Eight ; Lee Jeno

By authorzlc

20.4K 734 46

One mafia group and a mysterious girl. More

Author's Note
Author's Note


485 11 0
By authorzlc

"This is the first and last time I'm picking you up." Rather than greeting, Jeno had his usual frown. Eight hopped in the car with her playful smile.

"Thanks, boss!" She said while putting on her seatbelt. Jeno sighed and drove.

"You got your things?"

"Yes. Like you said."

Jeno responded with a nod.

"You know, I could just stay in my house and go to the mansion when I'm needed." Eight offered an idea.

"And get yourself killed? Enemies are watching. Always." Jeno reasoned.

"Didn't know you were concerned about me in that level." She teased and whistled right after.

"It's not what you think it is. You're in the group now; you're my responsibility."

"That's sweet."

A short silenced followed until Jeno spoke.

"Training starts tonight-"

"What?!" Eight interjected pushing her body close to Jeno just to make sure she heard that right. "You're kidding."

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" He said out of annoyance. "You will be training with Jisung tonight, but for now we're headed to Skale."

"Ugh," Eight scoffed. "That bastard."

"Heard he's the one who did that to you." Jeno said as he pointed on Eight's casted arm.

"Originally? It was you, idiot."

Jeno quickly stopped the car and looked at Eight directly in the eyes. "Rule number one: respect your higher ups. I'm not your friend." Eight looked away feeling embarrassed and nodded.

Jeez. Higher up, my ass.


"What exactly are we doing here?" I asked looking around the small cafe, Skale.

"It was the boss's order." Mark replied.

"You guys were ordered to work at a cafe?" Eight then laughed making fun of the six men wearing an apron that ironically, suited their broad shoulders and large body build.

"Something like a penalty. But we were still tasked to carry out missions, this was closer to the city, where all our missions usually occur. I guess that's why he placed us here." Mark explained putting on his apron.

"He? Your—our boss is a he? What does he look like?" She curiously asked.

"Technically, our boss. Assuming of you to think you're part of us." Haechan voiced out by Mark's side.

Well that hurt.

"Actually," Mark paused. "No one knows the boss's gender nor face. We refer to him differently everytime we talk about them, so we'd rather not." He slightly chuckled.

Eight's eyebrows met. "That's odd."

"Yeah, but we trust our boss more than anyone else." Mark smiled. "Gotta go." He then went in the cashier. The remaining members did the same too but they had different positions.

Mark and Jeno were working at the cashier. Renjun, Haechan, and Jaemin were working on creating the orders, while Chenle and Jisung were the ones serving the food.

I was dozed off when suddenly I was pulled by a hand in the cashier. "What makes you think you're exempted?" Jeno scowled.

"You're friend right here..." Eight pointed at Haechan. "...just said that I'm not part of the group and now you want me to work? You guys are so confusing."

Jeno pulled her closer and whispered: "You listen to no one but me, understood?"

"Fine." Eight answered and grabbed an apron halfheartedly. After tying the knot she looked back and saw Jeno staring.

What now?

When his eyes met her he looked away frowning.


Eight then approached Jeno. "What do I do now?"


Her Point of View

"Ugh, that was tiring." Haechan sassed out and went straight to the couch. I was about to do the same thing when Jeno grabbed me by my left arm.

"Training. Third floor, remember?" I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm away from him.

"Touch me again and I'll cut off your balls." I threatened leaving the men in the living room.

I noticed an elevator right beside the stairs. Why else would I use the stairs if there's an elevator, right? Immediately, I entered it. I clicked on the number three as my destination was there. I looked around and there was only glass that served as a wall. Above was a cctv, I stared at it and raised my middle finger.

"I could see you, you know?"

That was Jaemin. His voice rang in the whole elevator.

I laughed as I knew one of them may see me, and when the elevator doors opened a hallway greeted me. The ceiling was very high, big paintings were on the wall, and there were large doors. Each had a label. I walked passed the doors until I found a door that had 'Training Room' engraved on it. I opened the big and heavy door until I found Jisung, preparing gears used for... boxing?

In the middle of a basketball court-like room there was a boxing ring.

Oh, my goodness. This is not going to end well...

"Park Jisung!" I called, he immediately looked at me and went close.

"How do you know me?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"We're boxing? Cool!" I stated and walked away to grab boxing gloves. I felt his presence behind me. "Can we do this when I'm healed? It'd be boring." I pleaded turning my back and locking eyes with him. Unfortunately, it did not work.

"Special treatment ain't a thing in here. Ready yourself, I'll be in the ring." He said as he walked away. I rolled my eyes and warmed up my left arm as well as my body.

Oh, god. It's gonna be a long night.


"Hey, hey, hey! Slow down! I'm injured, you know?" I yelled in between the fight. He did not stop of course, he's one competitive asshole. "Fuck this." I whispered and used my lower body to attack. He stumbled at the sudden movement and used his knee to stand on the floor, a hiss from his mouth then followed.

"You have lots of surprises, huh?" He said and stood up trying to balance himself. He must've sprained his foot by the looks of it.

"You okay?" I asked and jogged towards him.

"Just a little sprain." He deadpanned.

"Let me get you ice." I said and rushed out the room. I quickly entered the elevator and when I got down luckily, Haechan was there. "Hey," I called feeling a bit shy. He only gave me a look and went on with scrolling his phone. "Jisung sprained his foot, mind telling me where the ice is?" Now, he looked worried.

"Where is he?" Haechan asked and stood from his seat.

"Third floor, training room." I answered.

"Stay here, I'll go to him." He said.

"No, it's fine. I know how to treat it anyways." I insisted walking towards him.

"I said stay. It's my job anyways." He looked rushed and infuriated.

They really do care for each other that much.

"If you say so." I whispered and shrugged the situation.


I lay down on the uncomfortable bed in the room given by Jeno. I could feel the metal support under the foam, and it was extremely disturbing.

Laying down, I looked around. It was plain. Very plain. A bed, a cabinet, and a table were only the ones present in the room.

A knock on the door was the next thing I heard.

"May I?" It was Mark's voice.

"Yeah." I answered not too loud as the walls were thin. Well, in my room.

Third Person's Point of View

Mark entered the room but as soon as he saw Eight with very short sleeping shorts he looked away licking on his lips. He realized his actions and cleared his throat. "Took a shower, did you?"

Eight sat down with her wet hair and nodded. "Today was boring." She admitted.

Mark lightly laughed. "You wouldn't want to get on real missions trust me." Eight smiled and looked away. "Eight, is it?" He questioned.

"Yeah. Cool, right?" She chuckled.

"Eight's really your name?" Once again, he asked. She shook her head. "Really? What is it then?"

"I believe we're not that close for you to know." She cockily smiled.

"You can be so arrogant, you know?" Mark took steps closer and sat beside her on the bed. He was unsure whether or not he was going to ask what was on his mind. Eight noticed it and locked eyes with him.

"What is it?" She asked lifting both her eyebrows.

"I... It's just that..." Mark sighed. "How come there's no records of you?" He finally was able to say those words.

"Oh, did a background check already, huh?" She rhetorically stated. "You really wouldn't find anything."


"Is my past really your business?" Eight scowled.

"Listen, if you really wanna be one with us, we have to know you. We're just being careful, you may be a spy from our enemies." He explained.

"Then let me prove to all of you over time that I'm not what you think I am."

"It's not that easy, Eight." Mark sighed.

"A little trust..." She paused. "Please?"

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