Phantom Show

By Diggin-A-Hole

846 33 6

Ren's return from juvenile hall finally gave the Thieves the chance they had to talk about why Mementos still... More

Pillage Him!
Show's Over!
Thou art I
Shards of a Heart


139 5 1
By Diggin-A-Hole

Joker and Haru were busying themselves behind the Leblanc counter, giving Sojiro a well-earned break. Business had been heavy today, and Boss was busting his back trying to give all his customers the best experience they'll ever have. It was almost closing time, and the café had long since emptied, leaving the three workers to clean up for the day. "So, now that you've got Raoul, we all have our true Persona's now, right?" Haru asked as she dried dishes.

"From what I could understand from Morgana's rambling, they're not exactly our true Personas, but at the same time...they, are? I don't know, you'll have to hear the spiel from Morgana himself." Ren said from the back, checking on their stock of beans. "He said that they're awakened by truly accepting who you are and what you've done, but all of our Personas were our true Persona... Again, I don't know, you'll have to ask Morgana."

"Hmm." was Haru's reply, before bringing up another subject. "Hey, you have a lot of friends, right?"

"Yeah, I know some people." Ren said, giving Haru a curious look. "Why?"

"I was wondering..." Haru put a finger up to her chin. "Do you think any of them could've been Phantom Thieves like us, Ren-kun?"

Ren paused, and thought about it hard. "Honestly, I can think of one who could have possibly become one."

"Really? Who?" Haru asked, fully invested in hearing what Ren had to say.

"You know Hifumi Togo? The shogi champ who goes to Kosei High with Yusuke?" Ren asked the girl, both of their jobs completely forgotten about.

"Yes, I've actually been to some of her tournaments! Togo-san is really good." Haru said. "I could never stand a chance against her."

"No kidding." Joker chuckled, remembering the crushing sweeps Hifumi would constantly hammer him with at the church. At least his friend was teaching him, and not just humiliating him with his clear incompetence at shogi. "Anyways, her mother was bribing her competitors to lose so Hifumi would gather popularity, and she could live through Hifumi's fame." Haru sighed looking downcast.

"That's awful... and I understand how it feels. Before my father coerced me into engaging Sugimura, a bunch of suitors were just people hoping to live off Okumura Foods. I want be in love with someone, don't get me wrong, but I don't want my husband to be someone who just... leeches off my father's company."

"Yeah, I can understand that." Joker said. "Maybe try talking with Ann. She does love playing matchmaker."

"I'll do that, thank you Ren-kun. Anyways, back to Togo-san." Haru said. "Sorry for making this about me."

"Relax, no problem. Anyways, this was before you and Futaba joined, but we had changed Hifumi's mom's heart. After it happened, Hifumi somewhat fixed her relationship with her mom. There's still some tension between them, but they're on better terms now." Joker said. Haru nodding along.

"So, you think Hifumi could've become a Phantom Thief then?"

"If she somehow wound up in the Metaverse with us, then, yeah. I think she could've awakened a Persona." Joker speculated, an image of Hifumi ripping a mask off her face floated around his head.

"Anyways, I'm just got a few more dishes to dry before I need to get to the train station." Haru said, picking up the dish towel again. Ren finished taking stock, and called Sojiro back in. The elder man, not realizing how late it was, got Ren to close up shop, and offered to walk Haru home. The two left, and Ren flipped the sign to "Closed" and walked upstairs. Morgana was napping on the edge of his makeshift bed, his tail daintily swaying back and forth. Plopping down on the couch, he gave a relaxed sigh. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It was Tae.

"Shit." Ren muttered. He forgot to head to Takemi's clinic to get checked on. He answered then phone. "Hey, doc." Ren said. An annoyed, but playfully exaggerated sigh was the response Tae gave him.

"You got a lotta nerve not showing up, Guinea Pig. All your other buddies dropped by already, and before you ask, they all are fine. The blondie, Sakamoto, had banged up his ribcage, but he was otherwise fine. Everyone else just had some bruises, and the redhead, Sakura-chan, only had a scratch. But they all said that you were pretty battered, so you better get over here. Like, right now. Mmkay?"

"Yes ma'am." Ren replied, lifting his shirt up. His body was littered with bruises and cuts. His entire body felt numb. Bad memories of the interrogation began flooding Ren's mind, and he quickly covered himself back up.

"Good. I'll be waiting for ya, Ren." Tae said, before hanging up. Ren pocketed his phone, took his apron off, and gave Mona a quick pat on the belly, a pleased purr escaped Mona's sleeping form. Ren chuckled, before walking back downstairs, grabbing the key, and went to leave the café.

"Where ya going? You should get some sleep, y'know." Morgana was at the bottom of the stairs, giving Ren a curious look.

"Ah, sorry for waking you, Morgana." Ren apologized. "I need to go see Takemi. I never went to get checked yet."

"Well, alright... just don't take too long." Morgana yawned, stretching out.

"Don't worry, I'll be back before midnight." Ren said, stepping outside.

The streets of Yongen-Jaya were quiet, as Ren walked towards Takemi's at a lackadaisical pace. The sky was starting to get dark, and Ren quickened his pace, taking the turn into Takemi's clinic. The doctor was in her seat waiting for him.

"About time you showed up." Takemi said, picking up her clipboard. "You know, it's rude to keep a girl waiting."

"Noted." Ren said. "Late night working Leblanc. What else can I say?"

""Ooh, I'm really sorry for not showing up, Takemi-san." would be a nice way to start." Takemi said.

"Ooh, I'm really sorry for not showing up, Takemi-san." Ren said, before sighing. "Really, Tae. I am sorry for not showing up. I completely forgot about it."

Tae laughed. "Ah, I can't stay mad at you, my little Guinea Pig." Her expression turned serious again. "Now then, back to business. Let's see what I'm working with here. Take your shirt off for me, please."

Ren complied, and Tae had a sharp intake of air. "Okay... multiple bruises and cuts, likely gonna form a scar or two along the chest. I'll- uh... Ren, could you move your shoulder for me?" Tae said, and she now looked a little worried.

"Uh... okay." Ren said, he stuck his arm out, and went to roll his shoulder. The second he moved it at all, a burning pain seared through his whole arm. "Aahh..." Ren groaned in pain, and Tae quickly grabbed his shoulder. She began pressing lightly in a few places, drawing more pained groans from Ren.

"Uh oh. Looks like a dislocation. What happened to you lot? You all were a little banged up, but no one had a dislocation." Tae asked.

"Uhh..." Ren said. He wasn't sure if he should tell her exactly what they did, because as much as he trusted Takemi, the less people who knew, the better.

"Amamiya..." Tae said, putting her hands on her hips. The doctor was serious. Ren sighed, he wasn't getting out of this one.

"Okay, promise to not tell anyone?" Ren asked. Tae nodded slowly. "I'm serious, Tae. This CANNOT get out there. I'm trusting you with something I probably shouldn't be."

"Don't worry, Ren. I won't tell a soul. I promise."

"Alright. We... are the Phantom Thieves, and we-"

"Stop." Tae interrupted.

"I- what?" Ren stopped. "Do you, not believe me?"

"Oh no, I believe you. I'll admit, I had some suspicions about it, but considering the shit that you guys have gone through, it's probably for the best that I know as little as possible. Right?"

"I... can't really argue with that." Ren said.

"So." Tae said, writing in her clipboard. "Cause of accident... let's say, it was a... skateboard accident, shall we?"

"Sure thing." Ren said. "And... hey. I appreciate this, Tae. Really, I do."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Guinea Pig. You very obviously fell off your skateboard and dislocated your shoulder when you hit it on a... hmm... lamp post." Tae said, giving Ren a smug smile.

"Guilty as charged, doc." Ren said. "So, how are we fixing this?"

"This is how." Tae said, grabbing Ren's shoulder gently again. "Ready? 1, 2..."

"Ready? For wha-" Tae quickly cracked Ren's shoulder back into place. Ren was not ready at all.

Anyone strolling around outside would be surprised by a loud "FUCK!"


Ren glumly walked back to Leblanc with the painkillers in his right hand. His left arm was stuck in a sling for the next few days, and he was not allowed to do any activities involving shoulder movement for the next month or two.

"Fucking Reaper, dislocating my shoulder. Couldn't kill me, but dislocated my damn shoulder. Nice work, Death Incarnate. Really got me good."

Ren unlocked Leblanc's door, and checked the clock. 11:47. At least he kept his promise to Morgana. Walking back upstairs, Morgana was... licking himself?

"Really dude?" Ren said. Morgana stopped, and turned to Ren. He looked completely shameless.

"I'm a cat. Get over yourse- WHOA! What happened?" Morgana yelled, seeing the sling on Ren's left arm.

"Dislocated shoulder. Couldnt be killed by Death, but he managed to dislocate my shoulder, so at least he did something." Ren joked, plopping down on the couch.

"Do you think we could heal it in the Metaverse?" Morgana asked.

"Possibly. But I'm done with Thieving for a few days, and I think everyone else is, too." Ren said, huffing as he got up, and took out a painkiller. Setting it on the table, he went downstairs to get a glass of water, and came back up to take his pill. "I'm stuck in the sling for a few days, and my left arm is on vacation for a month or two. Not like I should be going to the Metaverse anyways." Ren said.

"Well, Ryuji's gone in with his bad leg. If you have a bad arm, that isn't even your dominant arm, might I add." Morgana said, hopping onto Ren's bed. "I don't see why you can't go in. You just can't use both knives at once. No big deal, right?"

"Opposite, Mona." Ren said. "It's a pretty big deal. You know my fighting style is getting right up in Shadows faces right? Same with Makoto and Ryuji. I need both hands fully functional to fight properly. You, Yusuke, Ann, and Haru have bigger weapons then us, so you guys can keep a little more distance between yourself and Shadows. If my arms out of commission, then so is my fighting." Ren explained.

"I guess you're right." Morgana muttered. "Whatever. Let's get some sleep, alright?"

"Should've figured you'd say that." Ren said, flopping down onto the mattress.


"So... you're going back home next month?"Ann asked.

Ren sighed. "Yeah... I'm only here for my probation. Even though I was proven innocent, I still had to finish my sentence. March is the month I go back to Inaba..."

"Aw, c'mon man!" Ryuji said. "Nobody's forcin' ya to go back, right?"

"Ryuji, I believe that he actually is forced to go home." Yusuke said. "He has a family to get back to in Inaba. I wonder what that place is like..." Yusuke was lost to his daydreaming again.

"Yeah, a... family." Ren muttered. His parents hadn't kept contact with him at all. Nothing from a gift to a phone call. Not a letter, not a visit... nothing. He could still remember the faces his parents made when they found out what had happened. It wasn't shock, or disappointment. It was anger. Directed at him. His parents didn't believe that he was innocent. His parents thought he was just some thug. It wasn't like they were particularly close, anyways. His father was never around, and his mom couldn't give a rats ass where he was or what he was doing. There wasn't any love in the house at all. His parents fought constantly, and their marriage was barely hanging together. Apparently, their disscontempt for each other was shifted to disscontempt for him, because they didn't even look remotely sad when Ren had left. He was given his fake glasses to "avoid looking like a criminal, causing other people trouble or worry." Like he looked like some penniless criminal trash. Nothing ever made Ren feel so worthless then his parents shipping him off with zero hesitation, like he was a burden to them. He was a burden to them. He was a detriment to their name. A downplay on their reputation. Having a criminal son would make them look bad.

He remembered sitting alone in the back of the train heading into Tokyo, willing himself not to burst into tears the second he was out of Inaba. He remembered how alone he felt, how worthless he felt. And his parents didn't even try to help him at all.

Ren absently ran his finger along the arm of his glasses. Did he really want to go back to that? A tiny little town that held no future for him, living with his detached, emotionless parents who wouldn't know or care if he dropped dead? Where everyone he knew before treated him like scum? Where the one friend he had cut ties with him?

Hell no. Leblanc was more of a home then his parents house ever was. Sojiro was a better caretaker then they ever could be. A lot of people Ren knew treated him fairly, and the friends he had wouldn't give him up for the world, and vice versa. But did he have a choice? It didn't feel like he did.

"Well, I guess we just have to make the most of our time left I guess, huh?" Ann said glumly.

"Yes. We should spend as much time together as we could." Haru agreed. "Perhaps we could make some permanent memories in the month we have remaining."

"Yeah! Tokyo's a big city. There's plenty of things for us to do in a month!" Futaba said. "We could go shopping, eat out, play games... the list goes on!"

"Then what the hell are we waitin' for?!" Ryuji said. "Times a-wasting!" The blonde barrelled out the door.

"He has no idea what he's doing." Ann muttered. "I'll make sure he stays out of trouble." Ann jogged after Ryuji.


"So, what's it like in Inaba?" Makoto asked, causing Ren to pause mid-sip, almost in fear.

"What-ah... what do you mean?" Ren asked, cursing himself for fumbling on his words.

"I mean... is it, like, a nice place?"

"Well, sort of." Ren said, swirling his smoothie around in his right hand.

"What do you mean "sort of"? Is it not a safe place to be? Are the locals not nice?"Makoto asked, a worried expression on her face.

"Oh no, the place is fine, but... never really had fond memories of Inaba." Ren said, wincing in his mind after saying that. That sounded better in his head.

"Why don't you have fond memories of Inaba? You spent almost your whole life there. Did something happen to you there?"

"Uh, no... NO, no, Nonono, I just, never really liked Inaba that much." Ren terribly lied.

"Ren..." Makoto said, setting her own smoothie down. "You know, for someone nicknamed "The Trickster", you're a horrible liar, Ren."

Ren sighed. "Who am I kidding? Nothing gets past you." He took a big gulp of his smoothie, before turning to his girlfriend. "My home life was never the best. My parents weren't very... involved with me. My dad was never around, and my mom never really cared what was going on with me. If I hurt myself, she would brush it off. If I needed help, she wouldn't bother at all. I was left to fend for myself the majority of my life. I can remember when I broke my arm when I was 10, and my mom didn't take me to the hospital until my homeroom teacher noticed and called her out for it." Makoto gasped, shocked at what she heard. "There wasn't much attachment to anything in my home. My parents had a marriage that was held together by a single thread, and I always got caught up in the crossfire of their arguments. It just got worse after the Shido bullshit. Detachment became anger, and I got in a little-"

"Ren." Makoto interrupted. Ren froze. Shit, he's the target of the Niijima Glare. Again.

"I got in a lot of shit for a few nights until I was booted off to Tokyo." Ren fixed his story. "My parents believed I was completely guilty, and the first chance they got, they sent me here, because having a thug for a son really damaged their reputation. Haven't been in contact with my parents since I left Inaba. Not a phone call, a gift, a visit, not even a letter. Just radio silence. Don't have much going for me there anymore."

"Ren... why didn't you tell anyone this? That sounds serious. That sounds like child neglect, not taking you to the hospital until someone noticed. Even if you're on probation, and even if they aren't supposed to contact you, they should've at least checked with Sojiro." Makoto said. "Ren, you shouldn't be going back there."

Ren sighed again. "What choice do I have? Once my probation is over, I gotta go back, whether I like it or not."

"I still think you shouldn't be going back there, if that's what your living conditions are. Were you being fed?"

"Yes. One meal a day." Ren said. "I found myself hungry a lot, but I managed."

"Ren! That's not enough food for someone!" Makoto yelled. "No wonder you used to be so skinny! No wonder you can pack away so much food! You barely had any in the first place!"

"Yeah, okay okay okay. I probably should've been fed more back home. At least I can cook for myself now."

"Well, at least you weren't being abused." Makoto said, giving Ren a worried look.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've lasted this long, haven't I?" Ren said, trying to lighten the mood. Makoto's small chuckle proved that it worked, albeit not much, as her worried expression remained on her face. They walked up to Leblanc, opening the door, to see Sojiro on the phone with someone. Judging from the look on his face, he wasn't happy about something.

"Listen, I have customers. This discussion isn't over, though." Sojiro said before hanging up the phone. Rubbing his temple, Sojiro pulled out his small flask of whiskey and took a sip. "Sorry about that, you two. Was talking with an old friend."

"It's alright, Boss. No bother to us. Where's Futaba? We got her a smoothie. We got you one too." Ren said.

"Ah, from the new smoothie place on Central? Thanks kids, I haven't had a smoothie in a long time. Futaba's upstairs." Sojiro took a small sip from his new drink. "Hmm, mango and pineapple?" He guessed.

"Bingo." Ren said, as he trodded up the stairs. Sojiro waited for Ren to get to the top before talking again.

"Hey, Makoto? Could I talk to you for a second?" Sojiro asked.

"Oh! Uh, sure Boss. What's wrong?" Makoto asked.

"I was on the phone with Ren's parents." Sojiro said. "Don't tell him yet, but I've been considering asking him if he wants me to adopt him."

"Really?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah, I caught wind of a bunch of shit that went down for him back in Inaba, and I really don't think he should be going back there." Sojiro said. "His parents, obviously, aren't agreeing. But they haven't dealt with this stubborn old man in a while. I'll crack them."

"Ren told me about the things that happened. What really harrowed me was that he broke his arm, and his mother didnt take him to the hospital until the..." Makoto stopped to calm herself down. "Teacher noticed it."

"Child neglect..." Sojiro's muttered. "Dealt with it before, and not too long ago..." it didn't take a genius to figure out he talking about Futaba's uncle. "Alright, forget the early plan. I'm gonna go talk to Ren, ask him for his thoughts, and then see if he has any proof of neglect that we could use. If there is something, great. If not, then we'll make do. It's not as severe as abuse, but the fact that they put their son through that is total bullshit." With that, Sojiro walked up the stairs, and Makoto tucked into a booth, letting them talk privately. Sojiro's muffled voice was heard for a moment, and Futaba shuffled downstairs shortly after, thanking Makoto for the smoothie, and the girls let Sojiro and Ren have their talk.


"So kid. I want you to be completely honest with me. No sugarcoating, no lying, nothing but the truth." Sojiro said.

"Sure, Boss, what's up?" Ren said.

"How's your home life?"

"It's... uh-"

"I said no lying." Sojiro interrupted. "I'll ask again. How's your home life?"

Ren sighed. "It's... lonely. Not much emotion, attachment, or anything in my house. Constant arguing between my parents persuaded me to spend as much time away from home as I could. Part-time job, hanging out with an... old friend, whatever excuse I had to be away from home, I took. I was only ever really there for dinner and sleep. And my parents wouldn't bat an eye if I came home upset, happy, or beaten to shit. The latter happened a couple times. Never felt like anything would go well for me in Inaba. Especially not anymore."

"Mhm." Sojiro nodded. "Listen, Ren. I've been thinking hard on it for a bit, especially recently, but..." Sojiro huffed. "How'd you feel about staying in Tokyo permanently?"

"What do you mean? I can't do that, Boss. I need to go home after my probation is over no matter what."

"What I mean, is..." Sojiro put his hand on Ren's shoulder. "What would your thoughts be if your home was here. In Tokyo? With Futaba and I?"

Ren looked completely lost. "I... don't think I follow you, Sojiro."

"Right. Come with me please Ren." Sojiro said moving to the stairs. Ren's smoothie got one more large gulp before being set down on the bedside table. Ren followed Sojiro downstairs. Makoto and Futaba were sitting in one of the booths, engrossed in their talk. They paused to glance at Ren, giving him encouraging smiles.

Sojiro walked behind the counter, and had a quick sip of his flask. "Sit down." Sojiro said, pointing to the bar stool nearby. Ren reluctantly sat down. Sojiro gave Ren the softest look he could muster. "What would you think if I were to adopt you?"

The hamster running on the wheel in Ren's brain had just died. He was at a loss for words. "I... are yo-you serious?"

"I know about the shit that went down at Inaba. Child neglect is not something to take lightly, kid. You've seen it already with Futaba. I really think that you shouldn't be going through that."

"I'm..." Ren muttered.

"Look, it's your choice, Ren. But judging from how you were treated by them before the Shido incident, do you really think it will get better if you go back?"

"Well... no. I guess not." Ren said.

"You were hardly being fed, and you wouldn't retrieve medic's treatment unless your mother was forced to provide it! That's not something you should be living through, Ren!" Sojiro said, before he stopped. He pulled his flask out one more time, took a sip, and turned back to Ren. "So? What do you think? We can get the paperwork no problem. But, if your parents take it to court, do you have any evidence of neglect?"

"Well, there are the medical records from my broken arm. The date that I broke it and the date I went to the hospital should be listed on it." Ren said. "It'll be at Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital. That's where she took me."

"That's in Sumida City." Sojiro said. "Alright Ren, we're going to Sumida City. Futaba you're coming too. Do you want to come, Makoto?"

"Yes, I'll join you guys." Makoto said.

"Good, get in the car. We're going now." Sojiro said, grabbing a set of keys from his pocket.

"Wait. Sojiro, why don't I get Sae to come with us? She'll have more authority to check the record then we do." Makoto said.

"That's... good point. Give her a call."


"So." Sae said over the phone. "You want me to barge into a hospital, demanding to see Ren's medical record for proof of neglect? For a court case that currently doesn't even exist?"

"Uhh... yes?" Makoto sheepishly confirms.

"Alright." Sae said.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. I owe quite a bit to Ren. And besides, if he really does go through neglect at home, I don't want him going through that, either."

"I- yeah! Awesome! Thank you, Sae! Sojiro and the rest of us will drop by to pick you up quickly!" Makoto said, not expecting getting Sae along to be so easy.

"Don't bother, I'll drive myself there. I'm not too far away from Sumida City right now anyways. I'll meet you there, alright?"

"Yes, of course! Thank you, Sis. So much." Makoto said.

"Of course, Makoto. Anything for you."


Days have passed since Sojiro set out to take over as Ren's legal guardian. They got the medical records easily thanks to Sae, and sure enough, it was taken to court. Ren was allowed in once, to testify and be questioned, and only once. Sojiro and Sae were taking over the rest of it.

Ren wasn't sure what to think of seeing his parents again. He didn't really miss them, and he was positive that they didn't miss him. But seeing them again bought a mess of emotions and thoughts to Ren. He wants to run to them and apologize, but at the same time, he wanted to rip their arms off. When he met eyes with his parents, not one of them showed an emotion of any sort. They were just blankly staring at each other, and Ren couldn't stand looking at them for long.

He currently sat outside the courthouse, waiting for Sojiro and Sae to come out and tell him the results. He was anxious, what would happen if they lost? His parents would be freshly pissed at him, and Inaba would be that much more shitty for him. What if they win? What would his parents reactions be? Would they be saddened? Angry? Perhaps even happy? The thoughts continued to hammer Ren's mind, waiting to move from his position on the bench.

Makoto sat next to him, holding his right hand firmly with both her smaller ones. His left arm, still out of commission, was beginning to feel less painful and uncomfortable. There was still much time left before it would heal, but it's getting better. At least it was out of the sling.

Hours had passed, and neither of them moved. But Ren could feel it, like it was looming in the air. The judge had come to their verdict, whatever it may be. He was either going back to Inaba, or staying in Tokyo. As people began to finally exit the courthouse, he could feel Raoul activating Third Eye. He began scanning the crowd over for any sign of Sojiro and Sae, and admittedly, his parents too. His parents walked out first, and for the first time in a while, Ren saw them look at him with an emotion he was yet to witness from them.


Sojiro and Sae walked out with the crowd, and Sojiro didn't need to say anything at all, his smile told Ren everything.

They won.

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