Who Is Harry?: Larry Stylinson

By MusicIsSanity

177K 5K 6.2K

Harry doesn't have an inkling of where he fits in, in life. He's in high school, works part time at his mom's... More

Who Is Harry?: Larry Stylinson
Chapter 1: The Lucky One
Chapter 2: Wherever The Wind Blows
Chapter 3: Brave And Wild
Chapter 4: Joy Ride
Chapter 5: Treading Waters
Chapter 6: A Bump In The Road
Chapter 7: Two Birds, One Stone
Chapter 8: Conquering The Indifferent
Chapter 9: Luck Strikes Twice

Chapter 10: Puzzle Complete

11.1K 476 364
By MusicIsSanity

Author's Note: So, this is the last chapter. Tears. Thank you for helping it reach over 1,400, at this point - as well as for all the votes and comments. I'm not really great with writing sequels and I don't know why lol. I've tried with another story and I just couldn't remain consistant and there was constant writer's block (and it ended up being deleted). So, with that being said, there won't be a sequel. Larry picture on the right simply because they are beautiful. I hope you all enjoy :)



"Hi, Haz." The older lad smiled down on Harry and Harry felt like he hadn't seen him in forever; or maybe it was the thought he drilled in the back of his mind, that he wouldn't be fortunate to see him again, was what made him feel overwhelmed and on the brink of tears. Nothing had changed about Louis - everything from the top of his medium-brown fringe, the thick, cotton straps of his suspenders, to the tip of his red Vans. More so, what overwhelmed Harry the most was the use of his nickname, escaping Louis' tongue fluently and melodically. Harry couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the sudden appearance and if Louis had came to let him go for good, or if he came to forgive - and why he would be crazy enough to do so. Everything consisting of negativity, regarding the situation, floated through this his mind. The obvious answer was there, but he was blinded.

Harry scooted over a bit, not once taking his focus off of Louis. Louis proceeded to sit down in the space provided, still smiling lovingly at Harry. Upon seeing the stunned and dumbfounded look on the younger boy's face, Louis chuckled, then rolled his eyes. He knew why he was there and why he had finally decided to have some sort of contact with Harry: he loved him - that complex, yet that simple. He wasn't ready to let him go. Sure, it took a little over a month and a lot of lectures from Jaymi to finally get his head on right; but he was there now and he wanted to be able to put it all behind them and move forward. "Wh-what are you doing here? How did you know I would be - you're here to rub it in my face aren't you? Here to tell me you were right and had every reason to be upset and should've slapped me? Well, you were right. I'm foolish - very foolish, but...but, I've changed a bit, if that means anything. And - "

Louis placed his finger against Harry's lips and shook his head, indicating that he was ranting on too much. "I'm going to give you two some alone time." Jennifer stood up, grabbed a few of her belongings, then exited the room in a quiet manner. The squeak from the door's hinges was the only sound that could be heard, before the room fell into a silent state. Louis placed a hand on Harry's, fiddling with his fingers. Harry's body was still quite tense because he figured that a slap would be coming at any moment. Louis let out a small sigh.

"I didn't come back for any of those reasons, Haz. I came to apologize, myself. I've never been in your shoes and I wasn't in your shoes when you were battling this demon. So, I had no idea how you felt. I guess I just wanted so badly to help. Then, I had a talk with Jaymi; he told me how Olly suffered the same thing, years back. He still goes through it sometimes and he spoke of how they were there for each other and remained strong...so, I figured I could've done the same for you. Yes, it did hurt when you pushed me away; but I guess the reason I can't stay away - despite what you may have wanted - is because I love you." The words hit Harry like a brick, causing his head to snap up and eyes to settle on Louis'. He was sure he heard him loud and clearly, but why couldn't he believe it. Maybe it was the fact that, that was the first time someone said it and it held a different connotation than what he was used to. Maybe it was the fact that Louis had the courage to say what Harry had always wanted to.

Harry took Louis' hand in his eyes, gentle caressing it. He blushed, cheeks becoming red, but he didn't care. "Remember that time you stopped by the bakery and you were storming out?" Louis nodded. Of course he remembered. That was the last time they had seen or heard from each other. "Well, when I grabbed your wrist and tried to stop you, I wanted to tell you the same. I love you too, Lou. I've always have and maybe I'm still weak for not being able to say it then and maybe I'm an ass for allowing you to leave, when it could've just taken those three words to change everything...and maybe I don't deserve you." 

"Haz, I know what's right for me and I know what's not. You are definitely worth all I have to give."

"Yeah?" Harry asked. Though he tried to play it nonchalant, a hint of excitement appeared in his tone. Louis nodded, smiling a bit. Harry wrapped an arm around Louis' waist, then pulled him closer. "Prove it." Harry said, seductively. Louis looked back and forth between the lust-filled eyes and Harry's pink, plump lips. He didn't need to second guess anything. So, he grabbed Harry by the neck-line of his T-shirt and pulled him, collided to their lips together. It wasn't their first kiss, but, for some reason, it felt as though it was. Louis' hands ran through Harry's curls, gently caressing his scalp. Harry let out a small moan, hands resting on Louis' hips. "I love you so much, Louis. Forgive me?"

"I already have." Louis mumbled against his lips, pulling him back in for another kiss. There was a knock at the door, followed by Jennifer walking in on their make-out session. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I do have other clients to see." She grinned, raising an eyebrow at the seen before her. Louis and Harry pulled apart, blushing and panting. Louis fixed Harry's curls, trying to return them to their prior state, but it seemed impossible with all the tugging he did.

"We'll just be going now. Thank you for everything." Harry said, standing up an giving Jennifer a hug. 

"I'll see you both at the party later and I'll bring your certificate of completion." Jennifer assured him.

"What party?" Louis asked, slightly confused.

"You'll see." Harry grabbed his hand, intertwined their fingers, then sprinted out the door.

[Next Scene]

Just like promised, Anne threw Harry a celebratory party for completing all of his therapy sessions. There did come a point where he wasn't in it for the party anymore and went on his on free will; however, she still decided it would ease the mood a bit, after all he had been through. A few friends from Harry's school showed up, as well as a few family members. A neighbor, or two, stopped by to say their congratulations and, of course, seeing that it was a party and all, Jaymi made sure to be there. This time, Olly had to tag along to keep him in check. It wasn't one of those events where he could just go around, swallowing a bit of every alcoholic beverage he came in contact with. Though Jaymi protested to abiding by his boyfriend's rules, he had managed to stay on his best behavior, so far.

Harry and Louis found themselves in the storage room, too busy caught up in another make-out session to tend to the guests. Harry would hold a firm grip on Louis' waist, while Louis stood on the tip of his toes, pulling at Harry's curls and moaning against each other mouth. They had missed each other entirely too much and it dancing and drinking was the last thing they had in mind. Of course, the night was a bit too young to indulge in any further activities, so they kept it a bit PG - or their own definition of it anyway. They both pulled away - breathless. Harry slid down against the wall, sitting on his bum. Louis rested on his lap, just starring out to space. There wasn't an awkward silence, just one of those times they could enjoy each other's companies and bask in the moment.

"We should get back to the party, Haz." Louis said, laughing lightly. He had realized they had been in there almost the entire time and it was Harry's party, after all. 

"I agree." Harry said, but soon found himself pulling Louis in for another kiss. There was just something about the older lad and he couldn't keep his hands off of him.

"Whenever you're ready." Louis mumbled against his mouth, giving him indication that he was ready to leave the storage room at any moment...or was he.

"I know." Harry whispered, sharing another kiss. 

"Maybe just one more." Louis stated.

"Mmhm." Harry mumbled, nodding in agreement and, again, they were kissing. The door opened, revealing Anne, who quickly turned away and covered her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I was just coming to tell you that we're getting ready to cut the cake. Jennifer arrived as well." Harry and Louis pulled apart, blushing from the affection and the embarrassment of his mother walking in on them.

"We're coming, mum." Louis stood to his feet, then offered Harry a hand, helping him get up as well. They dusted their jeans off, intertwined their fingers, then exited the room. The music grew a little louder, drowning out the various conversations. Above all, they could hear Niall's mirthful laugh and Jaymi's habit of swiftly talking and jumbling his words up. Zayn, Liam, and Olly were located on the small cushion-couch Anne had placed in the store for Louis and Harry to have their own private section; however, the lads quickly took over and made themselves very comfortable. Harry guided Louis through the crowd, trying to locate his mother and Jennifer. The small crowd that was beginning to form shed some light on the answer he was seeking.

"Everyone, if you will join me for a second!" Anne shouted, slightly. Everyone stood up and started to circle her around the table in the middle of the store. Harry found his way to the center as well, bringing Louis along. Jennifer stood there as well, hair laying upon her shoulders - different from the usual bun or ponytail she always had. "Hi, everyone. Well, I just thought I could say a little something. First, I would like to thank everyone for coming to this event. I know a few of you called off from work and it means a lot to both Harry and I. Also, I would like to say that I am very proud of Harry for being able to get through all that he has been through. It was tough, especially when he was so reluctant to allow anyone to help him." Harry chuckled, hiding his face in the crook of Louis' neck.

"I would also like to thank this young man here, Louis. Some of us have been eager to meet you. I don't know what took Harry so long."

"Trust me, I've asked myself the same thing." Louis stated, laughing a bit at the glare Harry sent him. Anne opened the tray on the table, revealing a vanilla-coated cake stacked in three layers and words written in blue icing." A few people stood there in awe, while others took quick photos with their cameras."

"I'm going to enjoy that, mate." Niall announced. Zayn quickly his mouth and smiled nervously when everyone turned to them.

"I also would like to present this certificate of achievement for Harry." Jennifer stated. "Not just for completing your session, but for the progression you actually made, for the growth, and the willingness to want to overcome this struggle. I know it was a battle and it wasn't easy for me either, to see you tear up and hurt every session. You're probably one of the easiest patients I've had. Like most, you were reluctant in the beginning, but you poured your heart out and I wish nothing, but the best - not only for you, but for Louis as well. I know how much he means to you and you always told me you would do it for him. Cheers."

"Cheers!" Everyone yelled, simultaneously. Harry approached the cake and started to slice a few pieces. A few people returned to the party, while some waited around for their slice.

"Watch out!" An Irish accent filled the air, bumping into Harry's back side.

"Niall, be careful or you'll ruin the cake for everyone." Harry stated.

"Sorry, Haz." He wrapped his arms around Harry's torso, giving him a warming hug. "Proud of you." He mumbled, smiling.

"Thanks, pal. You get the first slice." He placed the first slice on a plate, then handed it to Niall. He wasted no time taking a bite and moaning at the delicious sensation that filled his mouth. Zayn approached the table next, then patted Harry on the back, followed by a kiss on the cheek.

"You've came a long way, dude."

"Thanks, Zayn. Sorry for being such an ass, when you know...when Niall and I were going through our problems."

"It's fine. I never once got upset with you." Harry smiled, then handed Zayn his plate. He then walked off and joined Niall. Jaymi and Olly approached the table next.

"Hi, Harry. Olly and I just want you to know that you have our support one-hundred percent and congrats on everything."

"Thanks, guys. Cake?"

"Oh, he shouldn't." Olly stated. Jaymi smacked him on the shoulder.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No, babe." Jaymi rolled his eyes, then walked off. Olly smiled, looking slightly guitly. "Jaymi, wait up!" Liam then approached the table and pulled Harry into a hug.

"Thank you, Liam. I wouldn't have stayed sane without you."

"No problem, Haz. You know I'm always here for you." Harry nodded in agreement, then handed Liam his plate. Liam grabbed the plate - still connected to Harry's hand - then reeled him in. He placed a kiss on Harry's cheek, closer to the corner of his mouth, then pulled away blushing. Harry looked stunned for a while, then smiled. Last, but not least, Louis approached him.

"What was that all about?" He asked, nonchalant.

"I...I don't know - shit." He mumbled to himself. He knew there was no point in lying because he knew Louis could read him like a book and he already knew what it felt like to not have Louis in his life and it was one of the worse feelings he had to engulf. "Look, Louis...Liam likes me, or at least I think he does. I just - "

"It's fine, Hazza." Louis said, giggling.


"I said, it's fine. As long as you both know where your heart belongs." Harry nodded, quickly, hoping that Louis saw how sincerely sorry he was and that Liam meant no harm by it. "Shake your head any harder and it might fall off." Louis grabbed the fabric of Harry's shirt, then pulled him until their lips were a few meters apart. "I love you."

"I love you too." Their lips connected, passionately. Before Louis came along, Harry had no inkling what he wanted, where he could see himself in a few years, and he had no idea what he was placed in the world to fufill. As always, he just wanted to make everyone happy.



"Styles. Harry Styles."

"Louis Tomlinson."


"Tell me something, Louis Tomlinson, do you like me?"


"Good... because I like you too."




"Would you mind staying with me?"


"Have you ever been in love? You seem to know a thing or two about it."

"No, afraid not. I wouldn't know Love if it was staring me right in the face."

"Probably wouldn't be the first time you didn't know something was in your face. You have mustard on the corner of your mouth." He laughed and I turned a shade red with embarrassment.

"Not funny." I snickered a bit, not being able to hold my laughter.

"I'll get it for you."


"I...I've been having a hard time dealing with some things."

"I said I would be there for you!"


"Haz, I know what's right for me and I know what's not. You are definitely worth all I have to give."



Now, Harry was willing to accept the fact that Louis was placed in his life to do the same - make him happy. "Lou?" Harry called, softly. Their arms were wrapped around each other, swaying side to side, gently, to the music.

"Yes, Haz?"

"Thank you." Louis smiled, then rested his head on Harry's shoulder. "Together forever, right?" Harry mumbled, a hint of hope in his tone.

"Forever." Louis assured him and he kept his word.


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