You're Not For Sale (P.JS ff)

By seoulfeels

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Receiving minimum wage salary, Lee May wanted a better job that validates her hard work. On the way to the jo... More

You're Not For Sale
Part 1 - The Devil Wears Prada
Part 2 - Teacups
Part 3 - First Name Basis
Part 4 - Not A Dream
Part 5 - Disappear
Part 6 - The Deal
Part 7 - Not Anymore
Part 8 - Not So Special
Part 9 - Aurora Borealis
Part 10 - Ice Cream
Chapter 11 - Nobody
Chapter 12 - Beach
Chapter 13 - You Suck

Chapter 14 - Tiramisu

445 26 16
By seoulfeels

Jakie: He fucked up again. He made her get out of his car in the middle of the road and drove away.

Jay: He did what?!!!

Jakie: I called my driver but when he got there, she's gone.

Jay: I'll contact her. I have to apologize for this. Sunghoon didn't change at all.

Jakie: Same thoughts bro. Tell me her location and I'll help her do the rest. Foget Sunghoon. Let him play the High school asshole for a while.

Jay now started calling Jehwa but it took her too long to answer. "Yes?" She answered, trying to hide her sniff. She's crying.

"Is everything ok? Where are you right now?" Jay asked.

"On my way to Ni-ki. I took some sample clothing to make sure we have the right length. The kid is extremely tall." She responds.

So she's still proceeding to her tasks.

"Jake will accompany you, ok? Forget about Sunghoon." He told her.

"Don't worry too much. I don't feel anything about him. He doesn't affect me at all. Please don't send Jake. I'm not in the mood right now." She said then hung up. The car stopped at the stairs. She has to go now. Jehwa already knew the directions so she started climbing the stairs.

While walking in the alley, she noticed some people holding cameras. She's now wondering what's going on.

As soon as she reached the restaurant, she saw more people holding bulky cameras. Did Ni-ki get casted as an idol?

She entered the restaurant and saw Jay's chefs running the place while May's parents and Ni-ki are having a meeting with Jay's lawyer.

"So you mean to say that May is in a relationship with your boss, that's why these people are following Ni-ki?" Hiro asked the lawyer.

"And I promise you that no more photos of Ni-ki are going to circulate from now on. Do you consider having him homeschooled with a private tutor? Boss asked me to ask you to consider it for his safety." He suggests.

"No! I have friends in school." Ni-ki protests. He then saw Jehwa. "Noona!" He welcomed her in a hug. "I have made you a plant based tonkatsu." He said, leading her to the kitchen.

"I recalled you eat healthy, so I made you this. I air fried it just for you." He then served her a pomegranate juice.

Ni-ki stared at her, waiting for her to take a bite.

But Jehwa was so concerned about the calorie contend of the food. She only eat food with nutrition facts so she knows how long she should stay in the gym. But she felt bad for Ni-ki. Who could resist that puppy dog eyes? She took a little piece and chewed without swallowing. "It's good." She lied. She didn't like the taste of anything that smells like meat, even if it's made of vegetables. She feels like she's turning into a pig.

When Ni-ki's not looking, she took a napkin and removed the food out of her mouth.

"That's good. Can you believe what that guy is saying? He wanted me to stay at home. I don't want to." He pointed at Jay's lawyer.

"It's for your safety." Jehwa told him.

Ni-ki calmed down and moved his chair closer to Jehwa's. "Is my noona, really dating Jay Park? I mean are they really engaged?" He asked.

Jehwa almost choked hearing it. She coughed like a dying animal, clearing her throat. "No, I don't think so. I mean, Jay's friends would know if they are." She told the kid.

Ni-ki nodded his head. "Well yeah. That makes sense. May stopped liking guys after Heeseung hyung." He muttered.

Heeseung? Jehwa has heard of that name before. As a matter of fact, she knew someone named Heeseung well. He's a famous model. She casted him just recently.

"By the way, I have some clothes you can try on. If it doesn't fit, we'll schedule a fitting." Jehwa told him, handing him the clothes.

Jehwa browsed the internet while waiting for Ni-ki to wear the first pair of clothing. Jehwa gave him a lot of colorful and playful pairs, knowing that he can work it.

While she's surfing the net, she noticed another article of May. An anonymous source said that she's a gold digger who caused her boss to divorce his wife. Jehwa looked at May's parents cleaning the whole restaurant and wondered if May really is a gold digger.

Well she did disappear with Jay without spending a week trying to get used to her job. But if she really is a gold digger, how come they have a small business and small house?

Where did she put all the money?

Could it be, she has a secret house where she meets her former boss? How come she wears cheap clothes then? To keep it low-key?

The anonymous source also said that May found her new target, and it's Jay Park.

Ni-ki showed the summer clothes, distracting Jehwa from the article. He looks amazing by just standing there, staring at her. This kid can be a model and even an actor.

"The shorts are quite short if you ask me." Ni-ki spoke, bringing her back to reality.

"We're going to repair that. This will be your schedule if your parents already signed the consent form." Jehwa passed him a tablet that has Ni-ki's potential schedule.

Ni-ki smiled, showing the signed consent. Jehwa got excited and forgot that she's here because of work. She jumped up and down with Ni-ki.

"This is the start of my modeling career." Ni-ki cheered, but then stopped. "I wish sister is here with me. She'd be happy for me too." He said sadly.

Jehwa felt bad for him.

"I'm sure she'd call." Jehwa tried to comfort him. It worked because Ni-ki is now smiling. He's definitely going to wait for that call.

To distract him, Jehwa discussed the diet plan for Ni-ki. He stared at the list and frowned. "Noona, I dance a lot. If I eat less, I won't survive a day. Look at me." He stood up straight and even turned side to side.

Jehwa wanted to cut him some slacks but she's not his sister. "Follow the list. Chefs are here to cook what you're allowed to eat. No cheating Ni-ki. Trust the process." She told him but as soon as she turned around, Ni-ki mumbled something she's so afraid of hearing from others.

"I don't want to develop an eating disorder." It was what he whispered but Jehwa only heard the last part.

"What did you say?" She asked in shock.

"May noona hates it when I skip a meal." Ni-ki told her. "She said I'm going to destroy my body if I eat less. I'd feel sick all the time and won't be able to function the same anymore." He muttered. The more Jehwa stood there, the lesser she can hear. Her vision started spinning until she saw black.

"Oh shit! Eomma! Help!" Ni-ki yelled, catching Jehwa from falling to the ground. Speaking of eating disorder. She didn't eat with Jake and Sunghoon earlier and didn't eat the food that Ni-ki had prepared for her.

"Where's May when you need her?" Mia muttered, checking up on pale Jehwa. "Let's take her to May's room for a while." Miya told Ni-ki, letting him carry Mia.

Jay's men already called for the family physician. Miya was impressed.

"She's sweating, and trembling." Ni-ki said in panic.

"I-I'm fine." Jehwa tried to get up but she collapsed back in May's bed, feeling as if the room is spinning.

"Oh honey, you look far from fine. Get some rest, would you?" Miya said and Jehwa lost consciousness once again.

When Jaeya woke up, she felt someone holding her hand. Soneone with big warm hands. Is it Ni-ki? She sat up and the first thing she noticed is May's 'glow-in-the-dark' wall clock. It's already 10 PM. She fell asleep in May's bed that long.

She tried to get out of bed, but she felt her hands being held tighter. "Get some rest. The doctor said so. He also said that you should eat enough." He spoke, but it wasn't Ni-ki's deep voice. It sounded so familiar.

She turned the lamp in the nightstand and her guess was right. It's Sunghoon.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in fury. She didn't want Sunghoon here, especially at this time. She looks so disappointed and furious that Sunghoon felt hurt. It was as if he wasn't needed.

"Where do you want to eat? My treat." Sunghoon didn't answer her question, focusing on feeding Jehwa. He's guilty because he knew for a fact that it was his fault that she skipped meals in the first place.

"No thanks. Not from you, thank you. Leave me alone." Jehwa said with such anger. Of course Sunghoon couldn't handle that. He came here right after Jake called him and put him the blame.

Jake's right though, he already knew that Jehwa has these tendencies and still didn't made sure she ate enough.

"I came here because Jay heard from Jake that I dropped you off in the middle of the highway and nagged. Then Jake harassed mme because you fainted. Clumsy girl. I can leave, if you want. I didn't want to come here in the first place." He lied as he shoved his hands in his pockets coldly. His ego's already hurt from Jehwa's rejection.

"Fine." Jehwa responds, even though deep inside it hurts. She felt so stupid for having feelings for this emotionless monster. She knew to herself that it's better to just like Jay or Jake but there's always a little part of her that can never get over this person.

Aside from the fact that she's aware that she's not Jay's type nor Jake's, they're safer to have feelings for because they care for her. Sunghoon's never been worth it since day one, but why does it make sense to hold on to a tiny hope that he would one day notice her?

"Fine." Sunghoon muttered but couldn't make himself leave the room.

Jehwa stood up instead and made her way out of the house and to the front porch where Ni-ki is currently gardening. He's removing dead leaves from the sunflowers. He looks so cute while doing it. Such a reliable son.

"Ni-ki!" Someone called out from the house across them. "Baked potatoes didn't sell much today." He muttered, giving a whole paper bag to Ni-ki.

In the food industry, they need to get rid of everything before 12 midnight. Some actually get rid of it, and some just take it home to save money. In this guy's case, he gives it away.

"May?" The guy muttered taking a closer look at her, towering her. He has such cold eyes, but handsome face. He'd be perfect as a model with that height and body proportion.

You can't blame Jehwa from admiring such things, after all she works in the fashion industry.

"You're not May." He muttered.

"Oh, she's Jehwa noona. She's May noona's workmate." Ni-ki explained. "This is Haruto hyung. Best neighbor in this block." Ni-ki gestured the whole street.

Haruto nodded then smiled at Jehwa. "Nice to meet you, Jehwa." He then walked back to his house. "I better get going." He mutters. He has such beautiful deep voice.

"You feeling ok, noona?" Ni-ki asked, noticing that Jehwa's eyes are still focused on Haruto.

"What is this neighborhood? Why does everyone look like a model?" Jehwa mutters.

Ni-ki chuckled, as he stood up. "Wait till you see Yoshi hyung." He muttered.

"There's more?" Jehwa asks as her dull eyes brightened.

Ni-ki wiped his sweat then looked at the stars. "Anyway, I have left food in the kitchen for you. The doctor said you don't eat enough compared to the activities you do for a day. That's why you passed out." He changed the topic.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just need to rest." Jehwa responds.

"But I prepared it especially for you." Ni-ki still tried to convince her. Just like when May couldn't take care of herself and overwork, Ni-ki always try his best to help out. Jehwa's not a stranger now. She's like a sister to him even though they only knew each other for a short time.

Seeing Ni-ki's puppy dog eyes made Jehwa soft and agreed. This kid is starting to be her weakness. May is lucky to have a brother like Ni-ki.

Jehwa forced to take a sip of the soup that Ni-ki has prepared. To her surprise, it's not bad at all. As a matter of fact, it's good. His father must've taught him to cook well.

"Thank you for this Ni-ki. It's great." Jehwa complimented him and finally started to get comfortable eating.

"You really shouldn't take yourself for granted. If your body gives up on you, there will be no way to replace it. Here, eat some more." Ni-ki placed a slice of cake in front of her. It's a strawberry crepe cake with real strawberry toppings.

Sunghoon was about to leave when Jehwa didn't come back, so he left the room. He was looking for any of the home owners when he saw Jehwa happily eating in front of Ni-ki.

How did this kid make her eat?

Does Jehwa like younger kids now?

Is this kid hitting on her?

He's not even all that.

Sunghoon balled his fist in anger because Jehwa rejected his offer to eat anywhere she wants and whatever she wants. She knew very well that Sunghoon can afford to take her even oversease right now just to satisfy her cravings. Instead, shexs here eating something that looks so cheap.

His anger grew stronger that he want to punch the kid. But wait, was it really anger.

He wanted to make himself that it's anger but it's obvious that he's jealous of a kid.

There's no way in hell he can cook for anyone even if his life depends on it. Even a miracle canxt make that happen.

He stared at Ni-ki fron head to toe and stared at his face. Suc a chicky kid to have the audacity to cook for Jehwa and even talk to her. He must be delusional to think that Jahwa would actually like him.

Sunghoon frowned when he felt like he knows this kid. He's sure that he's seen him somewhere before.

"Sunghoon hyung, come sit. I made you tiramisu as well. Thanks for checking up on Jehwa noona.c Ni-ki said as he offered him a seat.

Wait, how did the kid know his name?

"It's your favorite. Please don't choke like you did one time though." Ni-ki chuckled making Sunghoon's eyes widen.

How did he know tiramisu is his favorite desert? More importantly, how did he know that he choked on it once?

He stared at Ni-ki serving him the biggest serving of tiramisu he's seen in his life.

Who is this kid?

"Would you stop staring?" Jehwa pulled Sunghoon to sit beside her. "You look like you've seen a ghost." She added. "Just eat the tiramisu and get out of here." She pushed the plate in front of Sunghoon.

Jehwa forced a spoonful of the tiramisu inside sunghoon's mouth that he choked and started counging like a dying animal.

"Hyung!" Ni-ki offered a napkin, moving closer.

The moment the two boys made eye contact, Sunghoon finally recognized him.

"Ni-ki!" He pointed at him.

"Yes?" Ni-ki asked in confusion. All this time, he thought Sunghoon already knew that it was him. But how would he? He was still a 3 feet tall kid when he last saw him.


A/N: I had a writer's block. I'm pressured to update because I know so well that I have to start updating regularly again. I won't promise anything so don't expect much from me.

Anyway, I'm not bitter about work anymore. Actually I'm starting to save funds now. I hope I won't get tempted and spend all of my savings and go back to zero again.

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