Twins Lovato (Demi Lovato fan...

By missonthecover

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Twins Lovato Arabella Lovato is the left twin when her sister dies. Bella refuses to show any emotion and slo... More



414 8 0
By missonthecover

My aunt hit her fist on the table.

'Damn it, Arabella, we have no choice. It's gonna happen. End of story.'

I sighed. I didn't wanna move back home. I didn't wanna see my family again. I just wanted to stay here. With Dallas.

She rubbed my back as I sat next to her. 'It's for the best, sweetheart. It's your family, they'll be happy that you're back!'

I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.

'I don't know if we're talking about the same family right now, but does it have a superstar as a mom in it?'

Dallas sighed.

'Don't do this. They love you and you know that. They only cared so much for you, but you won't see it. I know it's hard, but they are your parents, Bella. It'll be fine.'

I shrugged.

'Or do you want me to go with you?'

Aunt Dallas stuck her tongue out and smiled.

'Would you do that for me?'

She turned back serious.

'Are you serious?'

I nodded.


She sighed again. 'I'll stay a night. Then you have to do it on your own.'

I sighed, but nodded. I was happy she went with me, anyways.

I got my suitcase and dropped it on my bed. 'Can I let some stuff here, you know, just in case...'

Dallas nodded. 'Yeah, of course. You can always come back. It's your home too.'

I smiled. 'Thanks Dallas. I love you.'

She hugged me. 'I love you too, baby girl. Never forget that.'

She helped me packing my stuff as I got more nervous every hour.

'We'll go in an hour. Be sure you have everything', Dallas said and then went downstairs.

I looked around me. Trying to save this picture of my room in my memory.

I had to leave my home again, because of that stupid management decided that Dallas has to work in California and what made my mom think of me getting back home would be a great idea.



Can't wait.

It was already getting late and Dallas called me downstairs.

I was shaking as she handed me my coat.

'Don't be nervous. I'll be with you.'

She took my hand and walked us to the car.

The whole ride was silent.

It was a nice one, though.

I was thinking what would happen if I had to face my family again, and probably Dallas was doing the same.

She parked the car in front of my house.

I took a deep breath.

'You can do this, baby. We can do this.'

I gave her a big hug and then walked to the door.

It didn't take more than a second until the door was opened. I saw my mom standing in front of me. I haven't seen her since I was twelve. I'm almost sixteen now.

'Arabella.' She said, with a smile on her face.

I took Dallas hand. 'Mom.'

She took me into a hug and didn't let go for the next minute.

As I finally was released from my mom, my dad stood next to her. 'Baby..' He also took me into a hug.

I loved my parents, really. But I just don't belong here. I wanna be with Dallas. Not here.

'Dallas's staying for the night.'

My mom and Dallas exchanged looks.

'She already promised', I added and walked inside. I didn't really feel like talking so I just went upstairs and went to my room.

It was exactly how it was when I left. I told them not to touch anything. They didn't. Good.

I looked at the door next to me, this used to be Laura's room. I opened the door but didn't find any more than just some old boxes and other stuff.

I heard my mom calling me downstairs as someone got back home.

I looked at the older girl with a toddler in her hands.



'You're back!'

'Obviously...' I felt Dallas poking my side. 'Yeah, I am', I quickly added.

'I missed you' A little smile crossed her face.

That smile. Just like Laura's. They've always had the exact same smile.

I saw my parents and Dallas look at me like they expected me to say something.

Then I remembered.

A fake smile came across my face, but ateast I tried.

'Uh, yeah. I missed you guys too.'

I lied again. I was home again.

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