The Collector

Oleh tellie1

233 0 8

Emily Shallow's deceased parents had left her a letter. It told her about a place her father had worked at an... Lebih Banyak



15 0 0
Oleh tellie1

As the sun prepared for night they arrived at the BLU teams base, in Sniper's camper van, and parked in a canyon not too far away. Emma sat at the front with Sniper, where as Scout and Spy sat in the back. She could hear them bickering every once in a while. Sniper took out his communicator to confirmed their location, Pauling answered quickly through everyone's coms. "Alright, you all remember the plan. Get in and get out. We DO NOT under any circumstance attack the BLU team. ONLY if you're being attacked. Does everyone understand?" Agreeing to the terms Sniper switched off his communicator and got out, Emma, Spy and Scout did the same.

Climbing the side of the canyon to the BLU teams base they sat behind a hill. Scouting the area, they saw nobody was near them. It was slightly busy because of the shipment that would arrive but it was manageable and all they wanted were files. Looking at the different buildings Emma recognized the building where the BLU Engineer and other man had spoken. "Over there." She pointed to the building – everyone acknowledged it. Sniper looked around for a high enough building and/or cliff where he could keep an eye out for them. Finding his spot not too far away on a cliff with some dry shrubbery. Nodding at the others everyone was ready.

Emma was much more tense than she had thought. Her body felt stiff, and she knew she would feel it in the morning. Scout and Spy took lead, about to walk after them Sniper held her arm making her stop. Slightly confused about his action she turned to him, and he held out a berretta. She had a knife why would he want to give her a gun? "I don't need it, I'll be fine." Trying to leave once more Sniper grabbed her arm again and scoffed lightly, "These guys don't muck around. They will shoot you, Emma!" Flinching at his words and the fact that he had said her name for the very first time she frowned, loosening his grip around her arm he sighed. "Just take it, for my sake?" She could hear fear trace his words. Looking at the gun she sighed and placed it in her belt by her back. Looking up into his icy blue eyes, "Thank you." Nodding at her and happy that she took the gun he released her reluctantly and briskly walked away to his viewpoint.

Catching up to Scout and Spy, that were hiding in the shadows not too far away from the building they wanted. They wanted to ask what Sniper wanted but kept it to themselves. Spy took lead and Scout walked behind Emma. Walking in the shadows and jumping from shadow to shadow. Spy didn't need to jump from shadow to shadow as he cloaked himself into a BLU Demoman and walked along the wall with them. It made Emma very uneasy as it was a perfect adaptation of a BLU Demoman, the only thing different was he didn't have a beanie like some of them and that she knew it was Spy.

Arriving at the window of the building she didn't really know where the entrance was or how big the building was. "Spy!" Emma whisper-yelled for him. Turning his back to the wall he stepped back into the shadows next to her. "Can you see where the entrance is?" Retracing his steps, he walked further along the building. At a T-junction he looked left then right, turning on his heel he walked back, but didn't stop as he past. "To the lef'. Brown door." He also sounded like a Demoman. Pushing the thought away she nodded, and crouch walked to the edge of the building. Looking left she saw the door, but there were no shadows they could hide in. Sitting against the wall she looked at Scout, he saw the worry in her eyes. "What?" "There are no shadows." Frowning at her he leaned over her looking left as well. "Aw, damn it." Sitting back like she was he franticly looked around.

Finally looking back at her he said slightly out of breath, "We have to book it." "What?!" Nodding his head at her she looked around the corner and back once more. "I can't run as fast as you." "We have to, there's no othah way." Looking up slightly defeated she took a deep breath. Looking back at Scout his ocean blue eyes looked at her with encouragement. "Ok..." Nodding at her he stood up, looked around to make sure nobody was there and booked it. Emma watched as he did it with the least amount of effort. Taking a deep breath once more she tried to do the same, but she at least made it without anyone seeing her.

Opening the door, they both slipped inside, luckily nobody was there, and they faced a hallway with many doors. "Which door is it?" "I'm- not sure." "Well, we betta start lookin'." Walking down the reasonably long but not too long hallway they looked in every door, but cautiously. The one door Emma opened lead to a torture chamber with some dry blood on the back and seat. With wide eyes she slowly closed the door, Scout walked beside her and saw her blank but shook expression. "What happened?" Deflecting the question, she asked her own. "Where did Spy disappear to?" Furrowing his brows, he answered nonetheless with a shrug. "Beats me." Nodding at him they continued.

Opening the third last door she finally made it to the room she was looking for. Turning to tell Scout the good news he was not behind her. Frowning at his disappearance she kept looking back and forth but knew he wouldn't go too far. Closing the door behind her she looked in the file cabinets, her fingertips felt the paper and cardboard separating each file. Reaching a thick file, she pulled it out and it was the one they were looking for. Getting the file was the easy part now she needed to get out.

Cracking the door slightly open she peaked out hearing voices and footsteps in the distance. The BLU team was walking around more. Scout, what did you do? About to open the door fully she heard someone approach. Not moving she saw a BLU Scout walk by with a shotgun in hand, stopping slightly past her door. Taking out his communicator she heard BLU Engineer's voice. "There are three intruders in the base. Find them." "Ya got it!" Frozen by the news she franticly looked around the room for something to use against him. She didn't want to kill him, and she didn't trust herself to hit him hard enough. Her eyes landed on the metal chair in the room, and she sighed silently. Placing the file on the table she took the chair, opened the door a little more and saw he was still there. Taking a deep breathe she rushed him silently, hitting him over the head. His head flew slightly forward making him face plant the floor. Cringing and sucking air threw her teeth she dropped the chair and wanted to help him. Stopping herself she knew it was dumb to do that. "I'm so sorry... BLU... Scout." Grabbing the file, she looked back at BLU Scout. "That's very unsettling."

Walking along the wall she retraced her steps from where she came in and where they lost Spy. Her heart raced in her chest, and she was afraid someone might hear it. Almost at the exit her communicator beeped making her jump and hug the files tighter. Pulling out her communicator it was Scout. "Where are ya?" "Where am I!? Where the hell did you disappear to!?" "Do ya have the file!?" Slightly mad that he didn't answer her, she pushed it away and answered him. "Yes, I have the file. I'm going to the van." "Ok, see ya there." Switching the communicator off in her ear she frowned and cursed him silently. Walking out it was already pitch-black outside with the stars painting the dark sky. Staying in the same shadows as before she was about to make it to the hill. But suddenly alarms blared, and spotlights turned on.

Sniper, still in his place, could see Emma and that she was completely exposed. Panic fuelled him and he quickly scanned around her to make sure nobody was approaching. A BLU Heavy and Demoman saw her. Taking them out Emma quickly ran back to the building to seek shelter. Scout instantly ran out of one of the buildings and threw smoke grenades. The entire area was covered in smoke making Sniper panic. He couldn't see her or see if she was safe.

Sitting quietly Emma scanned her surroundings but she couldn't see anything. Grabbed by the arm panic filled her chest, moving the file to the side and punching the invisible person. Uncloaking Spy frowned at her but wasn't mad because she did it out of self-defense. "Don't scare me like that!" "Do yee have the file?" Furrowing her brows at him she spat, "YES, I have the damn file!" "Good. Give it to me!" Reluctantly placing it in his open hand he released her arm. "Get to the van, mon cher!" Cloaking once more she sighed looking around, hearing Scout or a Scout going off. "OH YEA! BONK!" Walking in a direction she felt lead to the van she placed one hand on the berretta. The further she went the less smoke there was. Almost there. Hearing something behind her she took out the berretta and pointed it in the general direction, but she still couldn't see. "Scout? Spy?" The smoke made disfigured shadows as the spotlights illuminated the area, but she was too far for them to actually work. "Sniper?" Her voice was barely over a whisper, hopeful almost.

Tackled from the side she dropped the berretta. Pinned to the ground she tried kicking the person off. Punching them they only became more fuelled and hit her head into the rock making her grunt and hiss in pain. Feeling their fingers dig into her sculp she screamed and hit the arm, that pinned her head. Looking up into dark anger filled eyes she only saw her reflection – a scared girl who didn't know what to do. Punching the man once more she felt her knuckles crack, and something break. Yelling out in pain he released her, cursing as she rolled out from under him. Looking for the berretta she finally saw it between the smoke and dust she hastily crawled towards it.

Grabbed by the shoulder and yanked up she tried pushing them away, but the man punched her in the stomach, most likely breaking her ribs. Buckling over she threw up her last meal and some blood. Barely able to step back and make her own move the man hit her threw the face with pure rage making her step back and crash to the ground once more, feeling her cheek bone break. Her vision became blurry, and her breathing slowed down. Looking up she saw how close the berretta was, but it wasn't close enough to grab. She didn't want to kill him, but she had no other option.

As the smoke slowly cleared Sniper caught a glimpse of Emma on the ground and a large man with a bloody nose in dark green behind her. About to take the shot he heard something behind him. Releasing the rife he swiftly turned on his back pulling out his kukri, blocking the axe of a BLU Pyro. Pushing the axe away he kicked the BLU Pyro in the chest and stood up, swinging the kukri he missed as the Pyro hit him in the stomach with the butt of the axe. With a muffled cheer Pyro swung his axe violently towards Sniper with the intention to kill, walking closer with every swing. Standing in the place where Sniper had laid the BLU Pyro kicked his rifle off of the cliff. "NO!" Fuelled by anger he sliced the Pyro's chest – pieces of cloth, skin and blood went flying – stepping back Pyro lowered his axe. Lunging forward Sniper drove the kukri into his chest and twisted the blade. Hearing bones break and organs become jell-o, he pulled out the kukri and threw the Pyro to the side and ran down the hill for his rifle. Hands and forearms covered in blood he raised the rifle to shoot but the barrel was completely bent, and he couldn't see them either as he was too low. "No..."

Turning on her shoulder she looked up at the man. He had a sinister grin on his face with eyes full of fury. She closed her teary filled eyes as the fear finally sunk in. Her breathing became irregular as she felt the man grab her shirt and lift her into the air. She was too scared to look but opened her eyes looking down at the man who would soon bring her death, but she strangely felt calm. The fear wasn't gone but she felt calm. The man created a fist that would land a blow that most likely would kill her. Closing her eyes once more tears stained her cheeks, and her breathing became more rapped.

''s ok to be scared.' Mundy's words echoed through her mind. Feeling calm wash over her, her eyes flew open with a newfound energy. Hitting his elbow with the little strength she had it bent in a way it wasn't supposed to, dropping her she landed on her feet, but her legs gave in. With a grunt as she hit the rock she quickly turned to the gun and jumped on it, hearing the man approach her fear engulfed her. Standing up she turning to the man, he was enraged letting out a cry of anger. Switching the safety off, cocking it back and pointing it to him. I can't!

The lights had been turned off and most of the smoke had cleared. The BLU team was dead and/or had fled. Scout stood near one of the buildings, still full of energy but had no one to fight with. Spy stood near the van defending it and the file, unaware of what was happening above. Sniper made it to the clearing where he saw Emma, but she wasn't there, and the night sky wasn't helping either. There were BLU bodies in every direction, he just didn't want to find her body in the mess. With a dry throat he called Scout to help him look for her.

With audible grunts and slightly out of breath Emma attempted to crawl out from under the dead weight body. Her right leg got stuck, but she was too scared and too shocked to try and remove her leg by moving the body. She kicked him with the strength she did not have, hearing muffled thuds as she kicked his shoulder and more tears appeared, blurring her vision. Turning on her back she sat up and saw him lay completely limp. He was dead. I didn't... Standing up franticly she started to hyperventilate, her eyes couldn't look away from his dead pale face as his eyes stared into her soul. More tears appeared, she tried wiping them away, only feeling the gun still in her hand. Looking at it with blurry eyes, her voice broke as she screamed. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned pointing the gun at them, but it was only Sniper. Raising his hands to show he meant no harm she took in a shaky breath and dropped the gun, walking slightly closer.

Looking her up and down he was glad she was alright, but she was covered in blood, most of it was the dead mans. "I- I didn't... I d-didn't... m..." She could barely get the words out as she kept looking back at the body, she was in shock, he knew that. Placing his hands on her shoulders he shook her slightly, "Hey?!" She flinched, finally keeping eye contact. Her body shook violently, but her breathing slowed down. "I didn't mean it..." She spoke slowly, she was terrified, holding her arms close to her chest. Sniper wasn't sure what to do. He had never seen anyone in such a state after killing anyone. Sighing deeply, he embraced her tightly, she only stood in his embrace. Saying her previous words into his chest, more tears fell.

They had returned to the RED base. Emma jumped out of the van and ran to the showers. Everyone was shocked as she ran past them, but Spy stopped them giving the file to Pauling. Scout was unusually quiet as where he would usually tell everyone how brave and strong, he was. And Sniper had stayed in his van, not sure what to do next and couldn't stop seeing how scared Emma was. Barely in the shower Emma ripped off every piece of clothing, scrubbing her hands, arms and neck she tried cleaning every inch of her body. There was a slight red hue over her skin as she didn't stop scrubbing, her skin became irritated with the excessive rubbing. Her body was still shaking and every time she went over a bruise, broken bone or cracked knuckle she hissed in pain but did not stop.

After some time, she had emerged from the sleeping quarters hallway, everyone watched her worriedly, she made her way to the infirmary to receive treatment for her injuries. Medic waited for her as Scout was just there telling him how badly she was hurt. As she walked in, he watched her intently, switching on his medi-gun he pointed to one of the gurneys. As the red rays enclose her, she felt how everything popped, grew or mended back in place, all the while she just stared at the ground. Not even Archimedes could get her out of her trance. Finally done she jumped of the gurney and wondered back to her room, locking the door.

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