The Sun and the Moon

BแปŸi IkiruMist

27.2K 473 436

"๐‘พ๐’‰๐’†๐’๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’‘๐’‘๐’Š๐’๐’†๐’”๐’” ๐’Š๐’” ๐’…๐’†๐’”๐’•๐’“๐’๐’š๐’†๐’…, ๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’† ๐’Š๐’” ๐’‚๐’๐’˜๐’‚๐’š๐’” ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’”๐’„๐’†๐’๐’•... Xem Thรชm

Information (Read this!!!)
The Massacre
The Ghost of Sun and Moon
New Friends & Result of the Final Selection
The Hashira Meeting & The New Year Party
Boys we did it!
Zenitsu and Inosuke
The New Year Party and The Sun and Moon Breathing
Hinokami Kagura
First Mission
Twisted Labyrinth
An Eternal Oblivian
The Demon Doctor and her Assistant

The Final Selection

1.9K 41 25
BแปŸi IkiruMist

CH.4 The Final Selection

This story is always in third person P.O.V

This CH is 2315 word long.

In the middle of wisteria forest . Multiple people were in a open area as everybody were waiting for the demon slayer exam called The Final Selection to start. Almost all of them were somewhat scared except a few and one of them is a girl named Kanao Tsuyuri.

Kanao Tsuyuri also the Tsuguko  and the sister of the current Flower Piller Kanae Kocho was having a butterfly in one of her index finger, as she herself was staring at her with a smile unlike others she wasn't scared not a bit. She decided to look around a little, she could see with their expression that they weren't gonna make it.

"As sister said" she thought as she remember her sister Shinobu Kocho the current Insect Pillar saying that she was gonna see a lot of people with probably scared, angry or with just cocky expression. As she was looking around one boy catched her attention, it was a boy with long red hair tied into a ponytail. He wearing a red kimono and some strange earrings.

He was just like her looking around but something was off with him. Kanao couldn't sense anything from him no fear, no anger, no cockiness nothing he was just blank. This somewhat shocked Kanao as she was the sister of two Hashiras the highest ranking members of the Demon Slayer Corps.

She was teach the ability to sense someone's aura which helped her in training and just now but she just couldn't sense anything from him not even him it was like he didn't have a Presence.

Her chains of never-ending thoughts were interrupted as she heard a clapping she look at front to see the Ubyashakhi Daughter's one with Black hair and one with White hair standing in front of a table. She quickly realized that one wasn't a girl because of her extremely good eyesight.

"Good evening" They both said simultaneously

"Tonight you've come to enter The Demon Slayer Corps Final Selection"

"Thank you all for being here"

"Here on mount fujikasane there are several demons that were captured alive by Demon Slayers. They are kept here for this event" The white hair girl said.

"The wisteria blossoms prevent them from leaving. They bloom on this mountain year-round, and they cover everything from base to halfway to the top" The black hair boy said.

"But the wisteria ends here, so demons are abound from this point on, and they are very hungry."

"In order to complete the final selection you must survive for seven days beyond wisteria protection"

"Now your trial begins" They both said bowing, which indicates that the final selection has begun. All the peoples start running deep in the forest, Kanao as well started running in the forest, but before that she looked back to where the boy was standing, but he wasn't there anymore.

Kanao stares at his previous place before running into the forest. She runs to right with her hand on her sword while keeping her guard up. After gaining distance she slowed her speed as she was standing in front of a little pond. She stares at the pond before quickly disappearing from her spot and reappear a little further away, with her sword out of it's sheath staring at her that place with a serious expression, as something suddenly lands on there it was a demon.

"Ohh i haven't eaten for a long while you will be a great meal little girl" The demon said as he grinned towards Kanao without a single idea that he has mistaken. The demon dash towards Kanao upbring his arm in hopes of slashing her face, while Kanao didn't move. Just as the Demons hand was about to reach her face, Kanao with a very fast slash cuts both demons arm which was about to slash her and his neck which was a demons weak point.

The Demon fall to the ground with his head and body slowly turning into ash, while Kanao sheathed her sword as she slowly walks away to find more demons while surviving for the next seven days. Her first day was uneventful she encounter's five demon's which she killed easily, she also saw multiple contestants body which demons either were feeding on or have already eaten it and let the rest get decomposed in the soil.

It was One hour before sunrise and Kanao was on lying on a tree branch resting when she suddenly heard a scream. She turned her head to the right to see a boy running from something perhaps a demon. To be honest it was pretty normal for Kanao to see contestants running from a demon at this point so she didn't care much and turned her head away, that's when she felt something.

She quickly get off the tree branch unsheathing her sword as she felt a powerful demonic presence. "This demon is stronger then any demons i have faced in the past" Kanao thought as she slowly moved toward where the running boy was to see him lying on the ground, he had slipped because of a rock. He desperately tries to get up when suddenly a green colour arm grabbed him.

Kanao was shocked to see this she quickly looked toward the arm sender to see a giant green deformed demon with multiple arms covering his whole body. He was having a presumably dead girl in another one of his hand. He slowly lift his arm and opened his mouth as he swallowed the girl whole both filling his hunger as well as growing stronger which was visible as just he grow more bigger when he completely eaten the girl.

Kanao gulped seeing the sight in front she wasn't gonna lie she was a bit scared, the arm which was grabbing the boy pulled him toward the giant demons mouth as he opened it giving a clear sign that he was gonna eat him, the boy started screaming begging for help. Kanao gripped her sword gritting her teeth as multiple veins popped on her head "I need to help him" she thought before jumping towards the hand and...

"Flower Breathing Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo" She shouted cutting the hand of the giant demon, the boy fell on his back while Kanao landed on her feet staring at the demon as a drop of sweat fell from her face.

"Ohhh a little girl not gonna lie that was impressive cutting my hand like that" The giant hand demon said with a smirk as his arm regenerated which shook Kanao slightly seeing his regeneration speed. "Well now i can have two meals" He said launching multiple hands towards Kanao which she were able to dodge until...

Kanao suddenly felt something from ground, so she jumped up to see three arms coming from where she was standing, suddenly a hand come towards her in midair which she was barely able to dodge because of her quick reflexes but, an hand from above came she was about to cut it when an hand grabbed her left leg, in panic Kanao quickly cut that arm which caused her to get hit by the arm above her as it slammed her into the ground.

Kanao slowly backed away as she felt that the demon nail have pierced he left leg making it difficult for her to stand, she looked towards where the boy was to see that nobody was there anymore, she immediately understand that he had left her to die.

"You give a very good fight even better than that peach haired boy" He said amused as he look towards her bleeding leg, "You know what i will going to kill you the same way i kill that boy" he said as he grabbed her by the bleeding leg, which made her scream loudly in pain and sure enough someone heard it.

"By crushing your head slowly to hear your screams and crying voice" The hand-demon said as he lift her up which made her scream more in pain. "Is this it, Is this the end" She thought as she saw a hand slowly reaching towards her face "I am sorry sisters" She thought as her entire life flashed in front of her, she closed her eyes waiting for a painful death which she never received.

"Sun Breathing" Kanao slowly was closing her eyes and the demon hand slowly made his way to her face.

"Second Form" The hand now grabbed her face as he was about to slowly crush her until...

"Clear Blue Sky" Suddenly a guy with red hair tied into ponytail came with a sword surrounded in flames, flames just as beautiful as the sun and cut of both the hands which were grabbing Kanao, actually he did more than that. The hand-demon started screaming in pain as both of his cuted-hands were burning now, while the red hair guy also known as Tanjiro grabbed Kanao before she hit the ground and take her a little further away from the demon.

Kanao slowly opened her eyes to see the same red hair guy she saw at the beginning of the final selection saving her as he takes her a little further away and leaned her to a tree. "Stay here and let me take care of it" He said in a cold voice as he stand up facing the demon, Kanao didn't said anything and just looked at him, unlike her she couldn't sense a single bit of fear from him to be honest he was mesmerizing.

Tanjiro slowly walk towards a now screaming Hand-Demon, Kanao with her good eyesight take a look at his hand and realized something, "Wait what"  Kanao thought as she saw that the demon hand even after being served, was still burning it was like he was exposed to sun.

"Y-yo-you BRAT!!!" The hand demon shouted sending all of his hands towards Tanjiro, while Tanjiro didn't move from his position. "What the hell is he doing he should be dodg-" Her thoughts interrupted as she saw all the hands of demon completely served with Tanjiro not even moving an inch at least that's what you see.

"WHAT how did he- HE DIDN"T EVEN MOVE!" for the hand demon Tanjiro didn't move not even a bit.

"How can he" for Kanao she barely see him moving because of her eyesight, but even after that she only saw a bit blur.

Tanjiro completely disappears from his location not leaving even a trace as he reappears behind the demons neck and cut through it like butter killing the demon. The hand demon head slowly falls from his body as Tanjiro lands on the ground while the now dead demon slowly turned into ashes and leaves the realms of mortal.

Kanao was shocked to be honest beyond shocked, she did except the guy to kill the demon seeing she could tell that he was stronger than her but she didn't expect him to kill the hand demon so easily. Tanjiro slowly approached her taking out some badges from his red kimono.

"Hey you don't look good let me help" He said worried to be honest he was right Kanao was no condition of walking. Tanjiro start to aid her leg by badages and other medical stuffs as the sun slowly rise behind him.

"Hey what's your name" Tanjiro asked with a smile while treating her leg.

"Kanao Tsuyuri" Kanao said also with a smile.

"Kanao that's a very beautiful name" Tanjiro complimented her which caused her cheeks to became slightly pink.

"This is the first time when somebody has complimented my name" She thought as Tanjiro was done treating her leg but...

"And its done but you won't be able to stand correctly without limping" Tanjiro said worried. Kanao immediately understand the great danger she was in, she was a literal free fest for a demon. Tanjiro seeing this was very worried about Kanao now when an idea came in his mind.

"Hey how about this i will stay with you until your leg don't heal" Tanjiro suggested while clapping his hands with his usual warm smile which warmed Kanao's heart.

"No-No You don't need to worry about me i will be fin-" She tried to get up but failed causing her sentence to cut in half, "No you won't besides that i can't left you all on your own, i am here to become a demon slayer and that isn't what a demon slayer will do. A demon slayer duty is to kill demons and protect the ones weaker. Currently you are weakened because of your leg so it's my duty to protect you" Tanjiro said with a determined voice the determination to help her. Kanao now understood that he ain't gonna leave her. Tanjiro let out his hand towards her.

"Will you be okay..." 

"Tanjiro Kamado and won't be okay, i will be glad to help" Kanao take his hand as he helped her get up before leaving that place.

With Muichiro

Muichiro first day was unamazed to say the least. He encounters 17 Demons and kill all of them easily, the story of 2nd day was also same but this time he only encounters 13 Demons. But this all changed at the the last Day. Muichiro being Muichiro was lying on a tree branch looking at the clouds while eating an apple, that's when he heard a voice or a shout.






"Can you two stop shouting, you are giving me headache"

"What the hell" Muichiro uttered



































(In all honesty i planned to write Muichiro P.O.V in this ch but i hit the deadline also the ch would have been very long then so here it is. The Final selection arc is really important because not only does it setup Tankana aka The main ship of this story but also it set up the Kamboko Squad so yeah also i will be uploading 1 ch every saturday so see ya)

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Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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