Boku no red dragon emperor

By Immortalking71

77.5K 1.5K 803

Izuku Yagi wasn't born with a quirk and was bullied, attacked, harassed and more for the factor which he coul... More

Chapter 2: Partners !!
Chapter 3: Training to be the best
Chapter 4: Entrance exam
Chapter 5: Trouble on my first day
Chapter 6: Putting the bully in his place
Chapter 7: New day and family troubles
Chapter 7: USJ terror
Chapter 8: USJ Terror part 2
Chapter 9: USJ Terror 3
Dear readers this is my Reset

Chapter 1: Izuku Yagis origins

8.3K 136 39
By Immortalking71

The sun was at its peak the light shinned down from it onto the park but our story starts not there but with a group of children standing against one lone child shaking in fear tears in his eyes protecting a boy the same age crying behind him.

Izuku: wh-why a-are you b-being so mean guys he did nothing wrong so leave her alone! Or I-I'll stop you myself !!

He shouted holding his fists up as the kids infront of them activated their quirks the one with spiky hair created explosions in his palm while a girl identical to Izuku began to glow green and pounded her fist into her palm.

" you wanna play hero can't be one without a quirk, Deku"

Katsuki said smirking cruelly at Izuku who gasped and took a step back in fear of the bullies who charged at him together and beat him up


Izuku lay on the ground covered in injuries

"here's the sad truth all men are not created equal when I was four years old I learnt that some kids have more powers than others"


" but I won't let that hold me back if anything it pushes me to do better"

An older Izuku could be seen running down the street

He stopped at a crossing light waiting for it to turn green when it did Izuku sprinted across the road. He ran under a bunch of sakura trees till he saw a villain attack and smiled stopping at the scene

Izuku: hahaha that's one huge supervillain!


"Wow the pro heroes Death Arm and Backdraft "

A random civilian spoke out loud in awe of the two pros. They were keeping the civilians at a distance and protecting them from the dangers of the fight. Kamui woods was fighting the giant villain swinging from building to building to avoid the villain's attacks.

Izuku started fanboying a bright smile on his face

Izuku: it's Kamui Woods! He may be new but he's making a big name for himself!

The old man next to him noticed the smile on Izukus face and smirked " one look of that dopey grin on your face and I know what you are a fanboy! "this made Izuku embarrassed so looking away he smiled sheepishly " maybe a little" he mumbled as Raven smirked " sure just a little" she teased making him blush bright red

When Kamui wood was about to be brought down he called out his ultimate move

Izuku: the pre emptive

Kamui: binding...

" Lacquered Chain Prison !"

Kamui was about to unleash his attack when another new pro hero arrived at the scene she was a giant woman with a purple and nude skin-tight suit.


She shouted high kicking the villain knocking him unconsciousness and causing everyone to freeze in shock

Kamui: huh?

The cameramen all began taking photos " body shot, body shot, body shot" they chanted

??: a piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero hi there everyone I'm Mt Lady, a pleasure to make your ass-Quaintance

she said sticking her butt out in a pose and winking

The cameramen all began taking photos of her " body shot, body shot, body shot..." while Izuku looked down with a blush Mt lady was quite new but she was one of his pro hero crushes. Now he wasn't a pervert by any standards however he was still a young man and she is pretty.

timeskip to Adler Junior high

Teacher: So, as third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about what you want to do with your lives now I could pass out some career aptitude requests but...

everyone began to activate their quirk

Teacher: Why bother I know you all want to enter the hero track!

he said throwing the papers in the air as everyone cheered behind him

Katsuki: hey teach... Don't lump us in with this bunch of losers we're the real deal but these losers would be lucky to end up as sidekicks for some busted-up D lister heh


Katsuki: What I'm just telling the truth you damn extras!!. We aced all the mock tests, we're the only one in this school able to get into UA, and then we'll take down All Might and be the richest hero of all time! People all across the world will know who we are and it'll all start at UA High!!

He stated with too much pride as he and Izumi agreed with him all while smirking confidently

Teacher: Huh you've got impressive test results maybe you three will get into UA, Oh yeah Yagi don't you want to go to UA too?

The teacher smirked as the three froze and the class looked at Izuku it was all quiet as he hid his head in his arms.


Random: Yagi yeah right

Random: you can't get into UA without a quirk

Izuku: they changed that rule I could be the first one!

He said trying to convince them but suddenly his desk exploded and he was sent into the wall behind him

Katsuki: Listen up Deku you're even worse than these bunch of rejects you quirkless wanna-bee you think they'd have you when they could have us instead

Izuku: *sigh* w-why can't you guys just leave me alone 

He asked leaning against the wall behind him" I'm not trying to compete against you or anything " he then looked down " it's just, it's always been my dream to go into UA and be a hero I may not have a quirk but I can still try can't I ?" he asked causing them to get angry at him

Izumi: You'd never be able to stand with the best of the best, you'd die in the exams... Defenceless Izuku! This school is already crappy do you want really to embarrass it more by failing so hard !?

random: loser

random: quirkless

random: pathetic

Izuku looked down saddened 


Izuku was packing his things and taking out his phone, he found the incident with Mt Lady and Kamui Woods on the news

Izuku: hehe looks like I got some more notes to write

He chuckled to himself holding up his notebook when it was snatched away looking up he found Bakugo, his sister and their entourage smirking at him

Katsuki: I don't know what you think you're doing Deku but we ain't done yet

He told him with a glare

Izumi: You still think taking notes like a stalker will help you become a hero

The group laughed at Izuku before Katsuki exploded the book in between his hands

Izuku: Ah!!!

Katsuki then threw it out the window

Izuku: Why!?

Katsuki then placed his hand on Izukus's shoulder causing some smoke to come out as he burned the uniform and hurt the boy's shoulder " take some advice and don't even think about applying " he pushed Izuku back making him trip and fall to the ground.

Izumi: Pathetic Izuku neither dad nor mum loves you it's a wonder you still believe you'll become a hero

they began walking away when on the way out Izumi stopped at the door

Izumi: you know Deku there might be a way for you to get a quirk...

She looked back to Izuku who looked at her with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes

Izumi: take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life

Izukus eyes widened but they quickly closed small tears fell out of his eyes


Izuku walked to the back of the school finding his notebook in a pond with fish biting on his book

Izuku: stupid jerk what if I'd really jump what would you do then...*sigh* I wonder if this will ever end

He said taking his book out of the water while gritting his teeth in anguish and staring at his books" stupid jerks"



The kids Izumi and Izuku slid into the kitchen of his home finding their mum washing some dishes they ran to her

Izumi: it's computer time!

She shouted

Inko: huh already

The three then went to the computer room Izuku sat on the big chair in his room with Izumi on his lap while his mum put the video on

Izuku: Faster, come on

He hugged his sister and exited 

Inko: jeez I think you've added ten thousand views to this one yourself Izuku, I don't know why you two like it, I think it's scary

She told them to put the video on and huge smiles found themselves on their faces

" The video we loved was an old disaster footage from a long time ago but more importantly it was the debut of the greatest hero the world has ever known"

Izukus's smile brightened as he watched All Might save everyone his eyes shining brightly watching it

Izuku: he's the coolest in the universe and once I get my quirk I'm going to be a hero just like him HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


" Sorry kid it's not gonna happen"

Izukus face went as pale as a ghost from the shock of hearing that dropping his toy in the process while Izumi looked at him worriedly

Inko: oh dear is something wrong then I mean everyone else his age has been able to use some kind of ability

Doctor: my records say you're a fourth-generation quirk user what powers do you and the boy's father have

Inko: I have a powerful telekinetic quirk and my husband has immense super strength 

She said bringing the toy into her hand

Doctor: the boy should've gotten his quirk a while ago but viewing his X-rays I don't think that's going to happen, you see when superpowers first began appearing there were many research studies conducted and doctors discovered a connection between the bones of a person's foot and the likely hood of them acquiring a quirk. People with powers have one joint in their pinky toe their powers evolved to a more stream-like version of the human form, you can see here that your son has two joints in his pinky like roughly 20% of the population these days based on the research available it's safe to say that your son isn't gonna develop a quirk

It was currently nighttime and raining

The video could be heard playing in the background Inko and Izumi stood infront of the door the room was dark all that illuminated it was the laptop screen the big chair infront of it hid little Izukus body as the two yagi girls stared at the chair

izuku: see that mom? Izumi? There's always a smile on his face no matter how bad things get...

Inko took a step forward hearing her son's voice and Izumi teared up

Izuku: no matter how bad things get he never gives up

Izukus voice was broken all you could hear was despair and heartache in his voice and when he turned revealing his destroyed expression Inko felt her heartbreak and covered her mouth with tears that welled up as she collapsed hugging Izuku who carried a broken smile on his face as he pointed shakily to the screen.

Izuku: can a hero, too?

he asked his dear mother she walked to him and collapsed hugging her baby

Inko: I-'m sorry, I'm sorry Izuku I wish things were different

Tears continued falling down his eyes as Izumi ran to hug him as well

" Mum that's not what I needed you to say couldn't you see my world was crumbling, there was only one thing I wanted to hear"

End of flashback:

"I made a vow that day that no matter what anyone else thinks I have to believe in myself and I'll keep smiling just like him "

Izuku walked under a bridge laughing like All Might before hearing a strange noise behind him he turned around seeing something building up behind him a large sludge-like villain

Izuku: a villain

He whimpered as it towered over him

" you'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in kid" Izuku ran away as it jumped over enveloping him in its green body and shoving itself forcefully down his throat

Sludge: don't worry I'm just taking over your body it'll be easier for both of us if you don't fight back you'll feel better soon

Izuku's thoughts: I can't breath

Sludge: thanks for the help kid you're my hero kid I didn't;' know he was in the city I gotta get out of here fast before he tracks me down

Izuku thoughts: my body's getting weak I think...I'm gonna die...

Suddenly the manhole cover flew off and from it emerged a large man

All Might: fear not citizen you're safe, now that I'm here that is

The villain sent an attack at him but he ducked dodging it and charged forward reeling his fist back " TEXAS SMASH!!" he roared sending a gust of wind from his fist and blowing the villain apart

Izuku looked in shock at the giant of a man before him and then he fainted " A-All Might" he whispered


All Might was lightly slapping Izuku at high speed waking him up

All might: hey wake up Izuku slowly wake up phew thought I lost you there!

Izuku slowly got up and his face morphed into one of shock before he scooted back screaming


All Might: Oh uh I read it in your notebook * cough* *cough* well anyway looks like you're alright, sorry about that back there you got caught up in my justicing, and although I have no idea what happened to the villain I usually do keep civilians safe it turns out the city sewer system is pretty hard to navigate Ha.ha.ha.ha.ha anyway you were a big help I've captured the evil-doer

He said showing Izuku two soda bottles with the villain in them

Izuku thoughts: the most amazing hero in the entire world All Might infront of me in the flesh he looks so much cooler in person! Holy crap I need to get his autograph where's my notebook

Izuku found his notebook and was about to ask the man to sign it when he found he already had caused him to scream in shock and begin bowing at high speeds grateful " thank you very much this will be a family heirloom for generations to come "All Might give a thumbs up.

All Might: now if you'll excuse me I must hand this villain to the police to deal with him see you around

he said crouching about to jump away

Izuku: hey wait you're leaving already?

All Might: pro heroes always have to be prepared for another villain to attack, I'm taking off THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT !!!

he shouted leaping through the air when he felt something on his foot and turned back to see Izuku flailing through the air

All Might: Hey let go I love my fans but this is too much!

he shouted trying to push Izuku off of his leg

Izuku: No way we're flying if I let go now I'll die

All Might then realized it" oh I guess you're right " " I just have so many things to ask you please All Might you're my favourite hero of all time" he shouted at All Might who took a moment before agreeing" fine, just close your mouth and eyes " he told Izuku who did as told.

All Might had a little blood escape his mouth" shit this damn brat is wasting my time" he said to himself


All Might landed on a random roof with Izuku who leaned on his knees for support nearly toppling over and breathing heavily he managed to speak" I just saw my entire life flash before my eyes " he said to himself.

All Might: alright I must leave, knock on the door they'll be sure to let you in

Izuku: wait, please!

All Might: No I don't have any time!

Izuku: I have to know

memories of his past flashed through his mind

Izuku: Can someone with out a quirk become a hero like you !?

he shouted asking All Might who stopped

All Might turned slightly looking at Izuku who had his eyes closed and looking down





All Might: No...

Izukus eyes widened in shock his pupils dilated and he felt all his strength leave his body in seconds

"you cannot become a hero without a quirk"

Tears began to grow in his eyes it felt like his heart was torn out of his chest after everything. AFTER EVERYTHING!!! Not even All Might himself believed he could become a hero

Izuku: What 

All Might: I'm sorry young man but I believe it's best you give up for without any ability you would be nothing more than a liability 

All Might then jumped away leaving the destroyed Izuku to fall to his knees broken

Meanwhile somewhere in a town called Kuoh:

In a mansion at night

A teen with brown hair and a perverted expression surrounded by females was sleeping 

teen: boobies~

He said squeezing the air when suddenly a red circle glowed on his hand before he flew out becoming a red circle

Suddenly a voice came out of the orb 

??: Finally, I'm free after so long ugh I can't believe I had to work with this pervert and because of him I'm a laughing stock, oh the humility I've faced my rival is ashamed of me* sigh* well no longer farewell Issei Hyoudou I pray our paths never cross again

The orb then flew out of the building 

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