The Grey Raven // Bucky X Oc...

By smilingghost11

656 109 197

As of now I've stopped adding to this, I'm not sure if I'll come back later but for now this is all I'm writi... More

⠂Chapter 1⠐ |Bucky|
⠂Chapter 2⠐|Astrid|
⠂Chapter 3⠐ |Astird| (Continued)
⠂Chapter 4⠐ |Astrid|
⠂Chapter 6 ⠐
⠂Chapter 7 ⠐
⠂Chapter 8 ⠐
⠂Chapter 9⠐
⠂Chapter 10⠐
⠂Chapter 11⠐
⠂Chapter 12⠐
⠂Chapter 13⠐
⠂Chapter 14⠐
⠂Chapter 15⠐
⠂Chapter 16⠐
⠂Chapter 17⠐
⠂Chapter 18⠐|Bucky| (Memory)
⠂Chapter 19⠐|Bucky| (Continued)
⠂Chapter 20⠐|Bucky| (Continued)
⠂Chapter 21⠐|Bucky|
⠂Chapter 22⠐|Astrid|
⠂Chapter 23⠐
⠂Chapter 24⠐
⠂Chapter 25⠐
⠂Chapter 26⠐
⠂Chapter 27⠐
⠂Chapter 28⠐
⠂Chapter 29⠐
⠂Chapter 30⠐
⠂Chapter 31⠐
⠂Chapter 32⠐
⠂Chapter 33⠐
⠂Chapter 34⠐
⠂Chapter 35⠐ |Bucky|
⠂Chapter 36⠐ |Bucky|

⠂Chapter 5⠐

23 4 8
By smilingghost11

“There’s a bonfire this evening,” my dad says, walking back in from the back deck.

“At whose house?” I ask, looking up from my phone.


“Mkay,” I respond, looking back down at my phone. “James!” I yell.

A few seconds later Bucky appears at the top of the stairs. “Yes?”

“We’re going on a walk,” I tell him, standing.

With a skeptical look, he slowly comes down the stairs. “Do I have a say in this?” he asks, walking over to me.

“Not really,” I say simply, walking over to the front door. I pull on my boots and jacket and turn to find Bucky with his boots and coat already on.

“Ready?” he asks, a small smile pulling up one side of his mouth.

I roll my eyes goodheartedly before opening the door. “Yes.” Right before closing the door I peek my head back inside and locate my father. “We’ll be back in an hour or two,” I tell him. He nods before turning and walking into his office.

I brush past Bucky, walking down the stairs before turning to my left. I check to make sure Bucky is following. “Where are we even going?” he asks, catching up with me.

“On a walk,” I reply.

“In the woods?”


“Without a path?”

“Yes.” He stares at me for a moment before letting out a breath.

We walk for a few minutes before I locate the stream I had been looking for. A small, cold substance lands on my nose and I look up quickly to find more snow flurries falling.

I look back down at the stream and notice that a small bit of both banks are frozen though the middle is flowing too fast for the entire thing to freeze.

“Can I ask you a question about the super-soldier serum?” I murmur, looking back up at the falling snow.

“If you must,” Bucky says slowly, seeming confused.

“Does it really increase your body temperature?”

“Yes… That is one of the many things it increased,” he responds after a moment. “Why the sudden curiosity?”

I shrug, starting at a slow pace down the edge of the stream. “Just what happened at the river.”

“Mm… Yes. You were freezing by the way.”

“I’m aware. I was the one shivering uncontrollably,” I say with a chuckle.

“Do you know where you’re going?” Bucky asks after a few minutes of walking.

“No. When I was younger I used to wander around near this stream. I’ll know how to get back,” I respond, looking back up as the snow increases slightly.

“Can I ask you a question now?” he asks.

“Go ahead,” I respond, glancing over at him.

“Can it be a bit personal?” he asks, looking over at me.

I stare at him for a moment before turning away. “Me asking about the serum was personal,” I point out.

“Is that a yes?” I nod, reaching a gloved hand out to catch a falling snowflake. “What happened between you and your dad?” I stop dead in my tracks and stare without seeing ahead of me. “You don’t have to answer,” Bucky says in a soft voice. 

He places a hand lightly on my shoulder which helps bring me back to myself. “I do want to tell you,” I say honestly, closing my eyes. “It’s just… hard.” I open my eyes again and turn to look at him. I quickly realize, “You understand that though, don’t you?” I murmur.

“More than most, yes,” he responds, his eyes scanning over my face. “You don’t have to tell me now,” he points out.

“I want to though,” I whisper fiercely.

He places his hands on my upper arms and looks me in the eyes. “Tell me when you’re sure you’re ready to, not before,” he says.

I hold his gaze and slowly nod my head. “Okay,” I murmur.

We keep walking, a peaceful silence between us as more snow falls from the sky, sticking to the ground. “We should turn around,” I say. Without saying anything Bucky turns and we start back the way we had come, our most recent footprints still visible in the dusting of snow.

I keep thinking back to his question. I want to tell him so badly, but I’ve never told anyone the full details of it. I had told my aunt and Jade some of the details, but no one knew the full story.

Do I want to tell him it all? I glance at Bucky from the corner of my eyes watching his serious face look around at the trees. He’s already told me so much about what he went through. He trusts me… and I trust him… don’t I?

    “How was your walk?” my dad asks when we come back in.

“It was fine,” I say shortly. Emery hurries over, exuberant to see me again. “Hi girl,” I say quietly, bending to rub her face.

“Dan said he could use some help chopping firewood so I’m planning on heading over there in an hour or so. You guys can wait until after then to come if you want.”

I hurry over to the couches and sit down, clapping for Emery who rushes over to me, her tail wagging. “We can come with you,” I say slowly, glancing at Bucky.

“Sure,” Bucky murmurs.

“I haven’t cut wood in a while,” I say quietly, tussling lightly with Emery. She lies down and rolls onto her back, her tongue lolling out. I smile and give her belly rubs.

Bucky walks over and sits down on the couch, watching Emery. Noticing him, Emery sits up and scoots over to him, looking like the happiest thing in the world.

Bucky's serious demeanor drops a little and a small smile pulls at his lips. He reaches his gloved hands toward Emery and her tail starts going wild as he starts petting her.

"I think you're secretly an animal whisperer," I comment, watching him and the dog.

He glances at me. "Maybe I am," he responds, going back to giving Emery his attention.

"Emery. Do you need to go out?" I ask, looking at the German Shepherd.

Emery stands instantly, her attention now on me as her tail starts wagging again. I hurry over to the back doors and Emery charges past me and outside. I step out onto the deck, crossing my arms over my front against the temperature.

I feel a warm presence behind me and immediately know it's Bucky. He's really close to me, I realize. I step back slightly until I'm almost touching him.

"Are you cold already?" he murmurs jokingly.

"Not yet," I respond, smiling slightly. Out of my peripheral vision, I see the garden fence. Quickly, I turn so that I can't see it and keep my attention on Emery as she races around the huge backyard, leaving a trail of pawprints in the snow, more still falling from the sky.

"I'm leaving soon," my dad calls from inside.

"Okay," I shout back, still facing the yard. "Emery!" I call, getting her attention again. She darts past me and back into the house.

We enter and I walk to the door, pulling on boots, a coat, and gloves, and grab a hat.

"Ready?" my dad asks. Without looking at him I nod and walk past him onto the front steps. Bucky follows me out and I glance at him to find him looking at me, a small frown on his face.

My dad walks past us and over to his truck, opening the driver’s side.

"I'm gonna ride in the back," I say.

"Are you sure?" my dad asks, frowning in surprise.

Yes, dad, I'm sure," I snap.

He holds his hands up. "All right," he says quickly. He gets into the truck, closing his door, and I turn to find Bucky already in the bed of the truck, looking down at me.

He offers me his hand which I stare at for a moment before placing mine in it. My eyes widen as he swiftly lifts me as if I weigh nothing. 

As I slowly reorient myself I place a hand briefly on his chest to steady myself. "A warning would've been nice," I murmur, sitting on the side.

I hear Bucky chuckle quietly. "I'll remember that," he murmurs, sitting across from me.

The truck starts and bumps along down the driveway and out onto the road. There's still some snow falling, but even less than before,  very little of it is on the road since it had been salted already but a few inches sit on anything that isn't the main road.

A few minutes later we turn into Daniel's driveway and follow the driveway until the trees open up a bit to reveal his light blue house.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More soon! :)

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