Life In Smallville & Metropol...

By HeavensTree01

2.2K 52 2

Three weeks later, Liana is back in Metropolis but has no memory of where she was from. Liana finds out that... More

Character Description
Chapter 2: Metallo
Chapter 3: Rabid
Chapter 4: Echo
Chapter 5: Roulette
Chapter 6: Crossfire
Chapter 7: Kandor
Chapter 8: Idol
Chapter 9: Pandora
Chapter 10: Disciple
Chapter 11: Absolute Justice, Society, and Legends
Chapter 12: Warrior
Chapter 13: Persuasion
Chapter 14: Conspiracy
Chapter 15: Escape
Chapter 16: Checkmate
Chapter 17: Upgrade
Chapter 18: Charade
Chapter 19: Sacrifice
Chapter 20: Hostage
Chapter 21: Salvation

Chapter 1: Savior

172 4 0
By HeavensTree01

Chloe's on the phone at Watchtower and she says, "Liana Lane, my cousin has been missing for three weeks. Yes, I'm the same woman who called yesterday and the day before that, and pretty much every day for the last few weeks because I have not been getting any answers to my question. You know, don't worry about the second cursor on your screen. I just hacked into your system because you have been so completely unhelpful that I can't..." Chloe then gets hanged up on. Later, Liana appears on a moving train with no memory of where she was. Liana says, "What the hell?" Liana looks down at her hands and sees one of her hands wrapped in a bandage and the other one she's wearing the Legion ring. Then a flash of blue appears, and Liana shields her eyes, and she sees a woman with a murderous glare looking right at her. The woman walks towards Liana, and she throws a punch, but Liana doges it. Liana grabs the woman's arm to twist it, but the woman twists Liana instead. As Liana kicks the woman in the stomach and the woman grabs Liana's foot and throws her into a pole. Liana swings on the pole and kicks the woman in the face. The woman kicks Liana's stomach and then the train leans sideways and Liana tries to grab onto something, but she can't and then she gets knocked out. A few minutes later, Liana opens her eyes to see the train stopped and she walks off the train and smiles when she sees a familiar symbol burned on the wall because she knows that Clark saved her and the passengers. Later, Liana wakes up in the hospital because the doctors told her to rest. Liana gets out of bed and takes the IV out of her arm and she hears a voice say, "Liana, the desk nurse called me. Where have you been?" Chloe brings Liana in for a hug and Liana hugs Chloe back. Chloe continues to say, "What happened to you?" Liana pulls away from the hug and says, "Last thing I remember Tess was talking about an alien Orb and then me and her fought physically and then I touched the Legion ring and there was this flash of purple light and then I wake up in a monorail car with some ninja chick after me." Chloe says, "Tess has an alien Orb?" Liana says, "Well, not anymore, she thought I had it. That's why we were fighting. Chloe, what happened between Clark and Doomsday?" Chloe looks down and says, "Clark, separated Doomsday and Davis. Clark defeated Doomsday and we thought Davis was going to be back to normal, but he wasn't." Liana sees sadness in Chloe's eyes, and she softly says, "Chloe, what happened?" Chloe says, "Davis shot Jimmy and then with the strength that Jimmy had he killed Davis and I held Jimmy in my arms until he died." Liana brings Chloe into hug and says, "Oh, my God, Chloe. I'm so sorry." Chloe wipes her tears and pulls away from Liana says, "I'm just trying to push through and after Jimmy's funeral I tried looking for you, but I couldn't find you and no one knew where you were." Liana frowns and says, "I don't even know where I was. Chloe, how long have I been gone?" Chloe softly says, "Three weeks." Liana widens her eyes and says, "What? I'm missing three weeks of my life." Chloe tries to calm Liana and says, "Hey, we will figure out what happened. Okay, just try and calm down." Liana nods and takes a deep breath. Chloe says, "Come on, I'll take you home so you can shower and get some rest." Liana nods and softly says, "Okay."

The next day, Liana goes to where the monorail crashed and tries to look for clues about the woman that attacked her last night. Liana leaves a voicemail for Oliver and says, "Oliver, I don't know where you've disappeared to, but I could really use your help. I'm low on clues as to why some ninja woman is after me. Call me." Liana sees a black material and grabs it. Liana hears a voice say, "Good find?" Liana turns around to see a man and she says, "Look, on a scale of one to ten of illegal things I've done in my life, this doesn't even hit the radar. Okay, that didn't exactly come out right. All I'm saying is you and your boys in blue have bigger fish to fry then this little guppy. So, I'm just gonna..." The man blocks her way, and she sighs. The man says, "How about a name?" Liana says, "Liana Lane, 'Daily Planet.'" The man tilts his head and says, "Lane? You're the reporter that's been missing for three weeks?" Liana nervously smiles and says, "Yeah, that's me." The man says, "So, where have you been?" Liana says, "I honestly don't know." The man nods and says, "You were MIA until your name came up on the list of crash victims. Now, do you remember anything last night that would explain how a seven-ton SkyTrain belly flops onto main street without a single fatality." Liana softly smiles and says, "I guess we just need to chalk it up to a modern-day miracle." The man nods and says, "We could, or we could chalk it up to a vigilante on an ego trip." Liana says, "Oh, is that what we call courage these days?" The man sighs and says, "The infamous Blur. You know, the ends don't always justify the means." Liana says, "You might want to stick to your night job, detective. Graffiti's not exactly the Red-Blue Blur's style." The man says, "You're right. It never used to be, back when the guy was happy pulling off a few modest saves but suddenly there was no red or blue. It was just the blur. Now, he feels the need to leave his mark all over the city to, I don't know, prove something." Liana looks over her shoulder because she hears a police radio and she says, "Great. The rest of your posse to interrogate me..." Liana gets caught off when the man grabs her hips and pulls her in for a kiss. They hear someone say, "Hey! You two want a membership in the Mile Long Club you might want to try one that's still on the tracks. So, get out of here." Liana pulls away from the man, looks at the officer, and says, "Okay, officer." The man smiles at Liana and says, "Not bad." Liana bites her lip to hide her smile and she turns around and walks out the train. Later, Liana waits outside a building because Chloe texted her to meet her. Chloe walks up to Liana and says, "Hey." Liana says, "Hey." Chloe grabs Liana's arm and says, "Follow me." Chloe takes Liana to Watchtower, and they walk into the main room and Liana looks at the place in awe and says, "Whoa! What is this place?" Chloe says, "This is Jimmy's wedding gift to me. It's called Watchtower and I'm trying to make it a headquarters for superheroes." Liana smiles and says, "Cool." As Chloe goes to turn on the lights, they turn on by themselves and Chloe's confused because the whole rooms set up with computers. They hear a voice say, "Oliver may be AWOL, but his funds aren't." Chloe says, "Shouldn't you be mothballing a lab or packing up Oliver's pleather collection?" Emil says, "You made a solid argument earlier. Sometimes we try to forget but... there are things... Well, there are people worth fighting for." Chloe smiles and says, "I don't know what to say." Emil says, "I'd be more comfortable if we just got down to work." Chloe says, "Okay." Chloe looks at Liana and she says, "Tell him." Liana nods and looks at Emil and says, "I have been apparently missing for three weeks and then I suddenly appeared, and I was being chased by a ninja woman." Emil says, "Where were you?" Liana says, "I have no idea, but I do know how I left, and it was with the Legion ring." Chloe says, "Liana, I think I know where the Legion ring took you." Liana says, "Where?" Chloe says, "The future." Emil says, "Transversing chrono-anomalies. I ran some scans at the time of the monorail crash... and discovered two rips... in the temporal aperture continuum." Liana and Chloe follow Emil to the computers and Chloe swipes the screen to it's on the rest of the screens and she says, "Okay, I've never actually said this before, but could you dumb that down just a little bit?" Emil says, "Two rips in the fabric of our universe. Liana, that woman came back from the future with you." Liana nods and says, "Okay, but we need to find out why she attacked me." Chloe and Emil nod.

The next day, Liana is dressed in a disguise as a ring girl because she found Oliver. Liana walks into the ring and she hears men wolf whistle at her and she smiles. Oliver looks at her and says, "Hello, legs." Liana says, "Legs really? Is that a good idea? You're drunk." Oliver says, "What are you doing here? Where've you been?" Liana says, "Didn't you get my messages?" Oliver says, "Yeah, my phone's been kind of MIA for a while now. How'd you find me?" Liana says, "It wasn't that difficult to track down the tabloid of prince of Metropolis. I just had to follow the paparazzi. But your little, uh, lame, sexist boy club wouldn't let me in, so I had to improvise." Oliver stands up and says, "Well, I should forewarn you, Liana. I'm not having my best round here. This guy." Liana laughs and says, "I noticed. Look, you may be on some death wish fast track, but I could really use a little dose of hero about now." A man says, "Hey, lady..." Liana ignores him, grabs Oliver's face, and says, "Listen to me! I blacked out three weeks ago turned up in a monorail car that's jumped off the tracks and now some assassin woman is after me." Oliver says, "Can you repeat that?" Then there's an explosion and Oliver grabs Liana and shields her from the blast. Liana looks to see it's the woman who's after her. Liana sees her eyes turn red and Oliver says, "Everybody, down!" Oliver grabs Liana and they duck down. Liana hears a gush of wind and looks up to see the woman gone but looks to her left to see Clark's symbol burned into the fence she smiles. Later, Liana cleans Oliver's wounds, and she says, "You're a mess." Oliver says, "Yeah. Why don't you just come out with it, Liana?" Liana says, "I'm disappointed." Oliver says, "There you go. See, you sound like every other ex-girlfriend I ever had." Liana says, "Yes, but I'm not like every other ex you've had." Oliver says, "You're not. I can't seem to get you back in my bed." Liana laughs and says, "Look, you know what? You can't fool me. You risk your life to help strangers so you can plaster that frat-boy grin across your face. But I know that you're a real hero underneath." Oliver says, "Look, Liana, when are you gonna learn, okay? I'm nothing more than a shallow playboy. I got the tabloid covers to prove it." Liana says, "Then how do you explain the whole green arrow thing?" Oliver says, "You know, the hero thing kind of distracted me for a little while. So did you." Liana looks down with a soft smile and says, "Well, I'm glad I could be your distraction for a little while." Oliver says, "You're just not a distraction, you changed me to be a better person." Liana smiles and kisses Oliver's cheek and Oliver smiles.

Later, Liana's at the Daily Planet on her computer and she hears a creaking noise in front of her and she thinks it's Clark, but she looks in front of her and it's the man who kissed her yesterday. Liana's confused as to why he's sitting in Clark's desk and she says, "You know, there are laws about stalking people. You should know..." The man says, "Hmm. I'm not a cop." Liana says, "If you're not cop, then who are you?" The man chuckles and says, "I'm a field reporter. I spent the last few years in Afghanistan. Hopefully, they gave me enough training to be your desk mate." Liana says, "Don't bet on it. And don't get too comfortable in that chair. Clark's coming back." The man says, "Really? I heard he was visiting family indefinitely." Liana already knows Clark's back because he saved her twice already, but she just doesn't know if he'll come back as Clark Kent the reporter. The man stands up and holds his hand out with a smile and says, "I'm John Corben. I'll see you in the trenches." Liana shakes his hand and says, "Okay." The man walks away, and Liana looks down in the trash to see Clark's name plate and takes it out of the trash and places it in her desk because she knows Clark will be back. Then her phone rings and she answers it and says, "Hello." Clark says, "Liana." Liana smiles and says, "Clark. Thank you for saving me out there. The last time we spoke you said you were saying goodbye, are you still saying goodbye?" Clark says, "I should have. I'm supposed to. But I can't." Liana softly says, "Can I see you?" Clark smiles through the phone and says, "Meet me up on the roof." Liana smiles and hangs up the phone and walks up to the roof to see a dark shadow. The shadow turns around it's Clark. Liana smiles and runs up to Clark throwing her arms around his neck and she says, "I missed you." Clark hugs her back and says, "I missed you too. Chloe told me how you accidently went to the future." Liana pulls away and says, "Yeah. It's so strange how I can't remember anything. Although maybe it is a good thing that I don't remember because I don't want to change my future. Do you know who that woman was that attacked me?" Clark says, "She was using you to get to me. She's from Krypton." Liana widens her eyes and says, "That explains what she followed me to the past." Clark nods and Liana looks at Clark's new appearance and says, "I like the new look." Clark says, "It helps me keep to the shadows when saving people me." Liana nods and says, "Yeah." Clark places his hand on Liana's face, and she leans into his hand, and he says, "I'm just glad you're okay." Liana smiles and says, "With you watching my back, I'll always be okay." The former couple smile at each other, not knowing the danger that's coming. 

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