one of the blue boys said as they both walked out and looked at Ben
"I wouldn't taunt her, she's like a god that controls all of the people in the black eyed group and it's possible for her to take away the powers that I have so I don't wanna hear people talk shit about her that I know of, especially from friends with them" Ben said that's the worst of the boys in his group walked out
"Let's just forget about the girls for now on do our own stuff! We can impress them later" Jason as he led the group of the boys out to the room to the swimming pool and the diving boards and the other fun stuff that they could do before slipping their keys into the front of their swimming trunks
Back with The girls
"There's the boys" Angelita said as the girls looked at the group of boys as they walked out into the swimming pool room and then jumped into the water and started to splash one another
"Oh, where did you guys put your keys?" Celeste said as she looked down at her hand and then pulled out the key she was holding and showed it to the girls
"I have mine in my hand" Fleur said I still opened her hand and showed it to the rest of the group
"Also, where is Kelly? She said should be out in a couple minutes" Celeste said as she go to the door where the locker rooms and the dressing rooms were where Kelly would be standing in the stall still
"She said she was gonna do something personal, I think we should just leave her alone and give her some time to do whatever she needs to do" Crybaby said as she looked at Celeste as the girls put the keys down in front of one another and made a circle with them
"I can hold your keys for you when you guys are swimming, i'll make sure there's safe and sound and in my hands and I'll guard them carefully so no one steals them" the voice said as Lilith's hand appeared into the air
"Thanks Lilith" Crybaby mumbled as the girls smiled and put their keys into Lilith's hand before Lilith disappeared into the centre
"should we wait for Kelly or just go into to the water wait for her to arrive?" Fleur asked actually looked at the girls and waiting for the reply
"I think Kelly said to go in without her, but I feel like I should check in on her" Crybaby said she looked towards the door from where at the lockers and changing rooms were
"Okay, We'll wait right here for you" Angelita said as Crybaby shut up and walked into the changing room and locker room
Kelly POV
I hate my body so much, why do I have to wear a bikini..? My body isn't built for swimming or doing anything active, I was never the kind of girl to be active.. Kelly said as she looked at her body in the mirror as Crybaby knocked on her stall door
"You okay, in there Kelly?" Crybaby Who does he looked at the door and then looked down to see Kelly's dress still on her
"Oh yeah! I'm fine" Kelly said as she jumped slightly and then looked over towards the door
"Can I please come in, Kelly? Only if it's okay with you?" Crybaby so she placed her hand on the door stall and look down at the ground and waited for Kelly to respond
It took a while for Kelly to respond and open up to Crybaby, it was weird having someone check in on her
"Yeah, I guess so, come in" Kelly said as Crybaby put hand on the door knob and then turned it and open the door and then closed it right after
"Is everything okay in here Kelly?" Crybaby said as she looked at Kelly in the eyes with worry
"I'm feeling just a little bit insecure about my body, I guess it was never really made to look like a model's body or to be used in any activity, it just looks fat and ugly and there's some scratches on my body that my father had left on me from when I was just a young kid" Kelly said as she looked at her shoulders to see a little bit of scars still left from her fathers belt
Crybaby looked at Kelly's red shoulders and then widened her eyes a bit
"your father to did that to you..?" Crybaby said as she looked at Kelly's shoulder and then started to understand the trauma that Kelly had to go through when she was a little girl
"Yeah, that's my story of my father and from my household members, they would always abuse me and tell me what to do which is probably why I grew up with such a bad attitude about everything" Kelly said as she looked at her body as she felt as the scars started to sting a little bit from her past
"You're scars and your trauma does not define who you are, Kelly" Crybaby said as she looked at Kelly in the eyes as Kelly looked back at her
"What did you say?" Kelly said she looked at crybaby as her eyes lit up a bit
"The scars in your body and trauma that you had to go through from the past does not define who you are as a person, I understand that the reason you were so aggressive towards people is because of your father.. he showed you the wrong way and now you're in aggression towards towards other people.. he was so aggressive towards you, so you took it the wrong way and showed it to other people.. now I completely understand why you were so aggressive to other people, you were taught as a little child to be so negative towards things because of your father and people that you may have known.." Crybaby said as she looked at Kelly with a frown, spitting out her thoughts into words, rapidly
Crybaby was right, the trauma that Kelly had from the past head taken over her and she had used aggression towards other people due to her father.. Kelly felt like crybaby was the only person that really understood her at the moment, which made Kelly completely trust Crybaby a lot more.. The words that Crybaby had said towards her made her heart feel warm and safe inside
Kelly then stood there and looked at Crybaby before pulling her into a hug
"are you okay Kelly?" Crybaby said as Kelly shut her eyes and smiled
"Yeah, I just can't believe after all this time you still came back for me and allowed me into the group and you understand me" Kelly said as she held onto Crybaby's body tightly but softly
Crybaby smiled and hugged Kelly back
"I will always come back for the people that may have hurt me in the past but it doesn't matter anymore, The past is in the past and we don't have to worry about it, you should just focus on the future as the time goes by" Crybaby said as Kelly let go of her and then smiled at her
"Thank you, Crybaby" Kelly said as she looked at Crybaby and smiled
"Of course, Kelly" Crybaby said as she looked at Kelly with a smile
"Now, let's go swimming" Crybaby said as she looked at Kelly with a smile
Crybaby had helped Kelly through her words, sometimes saying things to people can make them feel better so that they could understand that the trauma does not define who they are.. no trauma should define who you really are inside

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