Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

By WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 57

260 5 0
By WishingOnStars99

I woke up lazily, and walked out of bed. Instead of taing a shower, I decided just to grab a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. I quickly put it on, and look at the clock near my bed. Trenton will be here in five minutes. I ran to the bathroom, and combed my hair. I let it loose, and went downstairs, locking the door to Niall's apartment.

Gosh! Did I really just sleep in my ex boyfriend's apartment? I must have been really tired yesterday...

As soon as I got outside, Trenton was waiting for me, leaning into his black car. He smiled when he looked at me, and opened the door. Before I could get to him though, I saw a blonde coming in my direction. A reallyt familiar one. I make a run for the car, but he notices me.

"Kenzie?" Niall asked, just as I was about to enter the car. I looked up to see his confused face.

"Hey Niall." I said, trying to avoid eye contact. Niall looked away from me, and started to glare at Trenton. If looks could kill, Trenton would be long gone...

"Is this your boyfriend?" Niall asked, turning to look at me again.

"Yep. Has been for a while now." I said, looking at Trenton, who was now death glaring Niall. Niall wasnt helping. He was also glaring at Trenton. "I think we should go now, right Trent?" I asked, making Trenton look at me.

"Yes, sure." Trenton said, and made a sign for me to enter his car.

"I guess I'll just see you later Niall," I said, before Trenton closed the door.

Trenton quickly slid into the driver's seat and drove off. I sighed, and leaned my head against the leathered chair.

"Mind telling me what happened last night?" Trenton asked me, after a while.

"Not now. Let's just say that Izzy and I kind of got into an argument." I shrugged.

"Ok then. Are you up for Starbucks?" Trenton asked, changing subjects. I nodded.

"Yes please." I said, and looked at his smiling face. I couldnt help the slight smile that came into my face.

We arrived at Starbucks, and Trenton has been a bit to quiet. I wonder what he had done this time. I shrugged, as we opened the door to Starbucks, and sat at a booth next to the window. Trenton went to get me a cappucino, while I waited there.

I looked around, until my eyes met a black haired girl sitting in the corner. Her eyes were slightly red, and puffy, as if she cried last night. When she looked at me, I knew instantly who she was. I smiled at my best friend, who slightly smiled back too.

"Here's your cappucino." Trenton said sitting in front me.

"Thanks." I said, taking the cup from him, and taking a sip.

"So, why did you bring me to Starbucks so early?" I wondered.

"Because..." He instantly trailed off, when Nathan sat next to him. I gave them a confused look, and I bet my face was priceless, but I seriously didnt care.

"Go talk to her." Nathan said simply, giving me an enforcing smile. I looked over at Izzy who was now sitting alone.

I took a deep breath, and walked over to her booth. Without saying a word, I sat in front of her, and took a sip of my drink.

"Hey," I said, forcing a smile into my face.

"Hey," she said, not looking at me.

"I'd just like to say that I'm sorry. For everything. I mean, you're my best friend ever, and I hate it when we fight." I told her.

"Its fine. I hate it when we fight too." she shrugged. Nathan and Trenton soon appeared, and sat down next to us.

"So, is she the old friend you were talkign about?" Izzy asked, raising an eyebrow at Nathan. Nathan looked shy, but slightly amused too.

"C'mon. We couldnt live without our little baby." Nathan cooed, making me roll my eyes. Trenton suddenly turned his face to look at me, and gave me a kiss. No, his kiss were not like Niall's. and didnt make me feel the same way.

"I love you," Trenton said, pulling away from the kiss.

But, before I could say anything, the door opened, making the bell on top of it ring. Nathan, Trenton, and Izzy looked at it, and before I had the chance to look, Trenton grabbed my arm and dragged me to go with him. I quickly got hold of my drink, and went with him. He, myseriously, took me to the back door, which led to an alley.

"Ok, what's happening?" I asked, raising an eyebrow confused.

"Uh... Nothing. We just need to get out of here." Trenton explained, but I yanked my arm from his grip.

"Why?" I asked, taking a sip from my drink.

"Can I explain later?" he pleaded.

"No." I said. I knew he wasnt going to tell me later, and we were having a good time... I guess.

"Its just that-" Trenton started, but was cut off when the back door opened, and Izzy appeared.

"Lets go?" Izzy asked.

"Why?" I asked, even more confused than before.

"The boys are here." Izzy shrugged. Wait. Why are they so scared if the boys?

"So?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at them. "Are we seriously leaving just because they're here?"I questioned.

"Yes. I dont want you near that Niall." Trenton said, and went to grab my wrist, but I snatched it away from his grip.

"Are you serious Trenton? I'm your girlfriend, not his." I snapped.

"I know, its just that-" Trenton began, but I quickly cut him off.

"Do you not trust me enough?" I enquired. "Am I not good enough for you? I thought you said you loved me, like five minutes ago, didnt you?" I heard the door behind us open, but didnt look to see who it was. I heard a couple of footsteps, and Nathan appeared beside Izzy.

"I did. But I'm starting to regret it. Now, stop it, and lets go." Trenton demanded. Woof? Please, I'm not a dog.

"Stop what, Trenton?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Stop being a bitch." Trenton stated.

"She's not a bitch!" Someone screamed from behind me. I turned around, and saw the five boys from One Direction there, watching the scene. Everyone was looking at Niall, who had just screamed. Izzy suddenly, walked over to Niall, and high fived him.

No. I was losing focus. I turned my gaze back to Trenton who was looking at Niall shocked.

"I think you should leave." I stated. "And, if its not obvious, we're done." I said, and turned on my heel. I started walking away, until Trenton grabbed hold of my wrist.

"Please MacKenzie, I'm sorry." Trenton pleaded.

"No. I'm sorry, for ever believing we could work." I said in disbelief. Yes, I'm aware if how cheesy that sounded, but I could care less I yanked my hand away from him, and walked back into Starbucks. I sat down on a random booth, and just drank my cappucino.

Why did Niall defend me? And where did all that confidence come from? I was going crazy. I thought through what happened; Trenton said he loved me, then he called me a bitch, and Niall said I wasnt a bitch. But why did Niall say that?

If I remember correctly, and I do, Niall broke up with me, and left me torn. I had to pick up the pieces and get back up. Was it easy? No. Not even close. Especially when he keeps appearing all the time with the rest of the boys. But, to be honest, I miss them. We were like a family, and I finally felt like I was home with them.

Wait. What? No way. I did not just say that. I mean, I didnt just think that. I sighed tiredly, and took another sip of my cappucino, which was soon coming to an end.

"Good one back there!" Izzy suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She and Nathan sat down in front of me smiling happily.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"I'm so proud of you," Nathan joked, while placing his hand on his chest.

"Why?" I asked, now majorly confused.

"Because we both know that Trenton is a two faced, jerk." Izzy said casually.

"Whatever." I mumbled. "Can we just go home?" I asked.

"Actually, no. Nathan is taking me to this hotel tonight, and we would arrive home late. So, I guess you should just be with the boys tonight," Izzy stated, a smile never leaving her face. Wait, what?

"Or, I could just get a taxi, right?" I tried resoning with her.

"Nope. Not at this time," Nathan said. I looked outside, and the sun was still shining. I checked the time, and it was one o'clock.

"Why not? The sun is still out, and its lunch time now." I told them.

"Because we want to spend the night with the boys." Izzy said.

"But-" I started but got quickly cut off.

"No buts." Nathan said. "You're going, and that's final."

"But guys-" I tried again, but they cut me off again.

"Kenz, I just said: no buts." Nathan said again, with a smile.

"It will be just one night." Izzy shrugged.

"Well, a lot can happen in one night." I told her, when an idea popped up in my head. "Ok guys, I'll go. As long as you pick me up when your date is over." They looked at each other, and nodded.

"Fine. But you have to make an effort to have fun." Izzy told me.

"Fine." I shrugged. I said I would make an effort, not my best.

"Is she coming?" Liam asked, appearing from thin air behind me. I jumped out of my skin, and placed my hand on my chest.

"Liam, you cant just appear out of nowhere and scare people." I told him. When I turned around completely, I saw all of the five boys looking at Izzy for an answer.

"Yep. She's spending the whole night. So make it worth it." Izzy told them. Wait. The whole night? I gave her a 'what the hell' look, but she just shrugged.

"Yeah, actually, I think I'm just gonna go and get a taxi." I told them.

"But its dangerous." Lou told me.

"I think I'll survive." I told him, and stood up.

I started to walk towards the door, but someone grabbed my arm. Without turning to see who it was, I yanked my arm away, and left. I bet my arm is seriosusly injured, because everyone loves grabbing it, and pulling me to go with them.

I walked to the street and tried to get a taxi. With no luck, I just decided to walk home.

I noticed that Izzy's flat was too far away, and that I forgot my purse at the boys' home. I sighed, not knowing where to go. I thought about it. Maybe I could go to John's, and he could give me a ride?

I started to walk to walk to John's house, when a black range rover parked next to me. I speeded up, and tried to ignore the fact that the car was following me. I sped up, until I was pratically running, and the car was high on my heels. I finally stopped at a random grocery store and came in. I went to the back, and took deep breaths. 

That was probably nothing, Kenz. You're just imagining things.

I thought to myself. I walked out of the store, and checked the coast. No sign of the black range rover. I hesitantily walked on the road again, and made my way to John's house. I could see the house, and it was just a few houses away. 

I started walking a bit quicker, when the black range rover appeared again. I was high on my heels, and I finally arrived in front of John's house. I started to walk to the front door, when someone grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards them. I hit someone's chest, and they didnt let go of me. 

I looked up to see a pair of blue eyes, which I knew pretty well. 

"Niall, let me go." I told him.

"No, not until you go home with us." Niall said, still holding my wrist.

"No." I told him. "I'm staying here for the night." I lied.

"C'mon Mac." I heard Liam say behind Niall. I looked around, and the boys were al there, looking at me. God, they really could become kidnappers or something one day. I tried getting away from his grip, but he barely moved. Damn him, and his strength...

"I've got to go," I said, trying to get away again. 

"Please Kenzie Bun." Niall pleaded. I sighed heavily, and looked into his eyes again. 

"I-I can't" I told him. "And dont call me that." 

Suddenly, the door to the house opened, and John came out. I turned my head around, and he was wearing a pair of jeans, and a black shirt.

"Hey!" John said, coming over towards me. Niall losened the grip, and I got off him. 

"Hey," I said, going over to John. 

"What are they doing here?" John asked, refering to the boys. I forgot that I had already told him what happened. 

"Not much." I shrugged. 

"Ok then..." John started, and looked over at me. "Wanna hang out? I can always call the crew over." John said smiling. By 'The Crew' he meant, Chris, April, Mike, Sel, Izzy and Angie. 

"Yeah, sure." I smiled at him. I then turned to the boys. "I'll just see you around then." 

"No way." Lou said, speaking up. "Can't you just spend one night home Kenzie? I mean, c'mon, we're trying here! Why can't you just spend a night with us? Are we really thay bad? I dont know if you forgot, but I'm your brother here, and its been ages since we actually talked. We're all seriously trying, but you keep pushing us away. We're just asking for one night. Not much. It wont kill you, will it?" 

"First of all, I really dont like the way you're speaking to her, so you can drop the sassiness please." John told Lou, before turning to face me. "Look Mac, I know you dont want to, but I think you should go with them. If anything happens you know my number, so just call, ok?" 

I took everything they just said in, and repeated the words in my head. Was John on their side now? I closed my eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and opened them again. 

"Fine. Just one night." I stated, not showing any emotion. What should I be feeling?

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