Dream Island + (The Original)

By JellyGirl16

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It's been a year since B.F.B has ended and Woody was the winner. Ever since winning B.F.B Woody's life has be... More

Author's note
Episode 1A: Helping Teardrop To Talk
Episode 1B: Helping Teardrop to talk
Episode 2: Lazer Light Cannon
Episode 3: Tundra Turmoil
Episode 4: Who Beat Up TD?! (Warning Gore)
Episode 5a: Arm-less
Episode 5b: Loss
Episode 5C: Disaster Strikes
Episode 6: Help
Episode 7: Cooking Like A Chef
Episode 9: Babysitting For Dumbasses
Episode 10: Everything is Okay...(Character Development)( trigger warning)
Episode 11: Title Undetermined
Episode 12 (Finale): It All Blows Up

Episode 8: The Return (MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING)

381 4 50
By JellyGirl16

Previously on Dream Island +
The menace that was leafy was finally eliminated after causing so much mayhem in such a short time too...the challenge was to cook food for the challenge...Gelatin's team made some Yoyle ice cream while Firey's team baked a cake for the challenge...while Gelatin's team's ice cream was delicious, Firey's team's cake just hit different which caused their team to win. So today we're gonna find out who will be the 7th person eliminated on this episode of Dream Island +.
Teardrop was sitting down in her house just being all alone...it might've already been a few months since the incident...but the pain still hasn't gone away...The pain continues to keep hitting harder some days and less hard on others. Woody had always played a big role in her life, whether that be positive or negative...but now that he's gone sometimes she questions her self worth...she hasn't eaten in days because she doesn't have the strength to get out of bed some times and with one of her arms being gone, it's hard to make food for herself. Her house was a mess because some days she doesn't even leave her room and she had a mental break down after his death and destroyed everything...because without Woody, she has nothing...to be honest she doesn't even leave her house unless it's time for the next episode cause even though she's depressed, she tries her best to at least pretend to be okay infront of the others. But deep down...she could care less about this show...the only reason she continues is because it would be unfair for the contestants to cancel this show...in her mind, she feels like they deserve to be happy cause god knows she's not happy in the slightest...she checked the time on her phone to see it was time to start the next episode...with a sigh, she packed her things...and left for the show place...
Gelatin's team where all sitting around the elimination area waiting for Teardrop to arrive so they can start the elimination. Instead of just sitting in silence, they decided to just talk to each other...not like they had anything better to do...

Gelatin: So guys, who do you think is getting eliminated?

GB: Well, according to my calculations, Spongy is probably the most likely to be eliminated, no offense...

Spongy: Well honestly I'm more surprised I made it this far, so even if I do get eliminated, I'm still glad I made it this far.

TB: Wait Golfball, how did you even get those calculations?

GB: Well it's pretty simple, when you look back at all the elimination of each of us, you can see that spongy when he was eliminated, always had the most votes by quite a bit actually...so there for, Spongy is most likely to go.

TB: Woah that's really smart GB...I didn't even think of something like that...

GB: *Chuckles* Well they don't call me smart for no reason.

Gelatin: But guys I hope we can all agree on one thing...

Spongy: And what's that?

Gelatin: Even if we have the occasional argument and we might not be the best team...at least we can agree we get along better than those guys over there? *Pointed to Firey's team*

TB: Yep...that's definitely true...

They all laughed a bit thinking about all the times the other team got into fights...cause to them it was hilarious to watch from afar.

After a bit longer, Teardrop finally arrived to start the elimination...

Teardrop: Hey guys sorry I'm late...I just had things to do...

Gelatin: Teardrop, are you okay? You look rather sick...

Teardrop: ...Yeah I'm fine...I just woke up with a cold...but you know what they say...the show just go on am I right?

Gelatin's team just looked at her with a worried expression on her face...they knew she wasn't okay...but of course Teardrop wouldn't tell them anything...after all as much as they are genuinely worried for her, she didn't HAVE to tell them anything...it's her choice in weather she does so or not...

Teardrop: Anyway let's just get started with the elimination...

Teardrop: So we got 8 votes...pretty sure that's the most votes we've ever gotten on this show...which is doesn't sounds like a lot but it's honestly crazy!

(Seriously though thank you all so much for voting)

Teardrop: So the first one safe with 0 votes is Gelatin...

Gelatin: Uh Teardrop? What's the prize for today?

Teardrop just glared at him...


Gelatin: ._. Okay...

Teardrop: Next person safe is Golfball with 0 votes as well...

Golfball: Good to know my calculations of staying here are correct!

Teardrop: So now it's down to TennisBall and Spongy...

Spongy: Well, looks like my time has come guys...it's been a pleasure working with y'all and being on this team...I just wanna say that-


Teardrop: And with 5 votes, TennisBall is eliminated!

TB: WHAT?! What did I do?! I'm literally one of the smartest people on this team!

GB: Yeah exactly! Why does he have to go? He's a great team mate and a smart object to top it off!

Teardrop: Well you can ask the readers...but for now...

Teardrop pressed a button and TB was sent away...

Eliminated: Match, Needle, Ruby, Pencil, Bubble, Leafy, and TB
Teardrop: And now we're down to the final 8. We're around half way done now...I guess...

Gelatin: So what's the challenge for today?

Teardrop just stayed silent...she really hadn't planned for todays challenge...

Gelatin: ...? Uh TD?

Teardrop: ...

Teardrop tried to think of a challenge...but...no matter what she thought of...her mind always went back to Woody...like...no matter what she did her mind when back to him...she always remember that day...a day like any other...until that tragedy struck...it's kinda like two friends who had been friends for years...until one day...they get into an argument...one accuses the other while the other got too upset of something not important...one of them tried to apologize but it was too late...the friend has already left them...and now the friend is sad and alone cause they decided to get mad for no reason...they blame themselves and it is kinda their fault...in some way...that is how Teardrop feels...but even worse because...he might never come back...he's gone forever in the worse possible way...Teardrops face was just full of painful memories and all of a sudden it started to fully set in...

He's never coming back...

Gelatin: Teardrop...? Are you okay...?

Teardrop: He's really gone...isn't he...?

Teardrops face was full of tears...she finally realized the whole gravity of what happened...Woody is gone...forever...

Gelatin: Teardrop...?


Everyone was taken aback by Teardrop.

Flower: Teardrop I think maybe you should calm down-


Teardrop yelled so much that her voice box was actually starting to overheat...the contestants were just too stunned to speak...nothing they could say or do would help in this situation...they all stayed silent until...Teardrop spoke up again...

Teardrop: ...Know what...there's no challenge today...just, wait till next time...

Teardrop walked away...looking defeated...The contestants didn't know what to think...they didn't even know what to say or do...so they all just walked away for now...
Two months later

It had been 2 months since the cake at stake had happened...there hasn't been any word from Teardrop about the episode...however they knew the show was still going since they weren't told it was cancelled...you see...during the show they all live in a nice mansion until the show ends...if the show had been canceled they would've all been told to pack their things and go back home...since they haven't been told so, they can see that the show is still ongoing...the contestants have figured that Teardrop needs a break, but she hasn't responded to any calls or text...not even from her best friend Gelatin...so it was still very concerning...they all sat around in the main room where they usually chat...it was rather quiet...until Gelatin spoke up...

Gelatin: Guys...I think we need to check on TD...

Flower: Gelatin...is that really a good idea?

Gelatin: Why wouldn't it be?

Firey: I'm pretty sure she's still depressed from everything...

Gelatin: Which is why we need to check up on her...she's my friend and I think she needs our help...

GB: I have agree with Gelatin. Teardrop is very upset...and we need to give her support...

Flower: Look all I'm saying is...I think she wants her space...she left for a reason after all...

Firey: Yeah guys, Flower makes a good point.

Gelatin: I'm just really worried about her...she hasn't said anything to us in 2 weeks...don't you think that's a little bit concerning?

Flower: Look...all I'm gonna say is...I wouldn't go there if I were you...but that's just me...you go do whatever you want...

Gelatin: Alright come on guys... *was Talking to his teammates*

So he, GB, and Spongy left to go find Teardrop's house...
Teardrop: Well...Teardrop this is it...this is your final day on earth...it's been a wild ride hasn't it...

Teardrop...was done...she was at her breaking point...Nothing in life made her happy anymore...she was done with her entire life...she literally had nothing to live for...Everyday she woke up, it's just constant pain and agony...without Woody...what did she have left to live for? Woody made her life amazing...and before she got with Woody, she was a very depressed and sad person...and I guess now that he's gone...she's back to being a sad person with nothing left in life to live for...

Teardrop grabbed the rope with the one arm she still had...it took her 10 minutes to make the rope like that...she went outside with the rope and put it over a tree that was right there...she tied the loose end of the rope to the tree, and the side with the loop over the branch...if you couldn't tell already...
She is going to commit suicide...

With one last look at the world around her...she grabbed the rope and put it around herself and started to hang herself...her throat started to get crushed between her and the rope...her vision was starting to blur, and she was gasping for air...she was waiting for death to take her...until...


Gelatin grabbed part of the rope and got a sharp rock and cut through the rope...

This cause TD to fall to the ground coughing and in a lot of pain..

Gelatin: Teardrop! What the hell were you thinking?! Is this really the best way to solve your problems?! Taking your own life?!

Teardrop: ...

Gelatin: ...

GB: ...

Spongy: ...

Teardrop: Why are you all here?! I left for a reason! I didn't want to be bothered by anyone!

Gelatin: We we're worried about you TD! We came to check up on you because we wanted to know if you were okay, but i guess your not...

Teardrop: Why didn't you all just let me die?! I have nothing left to live for on this earth! Im all alone and no one cares for me anyway! So why don't I just kill myself!?
Gelatin: Cause we care TD...I care...

Teardrop: ...? H-Huh..?

Gelatin: Teardrop...you may not see it now...but, everyone here cares about you...you feel alone now but I promise you that you won't be alone forever...if you kill your self...we will all be sad without you...to us you matter...we want you to stay alive cause we care about you Teardrop...

Teardrop then looked back at everything...she looked back on this whole show and realized that people did care...yeah there will always be people like Leafy...but most people did support TD in her worst moments...after so long...sh realized...
People do care...

Teardrop then looked at Gelatin and hugged him tight...

Teardrop: Gelatin...5 minutes ago I was supposed to be dead...but then you came here and saved me...and gave me a reason to live...I've been depressed since Woody's death...but you showed me there is light at the end of a dark tunnel...thank you...

For the first time in months...

She smiled...
A few hours later...

A few hours after the incident Gelatin and Teardrop sat down to have a chat...GB took Spongy to go help her work on something...you'll see what in a second...

Teardrop: Gelatin...I really do wanna say think you for everything...I'm still gonna be sad some days and it's gonna take a long time to heal...but you just helped me take the first steps into healing...

Gelatin: No problem Teardrop...remover your not alone...if you ever feel alone remember that you at least have me...

Teardrop: Gelatin...you've been my best friend for years and you've helped me through many tough times even before this...your the best person I could ask for...

Gelatin: Your my best friend too Teardrop...and I'm glad that I've been able to help you out in these tough times...

Teardrop: You know...for being such a good friend...I wanted to give you something...

Gelatin: Really well...what is it?

Teardrop slightly blushed a little.

Teardrop: Well...screw it...

Teardrop then moved in and kissed him...Gelatin was shocked and blushing too but just kissed back. It lasted a good minute before Teardrop pulled back and sat down...Gelatin was just at a loss for words...

Gelatin: I-I...wow...

Teardrop: Gelatin...even if Woody is my soulmate and my one true love...just know that I love you and you are my best friend...*Smiled*

The two just kinda cuddled platonically for a few minutes before GB came knocking on the door...

GB: Guys! Guess what? It's finished!

Teardrop: ...? Wait, what's finished?

Gelatin: Oh Teardrop! I forgot to mention..."we have made you something..."

Teardrop: What is it...?

GB: Well follow us and look!

Teardrop got up and followed them...she followed them to where they went and what she saw made her gasp and cover mouth.

Teardrop: I-I-Is t-that...-

GB: Yes Teardrop...it is the The HPRC...it took me and TB 6 months to make it...sorry it took so long...

Teardrop: T-Thank you so much!

GB: So do you wanna do the honors?

Teardrop nodded her head and went up to the HPRC, typed in his name... and turned the crank...
He's Back!

Woody woke up for the first time in over 6 months since his death...he was very confused on what happened...

Woody: Ugh...what happened? And how long have I been dead for...?

GB: Well you have been dead for...around 6 months at this point...

Woody: Damn...what even happened...?

GB: Well it's kinda a long story...

Woody: Ugh...it doesn't matter where's Teardrop...?

Woody then turned his head to see Teardrop standing right there with tears in her eyes...but this time happy tears..

Woody: T-Teardrop...? Is everything okay...-

Teardrop interrupted him by tackling him and hugging him to the ground...

Teardrop: Woody! Your finally back after so long!

Woody: I'm glad to see you again too *Smiles and hugs back*

Everyone else who was around them where just glad that everything was back to normal.

After Woody and Teardrop embraced for like a few minutes...Woody stood up and asked a question...

Woody: Hey who brought me back to life anyway?

Gelatin: Oh it was my team that was able to bring you back.

Woody: Oh well to celebrate me coming back to life your team gets to win one of the competitors who was eliminated! Cause we're having a rejoin.

Gelatins's team cheered in victory!

Vote in the comments using the letter and square brackets to see who you want to rejoin! Most votes gets to rejoin the show!

[A] Match

[B] Needle

[C] Ruby

[D] Pencil

[E] Bubble

[F] Leafy

[G] TennisBall

But wait...There's more

At Woody and Teardrop's Home

Woody: Woah! So that's what happened after I died huh?

Teardrop: Yeah...it was a lot that happened...

Woody: Wow...I would never think my own family would kill me in such a brutal way...I'm just glad she got eliminated...

Teardrop: Yeah me too...I just don't think anyone could handle her, not even the Readers...

Woody: Hey uhm I've got a bit of a strange question...

Teardrop: Well what is it?

Woody: Do you blame me for dying...?

Teardrop: *Slight gasp* Goodness no...why would I blame you for something that you didn't know would happen...

Woody: Honestly I've been blamed for dumber reasons...plus I don't know I just feel like you deserve something...

Teardrop: What do you mean...?

Woody: Well I mean you've been through so much...and I just wanted to give you something to maybe make up for my death...I feel like you deserve something...so if I can give you anything, tell me...I'll give it to you...

Teardrop had a slight smirk on her face...

Teardrop: Well there is one thing you could do for me...

Woody: Well what is it?

Teardrop then grabbed Woody's hand and walked to their room...she locked the door...and let's just say they had a very good time...

BTW keep this last part in mind...it's gonna be important later...anyway bye for now and Jellyboi1 out!

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